lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015


Lamstu proceden de Madrid y vienen de autoeditar su primer álbum, "Witchcult" en el que podemos apreciar un black metal de sonido crudo y visceral, con un marcado acento del sonido más clásico y underground y de ritmo pesado y lento. El alma mater del proyecto, José Zamora , se las ha arreglado para entrgar seis temas de black metal podridos y sucios que son el comienzo de un proyecto con muy buena pinta. En su canal de youtube, podeis haceros una idea de como suena Lamastu, así como en su bandcamp haceros con el álbum, para más información podeis usar su página de facebook   

Illustration by Pascal Hauer (worked for Lantlôs, Vargnatt and others). Concept and Post-Execution by Inkantator Koura.

MOSAIC is the solo-project of Inkantator Koura (Alchemyst, Seremoni).
He is supported by Wiedergaenger (Total Negation, Nachts, Auvandril) on Session-Drums and Stephan Löscher (mastermind behind FJOERGYN) who creates the interlude for the split track.

ANTI is a project of Anti (Ex-Darkestrah) on strings, A.Krieg (Eternity, Darkmoon Warriors) on vocals and Zahgurim (Ex-Bethlehem) on Drums - creating dismal black metal at its best.

Mosaic - Stellar Landscape 7.58min

Anti - Landscape in Minor (Re-Recorded 2012 with real drummer!) 6.24min 

- 300g gatefold cover
- uncoated (matte) paper
- limited to 500 copies


sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015


Origen: Suecia, Köping
Formados: 2000
Estilo: Raw black
Temática: Satanismo
Enlaces: Facebook y youtube
  • J. L.         Voces
  • J. M. Batería y guitarra

  • Transylvanian Demon Goat Demo 2000  
  • Devilworshipper Demo 2001  
  • Stormtroops of Hell Demo 2002  
  • Death in Eternal Demo 2004  
  • Beyond Angel Eyes Demo 2009  
  • Demo 2012 Demo 2012  
  • Monstraat CD 2013
  • The One Eternal EP 2015  
  • Scythe & Sceptre CD 2017
  • Monstraat / Hinsides Split 2021
  • Death upon His Bell CD 2024
Los seguidores del sonido black clásico están de enhorabuena, este Ep de cuatro temas continúa la senda marcada con su anterior larga duración para ofrecer otro ejercicio de black crudo, libre de artificios, en esencia representativo de lo ofrecido en la década de los noventa por bandas como Darkthrone. El sonido arrancado es de una crudeza inusitada, las guitarras escupen riffs tras riffs de manera cortante, las voces son merecen un apartado especial, J.L. se desgañita en cada registro y es parte fundamental de las composiciones, buen trabajo al bajo también, digno de destacar y por último también tenemos una batería libre de todo artificio. El trabajo llevado a cabo en los Studio Hog Farm es todo un acierto y aunque los temas se asemejan entre si, sobre todo en cuanto a sonido de guitarras, que más se le puede pedir a una obra que entiende a la perfección la esencia del género. (8).

1. The One Eternal 04:29  

2. Unchained 04:40  
3. Voidlike Sky 04:15  
4. Dead Eyes See 04:28  

12" black 140 g Vinyl limited to 400 copies 8 paged 297x297mm Booklet 1. Where Pale Winds Take Them High... 2:12 2. About A Curse Of A Morbid Century 4:04 3. So I´ve Chosen Death 5:44 4. From The Black Crypts Of Fullmoon 4:35 5. Long Way Off... In Silent Nights 4:24 6. Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten 3:30


viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015


Origen: Italia, Trieste
Formados: 2002
Estilo: Black
Temática: Negatividad, tristeza y vacío
Enlaces: Facebook.
  • Climaxia Guitarra
  • Ildanach Voces

  • Marching upon Forgotten Ashes Demo 2004  
  • Promo 2005 Demo 2005  
  • In Vmbrarvm Imperii Gloria CD 2006
  • Historia Nobis Assentietvr CD 2009
  • Vorwärts CD 2014
  • Absolute Zero / The Palace Of Power Shall Burn Split 2017
VORWÄRTS (2014) 
El camino hasta su tercer trabajo no ha sido para nada  sencillo, de hecho durante algunos meses del 2013 la banda entró en un estado de letargo que hizo peligrar su futuro, pero con ese inconveniente solventado y después de más de diez años como banda este álbum de buena cuenta del estado de madurez alcanzado por Absentia Lunae. "Vorwärts" lo componen siete temas de black metal complejo, por un lado está su faceta más clásica, presente a lo largo de todos los temas, muy en línea del sonido de finales de los años noventa, pero también estamos ante un álbum con una gran influencia de doom, sobre todo por el ritmo lento y pesado que impregna todo al álbum. Así mismo hay como una cierta experimentación, en ciertas partes se aboga por un ritmo casi que marcial, las voces limpias cobrar protagonismo y avanzan sobre sonidos de guerra. También cabe añadir que es un álbum bien construido, variado y rico en matices que aborda diferentes perspectivas dentro del género pero con el suficiente acierto para no caer en lo pretencioso y siempre teniendo presente unos buenos riffs de guitarra, violentos y oscuros al que acompañan también unas agresivas y violentas voces. (8,4).

1. Dissolution Mechanism 06:36  
2. Furor of the Monuments 06:58  
3. Rapace Planare 06:23  
4. Manipulated Statues of Flesh 04:18  
5. Vorwarts 08:04  
6. Tragedy Told by Golden Horns 07:17  
7. L'arrivée 05:08  

The is going to be available as gatefold, including a six sided (eight pages (Gatefold + Inlay)), sticked in inlay and a 12'' vinyl.

Side A:
01. Wintergang (5:28)
02. Der Blätter Abschiedslied (5:56)
03. Northern Shore (Throndt Cover) (5:51)

Side B:
04. Lumi (5:16)
05. TBA (9:10)

Playtime: ~ 31min


miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015


Origen: Grecia, Atenas
Formados: 2013
Estilo: Black
Temática: Cristianismo
Enlaces: Bandcamp y facebook
  • Faithful Batería programada, todos los instrumentos y voces
  • The Wrath of the Lamb EP 2015
Primer Ep para la one man band griega afincada en Atenas,que por propuesta musical se encuadra dentro de un black digamos que crudo con cierta orientación melódica y ambient pero que en cuanto a temática se aleja de cualquier canon establecido para abarcar el cristianismo como tema principal. Los veitiun minutos que abarcan las cuatro canciones vienen a aportar un black bastante crudo, sobre todo en cuanto a guitarras se refiere, elevando un tanto esta crudeza las descarnadas voces de Faithful, del todo agresivas y crudas. Los temas siguen un patrón semejante, siendo tal vez "Armageddon" un tema más atmosférico que el resto y llamando la atención también que la batería, aún siendo programada, no desentona para nada. Algún voz coral y limpia en el tema final también aportan algo de variedad a un Ep bastante correcto y bien ejecutado en líneas generales. (8,2).

1. The Wrath of the Lamb 03:23
  Conquest and world domination 

Bloodshed by wars 
Famine, catastrophic diseases 
Over a fourth of the earth will be dead 

There will be great earthquakes 
The sun will be darkened 
The moon will become as blood 
The stars from the sky will fall to earth 

The sky will recede like a scroll 
Every mountain and every island 
Will be removed from its place 

Men will faint from terror 
Apprehensive of what is coming on the world 
They will call to the mountains and the rocks: 

''Fall on us and hide us from the face 
of Him who sits on the throne 
and from the wrath of the Lamb'' 

Behold, the wrath of the Lamb!
2. Lost in Darkness 05:30
Blackened souls searching for truth 
Walking into paths of the occult 
Blinds leading one another 
Trying to gain false wisdom 

Peace is unknown 
Because of the evil of this world 
Humanity adorned in pride 
Thoughts controlled by sin 

Blackened souls, lost in darkness 
Blackened souls, with no hope 
Blackened souls, lost in darkness 
Ungodly souls 

Unholy forces, the rulers of this world 
Attacking man with deception 
Living a mortal way of life 
Sin remains glorified 

Blackened souls, lost in darkness 
Blackened souls, with no hope 
Blackened souls, lost in darkness 
Ungodly souls 

Blackened souls, lost in darkness 
Blackened souls, with no hope 
Blackened souls, lost in darkness 
Ungodly souls 

Reject darkness, there is still hope 
Listen to His voice calling you 
Christ died for you
3. Armageddon 05:36
 The mighty angels of God 
Marching through the skies 
Holding up their swords 
To take Satan's kingdom down 

Commanded by the Eternal One 
For the final battle 

The master of lies 
In his demise 
Is watching his demons 
Falling down 

For the final battle is here 
As it was written in times of old 

Satan is now thrown 
Into the lake of burning sulphur 
With the beast and the false prophet 
Tormented day and night forever
4. The Creator of All 06:41
  In this present world 
We march through its storm 
Wondering where we came from 
Trying to find what we live for 

But what comes after death? 
Or is it the final end? 
Why so much pain in life? 
Do we live just to survive? 

God, the Creator of all 
Came to this earth into mortal flesh 
He gave us the answers 
He showed us the way to eternal life 

He suffered on the cross 
He paid the price for mankind 
He rose from the dead 
He conquered the palace of death 

He still awaits for you to return 
Will you open your heart to Him? 
Are you ready to deny yourself and follow Him?


lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015


Origen: Singapur.
Formados: 2005
Estilo: Black, death
Temática: Anti religión y odio
  • Christslaughter Batería
  • Halphas D. Nihilist Guitarra
  • Kommando Antichristo Bajo
  • Lord Ashir Voces y guitarra

  • Thy Demonization Conquers Demo 2005  
  • Antichrist Execration EP 2008
  • Amalgamation of Imperial Demonization Split 2008  
  • MCBL Heathen Blood Cult Split 2010  
  • Mastema Hedonistic Terroritual 666 Recopilatorio 2012  
  • Impetuous Infernal Terror Split 2012  
  • Conglomeration Goatcult Profanextermination EP 2013  
  • Ad Infinitum Satanic Adherent CD 2014
  • Dusthall Desecrators (Live Penang 2015) Split 2016
  • Europe Desecration Tour MMXVI Directo 2016
  • Obsolete Ordinance CD 2018
  • 18 Blackest Years of Execrating Black Metal Chaos Recopilatorio 2023
  • Diabolatry CD 2023


Después de casi una década a sus espaldas, la banda por fin tiene listo su primer larga duración, tampoco es que hayan estado de brazos cruzados, demos, split y ep siembran su discografía y este "Ad Infinitum Satanic Adherent" podemos atribuirlo a la madurez de la banda. El álbum consta de varias versiones, según el sello que lo haya editado residiendo su principal diferencia el bonus que incluye, me centraré en la de Dunkelheit Produktionen. El sonido desde su inicios se aborda desde una perspectiva de black death en la línea de bandas como Marduk, pero sin llegar a ser tan aplastante y contundente como el de los suecos ya que Infernal Execrator tiene una vertiente más thrash en sus riffs de guitarra, permitiendo disfrutar de ellos, agresivos pero no exentos de algo de melodía. Bien es cierto que el papel de la batería también es contundente, aplastante e incluso marcial, acompañado todo ello de las voces de Lord Ashir que se decanta por una línea violenta y agresiva, algo desgarrada. Un álbum que en nueve temas ofrece destrucción y violencia por todas partes, pero que dentro de esa agresividad y violencia permite apreciar una base thrash en su sonido que es muy de agradecer. (8,4).

1. Baphometerror Invocation 03:30  

2. Demonicult Patheosodomization 02:31  
3. Singatheos Regimentum Mastema 02:36  
4. Iblisupremacy Divine Desimare 03:27  
5. Dajjalegionaire Pandemonium Triumphant 02:40  
6. Ad Infinitum Satanic Adherent 03:02  
7. Absolute Pagan Essence 03:19  
8. Mors Ultima Vocatio 04:11  
9. Extirpate Messiah Supremus 05:39  

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015


Origen: Rusia, Ozersk
Formados: ?
Estilo: Black depresivo
Temática: Locura, muerte, la nada y el nihilismo
Enlaces: Bandcampfacebook y vk
  • Ravenblack Todos los instrumentos
  • Void Voces
  • The Prisoners of Life CD 2015
  • I am the Bitter Taste of Gall Single 2016
  • For All Those Gone Single 2017
  • The Eternal Revival CD 2022
Primer larga duración para esta banda rusa que se sitúa dentro de la vertiente del black depresivo. Hay que resaltar que su música también tiene un fuerte componente de ambient, pero sin lugar a dudas las sensaciones que deja la escucha de un álbum como este son de tristeza y desesperanza. Por un lado tenemos una buena parte instrumental, erigiéndose las guitarras como pieza fundamental de una tendencia melancolía, siempre con cierta melodía como telón de fondo y sin descuidar estilos como el post-rock o el progresivo. Otro aspecto reseñable son las voces de Void, que se amoldan a varios registros, sin perder en ningún momento de vista la agonía y la depresión, empleando para ello los gritos ahogados en la desesperación y la locura. Como la mayoría de obras de este calibre, la ambientación juega un papel fundamental en el resultado final de la propuesta y eso es algo que no todo el mundo está dispuesto a asumir, pero si encaramos la audición de este The "Prisoners of Life" como lo que es, una obra de black depresivo, podemos asegurar que estamos ante uno de los lanzamientos del año. (8,1).

1. Enveloped by Shadows 08:14
  There is something
Dark inside me
Misty memories
Of silent vaults
In the midst of wild woods
Under the ice-cold rain
In my veins are
Fiery needles of pain
I remember how shadows move
And enveloped me...
Tears and moans of ghosts are
Deep inside me
Deep inside me
White sky is falling apart
And I open other worlds
Feel suffering and hate
Of forgotten undead slaves
I'm lost inside my own
In another mirrors' side
I'm drowned inside a cold realm
And no one saves me
Does it seem to me
Inspired by leaden clouds?
I cannot come back from there and silence them
I'm a lonely wanderer
I'm a detached observer
Walking through this vauls of memories of myself
And of so familiar madness
And of so familiar pain
2. In This Stunning Silence 10:33
On the edge of the world
I forgot my dreams
I accept what awaited me
Since birth
In a place where is no light of hope
Far beyond the line of life...
But why have you come
And sealed my heart?
And banish all the light from my soul
And did I know who were you?
In what day will you come?
You brought me into darkness
Through the fleeting signs
I feel your presence
You are the fear of all mankind
Carrying with me an awareness
That through all the worlds they come
I've brought all demons of despair into my heart
And have not shut gates tightly after them
I hear a secret recognition
From nowhere!
Follow! Follow! Follow!
Onwards! Where black earth
Swallows you so slowly
In cold mud of decaying
Deny life eternal
Through eternal denying myself
Through eternal denying my life
Through eternal denying of god
I hear thousand cries...
They call bright angels
And pray to god - ...they are drowning in night
Instead of flying to the light... you'll never come back
Carrying with me an awareness
That through all the worlds they come
I've brought all demons of despair into my heart
And have not shut gates tightly after them
I heard a secret recogtinion
From nowhere follow! Follow! Follow!
Onwards where void swallows 
You so slowly where you will stay for all the eternity
My mind is just embers of memories
That slowly fade in the blackness
But there is nothing
In this void
In stunning silence...
3. Away from Chains of Mind 10:19
An ancient process which roots have been hitched On rocks somewhere in the outer space Life is just a form of existence Where humanity is just a kind of delusion... When the sun turns aside Dreadful creatures Of my mind break free I imagine the ancient World of primal rage, of blood and disgust Native howl Is calling me I'm a lonely and malicious creature Who aimlessly game In this world As a part of meaningless process In which There is no god, no devil And there is no concept of fate There had nothing ever been inside us We ourselves have invented all Creating an imaginary edge between beast and us Denying our own essence We have forgotten the beast inside Parts of bloody past Are what we call soul My soul is hatred And my howl Is forgotten and the most evident truth The beast is breaking chains of my mind The beast is breaking chains of mind With a cold malice we were all created for death We are all accidental children of cruel world Life is waht looks to the sky with a doomed sight In jaws of starving shadow of death Creating a perfect specie Creating a perfect kind
4. The Prisoners of Life 08:28
How long does it need to live in this place
Now knowing warmth, now knowing rest?
In the roots of frozen world
We're all the prisoners of life
Of life...
I want to rush up to the sky
With a flock of wild brids
Towards to blead suspense
Where only void is around
Only void...
I've found the key to this black cell
And loaded the last bullet
I'm a prisoner and a martyr
Reading sentence to myself
Tears're falling down from grey sky
Along with doomed las breaths
They fill the cup of indifference
And sense from it I drink
In this night full of blood
The winter sky is so close
My wounds are so wide
Visions are coming true
Ancient darkness
Void for senses under the moonlight
Society is afraid of my beliefs
Afraid of darkness at the end of tunnel
And I'm free
For knowing it
All that remains after me... only the howling wind
All that remains after me... only the sound of rain 
If I believed in sin
I'd be kissed by deep grief if I believed in god
I would be damned by awaken from eternal slumber
For this painful life
Blood is frozen on my corpse
Under the light of distant stars
We are all in death's black hole
That swallows everything
In natural order of things
5. Nothing... to Eternal Grandeur of Death 09:39
Life goes away
Away from my heart with warmth
Dark, violent universe is
Watching me
But there is nothing!
Among the stars
There are no hidden meanings
There are no gods
You cannot hide in lie
When a great shadow of death lays down
Madness comes from the inability to
Forgive a finiteness of life
For the illusion of happiness with the revelation in our death
I know the fulitily of faith
Coz all things... just an illusion destructible at the end
What people run their whole life - inevitably comes
At the poing when death takes us
Death it the only right and deafening
Answer to my meaningless life
But there is nothing
Among the stars
There are no hidden meanings
There are no gods
What it the fate of a man
If not to suffer and to decay in end?
All our lives and hopes... it's nothing...
To eternal grandeur of death
Randomness of life
Dissolving in the great universe nothingness
Death destroys self'deception of man
And the masks of well-being
At the end where is onlu natural born fear


viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015


Origen: Noruega / Polonia
Formados: 2001
Estilo: Black
Temática: Enfermedad, misantropía, oscuridad y paranoia
Enlaces: Bandcamp, facebook e Illness

  • Aro Bajista de sesión
  • Carrion Bajo, samples y teclados
  • Gulnar Bajo, batería programada, guitarra, samples y voces
Reh's 2001 Demo 2001
Black Schizophrenic Metal CD 2007
Razors, Dope and Suicide Worship EP 2007
Cursed and Forgotten (Antiposer Manifest) - Official Rehearsal Demo 2008
Necroterror CD 2009
Trupi Jad  EP 2009
Planet Paranoia CD 2010
Drowning in Schizophrenic Depression Split 2011
PsychoPath CD 2013
Arkona / Illness Split 2014
Trumna EP 2015
Mental Carnage CD 2019
Schizophrenic Kingdoms EP 2021
Hailing the 90's Cult EP 2022

TRUMNA (2015)
La banda cuenta entre sus filas con miembros de Noruega y Polonia y parece que de alguna manera esto queda reflejado en su música. Estamos ante un Ep de seis temas, que para comenzar a meter al oyente en faena nos ofrece una interpretación de la marcha fúnebre de Chopin, a partir de aquí dan rienda suelta a toda la locura de la son capaces. Illness ofrece un black metal digamos que frío, oscuro y de corte clásico, sobre todo en ambientación y en riffs de guitarra, pero asistir a la audición de este Trumna es una experiencia en todo los sentidos. Se han recreado sonido de dolor, gritos de angustia y algunos arreglos contribuyen a crear una atmósfera asfixiante y enferma, cercana a la locura. Destacaría sobre todo la ambientación, pero también el buen hacer en las batería, en algunos tramos realmente brutal, rozando el death metal, las voces son sobresalientes al encajar en la faceta más desquiciante, oscura y enfermiza de la propuesta, al mismo tiempo que algunos riffs de guitarra, tal vez no muy abundantes, pero que cuando cobran protagonismo lo bordan. Estamos ante una obra oscura y siniestra de atmósfera opresiva pero en líneas generales cumple sobradamente como obra de puro black con un ligero toque experimental.. (8).

1. Intro  
2. Trumna  
3. Dodskyggen  
4. The Kingdom Comes (Mysticum cover)  
5. Grobowa mgła  
6. Cranium

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015


Good afternoon, thank you very much for agreeing to answer these questions, what does all this for Bergen?
Greetings, Are from Galar here at your service! 

1. Galar started as a band in 2005, at that time with Fornjot and Slagmark, why did you decide to create Galar and referred the group name?
Actually, Slagmark and Sveinung B. Johnsen started the band as early as 2004, and it was one year later that I joined the ranks. We needed to have a band because Marius had an overflow of catchy guitar riffs. That and the fact that we didn’t have any luck with girls, so all in all, why not form a band! Haha, and besides, we wanted a band to express ourselves musically. Marius and I have had bands in the past, but the urge to play metal was something we couldn’t resist. The band name Galar is taken from a dwarf in northern mythology. He and his brother Fjalar kills the giant Kvasir, and from his blood they make the mead of bards, which gives anyone who drinks it, insane poetical skills.

2. In 2005 edit your first demo and the following year the first full-length "Skogskvad" comes after a silence of nearly four years, how evolves the sound of the band in the first two issues regarding "Til alle heimsens endar ”?
I think our albums have a continuous line where each one is more mature and complex than the predecessor. Til alle heimsens endar, from here referred to as TAHE, has a better production and with more emphasis on the orchestration than Skogskvad. You can say that the songs are in general more complex on TAHE with excessive use of strings and piano arrangements.

3. "Til alle heimsens endar" I think he really meant to Galar a big step forward, especially in finding their own sound, at the time of the publication of that album were you aware of the impact it would have?
I remember we thought to ourselves that it would be fun reading the reviews and feeling anticipated about it. Of course we liked the sound ourselves, but we didn’t know wether it would flop or make it, so it was fun that it got such good feedback from fans and critics.

4. And we come to "De gjenlevende", similar to the previous album, if possible with a more epic sound, satisfied with the final result?
We are very much satisfied. Once again, Bjørnar E. Nilsen and Conclave & Earshot Studio have done an excellent job with mixing and recording and everyone involved have stretched themselves to make the best Galar album so far!

5. With regard to the sound of Galar, he is very present in the black of course, but also the classical and folk music, though described as folk-black metal your music seems a aberration, what are your main musical influences and as you describe the sound of "De gjenlevende”?
The sound of ”De gjenlevende” are the sounds we bring together from our very much different musical worlds. Marius and I have different approaches that makes the blend of the album.
On ”De gjenlevende”, we wanted to explore the classical side a bit further than the previous albums, and decided to incorporate that to a larger extent in our musical expression. Regarding the sound of the album, we have always appreciated contrasts, mixing harsh blasting metal with beautiful melodies and calmer passages, and we have tried to perfect that to the best of our abilities on “De gjenlevende”.

6. For the recording of the album have again Conclave & Earshot studios, what do you offer these studies you find yourself at ease writing on them?
We find Conclave & Earshot very easy to work with and since we know them it makes for an easy collaboration. We know what we’re getting and we like it.

7. How was the process of writing and recording the album? It is very difficult to capture the epic and developments of your music, that is, you are very perfeccionistass?
We've developed a way of writing that works surprisingly well, given the fact that we don't physically live in the same city any more. We have quite clear roles in how we work and how we contribute in the writing process, which also makes the goal clear. It’s a lot easier when you know what you aim for, and we have a dialogue all the way up to where we go in the studio to record. Marius does the dirty work and I get to play with my vocal lines and make the string arrangements. Hehe. Given the nature of how we write, it pleases the perfectionist in us, because we get to dwell on ideas longer than a band that works in a live environment. It’s like a game of correspondent chess, where the two players can really contemplate on their next move.

8. As for the lyrics has always maintained a narrative centered on the mythology and history and here the lyrics to "De gjenlevende" hides a conceptual history, what can you tell us about the conceptual story? What inspires you to write about it?
Yes, that’s right, “De gjenlevende” is a concept album which draws its inspiration from Pan-European folklore, ontology, and elegies. Jorge Blutaar (Drautran), our lyricist, set out to portray the transition of the harsh season of winter into spring, and how the seasonal changes challenges mankind, beasts and plants equally. The winter has historically  been a  hard and merciless period  in this northern region of the world. Surviving it to see the return of spring, for animals and humans, were not always so certain. Being a tiny human in the hands of fate, doing everything you can to survive a long and hard winter, still not knowing if food would last, when and how illness would strike, or wild animals  kill your herd,  certainly makes you humble.  We wanted  to make our own contribution to this subject of human struggle. It's just recently we sort of learned to control our surroundings, up to a degree of course. It seems like nature is  finally taking its revenge on us for that. But regarding our own contribution, I think it's interesting to dwell with this feeling of being left over to forces bigger than yourself, to accept the common man's limitations, and to acknowledge the power of the elements.

9. What bands can cite as influences recognizable sound Galar?
I think you can say that bands such as Borknagar, Windir and Vintersorg etc. were early inspirations for Galar, though I feel that we have managed to successfully "move away" from our early inspirational sources, and managed to create our own unique sound mixing classical music, black metal, and a bit of folk.

10. Galar is not a band that was very lavish live despite having a stable drummer and bassist live, how to be the echo not offer many concerts?
It’s hard to do live shows at the moment, since I’m not living in Bergen and we haven’t had a full line up until recently, but we did our first show in about four years when we played at this years Inferno festival in Oslo on April the 1st. What will happen in the near future, we don't know yet, but we're definitely looking to do more gigs to support the new release. For the first time we have sort of a steady live line-up, which makes it a lot easier to prepare for live shows and such, and we hope to take advantage of that more in the future.

11. Coming from Bergen guess I've been aware of black scene from an early age, how were your beginnings in music and why did you decide to devote yourself to it?
Marius and I started our musical collaboration when we played ska-punk together in our home town of Sandefjord 15 years ago. He made the guitar riffs and I made the catchy ska-like melodies on my trombone. After that we moved apart to different cities, but when we both moved to Bergen, the opportunity was there to create Galar and that’s how it started. Regardless of genre, music to us is a creative outlet and a way to express ourselves. Plain and simple.

12. The cover is provided by Robert Høyem, why you choose to work with and how the cover relates to the music of the album?
That’s right, Robert Høyem from Overhaus did the artwork. We've known Robert for severeal years, and he also did the artwork for our first two albums. He knows the band, our style, and what we want to achieve with our musical expression, so the decision to work with him again was fairly simple. «De gjenlevende» is a bit more black metal oriented and aggressive than our previous efforts, and the lyrical concept is a bit darker as well, and we wanted the artwork to reflect that.

13. For this occasion accounts with Dark Essence Records for the release of the album, are you satisfied with the work done by the record label?
Dark Essence has a good network and knows the channels well. They’re a good match for Galar.

14. What are your plans in the future to Galar, upcoming releases, publications, concerts?
We have started writing some new material and we'd also like to do more live shows. Playing a few of the bigger festivals in Europe would be something we'd really like to accomplish, and we'll have to work on trying to achieve that.

15. Thank you very much for taking the time to Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for the followers of Galar, this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.
Thank you for your questions! If you'd like to check out our music feel free to pay us a visit:

- 300gsm Jacket With Reverse Side Printing- 140g White Vinyl- 250gsm Cardboard Insert- Artwork By Gaamalzagoth- Vinyl Mastering By Patrick W. Engel/Temple Of DisharmonyPLEASE NOTE: "The winter falls over the land" plays on Side B while "The gates of eternity" plays on Side A