miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2022



Origen: Chipre.

Formados: 2012

Estilo: Black atmosférico, noise y power electrónico

Temática: Creación, filosofía, neoplatonismo y universo

Enlaces: Bandcampdeezerfacebook y spotify


  • Alexandros Guitarra
  • Aort Bajo
  • Hermes Batería, guitarra, programaciones y voces
  • T. J. F. Vallely Batería

  • Tome of the Unreplenished EP 2013
  • Innerstanding CD 2015
  • Cosmoprism: The Theurgy - Act I EP 2017
  • Epistolary of the Fall Split 2019  
  • Earthbound CD 2022
Segunda entrega para esta banda chipriota en donde podemos disfrutar de un sonido con una solida base black metal, digamos que entre melódico y atmosférico, al mismo tiempo que el conjunto se ve rodeado de una halo con ciertos toques épicos y experimentales en desterminadas secciones. Un trabajo que es capaz de reproducir el caos y una imagen introspectiva de las fuerzas de la naturaleza, empleándose a fondo tanto en lograr una ambientación que raya lo sobrenatural en ciertas partes como oscura, densa y fría, ofreciendo pasajes acústicos soberbios superpuestos con las partes más black. El sonido de guitarra es bastante agresivos, deudor de la escuela helena en cuanto a influencias y tanto la batería como la percusión muchas veces logran sonar directas y potentes con un gran empaque, al tiempo que las voces, que en un primer momento son potentes y densas, también dejan algunos elementos más corales que contribuyen a cierta épica en el resultado final del álbum. El sonido final logra no dejar al oyente indiferente, transitando por diferentes intensidades y emociones, logrando unas veces un enfoque más accesible, mientras que otras la ambientación  perturbadora, elementos noise y seudo electrónicos lo llevan a terrenos mucho menos accesibles. Un trabajo variado, unas veces directo y crudo en la línea de un black conciso, sin embargo capaz también de ofrecer diferentes matices y texturas logrando un sonido que no deja de reclamar la atención del oyente en un combinación de lo clásico con elementos propias más actuales. (8,1).

1. Tellurian 06:09
   I hear a whisper
A form beholding the universe

And I am bound on Earth (or am I?)

Ablaze a prayer beyond the known
My gift to you
Reclaim thy wings

Filtered with the curse of consciousness
A transdimensional apoptosis
With the embrace of a corrupted form
Awaiting the impregnable eternal quiet

I hear a whisper
A form belonging to the universe

Have I risen or have I fallen?
2. Unbound 08:35
   I hear a whisper
A form beholding the universe

And I am bound on Earth (or am I?)

Ablaze a prayer beyond the known
My gift to you
Reclaim thy wings

Filtered with the curse of consciousness
A transdimensional apoptosis
With the embrace of a corrupted form
Awaiting the impregnable eternal quiet

I hear a whisper
A form belonging to the universe

Have I risen or have I fallen?
3. Tryst at the Gales of Cyprus 05:29
On a warm winter dawn Once a place of kings who guided the gales of a dry land in a tryst that remains hidden God of wind lifted us up into the trees We danced to the rhythm of a dry land Swaying to the tune of a southern gale o wind, lifting a righteous song o wind, singing so loud our song 
4. Toward the Self 05:55
Inside the Sun itself knows the self, How we surrender our pride to poverty And then... Crawling within this cosmic illusion of time You find life itself unfolding in your hands And the one within the star blazed blackened sky Rises its mystifying brilliance 
5. Astraios Ayr 11:14
Pure enclave Bound with echo Undulating in transiency Look back once more - how the infinite ages of time come to pass Before our souls reach the pangs of labor Mote of light is leaving a solemn flow on its edges Amethyst and Citrine for the blessed and translucent Nature blesses us in twitching awe After we finally pass and the last sand drops in the hourglass Profound alcove of raven and claw Heed thy call from my soul I exist in this universal dawn Ἀστραῐος ὰήρ αἴρω Ηώς Εύρος Ζέφυρος  
6. Portcullis to Dodekatheon 09:12   instrumental

"Mysteries" was recorded at the Black Chamber during the 10th full moon of MXIV.

MYSTERIES is dedicated to Portuguese Black Magic, to those who damn their souls summoning the dead, to fulfill their will of CHAOS and EVIL.

4th press on 140g 'ultra clear' vinyl housed in a 300gsm jacket with matte varnish and inside flooded in black. Includes a double-sided printed 250gsm cardboard insert and a A2 poster on 150gsm art paper.
Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies.

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2022



Origen: Suecia,  Västra Götaland

Formados: 2013

Estilo: Black

Temática: Cosmos, existencialismo y naturaleza.

Enlaces: Bandcampdeezerfacebookinstagram y spotify


  • L. Bajo y voces
  • S. Guitarra, percusión, teclados y voces

  • Alyr Single 2014  
  • Draumr ást CD 2014  
  • Sunnanljus Single 2017  
  • Solarmegin CD 2018  
  • Sorlande Sky / Majestic Translucence Split 2019  
  • Äril EP 2019
  • Arla i urtid Single 2020  
  • Ödhin CD 2021  
  • Fäghring CD 2022
Con este cuarto larga duración, los suecos ponen fin a la tetralogía de "Ár" en forma de un álbum que pretende ser el más luminoso de los cuatro, ofreciendo para ello un black de corte pagan y folk. Estamos ante un extenso trabajo en donde la ambientación y la atmósfera con motivos de la naturaleza tiene un peso importante aquí es donde encontramos sonido de pájaros y el viento meciendo los árboles. El enfoque del álbum se centra en ofrecer y recrear el contacto con la naturaleza, ambientándolo en la soledad de un bosque, par ello tenemos secciones e black directo y curtido en mil batallas con un componente crudo y primitivo sin descuidar la posibilidad de colar secciones melódicas en segundo plano. No estamos ante un álbum monolítico, más bien este trabajo es un carrusel de diferentes emociones y sensaciones amparadas en muchos cambios de ritmo y la inclusión de secciones que no podemos calificar del todo como medios tiempos pero si que las estructuras responden a estilos como el pagan y el folk. A pesar de el álbum cuenta con la presencia de instrumentos de procedencia folk, su presencia no es preponderante, ayudan a crear el sonio final del álbum y la ambientación pero sin resultar cargantes. Si analizamos el álbum como un trabajo de pagan, folk black metal seria quedarse cortos, si que estamos ante diversos elementos y secciones que así lo refrendan sin embargo la riqueza de diferentes estilos presentes en este trabajo no tan enfocados en el pagan, así como la lograda ambientación que ofrece completa soledad muchas veces, próxima a la naturaleza. (8.4).

1. Vårdträdet 02:39  
2. Grönskande gryning 10:41  
3. Alyr i blom 12:05  
4. Befruktad jord 08:52  
5. Solvigd 03:29  
6. Frö 12:22  
7. Fagna sumrí 04:11  

Edición limitada a 16 copias en cassette negro:

1. Hail Satan 02:34
2. Absolute Destruction 01:47
3. Satanic Victory over the Christian Carcass 01:56

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2022


 Bilwis starts operating around the year 2020, did the covid-19 pandemic influence in any way that you decided to create Bilwis or were there other reasons? Why did you choose the name Bilwis and what does it refer to?

Bilwis: The Covid pandemic was the green light for BILWIS. The idea for that band was in my head for a really long time. You must know, that I have a few other bands and my time schedule was full till the end of the year. So than the first lockdown came right here in Germany and everything was canceled. I started with the idea and songwriting for BILWIS and everything grows really fast. I was searching around for a good name and found BILWIS. It`s a german demon who destroys the grain of the farmers. 

Your first Ep is released in September 2020, which receives a good reception from the public and specialized media, did you expect this good reception from this first Ep and what did it mean for you when moving forward with the project?

BILWIS: I know that the EP was good, but the reaction blews my mind away and give me the motivation to continue very fast. People from all over the world write me and send me some feedback. Or see all the coments on the Black Metal Promotion page on Youtube. Fantastic.

At the beginning of this 2022 this first EP has had continuity in the form of the album "Pan", how did you face the composition of this first album and what is your way of recording and composing Bilwis's music having to face the entire process?

BILWIS:I write songs and collect ideas all over the time. So when I finished the EP I directly start with the songwriting for the full length. I start always with the music. Sometimes I have a melody in my head, or I just start with a riff and build the melodys around it. It´s like a puzzle that you finished step by step. When the music is done, I start to write the lyrics. I put down the music to my Iphone and go to a place where I have my silence. But I know from the start which song is for which theme. 

The sound of “Pan” could be described as atmospheric black, with folk or pagan elements, however it is no less true that the sound of the album is reminiscent of a black with a raw and classic sound, often away from unnecessary fillers or sections. precious, how would you describe the sound of the album for those who haven't heard it yet? And what bands or sounds have influenced you when composing this album?

BILWIS: I think the EP was a little bit thicker from the atmosphere than the full length. PAN has more melodies and ideas, but I try to reach a brutal and cold atmosphere. For me it´s important, that the listener have the feeling to be a part or inside the song. Like that you have the feeling to walk around in the forest where the giant can lurk behind every corner you know…..a record that is always in my mind is Dissections “Storm of the Lights Bane”- I know, im not Dan Swanö, but this record is the perfection of a hunt in an ice cold forest. 

The lyrics of “Pan” deal with themes of fairy tales and mythology, why do you decide to deal with these themes in your lyrics? Is there any relationship between the mythological themes and the region you come from? Does the music adapt to the letters or vice versa?

BILWIS: With BILWIS I try something different than the “classical” BM or Death Metal Lyrics. Don`t understand me wrong, I like this stuff, but not for BILWIS. Since I was a child, I love fairytales and the old myth storys. Or horror movies like Dracula or Frankenstein. And the fund for that storys is endless. Sure, every region has it`s own storys and legends where I found the inspiration for my lyrics. Sometimes I pick up a famous story like “Pan” or “Rübezahl” and sometimes I choose an unknown stoy from my region. Same goes for the cover and booklet artwork. The pictures are coloured so much, but it`fits better to the lyrics than some black and white stuff. Like a fairytale book. 

You have counted on Melina to collaborate on the song “Der Mond am Himmel”, at what point did you decide to carry out this collaboration? And what do you think Melina has contributed to the final result of the album?

BILWIS: Melina is my girlfriend and a really good singer, so it lies on the hand to have her on this song. I know it`s really catchy, but children songs have always a catchy melody or? Her voice fits perfect to the song and is always mentioned in reviews. She upgrade the song or record a lot with this part. 

You have returned to work with the Gates of Neverland to carry out the mixing, recording and mastering of the album, what can you tell us about these studios and why do you decide to work with them to carry out the album?

BILWIS: It`s my own studio and I did always by myself. I love the freedom to work on the songs whenever I like it. There is no producer or any other band member who told me what to do. And I have the vision how BILWIS sound like. It`s difficult sometimes to find an end, but I have the feeling and I know when a song is finished or not.

Just as in the sound of the album there are certain medieval elements, the covers of your releases also follow medieval and fantastic paths, what does the cover of “Pan” represent and why do you think it fits with the content of the album?

BILWIS: Yes, it`s like I said before. It was important for me, that the cover artwork and style of the EP and PAN have not that typical black and white style. The colours fit`s so much better to the music of BILWIS. A lot of people write me, that they discovered BILWIS when they see it on Youtube cause the cover artwork of the EP. A friend of me paint the cover and all the pictures inside the booklet by hand. It`s in the style of an fairytale book and I think it looks really awesome. Northern Silence did a great job right here and they put always out something special. 

Unlike the Ep “Sagenwelt” that was self-released first and then reissued by Northern Silence Productions, for “Pan” you have already counted from the beginning for the edition with Northern Silence Productions, how does the contact take place to work together to this label for the editions?

BILWIS: Yes. After I finished the production of the EP I put it on bandcamp and just burn a few copys for some friends. After a few days I get an mail from Lee, who works for NS and get me the offer to get signed by them. Sure, that I don`t must think about that very long. Like lottery win. They all did an awesome job and more important is, that we are good friends and talk more about Shisha smoking than BILWIS 😊 

Although the sound of Bilwis has nothing to do with pagan, in some way we could relate it, what is your opinion today of black metal with pagan influences compared to a past, let's say more glorious?

 BILWIS: When I write a song, I don`t think about if it sounds like Pagan or whatever. When I like it, I`ll take it.Today there ar so many bands with so many styles, so everyone can take the freedom to do what they want. Maybee it was more glorious back in the days, cause the time was totally different.More magic...... 

How were your beginnings in music: first concerts you attend, first albums you buy? What happened in your lives pushed you to want to be musicians?

BILWIS: When I was 14 I start to visit the first local shows. My older sister have some musicians as friends, so they take me with to the shows. Most of the time it was Metal, Punk or Hardcore. In Essen, they have the “Zeche Carl” a really famous club. KREATOR rehearsal right there in the basement. Back in the days you can visit 4-5 shows there in a week. So I see all the Metal Bands there like Morbid Angel, Marduk, Vomitory, COB,COF and so on. So I grab the guitar and try to learn from this bands. I watch all the time what the guitar players to on ther fretboard.And I try this at home later. First metal records where NAPALM DEATH “FETO”, DEATH “Human”, DEICIDE “LEGION” and MALEVOLENT CREATION. I love the Florida stuff. MARDUK`s “Those of the Unlight” and DISSECTION “Storm of the Lights Bane” really change my life and music horizon. 

What album represents for you the essence of black metal? What recent albums have you bought?

MARDUK – “Those of the Unlight” / DISSECTION – “Storm of the Lights Bane” / - EMPEROR – “In the Nightside Eclipse” and CRADLE OF FILTH “Dusk and her EMBRACE”.

At the moment I listen to CALADAN BROOD, SUMMONING and try to discover some new stuff all the time. 

What future plans do you have for Bilwis in terms of upcoming releases or reissues? Do you contemplate the possibility of adding a musician to Bilwis in the future with a view to being able to offer a concert?

BILWIS: I always write songs for BILWIS and work on the next record. About concerts.A lot of people and bookers ask me, if it`s possible to go on stage with BILWIS. My other bands beside BILWIS take a lot of time. So when I will bring BILWIS on stage, I will to everything right for 100%. From the music to the stage look.And not between some other things. When the time is right,i will do it. But on the other hand, it is possible, that BILWIS will always been a studio project.

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions for Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for Bilwis fans, this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Awesome questions, thank you!!!! And thank you to all the BILWIS supporters out there and to the hard working crew from NORTHERN SILENCE. Support extrem music!!!!


Landvættr ‎– Solstice Fire 7,99 €

Professionally printed and duplicated tape edition. Edition of 99.

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2022



Origen: Polonia.
Formados: 2014
Estilo: Black, death
Temática: Mitológía y muerte
Enlaces: Bandcampfacebook
  • Hyperborean Guitarra y voces
  • Oblivion Bajo

  • I Am the Scourge of Eternity CD 2015
  • Become Seekers for Death CD 2022
Siete años han trascurrido desde la edición del primer álbum de este combo, siete años que han servido para acabar de definir un sonido que le debe mucho a un black mtal de corte asfixiante y caótico sin renunciar a un sonido deudor de elementos de procedencia death. Un trabajo que desde el comienzo ofrece una buena descarga de putrefactos riffs que no renuncian a diversas influencias que van por un lado por terrenos death si hablamos de la carga y la densidad del sonido, mientras que la parte más meramente black se emplea a fondo en ofrecer un sonido asfixiante, denso y profundo con un elemento definitorio como puede ser secciones disonantes en donde una vertiente caótica cobra especial protagonismo llevando a terrenos mucho más oscuros el sonido del álbum, logrando en medio de todo este nutrido grupo de influencias en cuanto a sonido, conjugar una atmosfera oscura y decadente, del todo infecta. El ritmo en líneas generales es alto, con un sonido de batería enfocado a crear un muro de sonido, con cambios de ritmos espontáneos que nutren de cierta complejidad el sonido del álbum, más si sumamos los diferentes estilos de riffs presentes a lo largo del mismo, así como unas voces que se mecen en terrenos black/death, es decir, profundas, agresivas y llenas de oscuridad. Un trabajo que acaba por atrapar al oyente en la profundidad de su propuesta. (7,9).

Fallen Angel Distro

1. Ironclad Nemesis 05:07
  Behold the burning
Behold the crimson skies
The marching in darkness
The demise

Behold the fall
Behold the burning skies
The trembling in darkness
As the world dies

The trembling
As the world dies
The burning
As your world dies

She is the howling
She is the wounds
She is the scorched earth
She is the terror

She is the frigid gleam of the falling sword
She is the blood that stains the marble
She is the final breath by a poisoned well
The smoke and the screams borne on the wind

Her hand is the iron spearhead
Her breath is the incineration of the dead

The scourge of the fates
Ironclad Nemesis
Skies turn blood red
As she awakens

With poison gas
With explosions
With flames
With razor wire
Tread her feet

Her hand is the iron spearhead
Her breath is the incineration of the dead

The scourge of the fates
Ironclad Nemesis
Skies turn blood red
As she awakens

Demise of the world
She is dormant no more
Demise of the world
A violent sunrise

Descent of the world
In the dead of dawn
Descent of the world
In fire
2. On the Wings of Drought 03:42
Where the white of the temple’s marble Meets the leaden rock of the land In the dark behind the iron gates Seething breath of anger lurks The skies are torn from the seas By the unrelenting sun On the arid flesh of the earth Waves of conflagration beat down The lifeless lands The incandescent skies Death draws near With the flutter of the wings of drought In the sodden dark of the underworld The daughter of the goddess is raped Again and again – imprisoned forever By the venom of a putrid fruit The light of torches is drowned In waves of subterranean unlight The searcher lingers in vain The flicker of torches dies The eternal cycle is born of Rape, wrath, and hate The eternal light is forever Born of the dark The turn of the wheel is born of Rape, wrath, and hate The eternal cycle of life Is driven by death Through suffocations of darkness The sounds of the harp meander The sounds of the harp spiral Through suffocations of the underworld On the wings of drought  
3. The Thunder Spoke to the Spirit 03:45
The gaze of lightning My prayer The howling depths My prayer Claws of the sea My prayer The trembling shores When hordes of slaves broke their backs To raise the walls of the pyramids When the kings lay in their demise The thunder spoke to the spirit Thereupon came he Who is all death And he created The serpent in the river And he created winter And the fly on the festering wound When the winds of war in their rage Tore down the temple walls When in place of stone there stood Pillars of fire and smoke The thunder spoke to the spirit The blessing on streams of blood I have known And the waves of flames spat forth When the spirit sacrificed itself to rise When the womb of the earth was torn asunder The eyes of the prophets turned To the sacred mountain Beneath a cloak of clouds Beneath the thunder I shall burn I shall arise As the spirit enters The pillar of blood As all eyes turn To the sacred mountain Beneath a cloak of clouds Beneath the thunder 
4. When the Ancients Speak 07:39
I Stench of death in the throne room Stench of disease in the air The fate of the kingdom lies stricken Pale shadow writhing in pain A sage come across the desert Raises his hand Terrible words are spoken Terrible words are heard The words fail Before the iron sceptre Before the laws cast in stone Mouldy fingers of sickness Touch the eyes as they close A sage come across the desert Lowers his hand Terrible words were spoken Terrible words were heard The words failed The ancients drive the hand And the tongue of the Magi The ancients cast the sentence The sage is led to die The ancients drive the hand And the tongue of the Magi When the ancients speak Worlds abide II The walls of the city Crack in the ruthless sun The teeth of the crouching towers Against the radiant sky Below the limestone lions Brooding and winged The mouth of the iron gates Spreads open yawning Into the desert Into the scorching Into the death The twin spirit has turned away Now and forever idle Unhealing Unhealed A great and vast nothing A body transmuted Hangs above Eyes of straw Lids of leather Shells of limbs in the wind A body transfigured Frozen above Mouth of straw Face of leather Stench of death on the wind III The kingdom of earth Is like unto flesh Rotting in the sun Slowly dripping off the bones Soaking into scorching sand The kingdom of earth Is like unto a harvest Of bones and ashes Filth in the sepulchre Drowning in scorching sand Words are like leaves on the wind Withered and torn away In the shadow of the iron sceptre The laws cast in stone Remain Matter is weaved of shadows Life is a festering wound 
5. Become Seekers for Death 03:12
Burning the altars The temples of fertile gods Their statues drowned In cesspools of shit and blood We spit in the face of the sun As rivers run with bile We spit in the face of the sun As rivers run with fire Curse the day Curse the night The worms! The worms! The vermin and the plague! Out of dead black windows They spill over Into dead black streets Hordes of lice march up From fetid cellars Become seekers for death Like the dead who seek for life  
6. In the Seventh Hour 04:37
And in the seventh hour he divided Light from the light And he made the depths rise Above the mountains And the forests rise through their mists And as he saw he did sneer And in the third hour took he the flesh And he divided the flesh back Into the mud and the filth Which it had been And them spread he across the land And in the black of the end of times Took he the heavens With their moons and their stars aflame And he sent them whirling down Into the rising oceans Roaring And as he heard he did tremble The universe enveloped In flames of sacrifice The universe enveloped In flames of uncreation Per raptum absorptae Per raptum suspensae Flesh to filth Light to darkness Blood to fire All to nothing And in the eon before time Took he the spirit And he divided the spirit Into the light And into the darkness Which it had been And as he looked on he shivered Then built he a gallows From the ruins of the tree of life Which he had torn down And there he stood And he looked on Down Unto the cold vastness Of the still universe  
7. Crimson Streams of Sacrifice 06:34
  Black blood runs with crimson earth
As the sun is extinguished in the west
Mountains lurk at the edge of the desert

The frigid air reeks of iron
Cavernous wounds and yawning chasms
Are cut into the earth

And then it feeds

Winding flow of crimson streams
Blood-red tide of sacrifice
Satiate gods of the underworld
Shiver in rapture

Winding flow of crimson streams
Blood-red tide of sacrifice
Black gods of the underworld
Tremble with exaltation

The night sky turns to red
As flames lick the black monolith
The sacrifice writhes in chains
Her screams pierce the heavens

The gods of the moon are singing
The gods of the moon wail

Black blood runs with crimson snow
As the rays of the sun die in the west
The forests lurk behind the ice

The pain is illuminating
Stars explode behind my eyes
The world trembles in the light
As I am cleansed

As I receive the great seal
I am pure again
As in the times before time

Blood trails in the snow
8. The Hunt of the Light-Bearer 04:43
 The north wind rushes down
The ice-covered peaks
And swirls between the firs
With the wisps of the mist
Like a withered leaf it carries
The scent

The hounds bay
As the hunt begins

The hunter turned to prey
By the light-bearing hand
The deadly crime of hubris
The downfall in blood
Lungs ruptured in flight
And in fear

A vibrating wail
As teeth tear flesh

The hounds lick their paws
As sleepily they seem to listen
To the silver drifting sounds
Of the song of the daughters of Okeanos
The hand which wields the bow
And the spear
Rests now
In the calmness of the light
Of the ever-vigilant guardian
The moon

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2022



Origen: Chile, Santiago.

Formados: 2020

Estilo: Black

Temática: Filosofía

Enlaces: Bandcampdeezerfacebook y spotify


  • Pablo Vera Batería
  • Ricardo Araya Bajo, guitarra y voces

  • Abolish God Single 2020  
  • Demo MMXX Demo 2020
  • Doomed to Death Single 2021  
  • No Peace · No Dawn CD 2022
Primer larga duración para este combo chileno que por otro lado hay que mencionar que son ya veteranos dentro de la escena de su pais. Un álbum que destaca por su intensidad y tanto la frialdad y la oscuridad que son capaces de transmitir. Un álbum repleto de riffs directos y crudos que nos renuncian a ofrecer algunas secciones melódicas, acompañados de una batería de un ritmo intenso, veloz y destructiva, pero sabiendo también ofrecer algunas secciones más pausadas que contribuyen a crear una ambientación repleta de desolación y frialdad. A todo ello hay que añadir unas voces en líneas generales desgarradoras, agresivas y con unas sensaciones de desazón que van perfectamente encauzadas con la propuesta musical. El álbum desprende un fuerte aroma a sonido de black clásico, al tiempo que incorpora algunos elementos propios, como pueden ser las secciones más lentas que se intercalan en los temas que ofrecen un plano mucho más completo de su música, sin renunciar en ningún momento a una propuesta directa y abrasiva que sorprende con inspirados riffs que de la nada saben ofrecer también una vertiente más accesible en forma de mayor melodía, así como la capacidad de la batería para dibujar diferentes secciones sin perder intensidad y con unas voces que no le van a la zaga si hablamos de agresividad y frialdad. (8).

1. Vultures 04:40  
2. The Abyss 04:42  
3. Solve: Route to Extinction 04:52  
4. Coagula: Promethean Fire 04:14  
5. Doomed to Death 03:30  
6. Pitch Black 04:41  
7. In Defiance 06:18  
8. Of Agony and Emptiness 05:25  
9. The Solipsist 05:49   

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2022



Origen: Alemania, Bamberg.

Formados: 2020

Estilo: Black melódico, death

Temática: Primera guerra mundial

Enlaces: Deezerfacebookinstagram y spotify


  • Noise Todo

  • Menschenmühle CD 2021
  • Stop the War Single 2022  
  • Yankee Division EP 2022
  • Der Füsilier EP 2022
  • Live at Dark Easter Metal Meeting Directo 2023  
  • Live at Dark Easter Metal Meeting Video 2023  
  • U​-​Bootsmann EP 2023
  • Menschenmühle Single 2024  
  • Panzerhenker Single 2024  
  • Die Urkatastrophe CD 2024
Después de de un primer álbum que dejó unas muy bunas sensaciones, Kanonenfieber están de regreso con dos nuevos temas que de alguna manera sirven para no perder el interés en este proyecto. Dos temas que destacan por su riqueza y lo cuidado de su sonido. Si analizamos su sonido desde un punto de vista meramente black podemos disfrutar con una propuesta de black metal directa y concreta en donde destacamos un sonido que no renuncia a un componente melódico que emana de unos riffs elaborados que muchas veces logran mantener un rimo marcial e hipnótico, salpicado con secciones que podemos describir como death y con un buen número de diferentes intensidades dentro de un mismo tema, en donde los ritmos rápidos y veloces se ven nutridos también por secciones que van más terrenos de medios tiempos y en donde la voz ejerce una efecto hipnótico en el oyente con un sonido entre lo agresivo y lo desgarrado, repleto de violencia y agresividad. No podemos olvidar la temática bélica de la propuesta de Kanonenfieber, temática que se cuela también de forma sutil en los arreglos que rodean los temas, en forma de arengas militares y sonidos ambientales que nos intentan trasportar al fragor de una batalla, todo ellos perfectamente equilibrado y estructurado para ofrecer un sonido frío y oscuro en donde la muerte y el carácter bélico de la misma acaba por cobrar forma (7,9).

1. The Yankee Division March 05:41
  Die achte Division
In Igelposition
In Sankt Mihiel
Vom Feind umstellt

Die achte Division
So wurd‘ es uns befohl‘n
Nicht ein Stück
Weichen wir zurück

The Yankee Division March
Is ready for the charge
In Saint Mihiel
With tanks and shells

The Yankee Division March
Full of will and starch
We‘ll come by night
With a sudden strike

Wir sitzen am ersten Geschütz
Die Abwehrlinie ist durchlässig
Kein Flammenschirm, der uns beschützt
Zermürbt und übernächtigt

Früh um 5 dann der Überfall
Es brüllt der Motor der Kriegsmaschine
Rotes Licht, ein lauter Knall
Als die Ami‘s losmarschieren

Schießen, laden, schießen, laden,
Dumpf ploppt unser Mörser 16
20 Zentimeter Granaten
So schwer, dass unsre Männer ächzen

Wir sehen die Tanks auffahren
Sie überrollen die Schützengräben
Der Ami kommt in Scharen
Trachtet uns nach unserem Leben

Die achte Division
In Igelposition
In Sankt Mihiel
Vom Feind umstellt

Die achte Division
So wurd‘ es uns befohl‘n
Nicht ein Stück
Weichen wir zurück

The Yankee Division March
Is ready for the charge
In Saint Mihiel
With tanks and shells

The Yankee Division March
Full of will and starch
We‘ll come by night
With a sudden strike

We’re ducking in the trench
Waiting for five a.m.
Four hours of constant bombing
We stick to Pershings plan

The operation starts
Sneaking through the no-mans land
Thousand men in the mud
Crawling to the German trench

We brought our tanks with us
The M1917
Six times seven feet
Six tons on the battlefield

The plateau is bombed out
Flatten by preparation fire
Just a few obstacles
Corpses and barbed wire

Die achte Division
In Igelposition
In Sankt Mihiel
Vom Feind umstellt

Die achte Division
So wurd‘ es uns befohl‘n
Nicht ein Stück
Weichen wir zurück

The Yankee Division March
Is ready for the charge
In Saint Mihiel
With tanks and shells

The Yankee Division March
Full of will and starch
We‘ll come by night
With a sudden strike
2. Die Fastnacht der Hölle 05:16
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Gasmaske auf
Die Luft ist geschwängert
Von Chlorgas und Rauch
Der Wald ist zerschmettert

Spaten zur Hand
In den Nahkampf verlegen
Ein Fieberzustand
Im Granatenregen

Die Trichterlandschaft
Der Wald zu erahnen
Nur Schutt und Morast
Graben an Graben

Der Gegner verschanzt
Der Fleischwolf, er dreht sich
Bajonett aufgepflanzt
Zum Schießen zu neblig

Die Fastnacht der Hölle
Hier im Wald von Belleau
Das Schlachthaus in Frankreich
Gott schaut uns nicht zu

Verwesende Leichenhaufen
Körperteile in den Ästen
Unerbittliche Eisenschauer
Machen Menschen zu Fetzen

Kalt läufts den Rücken runter
Der Gestank kaum zu ertragen
In Panik schrei‘n sie hinten
„Männer Deckung, GASGRANATEN“

Wir rennen dem Feind entgegen
Keine Rücksicht auf Gegenfeuer
Im beißenden Kugelregen
Die Hände schützend auf den Häuptern

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Vorwärts Marsch
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Vorwärts Marsch
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Vorwärts Marsch

In die Gräben eingefallen
Wir stehen in Blut und Angst
Schlachten uns durch die Ami-Stellung
Mit dem Spaten in der Hand

Ich gurgle den eignen Speichel
Die Gasmaske nimmt die Luft
Weiter stampfen, weiter töten
Sehne mich nach dem Gnadenschuss

Im Wald von Belleau
Gott sieht uns nicht zu

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Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM, Limited Edition, Yankee Edition - Red/Blue/White
Limited to 200 copies