domingo, 26 de junio de 2016


Origen: Brasil, Teresina.
Formados: 2010
Estilo: Black
Temática: Condición humana y ocultismo
Enlaces: Bode pretoBandcamp y facebook
  • Adelson Souza Batería
  • Josh S. Guitarra y voces
  • Rodrigo Magalhães  Bajo

  • Dark Night EP 2010  
  • Inverted Blood CD 2012
  • Mystic Massacre CD 2015
  • Dead Man Rise EP 2017
  • Goat Spells CD 2021
  • At Live Music Hall Directo 2022
El segundo larga duración de los brasileños sigue la línea de sus anteriores obras, es decir un black metal directo que algunos han tildado de simplista, pero con las ideas bien claras. El álbum, desde sus inicios, si obviamos la intro, arremete al oyente de manera bastante agresiva con un sonido muy directo, en donde no hay prácticamente ningún adorno, es decir, bajo, guitarra, batería y voces que se adentran en terrenos de sonidos clásicos libre de cualquier tipo de artificio, y en donde la crudeza, la velocidad y la agresividad tienen una presencia importante, manteniendo un ritmo alto y muy completo. Los seguidores del black más directo están de enhorabuena ya que este "Mystic Massacre" se ciñe bastante a los cánones del sonido más clásico en donde los riffs tienen un fuerte protagonismo al adentrarse en una faceta más thrash por momentos. Desde luego que ciertos detractores o puristas pueden encontrar una línea demasiado continuista en los temas e incluso que el sonido de la batería le ha robado cierto protagonismo a las guitarras, pero el poder disfrutar de un sonido bastante orgánico y fiel a los principios del género, deben de ser por si solos, motivo más que suficientes para darle una oportunidad a este álbum. (7,8).

1. Intro 00:24  
2. Deep Reality 02:03  
3. Dark Obsession 02:13  
4. Maze of Mirrors 01:10  
5. Mystic Massacre 02:50  
6. Dirty Honey 01:59  
7. Absurds of Violence 01:38  
8. Unknown Woman 02:52  
9. Wraith / The Stage and the Meadow 04:03  
10. Seizures of Fear 02:11  
11. Parade 02:40  
12. Feet of Clay 02:00  
13. Lethargy 02:18  
14. Outro 01:05  

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016


Origen: E.E.U.U., Milwaukee
Formados: 2013
Estilo: Black, Crust, noise
Temática: Astronomía, decadencia urbana, depresión, odio y lo sobrenatural.
Enlaces: Bandcamp y facebook
  • JM Sundown Todo

  • The Road to Hell Demo 2013
  • All Hope Is Gone Demo 2013  
  • HollowHecatomb CD 2014
  • St. Sheb /​ HollowHecatomb Split Split 2014  
  • Mindiron CD 2015
  • Catabolism CD 2016
  • MMXIII Preliminary EP 2016
  • The Combat Initiative CD 2016
  • Shroud of Despondency / HollowHecatomb Split 2017
  • I See the Black Engulf the White Split 2017
  • The Still Life EP 2020
  • Procession of Evil CD 2021
Este tipo de proyectos en formato one mand band dentro del black metal siempre ha dado lugar a propuestas interesantes y la creación de obras bastante personales que se alejan un tanto del patrón establecido. De manera más o menos regular a lo largo de estos años, y  sin llear a la saturación, hemos podido degustar las obras de Sundown, y este álbum supuso su primer larga duración. "HollowHecatomb" consta de ocho temas que se van más allá de la hora de duración en donde predomina un sonido bastante caótico y asfixiante. Desde la crudeza de la propuesta y la violencia y agresividad del sonido, Sundown se ha adentrado en una vertiente bastante underground del sonido black, en donde echa mano de sonidos extraños, algunas programaciones y una atmósfera cargada que ofrece una visión bastante caótica, como de pesadilla, de la vida. En líneas generales, no todo en su música va por esos derroteros, también se decanta por elementos más rápidos y directos con un gran componente hardcore, así como en otros el funeral doom hace acto de presencia para atrapar al oyente en una halo de desesperación y esquizofrenia. Estamos ante una obra variada, muy elaborada en cuanto a influencias y que recrea perfectamente la visión de una mente enfermiza y desquiciada, que ha sido plasmada de una manera cruda y underground. (7,7).

1. The Truth Was Within the Maelstrom 07:23  

2. Ghost Sighted in the Grove 05:47  
3. A Poem for the Hangman 07:24  
4. Two Tokens in the Cauldron 08:24  
5. Cockroaches Spewing from the Smokestacks 03:35  
6. The Fallacy of the Lunatic's Tower 07:45  
7. Blinded Feral from the Island of Eyes 09:29  
8. Illuminating the Empyreal Enigma Within Andromeda 14:15  

lunes, 20 de junio de 2016


Origen: E.E.U.U., Indiana
Formados: 2006
Estilo: Black
Temática: Satanismo
Enlaces: Lastfm y myspace 
  • Jeff Brown Batería
  • Kyle                 Guitarra

  • Dawnbringer CD 2009
  • Six Pack Witchcraft EP 2010
  • Unholy Rock & Roll CD 2011 4
Ep de cinco temas que no llega a los 15 minutos y en donde los de Indiana se despachan a gusto con un black metal de sonido crudo y añejo en donde la influencia del thrash y del rock clásico esta muy presente. "Six Pack Witchcraft" no será recordado por su sonido complejo ni por su épica, sino todo lo contrario, por optar por unos riffs sencillos, repetitivos y efectivos, que gracias a una producción cruda y underground consiguen un sonido muy directo en la línea sobre todo de Motorhead o Venom, al mismo tiempo que también se asemejan a Darkthrone, Los temas discurren por un patrón bastante similar, sin apenas cambios de ritmo, con una ejecución rápida e impregnados de violencia, alcohol y mugre. La vertiente musical de Maax, está en clara consonancia con la más clásica y bizarra del black y desde luego que encaja perfectamente con el oyente más thrash de la escena extrema. (7,9).

1. Die by the Ax' 03:41  

2. Fire in the Hole 02:09  
3. Go Fuck Yourself 03:22  
4. Six Pack Witchcraft 02:26  
5. Bastards 02:57  

Die Hard version: Picture LP, UV gloss coated gatefold jacket, A2 poster.
(Description by J. Campbell)
Few debut albums conjure the sort of rabid anticipation that has developed around Martire’s “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse.” Until now, this album seemed to be one of those legendary recordings that would remain forever buried. Although recorded years ago, this album sounds every bit as unique as fans of Martire would expect. Indeed, listening to this record now it sounds as if, by delaying this release for so many years, Martire were simply giving the rest of the scene a chance to catch up. And, yet, “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse” demonstrates that Martire are still far ahead of their peers. This is a disorienting album in the best way possible. Martire routinely employ unconventional time signatures and constantly engage in dizzying start/stop exercises. For many, primitive bestiality and technical virtuosity represent the opposite ends of a spectrum. Martire, however, reconcile these two extremes to tremendous effect. Martire’s exhibition of technical prowess should not surprise anyone who is familiar with the other bands with which the members of Martire are involved. (These include Tzun Tzu, Cauldron Black Ram, StarGazer, and Mournful Congregation to name but a few.) Martire adeptly apply this technical skill in the service of soul crushing savagery. The bestial veneer that adorns much of Australia’s output is thickly applied to this recording without obscuring any of the music’s complexity. Conversely, unlike so many “technical” bands, the fervor of Martire’s attack is never diluted by pointless showmanship. The elements of Martire’s sound work in tandem. The production may be the key to Martire’s music and to the degree that the delay in the release of this record was due to the band’s efforts to ensure perfect production, it seems that their efforts have paid off. All of the instruments are sufficiently separated in the mix so that nothing is obscured. The guitars are wisely left just below the surface of the percussive rumble of the drums and the vocals are loud enough to augment the ferocity of the music. Considering the strength of Martire’s catalog, it must have been daunting for the band to take up the task of recording a full-length album that could live up to the promise of their earlier releases, but “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse” meets and surpasses any and all expectations that one could have developed in the many years since Martire’s last emanation.


sábado, 18 de junio de 2016


EXILE (2015)
Hace ya tres años que la banda editó su debut, por aquel entonces la irrupción en la escena de Regarde Les Hommes Tomber (2013) sorprendió y gustó, encajando perfectamente dentro de la emergente escena del black mezclado con otros estilo, a saber en su caso mucho de post metal y de sludge. Han pasado los años y los galos regresan con "Exile" un trabajo que vuelve a tener una innegable calidad al igual que su antecesor pero que cuyo principal defecto es que no sorprende como antaño. Otra vez vuelven a conformar un trabajo de siete temas en donde el peso en su música del sludge se ha hecho más presente, ganando protagonismo en unas composiciones rebosantes de contundencia y profesionalidad. Los temas son en líneas generales directos y brutales, construidos sobre la agresividad de voces y la contundencia a los parches de R.R., todo un seguro a lo largo del álbum. Por otra parte las capas de guitarra consiguen una sensación de caos y violencia en su música. Pero sobre todo tenemos que destacar el estado de ánimo que consigue transmitir su música gracias sobre todo a la dualidad de las composiciones que enfrentan elementos agresivos y violentos con otros más melancólicos e intimistas, recreados a la perfección a lo largo de todas y cada una de las composiciones. "Exile" es un trabajo que por momentos roza la perfección en algunos aspectos, pero sobre todo supone la madurez compositiva y el adentrase en terrenos más black. (7,9).

1. L'Exil 03:20  instrumental
2. A Sheep Among the Wolves 07:17
 A life of love and obedience
Where the true faith has replaced reason
A spiritual den 
(A religious rain of sadness and moan)

My Father
My Lord
My King
And my God

I devoutly followed
I piously lived
I feel like I dwell in Hell
Just feel like I dwell in Hell

Distress smashed on walls
Crying on the altar
A sheep among the wolves

Bleeding, dazed, yet offered
A bloody knee for a bloody faith

I beg for your mercy
I beg for salvation and redemption

My flesh, my blood are gone
I pray in vain the skies

Drowned in the flood of evils
Merciless for me, pitiless for me
I endure my life, the way I believe
I've lost, I've coughed, I've suffered

My flesh, my blood are gone
I grieve my people, alone
My flesh, my blood are gone
I give my word, my soul

I'm tempted to flee
The vermilion angel
I'm tempted to follow
The vermilion angel

My soul is barely gone
I feel like I dwell in Hell
All the evils belong
To the vermilion angel

The chasm of rest
Of death and silence
Has swallowed my body

Death and silence

The pain, the evils and sorrow
Gone for eternity
A never-ending fall
The quietest trek of existence

(I gaze at the silent sky
This place where only dwells the moon)
3. Embrace the Flames 04:56
 When the crows started to gather 
And the night has come forever 
The poisonous tongue whistled a heartwarming lullaby 

The voice among the void 
The rank breeze of salvation 
The twisted branches sang this sinister lullaby 

Stand and start your ascension 
You are not alone anymore 

The wanderer, exiled for the rest of your existence 
Fear the celestial light 
Embrace, embrace the black flames 
Embrace, embrace the black flames 

O son of Adam, be the first man to oppose your fathers 
Leave your soul, enter the darkness 
You are not alone anymore 
Follow me and embrace the world you belong to 

Follow me and embrace the world you belong to 
Follow me and you will never be alone anymore
4. They Came... 02:06  instrumental
5. Take Us 07:16  
A feasting town illuminates the smoky skies above
The sleepless crowd celebrates the life and death of all
The endless flow of blood and wine

Waters sullied the earth of lust and anger
Gluttony corrodes the weakest souls

The hymn of debauchery
The song of the great misery

Can't you see these sins and horror
Can't you feel this unnatural behavior
Can’t you hear the cry of Sodom

Who are these strangers who loomed out of the dark
They must return from where they came
This city is a noble one
See this halo, unnaturally bright

They came to take us
They came to kill us

Release them from this den
So they can hear the cry of Sodom

The hymn of debauchery
The song of the great misery
6. Thou Shall Lie Down 06:16
  Sweet and sour
Where all the weak wander
A place of torture
A place of liars

O Lord and Father
Forever after
O Lord and Father
You'll be a sinner

Follow the lead
Whistled the wind
Heavenly sneaking
Slyly preaching

This place is Heaven
This place we call Eden
A land of fairness
A land of blindness

O Father
Forever after
O Father
You'll be a sinner

(I won't surrender
To a foul, to his words
Half god half coward)

I claim and order
This king to behold
The reign of a mother
This curse would be told
I'll never suffer
Anytime, anymore
I'll never suffer anymore

The stance of such a creature
Has no matter for the weaver
I disown you
I disown you, evil daughter

Thou shall lie down
Thou shall crumble
Thou shall lie down
Thou shall submit yourself

I'll set this land on fire
Where Abel lies, murdered
I'll set the earth on fire
Where all the weak wander

(I'll set Eden on fire
To purge this place of liars
I'll set the world on fire
To gaze at the flames of anger)
7. The Incandescent March 11:12
This reign must end right now How can we still stare at the stars How can we listen to the sun My friends, my men, till the end Our luminous gladius swords will be our words The cry of the broken wings The crack of the burning skins To the ones who were once slaves Thou shall kill them and dig their graves I swear I'll rise again Lucifer in this very war The parade of the dancing flames The revenge of the fallen star I swear I'll rise again Lucifer in this very war The parade of the dancing flames The laughable dimension of such a tragedy The miserable scum that erodes the rock of destiny (These woods will burn from a blaze Which lives in the heart of a thousand eyes) We'll tread upon this mountain From this place we call Inferno The primitive philosophy of a tyrannic group of cowards Will never rule on this pure and fragile place we call earth The time of slavery must end right now This time of tyranny must be the last We will crush the weaver, he will taste the bitter And on this unreachable fortress we call Heaven He will taste the anger of the gods we are We will sit on this throne And the fallen god, the exiled one Will rest in a place we call Inferno We will sit on this throne 

martes, 14 de junio de 2016


Origen: Suecia, Estocolmo
Formados: 2008
Estilo: Black, hardcore, sludge
Temática: Misantropía y odio
Enlaces: Bandcamp, facebook, itunes y myspace
  • David Deravian Guitarra
  • Johan Nordlund Batería
  • Jonas A. Holmberg Voces
  • Lars Gunnarsson Bajo
  • Patrik Andersson Guitarra y voces


  • Demo 2009 Demo 2009  
  • The Gift Is a Curse EP 2010  
  • I, Gvilt Bearer CD 2012  
  • Hexis / This Gift Is a Curse Split 2015  
  • All Hail the Swinelord CD 2015
  • This Gift Is a Curse / Seek Split 2017
  • A Throne of Ash CD 2019
El último trabajo hasta la fecha de los suecos es un álbum complejo en donde podemos destacar por una parte la agresividad y dureza de las voces en claro contraste con la parte musical, mucho más intensa y por momentos repleta de melancolía. "All Hail the Swinelord" es un trabajo directo y repleto de agresividad en donde los suecos se adentran en un black bastante crudo y claramente influenciado por elementos del hardcore y del sludge, logrando un sonido bastante actual sin olvidarse de elementos más clásicos. La calidad de las composiciones está fuera de toda duda y elementos como la batería de Johan dejan buenos momentos así como los acertados riffs de guitarras y ciertos elementos atmosféricos añadidos en temas como "Askrådare", encargado de cerrar el álbum y abrir el sonido de la banda hacia otras influencias. Pero sin lugar a dudas como elemento representativo están las voces que de una manera contundente se erigen en nexo de unión de todas las composiciones, sin apenas concesiones en su agresividad en todo en álbum. Seguramente "All Hail the Swinelord" no sea un álbum que permita apreciarse desde la primera escucha, sobre todo debido a a su complejidad y ciertos elementos disonantes, pero una vez que el oyente comience a sumergirse en él y apreciar la calidad y complejidad de las composiciones se topará con una obra muy de su agrado.(8).

1. Swinelord 03:38
Oh / I will be this storm / To carve up all wounds / Oh / I shall travel with this pain / You son of Azrael / In thy mark I shall be / And I will be thy deacy / And all that I am - I am because of Him

All hail the Swinelord / All hail - All hail / I will Swear this oath / All hail - All hail I will be the face soulless decay / All hail - All hail / I will become a true force of neglect / All hail - All hail

(Hear then the oath) “Witch-moon of blood and sinew: A dying star of no remorse / Swollen body up in ebb and flood A poisonous vessel to wash up on shore or sleep safe in an ocean bed” Oh Swinelord can your hear their cries / No acceptance of fate - nor fall

So swear this oath! / I am where you´ll be / Unsinged to Fate / I am what you´ll be An insurgent of Fail / I am what I am / In the unseen light

All hail the Swinelord / All hail - All hail
2. New Temples 03:31   
Oh / Deliver me / Drag me out from the mass / Forced upon an oath as the memories will always follow you / The crown is upside down / From the dying light like dust in the eyes / This is my God

We´ll rot in hell / Over and over again / Whatever the river does with my soul / Below - we outshadow the sun / Oh alive for a lie / (Here) pain is Order

Turn the rivers black / Let the poison venture / Turn the rivers black/ Let it venture Turn these hearts black / And We will follow / Turn this heart black / And He will follow Turn these rivers black / Like it was foretold / Turn these hearts black / Light the flame
3. Rites 05:54
  We will be like the wolves / We will be traitors hiding among the unsaved We will be the carriers / With words ever unsung / What was hidden inside will now crawl out

Rites holy rites / I bleed out from the scar of our dying world
Rites holy rites / Baptized my soul in His scarlet mass
Rites holy rites / Where Death is certain…
Rites holy rites / … life will mean nothing at all!

You are a lost flock / There will be no aid / No white shepherd / (this is) No worship - this is war

Break away from the heard / Bash in their doors torch down their halls Break away from the heard / Sweep all traces / Cut through the mist Break away from the heard / Bash in their doors Break away from the heard / Cut through the mist Break away from the heard / Torch down their halls Break away from the heard / Sweep all traces
4. XI: For I Am the Fire 08:27
  Fire / Oh set fire to these fields
For Iam the carrier of the torch - The lurid scar
Safe and distant I stray from the path
As fires hides in the smoke / I can’t tell day from night (IIII) I crawl through the ashes with the key in my hand Over the threshold / I reach out and touch His crown

I long for your void and I envy the silence of Your unforgiving embrace The greatness of nothing / the greatness of Your abyss / So I stray from the path - right into Your arms

Take this vain sacrifice / Open the doorways Let me adore you through the everlasting night… After the 11th hour / I give into You And after all; we live in a dream After all; you´re the only escape And after the 11th hour / I give into You
5. Hanging Feet 07:57
  By God / Mark these words: We are falling
I Follow the Serpent into the Garden
I pour poison onto the trail / A misplacement of Purity
You nailed your savior to the cross and sealed your fate/faith with sharper swords
So I left my heart on the other side / I left your god on the other side

So mark these words: Oh / Now I see it - Only death is real
You know I will keep my soul / You know I will keep my soul
You know I will keep my soul as you will lose it all - I was never here at all Dark father / Take us home
6. Old Lies 03:59
I be the truth / With all teeth fixed in Disciple of bitterness / The inhere of the blackest of Light I be the lies / Within the holiest of scripts Guardians of the fall / Keepers of venomous faith We breathe fire into these dead words We keep your secrets safe in the abyss We breathe fire into these dead words We keep your secrets safe in the abyss Bring down fire from the heavens / You inducer of undying shadows Bring down fire from the heavens / You bellwether of absolute night I will be your will / The Hand that turn the knife Disciple of serpents / Charmer of the purest of dark I be the end / Believe me when I claim: “I will be no lie - as I will never speak the truth” Within deceptive thoughts / Deceptive thoughts 
7. We Use Your Dead as Vessels 04:32
  Truth is dead / And death never rode in on a fucking pale horse
I am guilty / For unmasking the whole masquerade
Oh, so what will be will now be
They have been feeding you withered lies and grey matter
To keep you still / Beneath their towers and inverted crowns
To serve their light / To harvest their fruit / To suffer in silence
So be still and pray while I dance to these songs of blood
When we fall from light / Hear the choirs numb
And everything you believe will mean nothing at all
When shadows gather / Embrace the dark
And everything you believe will mean nothing at all
When shadows gather / Embrace the dark
What you believe will nothing mean / When shadows gather
I have no desire / I have no domain
I now see what I cast And I can´t flee nor redeem
Pain - I take what I found
Pain - Is all I can be
8. Askrådare 11:11
“I sorgedräkt jag går / Utan sol / Utan ljus / Jag har blivit schakalers broder / Blivit de smutsigas anförvant / Min harpa tjänar bara till sorgelåt / Min stämma är mitt klagoljud / Och jag har glömt vad lycka är / Jag har glömt” Bränn det du en gång tillbad / Tillbe det du en gång bränt Nu tar jag det tillbaks / Se mig ångra allt Men allting är försent / Det var alltid för sent sådana som oss / Så jag bränner allt som jag en gång tillbad / Tillber det jag en gång bränt Svär på allt som heligt var - för den som inget heligt har Nu tar jag det tillbaks / Se mig ångra allt Nu tar jag det tillbaks / Se mig ångra allt Men allt är försent / Det var alltid för sent för sådana som oss Så jag bränner allt som jag en gång tillbad / Jag tillber det jag en gång bränt “I sorgedräkt jag går / Utan sol / Utan ljus Jag har blivit schakalers broder / De smutsigas anförvant / Min harpa tjänar bara till sorgelåt / Min stämma är mitt klagoljud / Och jag har glömt vad lycka är / Jag har glömt vad lycka är / Jag har glömt vilka vi var / Jag har glömt vad livet var…” Bränn det du en gång tillbad / Tillbe det du en gång bränt / Nu tar jag det tillbaka / Se mig ångra allt / Jag ångrar allt / Men allt är försent / Det var alltid för sent för sådana som oss Så jag bränner allt jag en gång tillbad / Jag dyrkar det jag en gång bränt Jag det tillbaka / Se mig ångra allt / Jag ångrar allt Men allt är försent / Det var alltid för sent för sådana som oss Så jag dyrkar det som finns kvar i askan / Så jag dyrkar det som finns kvar oss Jag det dyrkar det som finns kvar av oss / Det som finns kvar av oss / I askan ...

sábado, 11 de junio de 2016


La muerte de Ruhanathanas está muy presente a lo largo de todo este álbum, un álbum dividido en cuatro capítulos, conduciendo y concluyendo el último de ellos en el suicidio. Aunque en la composición del álbum ha participado todo el grupo la parte final tuvo que ser completada sin Ruhanathanas. El sonido de Blliigghhtted siempre se ha decantado por una atmósfera opresiva y asfixiante, "Into the Cunt of the Witch" no iba a ser menos y si bien es cierto que el sonido sigue la línea que marcó su anterior "Kosmoskampf", con un claro acercamiento a sonidos más undergound y en donde las guitarras iban ganando peso y el oyente podía sentirse más identificado con elementos de metal. "Into the Cunt of the Witch", es un álbum más concreto y directo, en donde las voces también han ganado protagonismo y van desgranando las letras de manera paranoica y agresiva, acompañado de un black que conserva la atmósfera enfermiza creada en las partes de sintetizadores y que hace de la disonancia de su música un elemento esencial dentro de complejo universo de Blliigghhtted. Quién haya seguido desde sus inicios a la banda, bien sabe que la evolución en su sonido ha sido brutal en cada álbum, ganando sobre todo en concreción y madurez hasta eclosionar en este "Into the Cunt of the Witch" como una obra completa y directa, más haya de la idea de locura y oscuridad del pasado, hasta llegar al suicidio presente. (8,4).

1. Black Flame I: Life Is a Prison 02:48
She always told me that life was a prison. That death reigns supreme in life, she got orgasms from scenes of suffering, injustice, disorder and children’s tears, that she had no enemy and life was disgustingly beautiful. She seemed quite happy and energetic for such a negative and depressive sense of life. I thought she was extremely beautiful and yet she told me that she hated her shell, and went on to explain the reason being simply that "she did not choose it". That statement was the insight to her dismissal of every sort of authority, mostly the inherent authority of existence itself, how it dictated how she must live. She had a drive that made her uneasy and not wanting to adapt to this world and simply live and she thought that this drive was the only thing that made her see this existence for what it really is, a prison. 
2. Black Flame II: Keep Your Light from Me 03:07
 She believed everybody had this drive, but that they justify it into things like "religion, politics, family, work" and that she just wanted to experience that drive without those veils around it.
She not only did not want to let go of this drive to "live a better life" she was believing that that drive was the only real value in life.
The flame that burned within every human being, but the very flame that they tried to extinguish.
The flame of no joy, no friendship, no companionship, no safety, the flame of void. The flame that sometimes takes over the person which humans disgustingly call "depression". The only real flame, calling one away from the prison.
The flame of chaos.
Her mother was presently absent with her constant harassment and fear and her father was ever present with his calculated absence.
She grew herself up into a malfunction of an antithesis to this existence, it was beautiful seeing her move around the room devouring every sort of life.
3. Black Flame III: Death Is Life 02:31
Death was the only thing that she saw, an utter blackness of uncertainty. She was absolutely disgusted by her conclusions, because conclusions were an act of certainty. Everything in life was to do with a false sense of certainty. She noted that she accepted her dreams right away, even if paranormal things were happening in them, and she told that the same would happen in life. Nay! It happened everyday in life! That everybody were coming to terms with inner and outer unacceptableness and they were first
torturing themselves and later coming up with new conclusions from these breaks of certainties. This was reminding every human being that life; their utmost certainty will be crushed by death someday. Nay! It was crushed everyday by death. Death was life, but life was an illusion, certainties were transient illusions speckling in the sea of death.
4. Illusion I: Religion 02:19
Existence was a speckle of illusion in the midst of chaos. Everything has uncertainty, meaninglessness and emptiness in it and yet the illusion of certainty persists. It congregates itself into a ghastly vapor of cloud called form. From the fallacy that those illusions are forever and one, we claim authority. Authority; forgoing the fact that we perceive those forms differently, hence can never fully apply our experience to each other, yet we claim authority.
They used to sacrifice domestic animals to gods, and sacrifice was the most important support of cosmos. They thought because they slaughtered animals, their world was holding together. Now we sacrifice more than ever before, and animals suffer for all their lives to end up in our plates, and we torture each other and ourselves in a thousand ways. All of us partake in these religious and million meaningless sacrifices through the day and yet pass judgment from our moral high grounds.
5. Illusion II: Pleasure, Pain and Pedophilia 03:48  
 We sacrifice all day, everyday, everything for reasons we cannot really altogether comprehend. Yet we still think our means will lead to ends and fanatically support our ways from moral high grounds. Every single person is still religious to the core and it is jihad everyday everywhere.
She does not pretend to care if animals nor humans die or plants are lost and this world goes to shit, she is more concerned with how she ended up in such a place. Just like everybody else really, but she is conscious therefore anti-religious. She does not think of forms she thinks of destruction.
She loves to do things out of spite, she feels pleasure from offending everyone for she sees them walking on the street with blood all over their hands from the lives lived in expense of others, the hearts they break. Yet still passing judgment. She believes in absolute immorality, but she is no worse. She likes black metal because it celebrates a great suffering; she likes to see suffering in art because she feels extreme sensitivity in sensitive artists expressing extreme insensitivity.
She hates getting censored and judged for her extreme art because she is just portraying the world as she sees it. These people eating their filet mignons of an animal that suffered all its life, and died upside down slaughtered then coming and saying she is wrong because of her subject matter. These people go home and hurt their kids, they hurt everyone and everything, yet pass judgment like they are pure, and this causes great pain for her.
She knows she is evil just like everybody else, a child molesting, rapist, torturous murderer, but she is conscious therefore anti- religious. She does not think of dichotomies, she thinks of suicide.
6. Illusion III: Suicide Is Painless 03:17
 I might as well commit suicide one day, it is on my mind. However, death is not an "escape" for me. I never could believe those who claim to have achieved a religious or irreligious certainty regarding death. Romanticizing death as an escape or a profane finality is not "realistic" to me. Thinking death is the good escape is the same as thinking any sort of materialistic or personal change is going to be the triumph for someone who is not happy with their current situation. Having said that, it is as logical and as mundane a change as those things for me. Accepting an occupational offer from a distant town is same as accepting to end one's life. Playing with death is playing with uncertainty, we do it everyday. Death is the ultimate uncertainty; nobody knows what is going to come out from it. Just like nobody has any tangible information as to what consciousness "is" they have got no clue what death means to the "individual" if there is such a thing or lack thereof.
7. Death I: Unknown, Unknowable, Uncertain 01:22
  Life is like climbing down a mountain on a rope, there are billions of ropes all going down the same mountain, most people hold onto each other’s ropes. You don't know whence you came from, your first memory is on that rope, and seeing many people do the same. When you look down you see all those who are miserable and are falling, you see a pitch black below. Up above is a white sky of equal nothingness.
8. Death II: Ejaculating into Darkness 02:33
  Most people look anywhere but down, and yet you like to look down, and converse with people about below. People tell you not to look down and concentrate on the climb alone, yet you feel the need to know where you are going. Some suggest looking up instead, but you think it is pointless, thinking that is not where you are headed, and it hurts your eyes for nothing and renders you incapable of even seeing the rope. Yet people tell you not to look down. Some jump off, thinking it is where they are going anyway. Most try to enjoy this climb, yet you try to ask people about below. Some claim it is going to be white like above, some claim the climb will restart in another rope and yet you know nobody knows, and they get uncomfortable when you ask.
9. Death III: Black Flame Is Refusal 03:38
  They say you are evil for looking below, they say you have no right to climb while looking down, they shun you. As time goes, your whole purpose becomes thinking about below, and people don't like it, you think of letting go.
We sensitize over mere words, eating these sacrificed animals and claim we are no longer religious, tell me how some words are not spells that could get you killed or worse? Everybody is so religious that it disgusts us, yet we claim we are scientific.
We exalt our subjective views on art into objective value fallacies like snakes, and try to take bites out of creative minds, when truly confronted we recoil to the position of "in my opinion(s)”.
While there are no forms, we create the illusion of form and try to
claim authority over it, just like our non-existent “god’s". We say, "this is true, believe it, I am right" and want people to obey us through it.
Death spreads its wings into life.
Satan shows the holes in cosmos for us to see.
This is all what life is about, illusions. Some see this drug of life as something to be enjoyed while it lasts, she is more concerned with death. Dark spirituality is following the inner drive to refuse to live.
10. Suicide I: Chaos Everywhere 03:16
 Everyday we do many things, where we either don't know or care about the outcome.
In either case their results are unpredictable in different degrees.
The unpredictability factor is the devil, it is death and it is within everything in varying degrees.
Think almost all things you do bearing in mind your expectations and the results. Think...
Working with death is just like working with anything else, you work with the unpredictable.
11. Suicide II: Naked Life 03:13
Looking at death is looking at life without any veils of illusion; you are looking at something without any form. Form is an illusion, like this record, it just pretends to exist within a destructible medium. Neither experiencing it nor being unaware of it or its total annihilation makes it a constant or void; fleeting moments make it dynamically desirable or undesirable for other fleeting moments. In this regard, an illusion of total freedom arises. Like a feeling that since nothing really "exists" one can bend all reality. But no! You still have to master the ways of this inherent "illusion" to make way for this idea of perceptual or spiritual total freedom how is that freedom? And if it is not freedom, and freedom does not exist, why do I long for such freedom? Where does this longing for something that does not exist come from? Even if I somehow reach this alleged ambition, why did I ever have to fight all my life to reach it? And can it actually be reached when such question is ever asked? Isn't this the reason most accomplished so- called people end up depressed and suicidal? This is a game that has promises of possibilities in it, nothing more. 
12. Suicide III: Certainty Is Illusion 06:56
 Very few truly ask the question of why being put inside an existence, which is a game with its own specific rules that only "it" can bend.
A game that they did not choose but constantly are forced to play and "master" in their own ways and as much they see the reflection of this question in their lives, they get depressed.
Activity-inactivity and a possible suffering on both spectrums drive people nuts over trying to find both inner and outer patterns and
ways to come to desirable ends.
Since this is the key to this prison, even if you're happy you never cease to be a prisoner; only a prisoner who enjoys prison. Some seem to value this very highly and even dedicate their lives to making the most out of this life that they did not choose. Those people that have "found their ways" in life’s prison lose a limb, get raped, end up in the hands of a torturing maid when they are old, get a morbid disease or anything that renders their system which enables them to "make the most out of" this precarious prison unusable. Everybody feels dwarfed by uncertainty, and uncertainty is forever, it is everywhere, death reigns supreme in life. I wish immense suffering to every living being. Rape upon all women, children’s death upon all families, breaking of certainty, torture upon all animals, plants, I have no enemy and life is blindingly beautiful.
My life was something that I could enjoy, but I was both unable and refused to. I was healthy, had resources and skills but did not want to partake in this charade. Inner and outer forces were always on the attack to unbalance me and dealing with them and making life better never seemed like a quest I could enjoy. I was more concerned with why and how I was put in such a place, a game I don't remember agreeing to play. The mysteries and fascinations took a friendly farewell as I willingly let them sail away, and although I have no expectations from death, I enter through the gate.