Por fin tenemos aquí ya el tercer trabajo de esta one man procedente de Barcelona y digo por fin por que su propuesta se me antoja no solo imprescindible sino que también necesaria dentro del panorama estatal, sobre todo en cuanto a lo rica y diferenciadora que suena su música. Los elementos anteriormente presentes en Conjuro Nuclear y que ya funcionan como seña de identidad siguen estando presentes, esos teclados y guitarras hipnóticas y repetitivas continúan inundando su música y las voces siguen ocupando y discreto segundo plano, envolviendo a la propuesta de un aura mística e inquietante. Se ha evolucionado en ambientación, "Reacciones Paganas" es un álbum de ambient en toda regla, de atmósferas fríos, impregnadas de melancolía y magia y que aporta la inquietud de despertarse en medio de una pesadilla. Emesis se destapa como un gran compositor, ha sabido construir un paisaje de desolación y melodía gracias al buen ejercicio que hace de los sintetizadores que acaban por desarrollar un ambiente de melancolía en todas las composiciones, las voces cuando hacen acto de presencia, lo hacen en un segundo plano e inmersas en una faceta inquietante y próximas a la locura y la desesperación de la muerte. Un álbum, el tercero ya de una banda que considero que se le debe mucho más reconocimiento del que se le dispensa. (8,5).
Ritualistic Death Metal NecromancyRecopilatorio2015
Call of the MaelstromSplit2015
The HecatombCD2016
Ancient Meat Revived - A Tribute to Cold Meat IndustrySplit2016
Pillars of DamnationCD2020
Los encargados de cerrar este split son los australianos Temple of Nightside con dos temas de poderoso y oscuro sonido death, black metal no exento de un gran poso de doom metal. Si cabe si propuesta es más ritualista y oscura que la de Vassafor, ya que a su ritmo lento y cadencioso se ve aumentado por la gravedad y pesadez de su música, acabando por ofrecer un muro de sonido brutal que cae con todo su peso sobre el oyente. La producción aumenta esa sensación de podredumbre que acompaña a su música, a destacar el ritmo cadencioso y brutal de bajo que inunda todas las composiciones y una voz de nauseabunda sonando casi que en un segundo plano, realmente enfermiza y de clara orientación death. Un par de temas simplemente espectaculares que vuelve a dar buena cuenta de la calidad de esta banda por una parte y del acierto de reunir en este compartido a un par de bandas en perfecto estado e forma. (8,8).
1) Suicidal Madness was created in 2010, why did you decide to create the group and why choose the name Suicidal Madness?
Everything has begun in early 2010. After suffering for a few years of a deep depression which forced me to withdraw from everything. I felt the urge to release the darkest and most negative stuff which had built up in me. This is how Suicidal Madness was born. The name of the band was chosen according to my state of mind. I was hitting a stage where my mind was dragging me in the darkest and most suicidal thoughts.
2) At first the line-up of the band is completed by several members of the French band PHTO, what was the relationship between you and this band and why they thought at the beginning of Suicidal Madness?
After composing a few tracks which were meant to be the foundation of what will be our first "demo" (Les Tourments de l'âme) I started to look out for other musicians. I was already in touch via email with Molasar, who was the drummer of PHTO. He introduced me to his music and to the other members of the band. Saddy was the first one to be up for it then Alninack and Molasar joined in too and we were finally able to give life to this project.
3) After editing a few demos and a split in this 2015 you have released your first album "Les larmes du passé", how was the process of writing and recording this album? How's your way of working to When composing the songs?
"Les Larmes du passé" was composed and recorded in 2012 but for many reasons it was only released in 2015. This album was conceived in the pain. This can be strongly felt when you listen to tracks like "Jour de pluie", "Les Larmes du passé" or "Coma"; These songs are stamped with melancholia and despair. Everyone has put his soul into it. Whenever I compose, I have to isolate myself, being alone with my inner demons. This is when the music creates itself and when I get something worthy, I send it to the others so they can add they own parts and put their own stamp on it. Everyone knows what he has to do to give life to the track. There is a kind of connection between us, a natural alchemy.
4) Suicidal Madness aparace in the media as a band of depressive black, I think it is a label that stays short, because in their sound can be seen many influences from the classic black and does not respond to patterns of gender, how you define the sound of "Les larmes du passé" for someone who has not yet heard?
I think that this is due to the fact that we do not try to reproduce what the other bands of this kind of music are doing. We are creating our own stuff/batch and we do not really care about labels. Each member listens to different stuff and has his own influences. Of course, you can feel it in our music whether it is from traditional Black Metal or from sub-genders. As I've said, nothing of it is thought through before or planned in advance.
5) The lyrics to "Les larmes du passé" say to the madness around depression, where did you get the inspiration for the texts and why you treat these issues?
Saddy is in charge of the lyrics. I had to write them for the first "demo" and I just brought a few ideas for the other songs. However, the titles of the album and of the demo are from me. His lyrics are deeply tortured and personal at the same time. I can't say anything more about it.
6) What bands have influenced the sound of Suicidal Madness?
It's hard to say which bands have influenced us since we all listen to loads of styles of metal. Of course there is an influence but personally, I try to avoid to listen to other bands when I'm composing. This is a way to prevent an influence from the outside.
7) In 2011 you endured the loss of your original battery Molasar who participated in your first demo, this was a blow for the band, at some point you considered ending Suicidal Madness or however continue with the band was the best posthumous homage to him You could make Malasar?
Molasar's death was a major shock for us. We did not stop the band, instead we've decided to create a "collectif" called "Molasar Dream's as a tribute to him. This "collectif" gathers every bands and projects from his friends. Naturally, Suicidal Madness is a part of it as PHTO, Sombre Croisade, Asphodeles, Loup Noir or Bukovla. This is our way to entertain his memory and his love for music. Since then, Malsain from Sombre Croisade is our new drum player.
8) As for concerts, one of your most significant events was the opening facts you did for Nocturnal Depression, what do you remember from this concert?
This was a good but a bit stressful experience. One has to know that we did our first rehearsal together only one week before the D-day. We only work together via computer since we all live far from each other. Nevertheless, nothing went wrong. It's a valuable memory for me.
9) How did you get started in music and why did you decide to become a musician?
Already when I was a teenager, i was dreaming to create my own band. Music has a major role in my life. I've simply followed my natural way. I love to play and listen to music and it's not about to stop.
10) Who designed the cover of "Les larmes du passé"? What references and how it relates to the content of the album?
As for the former releasing, Saddy was in charge of the cover. This picture of this ancient gravestone under the rain is a perfect match with the name of the album. (Les Larmes du passé// Tears from the past). One can picture that the tears of the soul are dropping for ever under this gravestone. You can find this concept in tracks like "Jour de Pluie" which refers to the cover.
11) This album has been released by the German label WINTERWOLF Records, How the possibility of working with them come about?
After being in touch with a few labels, Winterwolf records has shown some interest and wanted to produce us. But, to talk frankly we were really disappointed. The quality was far from being perfect, there was no hype or real releasing. This led us to our own releasing of the album but in a more professional way.
12) What future plans do you have for the band in terms of upcoming releases and concerts?
We're already working on a second album. Things go slowly but we already have composed 2 or 3 tracks. As soon as possible we would like to go on stage in order to present our new album to the audience.
13) Thank you very much for taking the time to Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for the followers of Suicidal Madness, this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.
Thank you and thanks Black Metal Spirit for this opportunity and interest you have in our band. We would like to thank every followers and supporters we have. You are making this true.
Hetroertzen - Ain Soph Aur 25,99 €
Standard deluxe edition, [2 LP] 12'' vinyl edition pressed on black, 180-gram vinyl. Double 350-gram gatefold, UV gloss varnish, inside flooded in black, with 24 page booklet glued on the inside. Comes in a plastic overbag.
Artwork and layout done by the band.
With special performances by Kark /Dødsengel and Edgar Kerval /Emme Ya.
Dealing with the Veil
Blood Royale
The Lifting of the Veil
Endless Light
Carrying the Forbidden Flame
Spirit Eater
Procession of the Silver Fire
Enter the Unknown
Of Tomb and Thirst
The Luminous One
The Rose and the Cross
Piercing the Veil
Released by Lamech Records & Terratvr Possessions.
Sinceramente creo que ninguna banda da black sinfónico jamás ha estado a la altura de poder ofrecer un álbum debut como este, incluso Limbonic Art deberían de considerar este álbum como la obra más inspirada de su trayectoria. "Moon in the Scorpio" tiene sus detractores, y son muchos, y motivos tampoco les falta, sobre todo si intentas comentar esta álbum como una obra de black metal, ya que prácticamente las guitarras ocupan un segundo plano en todas las composiciones, con una producción que acaba por enterrarlas entre capas de sintetizadores, y sobre todo por la música, alejada del todo que casi cualquier elemento metal para centrarse en las partes sinfónicas y épicas, incluso el hecho de contar con una bacteria programada le resta credibilidad entro los adeptos del género, sin embargo hoy en día es un hecho bastante corriente. Sin embargo "Moon in the Scorpio" hay que entenderlo y apreciarlo como un referente dentro del black sinfónico y una obra que pese a quien pese acabo por tener bastante importancia en el establecimiento y eclosión de la escena. Pero sin lugar a dudas dos elementos sobresalientes en este trabajo son las voces por una parte, muy bien trabajadas, en un segundo plano la mayoría de la veces y limitándose a gruñidos y gritos desgarrados que se intercalan con otras limpias y corales, tendiendo a un plano melancólico que se acrecienta en la ambientación, aspecto que seguramente todo el mundo coincidirá en es soberbio, místico, oscuro, frío y vacuo, trabajado una y mil veces a base de sintetizadores y teclados increíbles. (8,4).
1.Beneath the Burial Surface13:42
The sky is darkening, soon the night befall
Righteously angels are weeping for my soul
All childhood dreams are soon to be lost
All innocence to be shattered
I am the fallen, from grace
Water from a thousand tears floats in streams
The feeling from a thousand years flow over me
As I once again return to the cemetery gate
I hear the dismal call from the hollow grave
My face is a river
See my eyes as they drown in black
My sacred doom and nemesis
Beneath the burial surface
To the final act of the immortal sin
I am lead by funeral winds
The life I leave to exchange with death
As the charlatan breeds with a dragons breath
Crossing the path to the world below
In a deathlike silence I chamber my soul
Ancient black, silent gloom
Cathedral bells are calling doom
In velvet dreams I am touched by sin
As night arrives in its purple shades
I drift across the shallow graves
The soul is streaming in the wind
Dark is the blessing that I am in
As darkness falls and the cold silence reigns
The nocturnal void shall become my faith
I'll transcend unto where shadows dance
A gentle kiss and like a bird I'll fly
Into the spheres of demise
Desireously in dark romance
2.Moon in the Scorpio08:22
A mirror blank ocean above me decoy
Superior forces that heal or destroy
Take me astray into the moonlight above
Through twilight eyes as a specter shadow
It is a time of great light
And a great darkness
Can't you feel the present
Of its phenomenon
In an atmosphere supreme
Forces dwells in dormancy
The essence of its spirit is evil
As a curse upon thy name
Midnight is the shepherd of mysterious powers
And moving shadows in the corner of the eye
Moon's blazing intuition
Contains what death require
Cleanse the doors of perseption
See things appear in its true art
The cold hands of divinity
Will tear thy soul apart
Behold the sky above
when the moon is in the scorpio
A cold bleak light
3.Through Gleams of Death07:58
The truth is hidden
In the cold dark water
In the drowning of procedure
The flesh gets slaughtered
Stripped from mortality
Into gleams of death
Torn from reality
Into terminal death
Death is eternal art
For whom that coldness reigns in heart
Stars of damnation
Blaze in my sight
I view the constellation
Beyond the dazzling light
From the dark aspects of life
And through gleams of death I'll rise
drift in departure
Into a new dimension
The black voyage
Into mega therion
The unseen passage
Into oblivion
Unconscious secrets
Consealed by time and space
No return or regrets
Descent through shallow haze
4.Overture: Nocturne01:19
A grim darkened spirit / In a world of woe / Imprisoned evil beauty / From the cold depths below
5.In Mourning Mystique14:41
[Overture: Nocturne]
I seek the silence that you bring
Grant me thy sacred gifts
Bestow my soul thy offerings
I kneel in front of thy altar black
Let the ancient forces of nature rule
Take my blood as the sacrifice
A symbolic faithful bond of truth
When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you
Tonight I enter into obscure dreams
In darkness shelter, I am unseen
With the esoteric gifts I possess
I bring damnation by enforcing death
In the beginning of the storm
Till come forth
An arrival into a twilight reverb
As just a shadow of the former self
Sorrow is my name
My true essence is pain
Hear the mourning of the mendacious
From the empty halls and shafts
Of false blinding light
Prepare the last sacrifice (on the altar)
In the temple of decay
Please spare me from the final agony of shame
I am evil from the moment of conception
6.Beyond the Candles Burning07:08
I am a dark star rising on the raveous bleaky sky
A black diamond slunning so deep within the night
Maliciously I dwell in a bluish shaded beam
With a stonecold heart into the core of my being
Beyond the candles burning, beyond all minds eye
A vast emperic enigma awaits me as I die
In a graceful dance obscene, in a ring of fire
I obtain my majesty as flames caressing higher
Release my spirit, unleash my soul
From the darkest dungeon, oblivion call
In the phallic halls of ancient forlorn
A cold sanctuary in doom is born
Past, present and future are all the same
While the cosmic wheel is turning
But deaden dwells the eternal flame
Beyond the candles burning
7.Darkzone Martyrium06:21
Dominus Spiritus Sathanas, Dominus Virtus
Dominus Spiritus Virtus Sathanas
Cruel are the eyes of the tyrant
And his heart is abounded to pain
In pleasures of agony and torture
As he begs to bleed in vain
I perish in my own desireI burn within lusting hate
Destructively the minds inspire
The soul to terminate
I ride the ancient overture
As life is torn astrayI glance the illusive spectrum
And all high that fades away
Black energies in the twilight space
Comes shieving through the shallow haze
Into darkness so impure divine
A bloodshed emotion to evil wine
Darkzone martyrium, endless vast mystrium
Give to me the blessing, when I meet my destiny
Ruin is all there is to feel, and the cold reality of steel
Último álbum de los italianos que contó con la participación de Cadaveria a las voces, es reseñable este aspecto por que el apartado vocal fue siempre una seña de identidad de la banda. Musicalmente hablando estamos ante otro álbum variado que en su plano sinfónico si que podríamos incluir dentro del black sinfónico, pero con suficientes elementos para también acercarse al metal extremo y al gótico. Un aspecto muy logrado en todos los álbumes de los italianos es la ambientación, mágica y ritualista que en este álbum esta menos cargada debido al buen hacer a las seis cuerdas en cierta partes que permite que su música transite por derroteros más metal. También se ha rebajado la presencia del doom, más presente en el pasado y que ha quedado en este álbum como un mero vestigio de obras anteriores. Cadaveria sigue ofreciendo todo su repertorio a las voces, rasgadas, agresivas melódicas y casi limpias, una baja sensible en la formación a partir de su marcha. En definitiva más de cincuenta minutos de black épico y sinfónico, no del todo cargado pero en la línea más previsible deentro género. (7,9).
3.Act III: Carnal Delight in the Vortex of Evil06:13
The way leading to him is
unknown and steep
And the bodies rests of those
who didn't deserve him make it slippery
But it is at the borders of my
soul, so I know the secrets to
walk along it staying unhurt
The threshold of his abode is
barred by a tangle of infected thorns
But my soul keeps its key
His throne is shielded by 12 servants' stare
But he has called me, I felt him calling me
And he has given me the power to bewitch them
His rooms are icy
But he warms my naked body with
his breath
The throb and the blood flow suspend
In the presence of him
His eyes, diabolical larvas his pupils, scan me
His glance captures me and penetrates my breast
Goblet of delicious vermilion wine
I give myself up to his grim embrace
Throb of death
He is the storm
He is the breeze
He is the aurora
He is the twilight
He is the everlasting mind in
the timeless abyss
He injures and sates my lips
He lessens my hunger
He appeases my thirst
He is fire burning my flesh
He is icy snow settling in my womb
Rod of viscid serpents
Death and blood excite him
And my blood is the balm for his
ecstasy and his voracious delight
Putrid carrion with burnt seales
Obscure seducer with smooth
scented skin of infant
Now I know you
But he has always known me
4.Act IV: Congressus Cum Daemone10:24
The sacred fire burns in the
stone circle
In the centre of the all I'm
waiting for the guardian
Powerful thunders rumble in the air
And lightnings herald the storm
Darkness turns into light and
light grows into darkness
While the salamanders are
continuing to dance in the heart of fire
The moon stops growing
She stretches the fronds shades
as spectral witnesses
And Eurus, the east wind, gives them life
6 are the towers, 4 are the
revealed seals
And now I am waiting for the
next one
Thunder is rumbling again
Like the dragon's awakening from
the deep abyss
I honour the dark simulacrum of
the depth's gates
That is silently waiting for the
event's completion
I desert the realm of chaos and
I liberate over the infernal rivers
I follow the way of the red snake
Ancestral flight
...into the depth
I will celebrate the umpteenth passage ritual
A new baptism in a space without time
Tisipnon, fury of the occult
power, is waiting for me
To deliver me the black book of
the supreme knowledge
I cross the hidden paths of
Shaytan to violate the ayernus gates
That raise from the deep abyss
up to the horrid vault
3 are the bronze doors and 3 of
iron and 3 of diamonds
They are wrapped up by an
eternal fire
That makes all red-hot but
nothing destroys
At the sides of the awful
passage 2 guardians are waiting for me
[First guardian:]
"Be aware of your virtue, oh
animal, and the abyss
With its spectres will be overcome
Rejoyce as a new spirit and the
barking of the
Infernal beasts will become
silvery chant
Beyond these portals you can
join the perfect lightof the
space without time"
"I am Angelikos Phosphoros,
Lucifer, Morning Star"
[Second guardian:]
"Welcome spiritual warrior who,
conscious and daring, utters the
secret name
Before the black diamond gates
Welcome ensign of light
This pathway knows the steps,
dreads and triumphs of your
Welcome insane hero, the only
one who has descended the stairs
of damnation
You, blazing sun, dare-devil who
faces the hades to win yourself"
"I greet and thank you, obscure
guardians, who allow my passage
Without rending my flesh. I,
brave rambling being, go and
reveal the fifth seal"
5.Act V: The Magic Temple04:16
Io metto il mio sangue nelle
mani di Shaytan
La forza che sta nell'essenza
degli dei
Che crearono il cielo e la terra
Benedicete onnipotenti questo
Affinche sia puro e possa
Innalzatevi o potenti fiumi e
purificate questo mio tempio
Scorra lento il sangue per
nutrire il cuore del cerchio
E ora giura!