martes, 21 de mayo de 2013


Origen : Escocia
Formados: 2012
Estilo: Black y folk atmosférico
Temática: Herencia escocesa, nacionalismo, naturaleza, padecimiento, paisajes
Enlaces: Arsaidhfacebookyoutube
  • A. Todos los instrumentos, voces
  • Roots CD 2013
ROOTS (2013)
Primer trabajo de Andy Marshall, tras curtirse en otros proyectos tales como Falloch o Askival, pero es aquí donde deja fluir su vertiente más patriótica y nos ofrece un disco que desprende aroma escocés por todas su esquinas. Cabe destacar el aspecto compositivo, con canciones largas pero para nada aburridas o repetitivas, en ellas se entretejen atmósferas evocadoras, construidas con la incorporación a los temas de instrumentos folk que enriquecen en sobremanera la propuesta musical de Arsaidh. En los temas de Arsaidh hay cabida para elementos del post-rock, del black y del folk, muy bien elaboradas y sin caer en las concesiones o en el aburrimiento de otras propuestas más preocupadas en sonar accesibles que en hacer bien su trabajo. Si me preguntaran una sensación que emana de este trabajo me atrevería a decir que es la sensación de dolor. (8,7).
1. Roots 16:37
Buried in this soil Are roots that go deep Like scars etched in the earth Ancient wounds, a reminder Of a distant age When the heart of the mountain Pounded in every proud mans chest Of forgotten oath When blood and honour Spoke to every true man's soul "Scotia's thistle guards the grave Where repose her dauntless brave Never yet the foot of a slave Has trod the wilds of Scotia"* Never forget Their sacrifice *Verse from the poem "Scotia's Thistle" by Henry Scott Riddell 
2. Carved in Stone 13:55
 When day fades into night
Stars ignite the sky
Illuminating sacred stones
Mysterious carvings glimmer
Revealing archaic prophecies 

Ghostly whispers haunt the air
Evoking ancestral wisdom
I stand hypnotised
My destiny unfolds before me
As I ascend to a higher purpose
Beyond this life

Now awake
I stand free
3. Saorsa 02:17  
4. A Highland Lament 17:33
We are sorrow's children Torn from Alba's womb A reflection of fallen martyrs The lifeblood of this land We are the mountains of heather And the desolate moorland below Aurora and darkness The pathos of the afterglow We are the forsaken Ancient echoes in the breeze The fallen leaves of autumn Withering away  

Curiosidades: Àrsaidh significa "antiguo" y "arcaico" en Gàidhlig (gaélico escocés).


Origen: Australia, Melbourne
Formados: 1991
Estilo: black
Enlaces: myspace

  • Rev. Kriss Hades Todos los instrumentos

  • Meditation of the Midnight Candle Practice (New Music for a Dying World) Demo 1991   
  • The Wind of Orion CD 2002
  • Paganini, Bloodlust, Static Age Directo 2006
Este trabajo supuso para el multiinstrumentista refugiado bajo el seudonimo de Rev. Kriss Hades, la atención de los medios en aquellos días, sobre todo bajo mi punto de vista por la maestría en la ejecución de los riffs de guitarra. Su propuesta es muy personal y aunque predomina una actitud y base black, en su música hay lugar para la experimentación en el sentido más amplio del término. Se mueve como pez en el agua en terrenos del metal y del rock y va construyendo unos ambientes propios a base de sonidos arrancados a su guitarra y algún que otro teclado. Trabajo muy variado que cuando toma carrerilla y suena metal lo borda por momentos, pero que también tiene partes más difíciles de digerir y en donde nos vemos inmersos en el universo personal de RKH. (7,8).
1. Winds Over Orion/Pyramids of War and the Destruction of Enemies 10:37  
2. Black Mass Murder (Satanic Version) 05:24  
3. The Final Execution (Ouija Version) 13:30  
4. Luciferion 02:40  
5. Meditation of the Midnight Candle Practice 08:11  
6. The Burial 03:07  


Origen : Nueva Zelanda, Wellington.
Formados : 2009
Estilo: Black
Temática : Misantropía, muerte, ocultismo, sendero de la mano izquierda.
Enlaces:   bandcampbarshasketh, facebook

  • Krigeist   Guitarra, Voces
  • BB           Bajo
  • GM           Guitarra. voces
  • MK          Batería

  • Barshasketh Demo 2009   
  • As Flesh Becomes Earth Demo 2009   
  • Defying the Bonds of Cosmic Thraldom CD 2010)
  • Sitra Achra CD 2013
  • Krawwl ​ / ​Barshasketh Split 2014
  • Barshasketh / Void Ritual Split 2015 Ophidian Henosis CD 2015
  • Sein / Zeit Split 2017
  • Barshasketh CD 2019
Siguiente paso firme de los neozelandeses en este su segundo trabajo, en donde nos ofrecen un completo trabajo de black metal en donde al oyente le será muy difícil aburrirse, ya que este trabajo es harto variado en riffs y estructuras, sin perder en ningún momento de vista el patrón de black de sonido clásico. Los puntos fuertes de este "Sitra Achra" hay que buscarlos en el excelente trabajo realizado por los dos guitarras, construyendo los temas a base de riffs pegadizos que dotan a las composiciones de melodía y agresividad a partes iguales; y por otro lado la batería en donde BH realiza una excelente labor, adaptando y amoldándose a las estructuras creadas por las guitarras. Las voces cumplen sobradamente los patrones que se le presuponen al black. Gran trabajo que agradará a todo fan del black, preocupante es cuando menos, en donde vamos a encontrar el techo de la banda. (8).
1. Sitra Achra 04:08  
2. Malaise 07:09  
3. L'ange du Meridien 05:52  
4. Bitter Sagacity 06:16  
5. Sonnets To Orpheus 07:56  
6. Leaden Horizon 06:40  
7. Schlußstück 07:07  


Origen : Bielorrusia, Minsk.
Formados : 2011
Estilo: Black, death
Temática : Muerte, perversión y satanismo
Enlaces : youtube
Miembros :
  • Dote
  • Goat Worshiper
  • Nekrolyte


  • Downfall Proclamator Demo 2011   
  • Followers of the Unholy Cult EP 2012   
  • Chants of Obliteration CD 2014  
  • Impure Devastation Mass EP 2018
  • Followers of the Unholy Cult + Anvil of Demonic Genocide Recopilatorio 2021
Un paso más en la carrera de la banda, en donde se va da dando forma a un proyecto bastante fiel al estilo clásico del black, death. sirva de ejemplo el buen uso que se hace del apartado vocal, en su justa medida entre los dos estilo, y en el apartado de las guitarras, la velocidad que se le imprime a los riffs, junto con momentos en donde brilla algún que otro solo. Por contra el apartado de bajo y batería, están un poco menos logrados y dejan las temas un poco cojos en ese sentido. La sensación que transmite su música es de muerte y podredumbre a partes iguales con una impecable ejecución que cojea en ciertos momentos en la parte de producción, la cual también deja una sensación de cierta repetición en sus temas, sensación que no es del todo cierta y que medida que van cayendo las escuchas se van encontrando matices, entro otros las ya anteriormente citados en cuanto a solo de guitarras, pero también un acercamiento a ritmos orientales o incluso tendencias más thrash. Buen trabajo que pide a gritos una continuación en formato de larga duración. (7,6).
1. Sepulchral Penance 03:23
Sky is bleeding with purulent vomit
Raging venomous chaos comes down
Enforcing slaves for their penance
Upon the ashes of the dead sun.

Deviate the martyr´s path
Reconsider (the) ways of torment
Sharpen blades of evil wrath
Praise the cult of the devil´s trident.

Bleed for Master
Within the thriving
Garden of flesh
Skulls crushed
Saints skinned
Entrails coiled.
2. Morbid Carnage 03:38
Call upon war and destruction Master's embodiment in matter Summon fire to pour down Unleash armageddon Followers of the unholy cult Salute the fiery descent Malignant storms are to obliterate Last footprints of sordid race Final slaughter Morbid carnage Final nail In the mankind's coffin  
3. Storm of Destruction 03:32
  Winds of death declare
The feast of demonic slaughter
To bring death curse
Upon the doomed mankind

Crush the temples
Bring them torment
Unleash damnation
Boil their blood

As the abyss stands open
To spawn the evil spirits
To behold...
Feeble domains destroyed
Envenomed minds shattered
Sacred shrines ruined and 
Cracked skulls invite the vultures

Crush the temples
Bring them torment
boil their blood
Unleash damnation
4. Onwards to the Holocaust 03:01
Arise demons of painful death Arise Gods of the endless war As the earth feels bestial breathe Of upcoming total destruction Flame embrace the ashen ruins Legions of death bring endless torture Sacrificial billions of coffins Leaving the earth without future Overrun by demonic spawns Tearing apart humanity's last ones Among the scape blood and stones Marching with glory and devilish lordliness Onwards to the holocaust  
5. Encrowned by Flesh and Bone 03:19
Genocide to set the torch Of expanding black chaos Fires of unholy triumph Set the world ablaze Bottomless pits of blood Pillars of a new reign Agonizing souls' canticles Of everlasting torment Gleams of hell's fire Embrace our blades As they are to rip Through the flesh As demons rise, unholy incarnates To downcast the earth into damnation Behold profane lord of torment Crowned by flesh and bone  
6. Temple of Blazing Torment 03:08
Unholy gust of shattered bones Brings ghastly putrefaction Envenoming last standing ones Bringing down annihilation Blades are sharpened To be suffused with blood While hollow voices of still living Edge this world's last dirge Exhausted bodies left to suffer Tormented souls locked up within Hope abandoned, faith is left Inside the temple of the blazing torment  
7. Troops of Doom (Sepultura cover) 02:42
 Total Eclipse Hides The Earth
The Night Of Doom Has Come
Antichrist Soldiers Are Proclaimed
To Send Souls To The Hell

Catastrophe And Destruction
Mankind Is Slaughtered Without Mercy
Suphul Clouds Are In The Air
Legions Winds Corrose The Universe

The Messiah, Redeemers Of Mankind
Chained In The Valley Of Hades
Crowds Blinded By Evil
Only Death Is Real
Total Destruction
Walls Of Churches
Stained By Blood
Altars Burning In The Flames
The Doom Cries Out For Insanity

The Nuclear War Announces The End Of The World
The Mankind Is Buried And Forgotten
Prophets Foresee The Doom
They Foresee The Triumph Of Your Death

sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013


1. How and when did you decide to form Eternal Wisdom? What can you tell us your stage Blooddawn? People become musicians for a variety of reasons. What are the factors that originally inspired him to play music? Are you playing for the same reasons today than when you started? Why or why not?

I founded Eternal Wisdom around 2005, I’m not sure. At this time I played in other projects but I hated it to make so many compromises in the songwriting process. I wanted to put through my ideas and founded Eternal Wisdom.
I also played in Blooddawn for 2 Years but it was only a funny thing for me. It was not seriously enough for me.
The cause to make music lies in my childhood. I got in touch with Metal by my brothers. I heard their LPs and was fascinated by the 80´s Metal bands. This was the reason because I started. Today, music is a transcendental thing for me. Though my songs I became a creator. One the other hand Eternal Wisdom is a type of psychotherapy for me.

2. How was the songwriting process of "Meditation of the Cleansing Fire" What You can find major differences regarding "... of Eternity"? Has recorded any previous recording these two jobs?

The songwriting process was the same as for “…Of Eternity”. I write riffs in nightly sessions and record it at my computer. When I have a lot of Material, the riffs connect automatically to songs and then I finish the album in my rehearsal room before I go in the studio.
Meditation…’ is the progression of ‘…Of Eternity’, in reference with the lyrics and the music. I have become mature and music of Eternal Wisdom, too.
Before these works I recorded the Demo-CD “In Infinitum”.

3. What major influences can be found in the music of Eternal Wisdom? What are your sources of inspiration when composing and also in the lyrical aspect? What do you reflect the album cover, there is a relationship with music?

Eternal Wisdom is influenced by the Swedish Black and Death Metal sound of the 90´s and also by 80´s heavy metal. The lyrics are influenced by the kabbalah and other books about traditional occultism.
The Cover Artwork have a reference to the lyrical concept of “Meditation..”. It symbolizes our Downfall. Jesus nailed on the cross, symbolize the curse of polarity. The polar world is destroyed to create something new. A new Spirit!

4. It's amazing how good it sounds Eternal Wisdom considering that you have to take the process of recording all instruments, in my point of view I would like to pay special tribute to the guitar section, where I think he's done a very good job . How does the process of recording all the music with that instrument more comfortable? Have you thought about incorporating other musicians to the group, for a future concert to offer?

Thank you for the tribute! The Time in the Studio is long because every Instrument must be recorded by me. Regarding concerts, never say never but I’m a studio musician and honestly, I suffer from stage fright, haha.

5. Let's talk about this look in his lyrics, Theosophy. How referred and its importance in your life theosophical currents?

I´m in search of god. I mean a non-denominational god of creation. Every Religion is a human translation of the character of god and all are fallible. The theosophy is fallible too but it’s a view from a point beyond dogma´s and laws. Esoteric became a part of my life and It change my point of view. This worldview is about Reconciliation with yourself and this world.

6. Tell us what would be for you the five essential within the black cds.

My favorite BM albums are:
Sacramentum – Far away from the sun
Dissection – Storm of the lights bane
Naglfar – Diabolical
Abigor – Apocalypse
Impaled Nazarene – Nihil

7. Which is immediate projects for Eternal Wisdom? Are you writing new songs?'re Thinking of a special edition through his label OTOW?

At the moment I write on new Material for the third Album “Pathei Mathos - Into Sephirotic Oceans”. The first songs are complete and in this summer I will go in the studio to record the new Long player. I also plan a reissue of “…Of Eternity” for the next year via O.T.O.W.

8. This prospective study was published by Golden Hades, what led him to create his own label and leave earlier, perhaps more control over your music?

I found O.T.O.W. in 2012 to release my stuff and stuff from friends if there is no label to release it. I got some offers from Labels but in my opinion, Eternal Wisdom wasn´t compatible to them. This was the cause to release “Meditation..” via my own label O.T.O.W. And yes, it’s a good feeling to have so much control over the music!

9. Measured using the time perspective that gives you happy with the reception that is taking Meditation of the Cleansing Fire?

Yes, I think its ok for the moment.

10. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like Eteranl Wisdom, this place, thanks. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Thank you for this interview. Be prepared for the new Album! AVE!

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


1. How did you decide to form Wound upon wound in 2008? Was there any previous band? How was the recruitment of members of the group?

The band basically came about as a two peice between our guitarist and previous vocalist, who got together to release a demo, and when the time came to play live we already had a few of our friends in mind to fill the other spaces in the band so there wasn't much searching involved. We knew who we wanted to play with and conveniently everyone had the free time, so the transition between recording project and full band was as simple as that.

2. How has the band's sound with respect to the Ep "Grievance"? Are you happy 100% of your album "Wound upon Wound"? Descararías What aspects of it and what are the aspects that I otherwise would have been improved?

Well when we recorded “Grievance” we were a relatively new band and the sound on the first release resembled that. At the time we felt the EP needed a clearer production to bring out the best in the songs.

With the self titled album we felt differently. The songs were much darker and more complex and we felt this would benefit from a darker and dirtier production. For this reason we recorded it in a different studio (The Hive Studios), which we felt fitted our needs for this album a lot better.  Of course we are 100% happy with the album, we would not release something that we were not satisfied entirely with.

3. How is the writing process within the group? Is there a leader when composing or all aportáis thoughts? How have integrated the new vocalist in the group?

The songs take structure quite naturally. Leigh will often write most of the basic riffs and ideas and then we mostly piece the songs together as a group in rehearsals. We usually jam the songs out and structure them with what feels natural and if possible we like to try and add new ideas of things we haven’t done before to each track.

Our new vocalist is with us since 2011, so he isn’t really new anymore. He has integrated very well into the band and has been a big contribution to the song and lyric writing since he joined.

I will however take this time to announce our new bassist Irene (from the bands Sodb [] and Okus []), who has just joined us.

4. The name of the group if I'm not mistaken a song inspired by Gorgoroth, is left alone influence in inspiring name or beyond? Which groups are your source of inspiration?

Yes indeed the name “Wound Upon Wound” is taken from the Gorgoroth song. As far as the choice of name, we felt it represented the outlook and feeling that is portrayed in our music and as a result we all agreed the name was fitting.

As far as bands that inspire us, I think we have moved past that stage as a band. When we started out you could hear clearly the influences of others in our music but now I feel that those aren’t as obvious. I like to think we have created our own unique sound and we try not to emulate other bands or ideas. Of course people will always compare bands with other bands and so forth but we don’t really concern ourselves with that. We play the music we want to play and craft it the way we want it to sound. 

5. Your music transmits sensations sad and depressing, how would you define your musical approach? What topics you treat in your lyrics and why? What you want to convey with your music?

Again our approach to this band is to create the music we want to play and hear. It is an outlet for us as people.

You mention sad and depressing, there are definitely elements of those feelings in our music but it isn’t always that way. Some of our songs contain moments of relief in contrast to the dark atmosphere.

 As far as the lyrics go, we like to leave a lot open to interpretation and let the listener take from them what they will. Lyrics are a very personal thing, so each person will naturally take something different from them. We try however to explore things we find important and relevant in our lyrics. Singing about money and cars and material objects doesn’t concern or interest us, there are far more important things to be worried about. The decline of the human race or morality, for example. The human race is slowly destroying itself and this is a far more interesting topic to explore instead of the usual topics found in say, chart music.

6. What musical equipment do you use in the recording sessions? What musical equipment do you use at concerts?

We use whatever equipment we need to in order to capture the sounds we are after. When we record, we try and keep the live situation in mind so that we will be able to replicate the sounds on the recordings live.  A lot of our newer songs have many layers of guitars in them so we have started to use loopers live to help us build up the textures in the newer material. Distortion and fuzz also play a large part in our sound so a good loud distorted amp and fuzz pedal is our usual go to, along with delay and reverb to add to the ambience. The self-titled album was all recorded on a Mesa Dual rectifier, with delays and reverbs for various sections of the songs. Our setup is pretty much identical to that live.

7. Are you aware of the extreme bands in Ireland?, If so, what bands would you recommend? What do you think of the black metal scene in your country?

There are a lot of extreme bands here, many of which are of a very high standard. Outside of the obvious Primordial and Altar Of Plagues, we have more underground bands such as Zom, Warpath, Eternal Helcaraxe and plenty more on the rise showing a lot of talent. Malthusian are another band to keep an eye on, as far as I know the are yet to release a CD but we have witnessed their live debut and they were fantastic.

I think the black metal scene here is especially strong these days, Altar of Plagues are really putting Ireland on the map for BM and Slidhr are another great black metal band that have released a fantastic new album. A quick visit to would definitely give you a wealth of talented bands from the country to have a listen to, the standard is very high in the local scene at the moment. 

8. Are you satisfied with the response of the media and the public to your new album?

We could not be happier with the response we have received on the latest album. Its been getting some great reviews which is always nice to see for something you have created. We have seen it listed in peoples top 10 albums of 2012 alongside the likes of Marduk,  Anaal Nathrakh and Krallice which is a huge honour as we are fans of all these bands.

9. The disc you publish it through Underground Movement, how is the relationship with the label?

Our first EP was released through Underground Movement, but the new album we decided to release ourselves due to time constraints. Our relationship with the label is great and we are very thankful to have worked with Ian and UM. Ian did huge amounts to get us where we are and we owe a lot to him and the label. It certainly gave us the push to take what we do in the right direction and for that we're very grateful.

10. What are your goals with the band, to where you want to get with her?

Our goals with this band is to make the music we like and that we enjoy playing, It has always been that way and always will be. We play this music as an outlet for ourselves and if people can relate to that and enjoy what we do then we are grateful for their support. If people don’t enjoy what we do then that is fine also as we are not doing this to please everyone. Beyond that we just want to keep doing as many decent shows as we can and finish the follow up album we've been working on since finishing the last one.

11. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like Wound upon wound, this is the place, thanks. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Thank you for the questions and for taking an interest in our band. For anyone that wishes to hear more of our music, our latest album is available to download for free from:

We are preparing our second album at the moment which we hope to record by the end of the year so keep an eye out for that one, and thank you for the support.

Wound Upon Wound

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013


1. How and why did you decide to form Usnea? Was it your first band, or did you have a project before Usnea?

Joel: Usnea rose out of the ashes of Absence of Light, a project that Justin Cory was playing guitar for. It was more of a doom rock n' roll band in the vain of The Sword or Black Sabbath back then. A bunch of people left the band, JC hit up Zeke and I to start fresh and write new songs. With Zeke and I's influences the band slowed down considerably. We also added Johnny on second guitar which continued our progression into sludgery. We changed the name cause we weren't the same band at all anymore. All of us have been in a ton of bands before. I was in Dopesmoker and I have a solo black metal/dark ambient/post-punk band called Banishing.

2. How was the recording process of your self-titled album? How is the writing process; all ideas or is there a leader who imposes his judgment?

Zeke: Most of the songs on the album were collaboratively written. For example, the first half of "Chaoskampf" started as two riffs I'd been kicking around for a while and the other half came from working through the song at practice, trying out different ideas, etc. We spent a long time on each of these songs playing them over and over, fine-tuning sections, throwing out and re-working parts, etc. This album was really exciting to write - as our first works they represent our evolution from four guys jamming to a cohesive band. We didn't have a particular vision going in as to what we wanted to sound like - it evolved over time as we began writing and it drew upon ideas and influences from all of us. I think we're all pretty excited about our next album as well, which we're about 75% done writing, as it gives us the chance to bring some new ideas into our songs. It's definitely not going to be a carbon-copy of our last album - stylistically the new songs are similar but with some different influences (such as a bit more focus on death doom), etc. 

Joel: We recorded with Fester at Haywire Studios. The dude is a close friend of mine and a musical/recording genius. As far as song writing goes, the first record is primarily a mix of everyone's input. Zeke primarily wrote Chaoskampf (he plays guitar as well), Justin primarily wrote Brazen Bull, but we have a very democratic/everyone contributes style of songwriting in general. All of our songs have influences from everyone on them.

3. The band's sound is quite complex, at times reminiscent of black metal, has a lot of sludge, doom much of which reminds me elsewhere, Neurosis comes to mind. How would you define the sound of Usnea?

Zeke: This is a hard question. I would say we're definitely a "doom" band, but other than that we don't really fit into a specific category, though we're influenced by a lot of different styles. One thing I can say for sure is that during our songwriting process we've tried to inject melodies and harmonies into our music that give the songs feeling - often sorrowful or mournful - but we have also tried to stay away from making anything too pretty. Or putting it another way - we're trying to walk the line between beautiful sadness and disgusting anger.

4. Portland is a hotbed of extreme groups, how is your relationship with the other bands? Does it facilitate the local scene the emergence of new group?

Justin: I personally have my mind blown constantly by the sheer scope of creativity and energy in Portland, OR. We are just very lucky to be surrounded by so much talent and such a thriving and supportive music and art scene. The DIY punk and metal community are so big and diverse that there are more bands and sub-groups within that one could not hope to know/see them all. As for our relationship with other bands, we are really close with Stoneburner and Ephemeros. Atriarch are good friends as well. Pretty much every band with play with from Portland are also our friends who we go out to see and support outside of our own shows as well. We also tend to have some really great relationships with other bands on the West Coast, most notably Bell Witch in Seattle who played our first show with; Badr Vogu and Lycus in Oakland; Yob from Eugene, who pretty much inspired me to play doom in the first place so playing with them was incredible. New bands up here in Portland just have to do what any band does and cut their teeth playing shows and learning their way. We have been very fortunate to have the help of elder bands and our community helping us along the way. Our experience from previous bands we've been in also helps!

5. Tell us a little musical equipment and instruments that you use in the recording sessions and the ones you use live.

Zeke: We pretty much used the same equipment in the recording studio as we do live. The only difference is that during the recording we used an additional guitar amp for each guitar track. For example, Justin plays a 1972 Ampeg V4 live - during the recording process he recorded through the V4 as well as an Orange Thunderverb. And Johnny used his Mesa Boogie DC-10 and the Ampeg V4 I believe. For bass we use an Ampeg SVT and the drums are a big Yamaha kit from the 80s.
But basically the sound we got in the studio is exactly what we sound like live. We added a few things like some atmospheric samples and layered a few guitar parts, but overall the feel of the songs is identical to what we have live.

Justin: Zeke covered it all. The only difference live and on the record is that we were able to experiment with guitar tone and amp pairings to get a really full texture in a way that isn't possible live unless you have a lot of money (for gear) and a lot of room (for said gear). Just wanted to add that we have great speaker cabinets which is crucial in addition to having great amplifiers. If there are any nerds out there curious what we play (we are also nerds haha); I have an Orange 4x12 loaded with Celestion Vintage 30s and an Emperor 4x12 loaded with Eminence Wizards. Johnny has an 80's Mesa Boogie cab loaded with Black Shadows and Joel plays out of this weird but awesome Monolith 2x15 (not sure what speakers are in there). 

6. Your lyrics deal with some issues of some currently, what topics inspire you when composing? The world está muy fucked, right?

Justin: When we first started, Joel and I were really pissed off and politically motivated. The class warfare in this country and the climate here was really tense with Occupy across the US and a real awareness of economic injustice rippling out far and wide. Most of the lyrical themes on the first record deal with greed, capitalism, exploitation, the triumph of the worst possible traits in humanity, torture, inhumanity, etc… bleak stuff. On the new material, Joel and I both kinda strayed from the political despondency we were in before. We never set out to be a "political" band so even though I believe that the personal and artistic is always political even if it tries not to be, we have branched out with our lyrics and the theme of the new songs. Our interest in the human dramas of old and mysticism, dark periods of human reasoning (or lack there-of), the manipulation and usurpation of reason by religion etc… that's the stuff we've been writing about lately. We like to toy with the imagery and poetry of the occult and dark mysticism but from an aesthetic perspective since we are atheists, skeptics and science dorks. 

7. What bands inspired you when forming the group? What are your influences?

Justin: Too many to list. Our local buddies Sotneburner, Ephemeros, Atriarch, Yob, Bell Witch, Badr Vogu, Nux Vomica, Aldebaran, Amarok, Honduran, Knelt Rote, Ritual Necromancy, Hellshock, Tragedy, etc etc… Outside of our friend's bands; Noothgrush, Graves at Sea, Thou, Corrupted, Khanate, Electric Wizard, Moss, Loss, Burning Witch, Thorr's Hammer, Bathory, Weakling, The Gault, Asunder, Anhedonist, Autopsy, Mournful Congregation, Evoken, Trouble, Pentagram, Venom, Ludicra, Darkthrone, Deathspell Omega, Worship, BLACK SABBATH, etc etc… I mean, I could write too many bands here haha. Other influences outside of music would be Carl Sagan, HP Lovecraft, Ursula K Le Guin, Kurt Vonnegut, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, George R R Martin, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, etc etc. 

8. What can we expect Usnea shortly about concerts, new material?

Zeke: We're embarking on a west coast tour May 16-31st where we'll be incorporating some new material as well as old. We have a new album mostly written at this point, and we expect to enter the recording studio in October/November. So next Spring we should have a new album out and we're planning on doing a full US tour as well. Unfortunately this Summer/Fall we're all a bit too busy to go on a national tour, but we'll be playing dates up and down the west coast, including Dead Fest in August.

9. How Usnea is being welcomed by critics and the public? Are you happy with the response you have achieved with your first job? How far are you going with the group?

Zeke: We're all pretty overwhelmed with the positive response we've gotten. The reviews of the album have been great, and our reception at our shows has been great as well. We've managed to play some amazing shows locally with bands such as Yob, Bell Witch, Atriarch, Whitehorse, Stoneburner, Black Tusk, etc and we're continually humbled that we've been asked to play such great shows. Moving forward we're just going to continue growing as a band - writing new material, doing bigger tours, and of course inspiring each other and having fun.

10. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like Usnea, this is the place, thanks. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Justin: Thank you for asking them and for your contributions to the DIY music omniverse! Hopefully we will get out of the US at some point and play shows for metal heads elsewhere!! 

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013


Hi good afternoon, how about all of Wrocław?, Thank you very much for agreeing to answer these questions.

Thanks, things looks going ok.

1. How did the idea of forming Sytris in 2007? What do you name refers Sytris?

Main idea was to express things from mind into sounds. I started to create my own music and with time it was becoming clearer shapes. Sytris is the name one of demons.

2. Being only two members, how is the process of composition Sytris? What kind of equipment do you use?

It is hard to name it process. I just sit and record what I actually feel and what nest in my head. It is how demo versions are done. Than I collect all music and record it in final way. Equipment is typical for this kind of music plus some samples.

3. How has the sound of the demo group from 2009 until this "Confessions of the Fall"?

With time you get know more things better. It means you can do more things in the way you want. This is technically, but the most important is atmosphere around the sound, but this is unpredictable.

4. Xaos Oblivion, what gives you Sytris that do not offer or do not find in the other projects we're involved?

X. O.: Music of Sytris has for me unique atmosphere, remarkable emotional charge which I personally feel very much and it fits me as a way to express inner demons. I think Systris is one of the few bands which refers to the cold and melancholic atmosphere of Scandinavian bands in 90s. For me it is the best in black metal music.

5. What bands inspire you when composing? How were your beginnings in the black?

To be clear, it does not work this way: listen to something, think its sounds nice and trying to do something similar. It is dead end, does not make any sense and kill true spirit of this music. Beginnings in black: some recorded tapes with Burzum, Mayhem etc. songs.

6. Five fundamental cds in black.

Everything from Burzum. Plus ‘De Mysteriis Dom Sathanass’

7. What topics you treat in your lyrics? Is there any connection between the cover and the theme of the album? Whose is design?

The same as with music. There is connection between ALL pieces of complete recording: music, lyrics, graphics. It is something like monograph of some vision or state of mind. It may come from book, movie, night walk…. Cover idea came by me and Perversor made it in the right way.

8. How do you see the black metal scene worldwide and particularly in a country with so much tradition as is Poland? What groups would you recommend us?

I do not especially follow present black metal scene. I prefer to listen to old records but sometime there is something worth paying attention. Last years in Poland, in my opinion, were released quiet a lot great albums. Check Plaga, Deus Mortem and positions from Let The World Burn org.

9. How is it being received "Confessions of the Fall", by the media and the press? Are you happy with the answers and criticism? What do you have planned for next actions Sytris?

Generally reception is favourable. It is nice to hear that someone appreciate your work but it does not have any influence on my work. Criticism is always welcome. Now we finished work with EP called “Koszmar” (nightmare in Polish). More details soon.

10. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like Sytris, this is the place, thanks. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Downwards Oblivion.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013


1. F41.0 was established in 2007, what led you to create the group? Is it a project of yours, totally personal?

It is. I gave birth to F41.0 because i heavily needed to puke out my inner occupations. Musically and, of course, ideologically! 

2. What gives you F41.0 with respect to the other bands of which you are or were a member? Are you open the group to the incorporation of other musicians and will remain your personal project?

I won´t, of course! The „Project“ enables me to do what the fuck i want to. No discussions, no quarrels, no compromises. But that doesn´t mean I wouldn´t enjoy the creative work  with my brothers of KRATEIN for example. Friction is essential if you want to be able to create great and self-satisfying music.

 3. How was the writing process of this Near Life Experiences? Did you taken nearly six years to have it ready?

I remember that the songs featured on „Near Life Experiences“ were created in a period from 2007 to 2010. Actually, i didn´t really want to release the music i was writing at that time just because i exclusively considered it as an offset to my work in my active bands. But it really did not take too long to get me convinced by a couple of friends, especially my bandmate Frederic and Insomnius (Ex-Signum:Karg) to get my ass up into studio.

4. How referred F41.0 name?. The album's title Near Life Experiences, How did? What do you reflect with your music?

The classification „F41.0“ can be easily googled. No more explanation!  The album title has been chosen to illustrate my thoughts on the overall concept of the songs. They combine my personal near-life experiences like a gallery i access to whenever i want! 

5. F41.0's music conveys sensations of coldness, madness, suicide feelings coming also. How would you define the music of F41.0? What are the main influences on the band, both from other groups as to the time of writing the lyrics?

First  - Seems like I need to destroy all thoughts about me doing any kind of„suicidal“ music. 
F41.0 is NOT (!) meant to be „anti- life“, depressive or any other weepy issues. In fact my music and every single word me or Frederic is writing couldn´t be a heavier counterweight to that. On the one hand, F41.0 is about inner strength, self-exploration and –expression. Furthermore, it is meant to display and glorify fear as one of the driving forces in our world.

6. Can you tell us what are for you the five essential albums of black?

That changes. But i´ll have a little brainstorm for you:
Darkthrone – A Blaze In The Northern Sky
Lunar Aurora – Ars Moriendi
Deathspell Omega – Si Monumentum…
Blut Aus Nord – Memoria Vetusta
Nagelfar – Srontgorrth

7. The album has gone through Empyre published Music, How did the idea of working with them? Will this partnership in future work F41.0?

Since i´ve been working together with Empyre concerning KRATEIN-merchandise for over a year now it wasn´t that vague to release this maiden-like project hand in hand with ´em. The guys behind were euphoric to be able to release the stuff and so the story got started.

8. How has the response from the media and the public to Near Life Experiences? Are you happy with it?

I can´t discover that many reviews at the moment  . But the few i´ve been able to read were pretty good. I´m more „satisfied“ than „happy“ with a nice echo of my work. Most important thing for me has always been the moment when i´m able to hold a finished record in my own hands. Sounds cheesy, hm?

9. What future plans do you have for the band? Have you thought about recruiting musicians to play live? Maybe it's a bit early yet, but are preparing new material?

Both in fact. I´m willing to get F41.0 on stage - as soon as an interesting and fitting offer  is hitting my mail box. Until that i´m preparing the recordings of the successor of NLE. 

10. Thank you very much for your time, if you want to add something for people who like F41.0, this is the place, thanks. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Stay tuned via Life 2.0.(1.3.)-
and feel free to let your mephitic mind fucked by NLE!