1. The beginnings of Putamen Insula back to the year 2008, at that time Sovannak, Vincent VDM and Fred Criss, decided to form the band, what do you reason to create Putamen Insula and why choose this name?
Me (Sovannak) & Vince played music for a short lived grindcore band, and after the split up, we decided to start our own band with the help of Fred, who has always been a very good friend of ours. We used to do everything together all the time at some point in our lives, so creating a band together seemed like the natural thing to do, even though we each had different music tastes.
2. In 2011 you editáis your debut, an album that contains a direct issues where you can see a black metal influenced by punk, how was the recording process of this album and how has sat over time?
By the time we recorded this album, we had a new drummer, Mark, that we met a few times in local punk shows. I don't remember much from that time. I know we found him on myspace, because we posted an ad saying we needed a drummer who was into black metal, and didn't have a problem with fist fights and drugs. He was the only one who answered our ad and he did a very good job on the album. We recorded the whole thing in a friend's basement, and paid him with vodka and beer. Later, our drummer had to quit for uninteresting reasons but we always remained good friends.
By the time we recorded this album, we had a new drummer, Mark, that we met a few times in local punk shows. I don't remember much from that time. I know we found him on myspace, because we posted an ad saying we needed a drummer who was into black metal, and didn't have a problem with fist fights and drugs. He was the only one who answered our ad and he did a very good job on the album. We recorded the whole thing in a friend's basement, and paid him with vodka and beer. Later, our drummer had to quit for uninteresting reasons but we always remained good friends.
3. In 2013 "Sourez" comes an album where they began to appreciate the variety of your sound, the songs become more mature and you can see more styles, like jazz doom, without losing sight of the punk part of your you sound, consider this album as the most important race of Putamen Insula?
I'm not sure what you are asking, but after the first album, we quickly starting experimenting more with music and broke free from any restraining (sub)genres. Our new drummer J loved to create atypical drum patterns, thus the main reason, I think, why we sound so different from the rest of the black metal bands out there. We also moved our rehearsal space in a dark basement, outside of Montreal, with no other bands jamming around us or interfering, which I think helped a lot for the writing process.
4. And this brings us to 2015 "Condoléances" an album with incredible guitars with a darker atmosphere, how you describe the sound of this album for yet or who has heard?
Condoléances starts out very slow and depressing, but gradually becomes more and more enraged. By the end of the album, what you hear is total hatred, and the conclusion of the album is this simple thought; the lesser Evil is human genocide.
5. After various line-up changes how was the process of writing and recording of "Condoléances"?
I don't remember how any of those songs were invented except for the first one. I started playing those riffs the day I wanted to announce to my ex post-punk band that I wanted this project to end. I was very stressed out and was going through a lot of different emotions.
6. Although the atmosphere is dark, almost depressive, your music revolves around social criticism, sarcasm and ecology, not to mention certain nihilism. Topics them all away somewhat from the classic current within the black, why consider interesting these issues?
I need to stay true to myself as much as I can, and I can't write about forests or Satan, it's simply not part of my daily life. What I go through everyday is struggle in an overpopulated capitalist world that has absolutely no respect for Gaia. The feelings of depression and anxiety you hear on the music are natural secondary effects from this modern life, in a big city such as Montreal. But to be fairly honest, living in the big city has always been a love/hate relationship, but I don't feel the need to express positive emotions, I just live them.
7. What bands and styles they are a benchmark for Putamen Insula?
I can't talk for the others but I am very much into coldwave, goth rock, post-punk, as well as second wave black metal, dsbm, post-black metal... I think they all blend in together very well. When Putamen Insula first started, we had this very strong crust punk sound but that was mainly because of the other members, i've never really been fond of this type of music except for a few melodic anarcho crust bands. An easy exemple to throw out there is Contravene.
8. From the pictures is to attend a concert Putamen Insula must be at least a very intense experience, how do you face the execution of a concert?
We don't play too many shows but we try as much as we can to play in a DIY and BYOB environment, and from what people say, I think we do give a good show. Whenever I feel like the energy exchange is very good, I get a little too excited and start mutilating myself on stage. I also made myself vomit a few times.
9. Erimha, Dagaz, Valknacht or Menace Ruine, to name a few, come from the same area as Putamen Insula, what happens in the area of Quebec to come out so many good good extreme bands? Are you in touch with other bands and what you think about the scene?
All of those bands are terrible except for Menace Ruine, which I adore. We have many different metal scenes that don't mix together or get along. However, I always considered Putamen Insula to be outcasted from all those metal scenes... But maybe we are part of one and not aware of it.
10. How did you get started in music and why did you decide to become a musician?
This is gonna sound very cliché but I started a one man black metal band, back in the golden days of MySpace. At first I was just programming the drums and synths, and asked my friends to play the guitars for me. Later I taught myself how to play guitars and started recording them myself. I've been doing this for a few years and one day a friend of mine asked me to play guitars for his grindcore band, which I accepted. It didn't last long but just enough to give me a slight idea of how to be in a band, book gigs, deal with musicians, etc.
11. Your three albums have finished edited tape format by Haineuses Productions, why this format and this label?
Productions Haineuses is a label I founded. I'm a 90's kid, so cassettes have always been a huge part of my life. They are also cheap to produce and release in small batches, almost unbreakable, they never skip, and the list could go on and on... It's just a very good format and if people don't agree, that's their problem. They can find a way to download our music if they hate tapes so much.
12. What can you tell us of your other two groups Oppression and Sovannak Ke?
Oppression is a blend of Punk, Oi and Black Metal.
Its lyrical content focuses on war, our inner beast, and urban violence. We released 2 tapes and we have a 3 way split coming soon. I don't know what the future holds for Oppression, hopefully more stuff will come out but as we speak I am focusing on other projects for the moment. Just like Putamen Insula, Oppression played mostly in DIY spaces, in people's basements, private parties in rehearsal spaces, etc. and it's happened a few times that we'd played for bigger shows in real venues but I always instantly regretted them.
Sovannak Ke is obviously a solo project of mine. I wrote some songs that couldn't fit with any other bands I was in, so I decided to teach myself how to drum and then recorded everything myself. The result came out okay, but I used very bad recording equipment. The other members of Putamen Insula learned the songs and we performed one show of Sovannak Ké's Dites non à la vie (Say no to life). It was a great night.
13. Is it true that this "Condoléances" will be the last release of Putamen Insula? Why have you made this decision?
It doesn't have to be such a big deal, every member of Putamen Insula will keep playing black metal. Condoléances is a very solid way of saying goodbye, people should just enjoy the tape.
14. Mark the final point of Insula Putamen concert next July 31 with Antediluvia, Volah and Black Anvil?
Yes this show will be our last show, we were supposed to end this earlier but when we were asked to play with Volahn we decided to stretch it a little bit and only split up after that gig.
15. Thank you very much for taking the time to Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for the followers of Putamen Insula, this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.
Please kill yourself.
Contact Order: productionshaineuses (a) gmail punto com
In recent years, Doombringer has been responsible for some of the most unholy emanations from the bleak region of Poland. After several magnificent demos and 7” releases, Doombringer now unleashes its debut full-length, “The Grand Sabbath.” This album is a triumphant exaltation of darkness. The band, which features members of Bestial Raids and Cultes des Ghoules, has spent considerable time arriving at this point, and their dedication is manifest. Doombringer imbue the cacophonous intensity of Death Metal with the unconstrained evil of Black Metal, exploring the nexus between the raw, oppressive darkness of Goatlord and the ecstatic and transcendent evil of bands like Varathron and Mortuary Drape. The high level of composition is immediately apparent, and against the backdrop of the band’s tremendous songwriting is a tendency to enhance their sound with unanticipated sonic and vocal flourishes that accentuate the unique character of the songs. The use of varied vocal styles in particular is immediately arresting and provides a welcome departure from the usual monotonous vocal delivery of most other bands. To bring the album together as a whole, Doombringer sought Marko Marov to provide his uniquely demonic vision for the artwork. Regarded as a whole, “The Grand Sabbath” is a manifesto of the future direction of Black/Death and is destined to expand and epitomize the perimeters of extremity inherent in both genres.
silver vinyl LP: Casewrapped jacket wrapped in textured paper, 24″x24″ poster, and A3 insert.
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