domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017


Muy poca es la información que tenemos sobre esta, por lo que podemos intuir, one man band asturiana. Poco más hemos podido averiguar, que nace en este 2017 y que viene de presentar su primer Ep "Inn i Mørket" que contiene siete temas con una duración que roza los veintidos minutos. Su propuesta es la de un black metal con partes atmosféricas y no ha dudado en incluir temas instrumentales intercalados. La música varia entre las partes ambient que trasmiten oscuridad y frialdad, mientras que el black metal es de tintes más crudo y directo, acompañadas de unas voces desgarradas y también bastante crudas. Todo ello encajando perfectamente en una temática que trata temas fantásticos, la muerte y el padecimiento. El EP está disponible en formato digital en su página de bandcamp.

The “Okkult Witch” demo tape from 2013 gets the vinyl treatment on Witches Brew! This stunning 10″ picture disc contains the complete demo plus 2 brand new bonus tracks! All tracks have been remastered specifically for this release resulting in a crushing, all out Black Thrashing Speed Metal orgy! As an added bonus each pic disc includes a high quality woven patch featuring the front cover design! Limited to 500 copies and housed in a deluxe PVC bag with flap. Highly recommended for fans of bands like DESASTER, VENOM or DESTRÖYER 666! Released 24 April 2015!


sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2017


Nueva one man band española surgida este mismo año detrás de la cual se encuentra Gurdian que también es miembro fundador y único integrante de proyectos como Astral Death o GuradianSorrow. Con Reminiscent viene de editar su primera demo "Instinctive" en formato tape que contiene cinco temas que entregan una mezcla de black con influencias atmosféricas que también emana sentimientos e influencias del black depresivo, ambient y ciertas dosis de crudeza. Pasajes repletos de distorsión y con con una ambientación densa, cruda y oscura es lo que nos vamos a encontrar a lo lardo de los poco más de trece minutos de duración de este lanzamiento. En su página e bandcamp podéis escuchar la demo competa y sacar vuestras propias conclusiones.

Vinyl, 7", Single, Limited Edition 
Black Metal
A –Moloch (4) Die Letzten Strahlen Der Sonne Verblassen In Der Kalte Der Apathie 
B –Moonknight Night Creature 
Limited to 250 copies.


jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017


Origen: Canadá, Toronto.
Formados: 2016
Estilo: Black, death
Temática: Culto a la muerte y totalitarismo
Enlaces: Bandcamp y facebook
  • N.T Guitaras, Voces
  • W.A Batería
  • W.T Bajo y voces
  • Breeding Ruin EP 2017
  • Sniper at Heaven's Gate EP 2018
  • Genocide Supremacist CD 2020

Primera toma de contacto en forma de Ep con esta nueva banda procedente de Toronto que entrega cuatro temas más una revisión del "Dethroned Emperor" de Celtic Frost, banda que a la postre se erige en referencia importante tanto en concepto como en el estilo de este trabajo. La banda surge el pasado año y con una corta trayectoria que no ha sido impedimento para que no perdiera el tiempo en lanzar sus primer Ep. El sonido se encuadra dentro del black deth metal, eso no deja lugar a dudas desde el comienzo con "Some Above, Most Below" tema que abre este Ep. A destacar en todos los temas el soberbia trabajo de guitarra, riffs brutales que se suceden sin compasión, densos, espesos, lodoso, con algo de melodía y con regusto a thrash o doom, que suenan brutales en la densidad y oscuridad de la producción underground. Las voces son agresivas, algunas veces se acercan a parámetros más brutales pero conservan un interesante equilibrio entre agresividad, oscuridad y violencia, transmitiendo elementos cercanos a la muerte, el ocultismo o la guerra. En conjunto, este EP suena muy convincente, con una actitud muy underground y fiel a los parámetros del metal extremo de finales de los ochenta y comienzos de los noventa, en donde el soberbio trabajo de guitarra y el buen hacer en las voces nos deja con ganas de más. (8,5).

1. Some Above, Most Below 05:07
   Some Above, Most Below 

Requiem soiled, compassion damnation 
Oblivion banished, equality enslavement 

Those meant to live shall know life 
Yet most shall lie below 

Life entitlement, falsehood humanity 
Inevitability, Godhead almighty 

Equality a false God 
Death is all, absolute 

Some above, most below 

Poisonous merciful, futile saviors 
Faulty progeny, dissolution inhuman 

Those meant for death still know life 
Crippling the natural 

Tolerate, Philanthropy 
Pity, Mercy 
Natural Mockery 

Natural order, Lord over all 

Some above, most below…
2. What Can Be Broken... Must Be Broken 06:48
   What Can be Broken… 

Genocidal intransigence 
Holocaust triumphant 
Heralds of extinction 
Devastation’s trumpeters 

Hammer upon the nape 
Of both frail and weak 
Culling masses of knaves 
New world mass grave 

Death gift apocalypse 
Eradication proliferate 

Bell tolls for them 
The ones chosen 
What can be broken… 
Must be broken 

Tyrant’s dawn arising 
Elimination destiny 

World noose tightens 
Ropes over necks 
No diggers for graves 
All land decayed 

What can be broken…must be broken 
Weakest lives encouraged to die 

Inevitability of death is the truth above all
3. Breeding Ruin 07:39   
Black Twilight injection 
Lost in abhorrence 
Addicted to decadence 
Graduated chalice 

These gifts were made for you 

Bathe in perverted waters 
Shower in ecstasy 
Breathe of the burning 
Choking on depravity 

The gifts we bring to you 

Breeding ruin 

Existence is misery 
Salvation through narcotic means 

Knife edge crossing tracks 
Nooses cinched upon throats 
Razors perched over veins 
Hair trigger salvation 

The gift of death bestowed 

Bleeding ruin 

Drink of the poison, granting demise 

Withered fingers 
Grant suicide 
Welcoming death 
Grasp oblivion 

Bleak path chosen, breeding ruin 

Life spilling free 
Bleeding highways 
All roads to nowhere 
Welcoming ruin
4. Fallen Figure of Futility 03:45
Devastation triumphant 
Genocidal elitism 
Attaining oblivion 
Enshrouded in nothingness 

Weep the heavens 
Pity of Angels 
Exalted extinction 
Fallen Figure of Futility 

Executioner’s trumpet 
Apocalypse echoes 
Showered in torment 
Ascend to extinction
5. Dethroned Emperor (Celtic Frost cover) 05:25
  See the portal, gate to madness
Locked forever in a veil of shame

Deny extraction - Thirst for disgrace
Watch his break - The emperor's killed
Light of the day - Shadows from beyond
Scaffold of steel - The throne has gone

Dethroned emperor

The foot of the stairs, dimension in might
The king sits, his eyes are glass

Growing of the small - The laughter's fall
Can you deny - Remaining cries?
Descent of the lords - Into the trap
Existence and hate - Unseen gate

Dethroned emperor

sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017


Origen: Francia, Marsella
Formados: 2008
Estilo: Black, death
Temática: Filosofía, ocultismo y satanismo
Enlaces: BandcampCorpus Diavolis Y facebook

  • Analyser Guitarra
  • Daemonicreator Bajo y voces
  • Funeral Bajo
  • Kericoff Guitarra
  • King HaD Batería

  • Nightsky Orgia EP 2009  
  • Revolucia CD 2010
  • Corpus Diavolis / Total Satan Split 2011  
  • Entheogenesis CD 2013  
  • Blasphemies of the Elder Gods Split 2014  
  • Atra Lumen CD 2017
  • Apocatastase CD 2021
  • Elixiria Ekstasis CD 2024
Con una formación que se ha mantenido bastante estable en sus casi diez años de carrera y con una trayectoria que a base de buenos y variados lanzamientos, no sólo les ha servido para asentarse, sino que también les sirve para emerger de la escena más underground y darse a conocer a otro público. Sin lugar a dudas, esta tercera obra de los de Marsella a supuesto un importante paso adelante en cuanto a madurez y sonido. Su música, aunque encasillada dentro del patrón del black death, tiene muchos valores añadidos y riqueza de matices, siendo el doom una de las mayores influencias que podemos encontrar en el conjunto de este lanzamiento. Guitarras de riffs lentos y densos acompañan a casi todas las composiciones, deteniendo el tiempo y sonando demoledores, sin acaparar todo el protagonismo, pero que sin embargo, suenan brutales en el conjunto final de sonidos extremo black-detah. La batería cumple su función a la perfección, no es un apartado que destaque, pero de manera más o menos sencilla se acomoda perfectamente a la densidad y profundidad de la mezcla, capaz de sonar profunda y potente a la par que violenta y rápida cuando se hace necesario. Las voces siguen un patrón similar, no hay alardes innecesarios, Daemonicreator pone su talento en forma de voces cavernosas, densas y profundas, al servicio de la banda. Como resultado final, hay que destacar el ambiente ocultista que por momentos se torna ritualista que emana de la audición de una banda, que como comentaba anteriormente, con un trabajo constante a lo largo de su carrera, esta llamada a destacar. (8,1).

1. Revelations Before Dawn 06:22  
2. The Ardent Jewel of His Presence 05:52  
3. L'Oeil unique 05:54  
4. Signs of End Times 04:12  
5. Wine of the Beast 06:27  
6. Flesh to Flesh 04:52  
7. Thy Glorification 03:37  
8. Sick Waters 06:46  

Black/Thrash Metal from Germany
Evil Spell / Undercover Records, 2015

12" black Vinyl (140g) 
on upgraded 300gsm w-w carton, coated paper with 5mm spine Cover
8 Page Booklet On 170gsm Paper


viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017


Origen: Bélgica.
Formados: 2012
Estilo: Black, death
Temática: Brujería, demonolatría y posesiones.
Enlaces: Facebook.

  • I. Dveikus Guitarra
  • N. Vmtr Bajo
  • Pz. Kpfw Batería
  • S. Iblis  Guitarra
  • V. Viriakh Voces

  • His Best Deceit Demo 2013  
  • Anneliese EP 2014
  • Evil Spells, Volume I Split 2014  
  • Possession Recopilatorio 2015  
  • 1585-1646 EP 2015
  • Exorkizein CD 2017
  • Death Before Rebirth Directo 2018
  • Abhorrent Desecration Split 2018
  • Passio Christi Part I / (Beyond the) Witch's Spell Split 2019  
  • Passio Christi Part II / Necrophagous Abandon Split 2019  


Hace ahora justamente cinco años que se creó la banda, su primera demo "His Best Deceit" editada al año siguiente de su su formación y su primer Ep "Anneliese" editado medio años después de la demo, ya forman parte de la historia reciente del metal extremo. Y es que los belgas desde sus inicios han despertado el interés del oyente, manteniéndose bastante fieles a su propuesta de sonido black death, aspecto que no es del nada sencillo conseguir. Con un carrera cimentada en la coherencia, el apoyo de un sello respetable y dando los pasos lentos pero en la dirección correcta, sólo era cuestión de tiempo la edición de su primer larga duración. "Exorkizein", siete temas, contando la intro que se despachan en poco más de treinta y seis minutos, estando el grueso de las composiciones por encima de los cinco minutos de duración, lo cual permite recrear esa ambientación de maldad y brujería que acaba por sumergir al oyente en una sensaciones cercanas a la posesión, aspecto que siempre ha sido recurrente en su propuesta junto con el del demonio. Su música es oscura y densa, jugando entre medias con sonidos black death, capaces de colar algún riff thrash en ciertas partes, pero que encuentra un perfecto equilibrio entre la vibración de las guitarras y sus profundos riffs y las voces profundas y lodosas de tendencia black metal. Un álbum construido de manera pausada, que muchas veces se presenta denso, el doom también podría ser una buena influencia en algunos pasajes, pero que logra trasmitir cierta épica en el conjunto final y que resulta imposible de separar de la tremenda ambientación lograda. Sin lugar a dudas habrá quien mantenga que su primera demo y su primer Ep están por encima de todo lo que pueda venir en un futuro, pero considero que "1595-1646" y este "Exorkizein" son dos trabajos de madurez y muy coherentes con sus orígenes. (8).

1. Intro 02:17  
2. Sacerdotium 05:34
 By the altar, kneeling
Just about to take your life's oath
Before men dressed in black
Recalling all their useless grief
And them
They loudly preach their lies
To exorcise this living world
Ruled by blinds and deafs

With the weight of their gold
They have bought the weakness
Of the predators
Kiss the cross as Hell awaits
Forever you'll be their accessory 
Behind their gates, there's only death
In their pyres, is still burning harmless flesh

Innocent and lost souls
Forever haunt the halls of every churches
Twisting the mind of the weak and the lambs
You will die for all these impostors

And them
They loudly preach their lies
The time has come
Take the oath before them forever

Where are born the Saints
You'll learn to believe
Why they worship lies

Behind their walls 
And in their minds
Reigns forever sin

Offer your sould 
Close your eyes
Their dead are watching you
He spies on you
So, forget your name
And see His bestial eyes
3. Infestation - Manifestation - Possession 05:30
At the dawn, his voice inside you, you'll hear At this point you still possess your own mind The snake will mark your soul Let Him explore the darkness of your heart Plagued by pain and unexplained nocturnal fear Hit by fever and rising rage You'll isolate yourself from your worried kin Walking a first step into His depths They will tell you that you are sick While the evil inside spreads Even wishing for a mental disease They will tell you that you are sick Taking benefits from your weakness Nonetheless for now, it's only in your head Your worst nightmares slowly become true The beginning of an eternal pain Merciless, a force is playing with you A venom corrupts your flesh and blood Your soul is dead But your corpse is still moving You're now a puppet subjected to His will You will burn Your skin turns cold and grey Your eyes are black like as 
4. Beast of Prey 03:46
  I am the shepherd 
Slaughtering his own lambs
The dark veil upon all eyes
As the moon eclipses the sun
Their futile preaches are sung in vain
They are all mine
All rapes, all wars
All lies that have been told for my glory

Through seven plagues
I have ruined the great Egypt
I have seen Rome
Burning by its own emperor's hand
I was the thirty silver coins
The tree and the rope
The last caress of Judas

But now you're wishing to hunt me down
As you think you're the hunter
Trying to remove the beast from his lair
Your turn will come


By the blood of his brother
I messed up Cain's hands
Through his mother virtue
I made the original sin
God is just a worthless eye
I am their law
Their path
Their truth
They are already mine

Under God's apathetic eyes
I shall reign supreme
5. In Vain 06:31
A sinister bell tolls at midnight An arrogant priest walks his path When someone calls the Devil He always gives an answer His slow walk tears the darkness He will meet the Evil tonight A door opened by a crying mother She warns him of His might Pray O, Pray The weary priest is asking As his relatives are drowned in terror "Can you feel the fire inside you?" "Can you smell the sulphur Through your sweat?" Pray O, Pray Among a circle of praying believers Tied to the bed with chains Eyes opened and staring at the cross Vomiting on the book of lies Pray O, Pray You've warned them of his power But his strength twists your guts with pain You're now crying, you're imploring In an unknown language Hear their voices. feel the pain Your soul caught by demonic hands Eyes turn black, skin turns grey A smile appearing on your face Seared and wounded, you lose control Preaches resound in vain Now your skin becomes cold You scream a last roar from beyond Fall away Death seems sweet But now Evil reigns inside, Evil reigns Around you, cries and screams You're slowly passing away Ashes to ashes and dust to dust Says the one who caused your death 
6. Take the Oath 05:24
Spend your existence
To blind to refuse
To be a tool of flesh
Imposing the trinity of lies

Two thousand years to bleed 
To condemn without shame
A life to hunt in the shadows
The unholy forces behind the veil

Down on your knees
You must take the oath
Yes, fall on your knees
And praise the Lord

Two thousand years to bleed 
To condemn without shame
A life to be blinded
By the holy forces of lies

Down on your knees
Take the oath
Down on your knees
Take the oath

And like a thousand candles tailed off
Your life will slowly burn
By the hold grace of the Son of God
And the sacred virtue of his Mother Mary
As a golden sword
forged to hunt them down
Sacrifice your life

Down on your knees
Take the oath
Yes, fall on your knees
And praise the Lord
7. Preacher's Death 07:49
 "O, Blessed be the lamb
Baptized in the holy blood
And cursed be the wolf
Chasing the herd of God"

"O, Blessed be the weak
Reciting the holy psalms
And cursed be the men
Crowned by His Darkness"

An access to the throne of God
In my life of hard toil

Under the holy dome
With fear in your guts
But faith in you heart
A life to hunt the Evil
The one your God didn't create

Our light will always be there
As you're condemned for eternity
Our light will always be there
While your ruined your life
To curse Him in vain

On your deathbed, on this night
You finally realized
Useless sufferings and useless sacrifices
You're dying sick and alone
As your sacred faith cannot save your soul

Our light will always be there
Soon you'll lie down six feet under
Our light will always be there
You ruined your life to curse Him in vain

Slowly closing your eyes
Devoured by ancient fever
Facing a world burning forever

Our light will always be there
Soon you'll lie down six feet under
Our light will always be there
You ruined your life to curse Him in vain

On this sixteenth of September night
Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust
On this sinteenth of September night

"Ice repose le soldat de Dieu"

On this sixteenth of September night
Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust


"Ice repose le soldat de Dieu"

As your soul seems to ascind
You're facing your sword enemy
And you're realising it now
Another oath has to be sworn
Will you dark to take it?

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017


Conservando todavía la mitad de la formación original y siendo lo más destacable para este nuevo álbum la inclusión en el apartado vocal de Henry Hämäläinen. Sin lugar a dudas hace cuestión de unos años reseñamos en este mismo lugar su anterior trabajo "Omega Arcane", un trabajo que suponía el cuarto en la carrera de los finlandeses y que en lineas generales consiguió poner de acuerdo a crítica y publico en cuanto a las virtudes que encerraba este álbum. Tal vez en la comparación con esta obra es donde peor parado sale este nuevo álbum "Poetry of the Ill-Minded", conservando las señas de identidad de la banda, black sinfónico mezclado con elementos death e inclusión de teclados para lograr sonar épico y cargado. Voces que alternan partes duras con otras más limpias. Hasta aquí más o menos podríamos llegar a pensar que no hay mucha variación con anteriores lanzamientos, sin embargo las hay en varias facetas. Se ha optado por una mayor limpieza de sonido, el sonido "death melodico" de la escena sueca, tan en boga hace una década, poco a poco se va adueñado de la propuesta, se ha dado un paso en cuanto a melodía, épica y sinfónismo, abandonado la oscuridad y la frialdad de antaño. El black metal tiene que ser algo oscuro, frío, salvaje y violento, en donde no haya cabida para elementos accesibles al oyente no iniciado, elementos que aquí brillan por su ausencia, en una obra que ha querido llevar un paso más allá, podríamos decir que la gran público, la propuesta de "Omega Arcane" y que se ha salido de madre. (7,5).

1. Lecter (Welcome) 07:26
In the house of Lecter The table is always set for Seth Such a delicate feast is presented to the lovely folk And the host is a ghost of the past Ever-changing are his stories But no lies are told inside these walls This body is like a house Which quietly, softly decays I know the night Will bring me closer to death They say...and I'm sure that you have heard it too That human flesh is served there That might be the case But surely it is not the most fucked up thing there This body is like a house Which quietly, softly decays I know the night Will bring me closer to death You might want to think twice Before entering this house For here is the trick These tall tales become reality After you leave this old house Lived by Lecter (Am I, is it me... Who can it be... My house, my rules) And so... "Lecter" ends his tale And hands you a gift A script of your soon ending life And his stories are always fucked up Now I have to go alone Leave the scars on the face Even if the eyes would close, it's still written on me Draw the shape in half  
2. Wanderer 04:31  
I want to turn every stone
And to scour every rootstock
The number of possibilities is boundless

In the mist
Shadows entwine with spirits
I see figures
They tell about the space
Beyond our consciousness

As I step into the fog
Reality blurs

In the mist
Shadows entwine with spirits
I see figures
They tell about the space
Beyond our consciousness

As I step into the fog
Reality blurs

I want to turn every stone
And to scour every rootstock
The number of possibilities is boundless

Every path has to be explored
My wandering shall never stop

Fighting against the insurmountable winter
But at the same time knowing that this is what I need to do
Release your mind from fear
Become hollow
Observe from the outside
The only way to see it
I'm already dead

They tell about the space
Beyond our consciousness
As I step into the fog
Reality blurs
3. Drawn to Water - The Path 04:38
   I follow the nocturn
Observe in silence
What does that make of me?
Maybe I just want to follow the trail?
And find something from the dark

Those who walk during the day
Cannot understand the yearning
From the light of the stars
You can gain something that will kill the thirst
But just for a second

Smoke will cover those rays of light
And you just have to wander on

In the haze of dawn
The silhouettes are cast to the horizon
A line drawn to the water that breaks
Once you throw the first stone
You can see it in the clouds if you want
Or if you can bend the time
In ways that the end becomes the beginning
And the path is just revealing itself

In pitch black you need no eyes
Because you can't see a thing

Smoke will cover those rays of light
And you just have to wander on

In the haze of dawn
The silhouettes are cast to the horizon
A line drawn to the water that breaks
Once you throw the first stone
You can see it in the clouds if you want to
Or if you can bend the time
In ways that the end becomes the beginning
And the path is just revealing itself
4. Thy Scent 05:22

So are you in or are you not?
To open the knot
She asked me with a smile most mesmerizing, and foul
How could have I known that by accepting
I would be sucked into a vortex of madness
And the way out would be lost for me
Until I would find the lock

That was however only step one
The key was buried inside a stone of goat
Protected by oath that one could not conjure
Without the knowledge of the nightside

Oh Abzinthian, how beautiful are thy eyes
And thy scent of lust drives even the strongest man insane
How did I get lost in this labyrinth?
The flame in the candle is flickering in the cold breeze
That must be the way out
But I was wrong

Oh, Abzinthian you cursed me
It would have been probably easier just to pull the teeth out
But I guess... For you it was never an option

Oh Abzinthian, how did your beauty turn so quick into cruelty?
This I must ask myself before I can use the key
Oh Abzinthian

5. Anti-Life Saviour 09:58
Listen to what is in some ways the first great speech of the poem.
Satan, cast down by God to Hell with the other Rebel Angels, sees close by him One next to himself in power, next in crime.
Beelzebub, Satan's lieutenant
And satan addresses him like this:

"If thou beest he; But O how fall'n! how chang'd
From him, who in the happy Realms of Light
Cloth'd with transcendent brightness didst out-shine
Myriads though bright: If he Whom mutual league,
United thoughts and counsels, equal hope
And hazard in the Glorious Enterprize,
Joynd with me once, now misery hath joynd
In equal ruin: into what Pit thou seest
From what highth fall'n, so much the stronger prov'd
He with his Thunder: and till then who knew
The force of those dire Arms? yet not for those,
Nor what the Potent Victor in his rage
Can else inflict, do I repent or change,
Though chang'd in outward lustre; that fixt mind
And high disdain, from sence of injur'd merit,
That with the mightiest rais'd me to contend,
And to the fierce contention brought along
Innumerable force of Spirits arm'd
That durst dislike his reign, and me preferring,
His utmost power with adverse power oppos'd
In dubious Battel on the Plains of Heav'n,
And shook his throne."
[Paradise Lost, Book 1, 84-105, read by Ian Richardson]

With every dream of dark fantasies
Βlood is dripping down from the ceiling
Τaking formσ that reminds you of all the shadows of the past
Τhe body is dead now, you can never take it back
From the sun, from the brightest light
Reveal your heart at its purest.

Born of flames, baptized in fire
Burning chaos inside this shell of flesh.
Hold the scepter, burn the eyes of your god.
This is my wolf pack, you are my prey.

Twisted faces take form
With the way further
Of your window's glass.
Humanity now
What have you done?

As years go by, you just wipe them away
With a grin, behind your mask.

You keep on looking for answers, but don't like the ones I can give
Dig your grave deeper and deeper
Until you're at the point that you can't reach the edge
Come face the light of my guidance, you say
But blinded are those who walk towards the light
Blessed are we, who dwell in the night.

"What though the field be lost?
All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
And what is else not to be overcome?
That Glory never shall his wrath or might
Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace
With suppliant knee, and deifie his power,
Who from the terrour of this Arm so late
Doubted his Empire, that were low indeed,
That were an ignominy and shame beneath
This downfall; since by Fate the strength of Gods
And this Empyreal substance cannot fail,
Since through experience of this great event
In Arms not worse, in foresight much advanc't,
We may with more successful hope resolve
To wage by force or guile eternal Warr
Irreconcileable, to our grand Foe,
Who now triumphs[...]" 
[Paradise Lost, Book 1, 105-123, read by Ian Richardson]

You keep on looking for answers, but don't like the ones I can give
Dig your grave deeper and deeper
Until you're at the point that you can't reach the edge
Come face the light of my guidance, you say
But blinded are those who walk towards the light
Blessed are we, who dwell in the night.

Born of flames, baptized in fire
Burning chaos inside this shell of flesh.
Hold the scepter, burn the eyes of your god.
This is my wolf pack, you are my prey.
6. Map of Scars 06:55
  The doors are sealed shut
Somehow though I know how to function
And what feels right
The seed has been planted too deep
And men won't realize it until it's too late

This just cannot go on
If you turn your face too many times
Your neck will break

And after that you see nothing
It is hard to scream with a mouth full of dirt
But you don't need to
Because you are already free
You don't need to accept any gifts
Because there is no reason to celebrate

Everybody just waste themselves in vain
And give out parts of their souls
Like they are pieces of bread
Those crumbs that Hansel and Gretel left in the woods
But they got lost
Even though they held each other's hands

One cannot lie in such things
Not after you have seen how the walls are melting

A moth is trying to get in
Behind the window glass towards the light
It does not realize that the cost is its life
But that light is just too tempting
That it becomes the meaning of its life
Just like those scars

What once was written was no more
And everything that was to be written after that was absurd
And the words were hanging in the air
Like the first hit of acid

One cannot lie in such things
Not after you have seen how the walls are melting
And the ground is in flames

Arms full of scars
And they just keep on coming
The scars, they just keep on coming
The scars, they just keep on coming
The scars, they just keep on coming
7. Treasure (In Liquid Dreams of Mirror Universe) 06:17
  Curses are written on a different plane
Mixed with acid
And what becomes of that riddle
Is a whole another story altogether

How beautifully the frozen flowers shatter
As fragile as life
If you think about it too much
You fall into a bottomless pit
And just keep on falling


As the sun rises the shadows flee
But they flee not the light

I can baptise you into a better being
But you must give up the old
A treasure that will destroy you
But before that you are god

Which side of the mirror you stand on
If you stare into the limbo turn your eyes away
The truth is somewhere else to be found

Even the strongest chain snaps
But not to break
But to set free

I can baptise you into a better being
But you must give up the old
A treasure that will destroy you
But before that you are god