sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022



Origen: Canada, Barrie

Formados: 2011

Estilo: Black experimental

Temática: ?

Enlaces: Bandcampdeezerfacebookinstagramspotifytwitter y youtube


  • Austin Guitarra y voces
  • Dave Guitarra
  • Doug Batería
  • Kalei Reid Bajo

  • Promo 2013 Demo 2013  
  • All Sights Affixed, Ablaze CD 2014
  • Grave Aperture CD 2018
  • Trespasser CD 2022
Tercer larga duración para los canadienses, que nos ofrecen un sonido que difiere enormemente de los estándares que podemos presuponer como black metal, para sumergirnos en un sonido poblado de un buen número de arreglos, unos de tintes electrónicos, otros góticos o progresivos, todo ello encaminado a crear una atmosfera oscura y fría, incluso siniestra, que nos sorprende con acertados cambios de registro y elaboradas arreglos de teclado para enfatizar secciones e soledad o inquietud. Uno puede quedarse con la sensación de que el álbum no acaba de arrancar del todo, pero una vez somos conscientes de que no estamos ante un álbum al uso, podemos comenzar a dejarnos atrapar por un sonido que muchas veces se torna inmersivo y en donde hay cabida para diferentes estilos y secciones experimentales, estas últimas presentes en forma de texturas que van haciendo acto de presencia a lo largo de los temas de manera espontanea y que no nos dejan indiferentes, al tiempo que ciertas disonancias también hacen acto de aparición a lo largo del álbum. El ritmo se tonar muchas veces lento y pastoso, teniendo de alguna forma al doom presente en ciertas estructuras, pero sin llegar a explotar del todo, aunque ese ritmo cadencioso logra fundirse con unos riffs que encierran oscuras melodías, completados con arreglos de teclados encargados de ofrecer un sonido por momentos inquietante y que cuando menos logra atraparnos en su particularidades. Las voces optan también por un ritmo pausado, ofreciendo una vertiente densa, profunda y rasgada que contribuye al ambiente de padecimiento que rodea el sonido del álbum. Atmosfera opresiva por momentos, rodeada de un ritmo lento y cadencioso, salpicada con algunos arreglos de teclado, con ciertos arrebatos encaminados a sonidos más puros dentro del black, para completar un álbum de metal extremo. (8,2).

Somnolence Productions

1. The Flayed Horizon 05:23
The world turns in a toxic bed of fear, restless for blood Where belief is the only truth that sharpens the heart With scars that rain from within them, conscripting daughter and son Ensnared in malicious collusion, too bound for thought As fountains of cowardice clamour for annihilation Further profit, tightened control necrotic distrust… A dream - a demon of this place - standing before, shrouded in hatred Reeking of death and blessing the dawn All life is revolting in the spirit of Lucifer Bow down, kill or be conquered - none remain indifferent No lies shall be questioned, no seditious inference From the corpses abound laid pale, to the dying breath Behold the flayed, gilded horizon and bathe in its symphony of dire richness Ripping the face clean to the skull A violence forgotten… how sweet the taste For the garden of gore must be rightfully quenched, as It Demands   
2. Angel Dust 05:28
Fate bleeds on the steeps of nigh
False kings chosen by birthrite
Prey upon the souls of light
To become their dominion
Submerge divide and malign
A brutish reign cursed with the will
To die
Death hides beneath the lie,
In wait to dine on the carcass

Day grieves the night’s divide,
Longing to reverse the first light
Day grieves at the night’s divide,
Sorely forever falling

Fate bleeds in a mess of yarn,
Hearts quake with fervent derision
Entwined in chaos to tremble
Before the wake

Receive the sweet breath of deliverance,
And anoint the void
Angel of evulsion, come forth
with a sharpened strength
and be done with this
3. Cheirotonia 05:15
  Cowering before its brilliance
A blessing drawn from blood visions
With eyes wide and arms outstretched
Cowering from a conclusion -
An insight to despair
That colours the world red
With vicious passion

Let faith deliver a world gripped in spite
of the highest strength
and let the face of God
flash with twitching candor

And it won't let me down
lead by the blight of slain
and carried by whispers
I'm held on the winds that rake
the corpse of time
beyond the fallen
and it won't let me down…
piercing dissent within your hearts
from the maze above and between the sky
unto the monument

To be dredged
dredged along the graves of the holy
caught in the nets of negation
blinded by consequence
Lifted higher as skies give way
like snapping tendons no longer upheld
by the grace of deceit
Stolen by shadows
and they won't let me down!
Filling dissent within your hearts -
from the maze above
and between the sky unto the monument
4. Phantom 04:58
 Cut me loose
Spilling from archaic wounds
the ill-festered impression
that grew beyond the fog of stars
stirring in feral hatred
Cut me loose,
primal awaken the conflict
Internal combustion of
the holy self-messiah

Staring down a foreign dream
that hangs above as it claws at me
The scars that form, a single word
branded in blazing repetition:

So cut me loose
Crawling these lakebeds to choke
whatever virtue is left above
Withering in the driest heat,
but not alone so cut me loose
Spilling from archaic wounds
that stir in feral hatred
A bitter conception sent for us,
sent from the foreign host
5. Trespasser 05:15
Alone along the winding rows the dark blooms of september nod in pallor, shades of fleeting vibrance Like a shifting gaze, twisting from the light poised in suspicion A dissonance has broken through the ranks like a feverdream; Everything’s alive and it seeks to destroy Searching for any means to reach a form The call goes out - the trespasser must be found Alone along the winding rows the dark blooms of september nod in pallor, shades of fleeting vibrance like a shifting gaze, twisting from the light Held in the eerie stillness No mouth to speak or scream, no breath A manifold of eyes survey; everything's alive and it seeks to replace Hunting for any means to be the scorn Stalked through the dark, the trespasser has been marked To be beaten, to be erased Sacrificed on the grave of judgement To be beaten to be consumed and left to rot in the bowels of justice 
6. In the Cold Light of Dawn 04:27
Reaching for the light but the devil wants in Caught in the dirge back in a colourless dream On the cold white breast, on the serpent lips, on the barren skin, falling shadows Reaching for the light but the devil wants in Smoked filled rooms Conjuring plague Gather the weary, Gather the lost To lead them further astray And alone In the cold light of dawn, In the eyes of a snake, In the breaking of skin, Falling shadows Reaching for the light but the devil wants in On the altar of birthblood caressing the babe Reaching for the light but the devil wants in Into the halls of senility, a strangulation wrapped in silence  
7. Alone with You 05:12
  Bathed in deathlight
lays a fever dream
Soaked in the panic,
glorified by the screams
And as it came to wrest
all life into the rabid void,
the lovers, blessed to tremble,
destroy themselves
with obscene arousal

Divine desecration
The beating of the wanton harlot
Splayed and begging

Laden with sorrow,
flesh eaten through
Calling out
to be with you

Buried dreams'
burrowed paths intrude
through walls of somber
to be with you

Dead feeling
followed by chasing truth
In the hour of souls
to be with you

Spectre of grieving,
hand down a knowledge due
Held to remain
alone with you

Before the purpose,
beyond the grave
A rite of wounds
has given life
through pain

Before the horror,
beyond the grace
Disembodied from what is left,
left bleeding

(divine) Before the purpose,
(desecration) beyond the grave
A pulse of death
has taken life
in the flesh of a heart still beating

(divine) Before the horror,
(desecration) beyond the grace
And reaching in to be freed
from the wells and the gallows
8. All Which Can Burn 06:18
A vain pursuit approaching the altar but what you came to find is no longer there In the cascade of delirious prayer All which can burn or be lead to fail chase the cadence of the immaculate Wonder and fear An endless euphoric ascent to golden highs, the ultimate perfection of death Profane coalescence the worms will find a way Crept in this illusion, become as one in pitch Synchronic emanation fed through the stoney gaze of the blurring folds Reveal your carnal riddles Left with nothing Confusion compacts to form A sickle of misgiven faith Fateful and parted A vain pursuit approaching the altar, but what you came to find was no longer there In the cascade of delirious prayer All which can burn or be lead to fail Chase the cadence of the immaculate arcane wonder and fear An endless euphoric ascent to golden highs, the ultimate perfection of death  
9. Endless 03:00   instrumental

Regular edition on black vinyl.

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