miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015


Nueva banda de metal extremo que viene a engrosar el panorama nacional en el apartado black death metal. Su música se decanta por la contundencia y brutalidad del death de mano una potente batería y un apartado vocal rayando el brutal, mientras en algunos riffs de guitarra no están exentos de cierta melodía, desprendiendo todo el conjunto una atmósfera de oscuridad y terror. Vienen de editar su primera demo "Temps de penúria", seis temas de violento y contundente black death de escucha recomendable para todo seguidor del género, disponible en su página de bandcamp

Precambrian - Proarkhe 6.99 €

New band formed by 3 Drudkh members: R.-vocals/ guitars, K.- bass, V.- drums


martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015


Altarage son una formación recién llegada al panorama nacional. El pasado mes de Marzo editaron en formato digital su primera demo "MMVI", trabajo que ha vuelto a ser reeditado recientemente en vinilo por Iron Bonehead y en formato tape por Sentient Ruin Laboratories, lo cual nos puede dar una idea de lo particular e interesante de su propuesta musical. A la hora de definir su música resulta del todo complicado, tenemos clara una presencia del death en su música a lo cual se incorpora de manera acertada un plano vanguardista de orientación black metal, dejando todo ello un poso a sludge, cabe decir que resulta del todo recomendable sumergirse en la densidad y complejidad de su sonido. Los bilbainos tienen a disposición de los fans su página de bandcamp para poder tomar un primer contacto con su música, así como página de facebook con más info del grupo. 

VÖEDTÆMHTËHACTÅTT / NEKROKRIST SS - I Am The Chaos, The Abyss And The Gloom - 12" LP

Side A:


1. Christ Promised Never To Return
2. I Came To Call Sinners, But Not The Righteous
3. And He Said - Satan!
4. The Divine Blighter

Side B:


5. Viimeinen Rukous
6. Tuomiolla
7. Tappajan Laulu

LP limited to 333 copies


lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015


Los orígenes de la banda albaceteña hay que buscarlos en 2013 cuando sus cinco integrantes decidieron comenzar Insaniam. La propuesta musical de la banda se puede encuadrar entre un black metal y un death melódico con aportes de thrash, que acaba por acercar su sonido a un metal extremo bastante contundente. Su música está influenciada por la herejía, el sadismo y los desordenes mentales, con lo cual podemos hacernos una idea de atmósfera enfermiza que trasmite su música. Vienen de ofrecer varios conciertos a lo largo de los últimos meses, el próximo previsto para Noviembre en Cidudad Real, para más info podeis consultar su facebook. Al mismo tiempo también acaban de presentar su álbum debut disponible en su página de bandcamp bajo el título de  "Neurotic Mental Storm". Instagram, Twitter y Youtube son otras vías de contacto e información de la banda.

Die Hard version: Picture LP, UV gloss coated gatefold jacket, A2 poster.
(Description by J. Campbell)
Few debut albums conjure the sort of rabid anticipation that has developed around Martire’s “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse.” Until now, this album seemed to be one of those legendary recordings that would remain forever buried. Although recorded years ago, this album sounds every bit as unique as fans of Martire would expect. Indeed, listening to this record now it sounds as if, by delaying this release for so many years, Martire were simply giving the rest of the scene a chance to catch up. And, yet, “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse” demonstrates that Martire are still far ahead of their peers. This is a disorienting album in the best way possible. Martire routinely employ unconventional time signatures and constantly engage in dizzying start/stop exercises. For many, primitive bestiality and technical virtuosity represent the opposite ends of a spectrum. Martire, however, reconcile these two extremes to tremendous effect. Martire’s exhibition of technical prowess should not surprise anyone who is familiar with the other bands with which the members of Martire are involved. (These include Tzun Tzu, Cauldron Black Ram, StarGazer, and Mournful Congregation to name but a few.) Martire adeptly apply this technical skill in the service of soul crushing savagery. The bestial veneer that adorns much of Australia’s output is thickly applied to this recording without obscuring any of the music’s complexity. Conversely, unlike so many “technical” bands, the fervor of Martire’s attack is never diluted by pointless showmanship. The elements of Martire’s sound work in tandem. The production may be the key to Martire’s music and to the degree that the delay in the release of this record was due to the band’s efforts to ensure perfect production, it seems that their efforts have paid off. All of the instruments are sufficiently separated in the mix so that nothing is obscured. The guitars are wisely left just below the surface of the percussive rumble of the drums and the vocals are loud enough to augment the ferocity of the music. Considering the strength of Martire’s catalog, it must have been daunting for the band to take up the task of recording a full-length album that could live up to the promise of their earlier releases, but “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse” meets and surpasses any and all expectations that one could have developed in the many years since Martire’s last emanation.


domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015


Origen: E.E.U.U., Raleigh
Formados: 2012
Estilo: Black, sludge
Temática: Ocultismo
Enlaces: Bandcamp y facebook
  • Matt Couchon Bajo
  • Nathan Stokes Guitarra y voces
  • Patrick Cotter Batería

  • Demo Demo 2013
  • Obolus for Charon CD 2014  
  • Noctomb CD 2023
Álbum debut para la formación estadounidense, un álbum intenso y muy visceral que tiene en el doom y el sludge su punto de apoyo para facturar un trabajo de metal extremo que al mismo tiempo no se olvida del black en cada nota. La mayoría de los temas tienen un fuerte componente doom metal, los temas se precipitan hacia terrenos lentos, pesados y densos, refugiándose también en el sludge como influencia destacada. Un álbum con unos riffs de guitarra frenéticos y violentos que destacan en la gravedad de las composiciones. Unas voces, casi que viscerales que aportan sobre todo contundencia y agresividad a las composiciones. Sin olvidarnos de ciertas melodías de guitarra en segundo plano que van colonizando los temas de manera sutil para acabar por aportar un tinte casi que melancólico. "Obolus for Charon" es un álbum sobre todo intenso, que sabe combinar elementos del black, el doom y el sludge de manera casi que perfecta para ofrecer un sonido variado que acaba por convencer a todo seguidor de metal extremo. (8).

1. Bokor 04:20  
2. Kraken 03:16  
3. Spectral Figures 02:39  
4. Obolus for Charon 06:44  
5. Illusions 03:33  
6. Soulrot 06:51  
7. Beethoven's Butcher 07:24  

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015


Origen: Alemania, Cottbus
Formados: 2008
Estilo: Black, death
Temática: Caos, muerte, posesión y satanismo.
Enlaces: Arroganzfacebook y youtube
  • -K- Bajo y voces
  • -P- Guitarra
  • -T- Batería

  • Burning Souls Demo 2010  
  • Dark and Deathless CD 2011  
  • kaos.kult.kreation CD 2013
  • Tod & Teufel CD 2014  
  • Sermon of Ungodly Dreams Split 2015
  • Primitiv CD 2017
  • Erzketzer EP 2018
  • Morsus CD 2020
  • Lusatian Grimness Single 2021  
  • Spiritual Outlaws EP 2024
  • The Origin of Fire Single 2024  
  • Quintessenz CD 2024

TOD & TEUFEL (2014)
Tercer larga duración para la formación germana Arroganz que se antoja como un imprescindible en el sonido extremo actual y sitúa a su bajista y cantante "K" como un referente dentro de la escena. A lo largo de su trayectoria la banda viene entregando un black death de bella factura, pero en este "Tod & Teufel" lo han clavado. Por mucho que podamos llegar a pensar que en una propuesta musical somo la suya como poco atractiva y repleta de guiños a sonidos modernos y comerciales, Arroganz se olvidan de todo esto y buscan sus raíces y su inspiración en el sonido más clásio del death, con un aporte muy bueno en toda regla de black clásico. El resutlado final es un álbum de referencia, un álbum de una contundencia inusitada, en donde el bajo y las voces de "K" llevan el peso en todas las composiciones, con un aporte extra a su música de doom, y a lo poco que la batería logra estar a la altura el resultado es brutal. No son unos recién llegados, pero con álbumes como este se labran un hueco en la escena sin dudarlo. (8,5).

1. i.d.t.n. 02:35  
2. One Death 06:05  
3. Arisen From Failure Perished As King 05:59  
4. Tod & Teufel 03:40  
5. Demons Heart 04:43  
6. Intoxicate 04:21  
7. All Light Is A Lie 06:54  
8. Black Aura 05:59  
9. Guilty 05:18  
10. Alles 04:44  

TR009VL Thou Shell Of Death - Cave Hill (White Vinyl)
Cave Hill, the upcoming EP of the estonians Thou Shell Of Death.

The EP will be out on vinyl in gatefold.

Limited to 400 white vinyls.

Side A:
01. Mysteries

Side B:
02. The Spirit Of The Forest Spring


miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015


Origen: E.E.U.U., Richmond
Formados: 2009
Estilo: Black, death progresivo
Enlaces: Bandcamp y facebook
  • Greg Bates Guitarra
  • Jay Lindsey Bajo y teclados
  • Kelsey Miller Guitarra y violín
  • Michael Edwards Voces
  • Patrick DeRoche Batería

  • HorribilisCD 2011  
  • Americanus CD 2013  
  • Americanus CD 2015  
  • Biophobia EP 2016
Estamos ante la reedición del álbum editado originalmente en 2013 y cuya principal diferencia es que el primer tema se ha dividido en dos partes, eso si, también podemos encontrar un sonido mucho mejor que permite degustar un álbum como este como se merece. Y digo esto por que la riqueza musical está fuera de toda duda, Bearstorm entregan un black metal con tintes de progresivo a groso modo pero es que uno puede apreciar en su música elementos del sludge, del post rock, del jazz y un gusto por las afinaciones graves y pausadas que los acercan al doom. Creo que combos como Mastodon o Inter Arma han jugado un papel fundamental en la dirección musical de la banda y es que cada tema recogido en este "Americanus" es una joya en si mismo, repleto de abundantes cambios de registro y con una instrumentación muy rica, la mayoría de las veces muy vinculada al metal más clásico que creo es donde la banda encuentra su razón de ser. Una reedición que hace justicia a una banda que ha dejado las expectativas en todo lo alto hacia futuros lanzamientos. (8,6).

1. Glacial Relic I 06:24  
2. Riparian Forest 04:58  
3. De Soto 06:21  
4. Little Portals to the Greater Sadness 03:58  
5. Why We Can't Have Nice Things 05:44  
6. Glacial Relic II 08:52  

"Alive Under Satan" marks the newest chapter in the 19 year history of HERETIC. The band recorded a brandnew skull-crusher called "Berserker" and re-recorded seven legendary tracks from their 2009 album "Gods Over Humans, Slaves Under Satan", which has been sold out for years.

- 12" MLP, one sided
- first edition comes in 180g black vinyl limited to 300 copies.
- heavy printed innersleeves with lyrics
- large 60*60cm black & white poster

- Berserker
- Mr.Chainsaw
- Demonic Slaughter
- Forever Possessed
- Gods 'n' Slaves
- Give Me Darkness
- Seven Hails
- The Devil, My Saviour


lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015


Nuevo proyecto afincado en tierras españolas de la mano de dos músicos que entregan un black metal totalmente underground, muy influenciado por bandas como Darkthrone. Su carta de presentación viene en formato demo, disponible en su bandcamp, aunque en breve será editada en formato tape por el sello canadiense Vonfrostrecords. Black metal oscuro y frío con regusto a muerte y cierto aire ritualista.

THAW -"Earth Ground" 12" GATEFOLD LP
year: 2014
country: POLAND 

Vinyl version of the new excellent THAW album !!!
12" black 140gr. vinyl,gatefold jacket.
THAW returns with new masterpiece – “Earth Ground”,
8 new songs of avantgarde black metal mixed with sonic experiments
and classic sludge/doom metal form.




sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015


Origen: Holanda, Arnhem
Formados: 2002-2009
Estilo: Atmosferic, black, folk
Temática: Batallas antiguas, fantasía e historia
Enlaces: Myspace
  • Bouke "Buke" Braun Bajo
  • Jarno Olinga Batería
  • Kevin Olinga Guitarra
  • Nathalia Hoogkamer Teclados
  • Otto van Beusekom  Guitarra y voces
  • Promo 2003 Demo 2003
  • Arnhem Trolleymetaal Split 2003  
  • For Death and Glory CD 2005
  • Unleash the Fire CD 2008

Los orígenes del grupo hay que buscarlos en 1998 en la banda Cerberus, pero es a partir de 2002 cuando oficialmente nace Thronar, una banda que podemos encuadrar, como a ellos mismos anuncian como Battle metal. El sonido es del todo épico y recoge de la mejor manera posible el fragor de la batalla. Su música tiene un componente contundente y brutal de la mano de la batería y las voces agresivas, casi guturales, rozando el death melódico. A esta parte más agresiva se enfrenta otra mucho más atmosférica de la mano de unos teclados cargados de épica, unos buenos riffs de guitarra en donde predomina la melodía y una aire folk que impregna todo el álbum. Bandas como Amon Amartth se antojan como clara influencia en su música, si bien Thronar se encauzan más hacia la melodía y un punto por debajo en cuanto a agresividad. En su propuesta se recrea un ambiente de batallas épicas e históricas y resulta imposible abstraerse de esta sensación a lo largo de todo el álbum, incluso este ambiente está presente en los dos temas instrumentales. (8,1).

1. To Kill and Be King 06:34
 We live, we grow stronger and then we fight

Kill, for a new life, kill and be king
Kill, a second chance, kill and be king

The dream, so far away, all that is left is hate

Kill, they can feel the rope, kill and be king
Kill, there is no other way, kill and be king

This is what we are trained for
This is our new life
We have escaped the scaffold
We now serve the skull

And we will fight, where others fall
In every war, Thronar prevails
Our enemies, face to the ground
Their heads will roll, their blood will flow

We live, we grow stronger and then we fight

Kill, for a new life, kill and be king
Kill, there is no other way, kill and be king

This is what we are trained for
This is our new life
We have escaped the scaffold
We now serve the skull

Even the legions of the dark lord fear when they face us in battle

And we will fight, where others fall
In every war, Thronar prevails
Our enemies, face to the ground
Their heads will roll, their blood will flow

This is what we are, this is what we do
And this is what we are made for
This is what we have become
2. Gift from the Gods 06:07  
Running over landscapes of ice and snow
Hiding the sword that carries the prophecy
My mind is full of grief and despair
I am maybe the only one left to destroy 
To destroy them all

I took the sword from my dying father's hand
His last words: "Run my son, the prophecy will prevail"

The warrior approached the forest of ice
And so the prophecy began
For it is written that a warrior will find
The way to avenge his family and brothers
And brothers in battle

I took the sword from my dying father's hand
His last words: "Run my son, the prophecy will prevail"

Deep in the forest of ice lies a valley
In the centre lies a crystal temple
The warrior knew this was a gateway to the gods
And so he entered the crystal temple

Creator of solid steel
Bless the coming battle
I promise you a great war
I will fight without fear

Creator of solid steel
Bless the coming battle
I promise you a great war
I will fight without fear
Without fear

The warrior's prayers were answered
At the foot of the crystal temple hundreds of warriors gathered
All drawn here by the prophecy of a great warrior who would lead them into a victory of vengeance
Brothers in arms, I promised the gods a great war
They follow us with great expectations and are anxious for the coming battle

We will not rest until Gorodar's head
Is nailed to our wall of battle trophies
Every enemy will regret, will regret their sins
Their death will not be without pain, without pain

The warrior approached the forest of ice
And so the prophecy began
For it is written that a warrior will find
The way to avenge his family and brothers
And brothers in battle

I took the sword from my dying father's hand
His last words: "Run my son, the prophecy will prevail"
3. The Hunt for Vengeance 05:08
Like shadows they moved, he had broken his oath
His new name: "He Who Knows No Fear"
Now a warrior of Shara Kondor
Crimnor Valora was no more

You will wear the colour of the night to honour your forefathers
You are Shara Kondor, strong and brave
I will wear the colour of the night to honour my forefathers
I am Shara Kondor, strong and brave

Like shadows they moved, he had broken his oath
His new name: "He Who Knows No Fear"
Now a warrior of Shara Kondor
Crimnor Valora was no more

Born for battle, I will die in battle
Born for battle, I will die in battle

After my death a cheering crowd will welcome me in the halls of the creator of steel
They will raise their pints and bless me for my glorious battles

Born for battle, I will die in battle
Born for battle, I will die in battle

Lord of steel, may this last battle be one to remember
I will die laughing and without fear

Under another name, under another god
They hunted and destroyed Gorodar
Outnumbered by far they attacked in the night
A battle won by pure strength

This will be my last battle
Before I enter the halls of heroes
Where a cheering crowd will welcome me 
And praise my glorious death

Enter the halls of heroes
Praise my glorious death

Born for battle, I will die in battle
Born for battle, I will die in battle

After my death a cheering crowd will welcome me in the halls of the creator of steel
They will raise their pints and bless me for my glorious battles

Born for battle, I will die for battle
Born for battle, I will die for battle

Lord of steel, may this last battle be one to remember
I will die laughing and without fear
4. Crimnor Valora 04:20
If I die in the battle to come
My death will be worth a great song
The crowds will shout my name
Commander of the flames
A force of pure rage
The crowds will shout my name

It doesn't matter how I die, I die for my king
I do not care how I die, I die for the crowds
It doesn't matter how I die, I die for my king
I do not care how I die, I die for the crowds

I am the symbol from the power of my kingdom
My fame reaches many lands
I am Crimnor the warrior
I am the nearest thing to death you will find
My battles are legends to come
I am Crimnor the gladiator

It doesn't matter how I die, I die for my king
I do not care how I die, I die for the crowds
It doesn't matter how I die, I die for my king
I do not care how I die, I die for the crowds

Face me, behold the eyes of death
You are nothing, nothing but another victory
Hail to Crimnor
He spares no man
Face him, behold the eyes of death
You are nothing, nothing but another victory
His flaming sword will light the sky
His battle-axe is the last thing you will see

I am the symbol from the power of my kingdom
My fame reaches many lands
I am Crimnor the warrior
I am the nearest thing to death you will find
My battles are legends to come
I am Crimnor the gladiator

It doesn't matter how I die, I die for my king
I do not care how I die, I die for the crowds
It doesn't matter how I die, I die for my king
I do not care how I die, I die for the crowds
5. Dainar's Last Rites 01:16  instrumental
6. For Death & Glory 07:25
 Hail to ones who ride by our side
Death to the ones who still deny
Now that the lands are free at last
We hunt down those who praise the past
We hunt down those who praise the past

Our banners showing the fearful skull unchanged in time
From Skullmount we ride
The beginning of an invasion, the time to strike is now
Shara Kondor, Palantia, and Lore now united
Together they strike back
The beginning of an invasion, the time to strike is now

For death, for death and glory
For death, for death and glory

We believe in the power of steel
Times will change, we'll break the seal
Together we ride deep in the night
Armed with steel for one last fight
Armed with steel for one last fight

Through the wasted lands of Kahadran, we arrived at last
Fharadahr will fall tonight, storm the black walls
Through the shattered gates we ride
Leaving ruins behind, never to rebuild
Fharadahr will fall tonight, storm the black walls

We come over land and sail over sea
The time to strike is now
Three hundred and fifty ships, ten thousand men strong
The time to strike is now

At the horizon thousands of banners rise
Thronar's skull, the white wolf of Lore and the painted faces of Shara Kondor
A view of tremendous fear

Hail to ones who ride by our side
Death to the ones who still deny
Now that the lands are free at last
We hunt down those who praise the past
We hunt down those who praise the past

Our banners showing the fearful skull unchanged in time
From Skullmount we come
The beginning of an invasion, the time to strike is now
Shara Kondor, Palantia, and Lore now united
Together they strike back
The beginning of an invasion, the time to strike is now

For death, for death and glory
For death, for death and glory
7. Screams of Thunder 05:22
Serving king nor queen
Living under no law except our own
Fighting to revenge our clans
Serving the one who grants us the secret of steel

The sound of clashing hammers filled the morning red sky
Blacksmiths working day and night

If we die it battle it's the will of the gods
Our hearts filled with nothing but pride
Led by the one bonded to the blade
We feel our ancestors looking down from the stars
Screams of thunder after every slain foe
Cursed are the ones who ignore our legions

Serving king nor queen
Living under no law except our own
Fighting to revenge our clans
Serving the one who grants us the secret of steel

In his dreams a spirit visits the One (bonded to the blade)
A blood red scar reveals his cause of death

"Follow the morning sun for three days, chosen one
For there you will find the inhabitants of Lore
These great archers can help you reach your goal
They share your quest for revenge"

The next morning we set foot to the pathless woods
The spirit's words still fresh in our minds

"Follow the morning sun for three days, chosen one
For there you will find the inhabitants of Lore
These great archers can help you reach your goal
They share your quest for revenge"

Guided by wolves we resumed our journey 
We resumed our journey to the pathless woods
There a blood oath was taken
A blood oath was taken
Two became one
Two became one
A blood oath was taken
Two became one

Guided by wolves we resumed our journey 
We resumed our journey to the pathless woods
There a blood oath was taken
A blood oath was taken
Two became one
Two became one
A blood oath was taken
Two became one

We drink before the battle
We drink to forget
We drink to the fallen heroes, who fought here at our side
Burning water, take our fears away
One last feast before we enter the battlefield

Serving king nor queen
Living under no law except our own
8. Where Sword, Axe and Bow Strike Together 07:01
 Thronar, never taken by a mortal soul
Now, revelation of prophecy is coming
Ancient omens are revealing
Light is diminishing and danger is coming
The danger manifests itself as a powerful army
An army fighting under the hand of Sandrier,
The first lieutenant of Gorodar
The traitor raised in the flaming towers

United under the banner of Thronar
A union for freedom and revenge
Three mighty weapons forged for battle
A union for the freedom of lands

United under the banner of Thronar
A union for freedom and revenge
Three mighty weapons forged for battle
A union for the freedom of lands

Strong magic has wiped all light gone
Madness burns itself into the heads of brave men
But three nations shall remain courageous
Their purpose is to impale Sandrier

Thronar, close to be taken
Fighting 'til the last man

A fight becoming a legend
Subject of songs never fading in time
Bravery and bloodshed go hand in hand
When the sword, axe and bow are killing

Where sword, axe and bow strike together
The glorious battles of the united lands
Where sword, axe and bow strike together
The glorious battles of the united lands

Where sword, axe and bow strike together
The glorious battles of the united lands
Where sword, axe and bow strike together
The glorious battles of the united lands

Thronar, close to be taken
Fighting 'til the last man

On the war-stricken lands, the sight of beheaded corpses and the smell of rotting flesh 
Show the immense bloodshed that has ravaged over Palantia
In the middle Thronar stands, victorious and strong as ever
This victory shall become the subject of tale and song
This mighty army we honour
Wielding the weapons of true craftmanship
The sword, axe and bow

Where sword, axe and bow strike together
The glorious battles of the united lands
Where sword, axe and bow strike together
The glorious battles of the united lands

Where sword, axe and bow strike together
The glorious battles of the united lands
Where sword, axe and bow strike together
The glorious battles of the united lands

And so it ended, the siege of Thronar
The end of a battle, the dawn of a new age
The alliance of the three armies
The greatest force ever witnessed by men
The One, Famien, and Aradas will never be forgotten
9. The Butcher's Bill 01:26  instrumental