domingo, 30 de junio de 2013


Origen: Alemania, Hamburgo
Formados: 2011
Estilo: Black
Temática: Blasfemia, ocultismo, satanismo
Enlaces: Facebooklastfm
  • Exesor  Batería
  • Ghul Guitarra
  • Reineke Bajo
  • Revenant Voces
  • Ulfang Guitarra
  • The Acheronian Worship CD 2013
  • Sarkrista / Sielunvihollinen Split 2014  
  • Those Who Preach Perdition Split 2014   
  • The Evil Incarnate EP 2015
  • Fury of the Doomsday Apostles Split 2015
  • Summoners of the Serpents Wrath CD 2017
  • Under Sentence of Death EP 2018
  • Trinity of Luciferian Illumination Split 2018
  • Sworn to Profound Heresy CD 2021
  • Opus Blasphematum Split 2021
Impresionante debut el se marcan estos alemanes. Un álbum con un sonido clásico que abarca todo lo bueno del black a lo largo de su historia. Desde los riffs de guitarra, pasando por la aplastante batería hasta llegar a un aspecto sobresaliente como el de la voz, increíble el trabajo de Revenant que nos ofrece todos los registros del crudo black metal. Farbauti también hace un soberbio trabajo a la guitarra arrancando crudeza y melodía a partees iguales al instrumento, con unos riffs muy inspirados a lo largo de todo el trabajo, destaca también la velocidad de los mismos, ya que en el álbum hay pocas concesiones a los medios tiempos, saliendo airoso de todas las acometidas. Y por último el trabajo a los parches cumple sobradamente, con un estilo muy cálido y falto de artificios, se acopla perfectamente con los elementos que conforman la música de Sarkrista dotándola de calidad y fluidez. El resultado final es un gran disco de black deudor de lo mejor del género. (9,5).

1. Introduction 01:30  
2. Grim Satanic Vengeance 03:06  
3. Funerals and Flaring Torches 06:56
4. Ruthless Winter 04:03  
5. Messenger of Harm 05:48  
6. Realm of Eternal Coldness 05:26   
7. Wrath Incarnation 05:51   
8. Black Clouds of Revelation 05:50  

sábado, 29 de junio de 2013


Origen: E.E.U.U, Nueva York
Formados: 2007
Estilo: Black, thrash.
Temática: Antigios ritos turcos y chamanismo
Enlaces: Facebookbandcamp y Gokbori

  • Emre Balık Guitarras, bajo, voces
  • Jesse Haff Batería
  • Koray Önder Bajo y voces

  • Balbal CD 2013
  • Erlik CD 2017
BALBAL (2013
Primer trabajo de esta banda estadounidense, aunque creo que de origen turco, con un sonido difícil de encasillar bajo un género en concreto ya que en el podemos encontrar mucho elementos del thrash clásico, seguramente esta sea su mayor influencia, aunque también elementos del black, doom o punk. Su sonido está también rodeado de un cierto aire reto, sobre todo en cuanto a riffs de guitarras y a voces, estas últimas se mueven entre los tonos agresivos y por momentos también en los registros más limpio siendo estos últimos quizás la parte menos inspirada de este Balbal. La batería también le imprime un aire muy reto, pero sobre todo punk a las composiciones. Este es un disco que gustará  todo aquel amante del black'n'roll, con aire reto, en donde podrá encontrar diferentes géneros musicales mezclados de manera más o menos acertada. (7,8).

1. Sarp Geçitler İçinde/Balbal 03:44  
 Gözlerim kapalı
Düşünürüm ara ara o çıkışı
Denizdeki kum taneleri kadar sayısızlardı

Ergenekon oldu yine
Çıkar mı bir Börteçine?
Ortalık karardı, gün oldu gece
Sarp geçitler içinde

Gözlerim kapalı
Düşünürüm sık sık o çıkışı
Gökteki yıldızlar kadar kalabalıklardı

Ergenekon oldu yine
Çıkar mı bir Börteçine?
Ortalık karardı, gün oldu gece
Sarp geçitler içinde

İşte erek
Kingirlikler de bilenecek
Demir kazık çevresi, doldu taştı atlarla
İşte şimdi ölünce, balballar dikilir onuruna
Çift başlı kartalın altında...
2. Ulu Dağlar, Atalar 03:55
  Vardığında uçmağa
Uyanırsan ucu bulutlara değen dağlarda
Bilesin ki yanındasın Ülgen'in
Yer-su'yun, Erlik'in

Ulu dağlar, Atalar
İkisi bir, biri öteki
Severek canlarını verenler
Ancak böyle dirilirler

Oralar soğuk ve karlıdır
Aynı zamanda rüzgarlıdır
Üşümez yine de ruhlar
Isıtır içi Atalarla içilen kımızlar

Ağarıp duran Akdağ
Karadağ'dan su içen ey Ruh!
Gök dağlar,
Duy sesimi!

Ulu dağlar, Atalar
İkisi bir, biri öteki
Severek canlarını verenler
Ancak böyle dirilirler
3. Geceler Gebedir 04:32
Hey sen! Karanlık nedir, bilir misin? O olmadan aydınlık olmaz Bilmez misin? Geceler gebedir, unutma bunu Gün olur, devran döner Bu yangın da söner Geceler gebedir, vardır bunun bir sonu Gün doğmadan neler doğar Yaban otlar da solar Gecmiş, şimdi Gelecek de birgün gelecek(ti) Geldi yine yanlız bir güz Kanlı olur düğünümüz Geceler gebedir, unutma bunu Gün olur, devran döner Bu yangın da söner Geceler gebedir, vardır bunun bir sonu Gün doğmadan neler doğar Yaban otlar da solar Üstümüze doğacak yine bir güneş Gelecek bin yıl bizimdir Gözü üstümüzdedir Göktanrı'nın İçerinde yoktur onların bir ışık Karakamlara sor, çürüktür bir yarıları Erlik'in kadehi olacaktır kafatasları  
4. Çeliğe Bürünmüşler 04:18
Gök demir boş durmaz
Dokunduğu herşeyi yaralar
Kök temür kerü turmas
Kıtay Baksı Toyon
Sekiz Tanrı'dan soyun
Bulandı kızıla
Örs. çekiç. kerpeten
Kut ver demirciye, sönmesin ocaklar
Kut ver demirciye, erisin demir kapılar

Çeliğe bürünmüşler
Düştüğünde gökten yıldız
Altay kaldı öksüz
Yer-su'ya tapınmışlar
Göçtüğünde teker teker
Eskiler böyle der

Dağ gibi kemikler yığılmış
İşin sırrı gök demirmiş
İster bak doğu'ya
Kuzeye de, batıya da

Çeliğe bürünmüşler
Düştüğünde gökten yıldız
Altay kaldı öksüz
Yer-su'ya tapınmışlar
Göçtüğünde teker teker
Eskiler böyle der

Atalardan kaldı bize
İşte bir bu, bir de bu söz:
Ağacı uzun kes, demiri de kısa kes!
5. Kırk Bir 05:20   
Tutsak ettik sizi
Dize getireceğiz bir bir
Boyun eğmekten başka yok bir çıkar yol
Unutun o töreleri
Unutun tüm bildikleri
Göktanrınız bile kurtaramaz hiçbirinizi

Düşümdeydi dün gece
Atalardan biri, hakan kişi
Çelik bakışları anlatıyordu herşeyi
Düz saçlarının ardında kalmış yüzünde
Devrim zamanının geldiği okunuyordu

Kırk bir kişiyiz
Bir orduya dengiz
En sonuncumuz düşene dek
Dikilecek kurt başlı sancak yine
Biz göremeyecek olsak bile
6. Tepegöz 03:42
  Anası peri
Kütleden çıkma kendisi
Ok batmıyor, kılıç kesmiyor
Kaf dağındadır artık evi
Yol kesiyor, kan kusturuyor
Her budunda vardır bundan
Nedenini sorarsan...

Erkli Oğuz beyleri
Demir giyimli, bıyığı kanlı
Ak sakallı ile kıyan
Hepsinin ödü patladı

Tepegöz, tepeleri aşta gel
Tepegöz, tepe tepe gel
Tepegöz, tepemize çıktın ha!
Ah, Tepedengöz

''Kara dağa seslendiğinde yanıt versin
Kanlı kanlı sulardan geçit versin''

Babamın adını soracak olursan
Koca Ağaç
Kükremiş aslan da olsan
Ela gözden ayırırım seni

Tepegöz, tepeleri aşta gel
Tepegöz, tepe tepe gel
Tepegöz, tepemize çıktın ha!
Ah, Tepedengöz

''Kara dağa seslendiğinde yanıt versin
Kanlı kanlı sulardan geçit versin''

Her budunda vardır bundan
Nedenine gelince...
Sor Tepegöz'ü doğuran periye
7. Kana Kan 02:26
  Kana kan!

Biz buraya ölmeye mi geldik?
Dört yanımız tümden çevrilmiş (hey hey hey)
Evet, gün bugündür
İnceldiği yerden kopsun

Kana kan!

Kaç kişiler yoksa hepsi mi?
Bırak kumda oynasınlar (ha ha ha)
Eskilerin dediği gibi
İt derisinden post olmaz

''Kalkıyor örtüler, örtülen doğacak
Aydınlıkta karanlık, karanlıkta aydınlık
Ey birbirine diş bileyen yığınlar
Ey yığın yığın aymazlar''

Biz buraya ölmeye mi geldik?
Dört yanımız tümden çevrilmiş (hey hey hey)
Evet, gün bugündür
İnceldiği yerden kopsun

Kana kan
8. Gök Girsin Kızıl Çıksın 03:55
  Gök girsin, kızıl çıksın
And olsun ulu dağlara
Gök girsin, kızıl çıksın
And olsun Atalara

"Üze kök tengri asra yagız yir kılındıkta ikin ara kişi oglı kılınmış. Kişi oglı köp ölgeli türümüş öd tengri yaşar"

Kurt kürklerinizi giyin
Güneş bizi görüyor
Kartal soyundan geldik biz
Akın akın ilerleyen börileriz
Havada uçan karakuş sürüleri
Seni seçemezler ey Gökböri

Alp Er Tonga ölmedi
Isız acun kalmadı

Yerde 30 kurt
Gökte 40 kurt
Etti sana 70
Bu bize yetmiş mi?
Kişioğlu hep ölmek için türemiş
Öd tengri yaşar
Sağda güneş solda ay
Aydan parça koparın
Güneş bizi görüyor

Gök girsin, kızıl çıksın
And olsun ulu dağlara
Gök girsin, kızıl çıksın
And olsun Atalara
Kızıl elmaya...

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013


Origen: País Vasco, Vizcaya
Formados: 1995
Estilo: Ambient, black sinfónico
Temática: Misantropía, paisajes y oscuridad
Enlaces: Elffor  y myspace 
  • Eöl Voces, todos los intrumentos

  • Into the Dark ForestCD1998
  • Son of the Shades CD 2002
  • From the Throne of Hate CD 2004   
  • Unblessed Woods CD2006   
  • Into the Dark Forest... (Version alternativa) CD 2007
  • Son of the Shades (Version alternativa) CD 2008
  • From the Throne of Hate  (Version alternativa) CD 2008
  • Frostbitten Pain CD 2010
  • Unblessed Woods (Version alternativa ) CD 2011
  • Heriotz Sustraiak CD2012
  • Buruzagi Ilunaren Bilduma Recopilatorio 2015  
  • Odolosth / Stronghold in the Mountains Split 2016 Malkhedant CD 2016
  • Dra Sad CD 2017
  • Dra Sad II CD 2018
  • Impious Battlefields CD 2018
  • Dra Sad - Dra Sad II Recopilatorio 2019  
  • Dra Sad III (Beneath the Uplands of Doom) CD  2019
  • Dra Sad (The Trilogy) Recopilatorio 2020  
  • Age of Blackness Recopilatorio 2020  
  • Unholy Throne of Doom CD 2020
  • Three Emperors Split 2020
  • Condemned to Wander CD 2021
  • Arkaik CD 2021  
  • Into the Shades of Hate Recopilatorio 2021  
  • Kaosaren mendi odoltsuetan CD 2021
  • Arkaik II CD 2022
  • Arkaik III CD 2022  
  • Where the Damned Dwells CD 2022
  • The Wintery Warrior Spirit CD 2023  
  • The Black Sentinel CD 2023
  • Ungodly Mysteries Split 2023  
  • Medieval Cults of Heresy CD 2023
  • The Crescent Moon Palace CD 2024
Atrás ha quedado esa sensación de oscuridad medieval que me inundó la primera vez que me acerque a este proyecto tan personal, no recuerdo ahora el álbum del cual se trataba, pero desde un el principio se podía intuir como un proyecto muy especial y con un sentimiento diferente al resto de grupos de la escena. Escuchar su música es realizar un viaje a lo más profundo de un bosque en la edad medía, donde la magia y el paganismo lo envuelve todo. A lo largo de estos años ha ido ganando peso en el apartado metálico en las composiciones, sobre todo en la inclusión y velocidad de batería y aumento también de las voces,  con lo cual la sensación de estar ante disco propiamente dicho se acentúa, aunque los momentos más emotivos los arranca Eöl al crear las atmósferas melancólicas, sinfónicas o paganas. Este Heriotz Sustraiak lo componen solo cuatro temas pero de una duración considerable y en donde hay tiempo para complementar mejor que en trabajos anteriores las secciones ambient con el black e incluso podemos contar con la colaboración de Hidrl Valkirie en un tema, todo un acierto ya que bajo mi punto de vista acrecienta la emotividad y oscuridad del conjunto. Gran trabajo, y paso más en la solida cerrera de Elffor. (8,9).

1. Barrumbe Beltza 12:10  
2. Hildakoen Basoetan 09:22  
3. Heriotz Sustraiak 10:40  
4. Kateek Loturik... 15:53  

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013


1. Big Boss, Entrails, ABBand, Root, Crux, War for War, is bands of which you are a member or has been, how did the idea of joining Cales? What were the beginnings of the group?

I have never been a member of the BigBoss band, ABband and definitely not WFW. Yes, as a guest and producer, with some of the projects. Together with BigBoss I started ROOT in 1986 and then founded CRUX as side project in 1989.I guess there is no need to mention the projects I was involved in. The only one worth mention was  ENTRAILS, that released the album Serpent Seed in 1999.CALES came to being shortly after CRUX ended. There are no fundamental links between the projects, the goal was to start something different.CALES started about 1993, when we recorded the song Last Key for Necrometal compilation. In 1995 we recorded debut Bonds of Togetherness, released 2 years later by Tentamen Records.

2. Cales today is his personal project, which offers with respect to the other groups in which you are involved? How has Cales along these 20 year career?What today are still valid the reasons that prompted him to join Cales?

I have never deliberately built any career, it is just my free time activity, for over twenty years. I am not a professional and I never want to rely on money from playing.CALES has 6 albums out, of which the last two were released on vinyl. Some titles were sold out several times, others are still in sale. I was quite intensively devoted to CALES, but in between I have collaborated on many other recordings. Now the project is taking its time to rest, because what I create now is more black metal directed. I cannot invent any new name, or revive the dead ones, so I work simply under my own nickname Blackosh.

3. How does the songwriting process in Cales? Are you willing to accept new members in the group for both recording sessions to concerts, or you continue to be responsible for everything?

I always have some great drummers around and it is quite likely that some of them will continue to work with me because they can actually do a killer job quickly and drum programming is not such a fun. We occasionally go out for a drink with other musicians , but everyone does his job and we have little time for anything else. If anyone has the need to make noise at rehearsal rooms, fine. I do not. I assign them what they are supposed to learn and deadline to send me the result. That’s all.I can do without other composers and players on other instruments. When it comes to playing live, we consider an offer supply (although very attractive) that came from the planet Yuggoth ... we'll see.So far, we are just lying back in the recording sectors of our flying vessels, where we have a garden outside the window, plenty of loot from the time of apocalyptic raids and even a room full of empty bottles.

4. How the contact did Sorts for Split? Why chose the theme "The Golden Walls of Heaven" from Bathory? Bathory what does it mean for you?

I had a recording for my own use and I guess it just got on the Internet, so the people from these Estonian band got in touch and suggested we put together a split with CALES...Why not.BATHORY meant a lot to us, almighty BATHORY. R.I.P. Quorthon.

5. How you approach the subject to approach recording, I mean if you took the elements of the song that you liked and played your way or as a karaoke version to approach pretending you're in the band?

I just turned one old Marshall preamp all the way up and recorded the song as it is. No experiments. Well, I had to set up a tempo it lacked, this is why it is unique.I originally recorded it for myself, shortly after Quothon left for Vallhalla, and I had absolutely no plans to release it.

6. Five fundamental cds for you in the black

They say, that we also released some fundamental albums in the black (not for us) ourselves long ago, but saying that we still highly esteem the first records by SODOM, DESTRUCTION, SLAYER, BULLDOZER or IDIOT CRUSOE..

7. What are the main influences on the band's sound, as far as bands are concerned? What were your beginnings in the black?

Above all, our own involvement in the production, creating everything by ourselves. But everything we listened to and loved, affected us in some way and there is an ever-present impact.

8. What elements of celtism, mysticism and paganism, important to consider when writing the lyrics of the songs?

The fact these influences are reflected in my music is something I take as a matter of course, there is no special intention behind it.I come from central Europe, which is an area of strong concentrations of these genes. Every day I stand directly on the soil or move close to places that were inhabited by Celts, Germans, Slavs, etc. in the time of their expansions

9. What future plans do you have for Cales, in terms of new releases, reissues concerts, etc. ..?

We don’t pick what happens. Events pick us and plans are here to make them come to life. I took a 2 year break, composing nothing, almost did not touch guitar during that time.I just did a couple of masterings and productions for some bands. I also aided with some re-releases of our older albums by Dark Symhonies, Paragon recs, Gothoom prods, Monster Nation, etc.And in the meantime, I did the everyday boring activities or just relaxed. And now, like a badger coming out of his hole, I am starting to scratch into the black soil around.
Several things are in the process, one of them together with an excellent drummer Zdeněk Čepička is already finished and should be out on a vinyl 7SP split with MASTERS HAMMER, by a new label Jihosound records.
We started the whole project recently together with František Štorm, to have fun in the summer and had reasons to celebrate and drink to our success.Afterwards, I will slowly go ahead with other songs, mainly performing the specific feeling of Black Metal.No concerts planned for now.

10. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like Cales, this is the place, thanks. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Some things you never get tired of. thanks 


1. Styrnn was officially born in 2011. Is this really so or did the band exist beforehand? How did the idea to form the band come to be and how did you join the different components?

Strynn was officialy born in 2011 but we’ve been playing together for at least 4 years. The band was formed purely because we wanted to play Black Metal. It began when Dwimorberg and our last bassist came to Bordeaux, then Obscurisis joined them on drums and finally Anadrark one year later on guitar and vocals. Our bassist left in 2011 after the name changed and here we are today.

2. What events led to the birth of Styrnn? What important aspects of your life made you decide to become a musician? And are these reasons that pushed you to dedicate your time to music still valid today?

Dwimorberg : I discovered Black Metal and guitar when I was 15-16 years old, and I’ve never stopped listening since. Playing in a band is a hobby for me and a good outlet. My motivations haven’t changed since; I do it because I love it.
Anadrark : My answer’s really similar to Dwimorberg’s. I’ve only listened to Black Metal and extreme music for 2 years. I play in Strynn because it’s enjoyable.
Obscurisis : Music is a passion for me. I love to play, I love Strynn’s compositions and I love Black Metal. My motivation is to always do what I want.

3. Your new album, Decadence, came after a Split with Galvauder. What did this Split represent in your career, was it perhaps a way to raise awareness? How has the band's sound evolved ever since?

The Split with Galvauder emphasizes the transition between our last band and Strynn. It allowed to us to pass into another area of music. Our references have changed since; our music has turned towards a more dissonant sound.

4. How was the songwriting process? How do you work in the studio, is there a particular member who imposes his ideas or do you all contribute something? How will you cope without a bassist? Does the absence of a bassist make things complicated? Are you thinking of bringing someone into the group to fill the space or do you feel comfortable as a trio?

Our songs were already finished when we were ready to record at the studio. For the composition process, the guitarists suggest some riffs, each one composes his own part generally and we help each other if one of us is stuck. The guitarists usually take an afternoon to compose, it motivates us. When we think that we have a satisfactory piece we send the composition to Obscurisis who adds his drums parts. As for the bass, we’re not trying to replace this void, it feels natural. In the studio, the sound engineer worked hard to make sure that the lack of bass went unnoticed.  Nowadays we don’t want a bassist because we prefer our dynamic as a trio.

5. Who created the cover design and how does it relates to the lyrical content, if it does in any way?

Dwimorberg’s sister, Rachel, created the design. She is a graphic designer and a tattooist ( The link with the lyrics is not direct, it can be found in the atmosphere of the cover: decadence, despair, human stupidity…

6. What are your main influences and inspirations for Strynn? Could you comment briefly on what you think of the legacy of the following bands: Peste Noire, Alcest, Merrimack, Glorior Belli?

Our main influences are Sargeist, Behexen, Beastcraft, Mütiilation…
For the legacy of the bands that you’ve quoted, except the fact that they are French, we don’t see the link. These bands are musically very different from us.

7. How do you see the current black scene? Do you think that it has lost some essence? What groups in your area do you recommend?

Dwimorberg : I have the impression that today the visual aspect is more important than musical one, this is something from which evil will rise.
Anadrark : It’s difficult to answer quickly, the essence of Black Metal is the evil. From this point of view, except the bands cited by Dwimorberg, I think that the content is present. On the true underground scene, the content is there, with bands who, even if they are not original, rise from the masses to fill the interstellar nothingness. For exemple, scene from south america.
Obscurisis : The current mainstream Black Metal scene doesn’t try to do anything new. Since the 2000’s, there has been no evolution. I don’t follow the underground scene so I can’t contradict Anadrark, but in my point of view, our generation lacks of a real emergence compared to the 90’s scene.

8. What would you say the fundamental CD’s in the black scene music’s history are?

Dwimorberg : Fundamental CD’s in Black Metal history are for me « Under the Sign of Hell » by Gorgoroth, « 1184 »  by Windir, « Morbid Fascination of Death » by Carpathian Forest, « Below the Light » by Enslaved…
Anadrark : “Antichrist” by Gorgoroth, “Vampire of Black Imperial Blood” and “Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)” by Mütiilation, “March to the Black Holocaust” by Vlad Tepes/Belkètre…
Obscurisis : “Transilvanian Hunger” by Darkthrone, “Opus Nocturne” by Marduk…

9. How did you come to publish your work through Mortis Humanae Productions? Were you happy with the service they provided? Will you continue publishing more material with them in the future?

We came to publish our work through Mortis Humanae Productions through a shared acquaintance, who let us know that they were looking for bands. We were very satisfied with their work, they were always approachable. If they’re ready to work with us again in the future there is no reason not to say yes.

10. What are the band’s future plans about concerts, new material. Etc ...?

This summer we will be immersed in composition. For future shows, maybe, we can’t say a lot about that for the moment.

11. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like Strynn, this is the place, thanks. I hope the questions were to your liking.

Thanks for this interview. We want to say that we formed an association with other bands in Bordeaux to organize shows, if you have a Black or Death metal band, you can contact us at :

viernes, 21 de junio de 2013


Good evening, How are things in Germany?, Thank you very much for agreeingto answer these questions

1. If I'm not mistaken were part of Mogh. What memories do you keep of thatstage? Why did you decide to form Cold Cry? What find in Cold Cry that youhad in Mogh? Tell us a little as was the whole process of creating thegroup?

Mogh:Good evening,it has been an honor for both of us to been invited to this dialouge Mogh and cold cry are independent projects with different concepts ,in fact we are good old friends with the same persian roots which are expressing extreme music there was a mistake in metal archive description about cold cry being a part of mogh project which is now been corrected. Mogh 's been created at 06.06.2006 in pagan land (India) where is the tomb of first zurvan volunteers called Moghs in order to accomplish and regenerate their vanished wisdom.I decoded the mystic patterns according to cabalistic numerology to the themes and scales of music with ritualistic performances.
Cold Cry:hatred beneath the ashes..cold cry Is Not Creating For Getting Popular & Being Famous Or Some Stupid Things Like This, All I Wanna Do Is Just Make my Songs Kinda Heart- Made And Pain-Made For Audience Masterstroke Of Cold Cry Is To Find Position Of Human At This World That Portrays The Dark Reality Of Mankind...!

2. Do not know if it's a topic you want to try, but I guess for a group of extreme metal will not be easy in a country like Iran. Does this have to do with your late relocation to Germany? Did you have problems with your lyrics?

Yes indeed ,as you are aware of system ruling in religious countries there is no chance to be active in your own way otherwise you have to accept the death and execution penalties like the spanish medieval inquisitions.

3. After two demos, comes this Split with Mogh, I guess that collaboration between groups would be easy, how was the recording process of it, from the moment the idea and it that you have to work at it, until the election of cover, for example?

Cold Cry:I used some of my old tracks which have been never released in this split Mogh:I selected the most anti-islamic tracks from albums - Allaho Asghar (2009) & BLACK MAGICK ME(n)TAL (2008)- for this split.

4. Both Cold Cry and Mogh, you add to your songs a lot of ambient sounds, keyboards, traditional instruments, which create an atmosphere of melancholy and despair. In your case that you deal with all instruments, is it very difficult to record all the parts? How is the process of writing and recording ?

Mogh: traditional and folkish instruments and melodies are carrying and identifying the ancient wisdom in our ritual. Normally I prefer raw, live ,one-take and low quality recording process for the songs. The logic behind it:the first announcement of the song,contains the original soul of the composition and act.and every song is unique, once you perform and record it ,shouldn't be any other edition of it by cutting and correcting the pieces. And for live performing process ,each time, we have the same notes and tones but with different moods playing, so every time is an new experimental creation of the song, as in our vision,this is called magical matrix.
Cold Cry:my philosophy in music is based on revealing the dark side of the reality and this representation is an example of human rebellion behavior which is not awkward.

5. As for the lyrics, Where do you find inspiration for them? What aspects of depression and suicide, find interesting when writing?

Mogh:our inspiration comes from the forbidden ,forgotten parts of the embarrassing indecent human history and it is total order in chaos, deconception of the universe with systematic vision in cybernetic war.
Cold Cry:I am not inspired by anything ,my lyrics are expressions of my present feelings.

6. Your vision of the human being is also quite negative, do you think that religions, society, human beings are leading to a dead end?

Mogh: of course we have passed the boundaries of catastrophic end. human is a wrong idea to be created and so obvious are their gatherings ,called society ,and more stupid is their ideology dictation ,called religion.
Cold Cry:this topic needs days to discuss I don;t want to get to this discussion.whatever religion is fake or real it came to limit human begins,I believe whatever limits you is by itself a block.

7. What can you tell us about the label "Rigorism Production", you still bound to it for future publications?, By the way, are you working on new material for your projects?

Cold Cry: recording process is restricted and individual for me,right now I am running the variation art studio so i can not specify time for future project but there will be news.
Mogh:yes we can not stand in a swamp.we have to move forward in order not to sink.after traveling half of the world we reached to the conjunction of a music genres and currently we are working on full length album 2013 called "sacrifice the symbols" that is combination of symphonic-folk-black metal. And as you know Mogh has published some albums with these record labels:Cvlminis(Rigorism Production) Russia & Satanic Frost Records(Ink Records,Throne Winter Records) USA & Homo Homini Lupus Records (germany) and we are running our record label and productions in germany as well ,by the names of: 
1/Asyl production (is a crushed result of the human manipulator system on earth), we support & promote Anti-anti-art globally.
2/thelemicartrecords (Underground Black Metal Label formed by the Legion of the Black Arts) 3/zurvan production (was created in 2006 with exclusive aim of support and promotion of the pure ideas of underground Black metal art )

8. Have you thought at some time playing live? Would it be very difficult to find musicians that respond to your concept?

Mogh:Yes indeed, we had 3 live shows in Germany with extraordinary guest musicians it was the same in India and we are planning to develop the concept with more professional classical and folk musicians for live gigs and recording album.
Cold Cry:Cold Cry is a one member band project so no live and no more members,but I might have other members and also lives in future different projects.

9. Did you encounter any problems reported Split the title "Islam is dead" and song titles like "Be Afraid of Aryan Blood"? What do you think of mixing politics with extreme music?

Mogh: No hope No fear and,according to the oriental occultism we follow ,we have to cross the human limits by breaking paradigms of life and existence.
Cold Cry:no there were no problems.

10. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like Cold Cry and mogh, this is it, thanks. I hope the questions are for you. 

Mogh:we recall for any extreme minded musicians ,film makers,directors for live shows,photographers,theatrical/butoh performers,orchestral and choral conductors ,sponsors,producers which are interested in collaboration and also we are honored to support and distribute any abnormal art with our productions.
Cold Cry:thank you.

martes, 18 de junio de 2013


Good afternoon, how about all of Moscow, thank you very much for agreeing to answer these questions.

Hello, Moscow is full of parasites. 

1. Arround the group is a bit of misinformation, I do not know if there is any reason for it, such as the fact that people want to focus only on your music and not be distracted by other things, but I'd like to ask something regarding the band. When was the group formed? Who are the musicians involved in the project? Is there a relationship between Kostnitsa and Funeral Poetry?

Nightsblood: the only reason that we don't give any useless info about the band is that we don't care. Kostnitsa appears all on it's own and we don't even know when, because it is another side of our "metal" activity.
Current Kostnitsa lineup: Nightsblood - vocal, Taken - Guitar, Drums.
Funeral Poetry was our first metal band (1999-2001) and all Kostnitsa members forms another band Totenwolf.

2. How was the writing process of this Temple Pestis? 

Nightsblood: We start rehearse at the end of 2009. The process was very lingering because we can have only one day a week for music. We always change things, some material was rejected. One day drummer left the band. So when we record Taken was on drums.
Taken: I remember that some tracks was done quite fast, we combined some of Nightsblood and my ideas. Then when i doing arrangements i wanted to reach the most thick sound of 3 instruments, thats why i use bass solos played on a higher notes. Also i was trying to weave all instruments together as much as possible. I am quite satisfied with the results with arrangements, but not with the quality of the record.

3 What are your main influences when composing?

Nightsblood: Atmosphere of plague, freeze of death, gloom of grief, lifeless  solitude.
Taken: don't know about the influences but at the time of writing i was listen a lot of Pest, Xasthur, Nortt.

4. I believe that Russia today has an interesting emerging within the black scene, how were your beginnings in the black?, What are you listening to lately? Do you have contact with other Russian bands of the scene?

Nightsblood: We are not a part of the scene and have no relationships with anyone. But i can name some bands that i am listen to: Evangelivm, Blackdeath, Rundagor, Branikald, Forest, Fullmoon Rise, Old Wainds, Навь, Psalm 666, Stielas Storhett, Ithdabquth Qliphoth, Meti Bhuvah, Lashblood, Deathmoor, Taniniver. Also i sad earlier about Funeral Poetry and Totenwolf.
Taken: I try to keep a distance from the people involved in Black Metal in Russia in terms of personal communication. Mostly because all these people do not match my expectations.

5. Who is the cover design and the relationship can be found with respect to the music in Temple Pestis?

Nightsblood: I have an idea to combine canvases of Hans'а Holbein'а and Paul'а Fürsts, but to make it looks homogeneously i paint it by myself. The theme of the album is the triumph of death. Kostnitsa is a Temple of Plague, Temple Pestis.

6. For someone who has not yet been approached your music could be said to have certain similarities with the first Katatonia or Wallachia, Would this one correct statement? 

Nightsblood: You can compare our music with whoever you like. I am a big fan of early Katatonia, so for me this is a compliment. This is the first time i hear about Wallachia.

7 What other groups could cite as influences?

Nightsblood: Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Infernum, Tiamat, Katatonia, Bethlehem are the main for me.
Taken: early Katatonia, Bethlehem, early Anathema, some of Funeral doom bands.

8. Your music moves between black and doom, conveying a sense of sadness and melancholy, what topics you treat in your letters and that motivates you the time of writing?

Nightsblood: Our lyrics does not mean anything. It is just the fragments of gloomy thoughts, representation of death of mankind, and suicide. I think that if lyrics conveys the message it is contradicts the nature of Black metal.
Taken: Nightsblood is responsible for the lyrics in Kostnitsa, but i personaly prefer to listen and make instrumental music without vocals and as a consequence without lyrics.

9. Temple Pestis has been edited by BDTO, sublabel of Daemon Worship Productions, how you decide to use a stamp and not desktop publishing, for example? Will you still be linked to them in subsequent editions?

Nightsblood: BDTO is not a DWP sublabel, it is our own sign for releasing Totenwolf and Kostnitsa. I personally acquainted with DWP owner, and he helped us to make a CD release. Also we have some of our albums in iTunes and Bandcamp. Mordgrimm is plan to release Totenwolf. We do not want to release ourselves anymore, it is better when it gets done by the people who specialized in that.
Taken: I am generally against CD's, so i do not buy them for a long time. I prefers to listen everything in a digital format. Kostnitsa release and BDTO is a involuntary action for me. It's Nightsblood's initiative. Also i feel annoying about these labels that always busy.  We just can't find anyone to release Kostnitsa, so we decide to make it by ourselves.

10. People become musicians for a variety of reasons. What are the factors that originally inspired to play music? Are you playing for the same reasons today than when you started?

Nightsblood: It that time there was nothing but the metal for me. And i don't wanted to be just a listener. There was a lot of disappointments, but not everything is gone. Atmosphere is not the same these days.
Taken: I start to make music almost immediately after i start to listen to my first metal bands. I never stop doing music from that time. So the reasons is a strange question for me. I can't answer it even for myself.

11. What next steps will Kostnitsa, regarding concerts, new material, etc.

Nightsblood: We have no musicians for concerts. It is hard for us to find people that match.
Taken: We already have recorded tracks for a mini album and a also we have all songs unfinished for our second album. Don't know if it will be finished or not, will see.

12. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like Kostnitsa, this is the place, thanks. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Nightsblood: I would like to thank those who are able to appreciate our music and all the people who make a Review for our albums.
