domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2022



Origen: Alemania, Nisterau.

Formados: 2004

Estilo: Black

Temática: Satanismo

Enlaces: Bandcampdeezerfacebookinstagram y spotify.


  • A. Guitarra y voces
  • L. Guitarra
  • M. Voces
  • Omega Batería
  • R.K. Bajo
  • Tumulash Bajo

  • In Bloodline with the Snake CD 2009  
  • Black Mirror Hours Demo 2012  
  • Black Mirror Hours CD 2013
  • SAATET - TA APEP Split 2017  
  • 13 Years of Black Metallic Escalation Recopilatorio 2017  
  • Reaping Season, Bloodshed Beyond CD 2018
  • Devil, Stone & Man CD 2022
  • Wherever We Roam... CD 2024

Cuarto trabajo para los germanos en donde entregan un álbum con un sonido de black conciso y libre de artificios. Un álbum que suena completo y compacto, sin apenas fisuras en ninguna de sus líneas con varios puntos a destacar en donde tenemos que mencionar en primer lugar y de forma destacada las guitarras, sustento sobre el que se va construyendo el resultado final del sonido del álbum, en donde debemos mencionar por un lado el equilibrio que nos ofrecen entre un sonido sucio y crudo, en claro contraste con las influencias más melódicas que asoman en el trasfondo del álbum solo dejando entrever algunas secciones que que se inspiran en sonidos más thrash. El competente trabajo de Omega a la batería también es un punto a destacar de este álbum, con un sonido potente pero equilibrado también cuando la música entra en secciones más lentas, sin adolecer de dinamismo cuando es requerido, pero destacando por una precisión milimétrica capaz de ofrecer un sonido que encaja perfectamente con lo clásico. Las voces no dejan de ofrecer un amplio repertorio de gruñidos desgarradores, sin apenas fisuras, con un buen aparte de densidad y frialdad, sonando profundas y oscuras tanto cuando la música transita por pasajes más rápidos y directos como en aquellos en donde hay un menor ritmo, pero capaces de mantener el pulso. Un álbum que no renuncia en ningún momento a un black con secciones melódicas en las compasión y la elaboración de los riffs, sin apenas fisuras en ningún apartado, ofreciendo una buena dosis de black metal oscuro y potente. (7,6).

1. Strike of the Dominator's Fist 03:36
Cold stone guards this severe scene
A sable monument
that kindles the stubborn spirit
A testimonial of victory,
damnation and evil

I scream unto you Jaweh, I scream
Your angel's wings are broken
Your chain and your key I hold
And I bring it back!

The mysteries manifested
in a dance of powers
The barking of the hellhounds
a declaration of war - war!

We plunder and defile Christ's
sacred grove
We heist the cross
to let it shine forth reverse
Yet breaks every bone in the face of Ichtus
And divine blood is defiled
in a flood of our urine

I scream unto you Jaweh, I scream
We stab the key into your heart
And open it up like a mellow, sopid fruit

Have you heard about the clash?
And Satan's soldiers march?
Prepare now for the clash!
Cause our fists are about to strike
Into your idle face tonight

Das Lamm ist erwürgt

Heavenly father,
feel the malodorous breath
Of the mouth that lacerates your throat
Your blood soaks the earthly fields
Adorns the pate of man, serpent,
wolf and goat

And ere your senses swipe the sails
You should have the certainty
That our iron fist will judge your parish
According to your horrid mortality

Thus your infants will be dashed in pieces
And to the flames we send their souls
Their wives shall be ravished and filled with sperm
And their children snared in hell-holes

And all thee of your Odem can't resist
The strike of the dominator's fist
2. A Stranger's Pale Hand 06:01
I am awake! The handle of the orphidian door Slowly turns to the south I let my senses cramp under your will I let a stone form to a sacred opened mouth So I feel your breath again! My mantra collides with your miasma of death A first strange taste on the lips of god Silent works this madness, motion- not emotionless So cathartic the stench of long dead blood Shall I reach out to the strangers pale hand? To become one with the night Guided on unknown land To let parts of an ego behind Shall I reach out to the strangers pale hand? To become one with the night Guided on unknown land And drag myself to the other side When force meets lameness The train of thoughts decays leprous This is a journey to the gallow I leave the waters frail and shallow Cold and dead, but with the pulse of Ain In appearance of pure horror to the eyes You caress the vision of the third To awake a king in a somnambulant world Let us walk among life and borders And let flood our stirring waters Let us walk amongst burning worlds To our will just a simple torch Let us head towards my hell Strife for heavens Let us rise ever downwards Crack shell by shell Shall I reach out to the strangers pole hand? To become one with the night Guided on unknown land To let parts of an ego behind Shall I reach out to the strangers pale hand? To become one with the night Guided on unknown land And drag myself to the other side  
3. Diabolical Hammer 05:12
 Bring ye forth the iron gift
That neither wind nor time can shift
Let it grade the dirt we've piled
And let it judge upon every child

Let him shine blood-red
In all his glory
Commit your deeds
Diabolical hammer

The hammer strikes upon
Golgotha with wrath
Through holy hands and feet
He hit nails into a cross

The hammer appeared
In countless nights to vex
Once he cracked the head of a whore
While she was having sex

Let him shine blood-red
In all his glory
Commit your deeds
Diabolical hammer, hammer!

In 84 the hammer
Brought horror to the states
To cast shadows
Upon countless fates

The hammer is restless
His work is still not done
As already promised the hammer
Will come upon everyone

Diabolical hammer strike!

The hammer strikes through stone
Without a doubt it strikes through bone
Dare to see! Dare to feel!
The hammer strikes through soul

We brought you all the iron gift
To release the end!
A single strike entangled the world
An act of caprice, a tool at hand
4. Odonata Fields 05:05
 A threatening wearing
Of sharp wing beats
Cuts slick through the air
Finds my ear, sage on mind
Balancing from stone to stone
Through the consciousness-morass
And molten stinking excuses
And then I see

Odonata fields
Thousands fly
Odonata fields
The highborn dragons

Trying to filter the sound
of the golden wing
To follow like a credo
and a descent king

On the fields I see traces
of those who struggled

Odonata fields
Nations quests
Odonata fields
Stress the hungry welt

Hollow thoughts rise up from the shells
That now rest where burden decays
All those silver wings flew into naught
Never to come back to the cleansed garden
Life's offerings hanging
from the trees buried by time
Branch by branch a fearful heart
buried by time

Many are those who leave
traces in the sand
But soon they'll be forgotten
Few leave footprints in grown ground
While we leave hints in stone, yes i stone
5. Where We Have Taken the Cross 05:58
  All that remained
Cold ash and sepulchral grin
Temerarious blood and celestial chagrin
All that remained
The thrilled temper, the diabolical intellect
Destruction and devotion
never to fail affect

Where we have taken the cross
None of your fruits will thrive
Where we have taken the cross
In the shade of the scythe
Where we have taken the cross
We commit the waste of the firstborn
Where we have taken the cross
Not an act of charity,
but rather one of total scorn

Leaving deep traces in vacillating storms
On enquiries regarding the seminal doss
No sin weighs heaviest
on the pilgrims cloister
The lord enters deep without moisture

Where we have taken the cross
None of your fruits will thrive
Where we have taken the cross
In the shade of the scythe
Where we have taken the cross
The ordinance of privation
Where we have taken the cross
Heralded by the voice of contemplation

We curse you all!
Both ground and man
Both you who kneel
And you who hang!

Here is were the wolfs gather
To prepare the final hunt
And from here is where all light flees
But the wild has scent you,
dehydrated cunt
6. Triple Fire 04:23
  Trident torch
Highest head
Venom of the other god
Opposer, accuser transcendental threat

They fed me through an iron grid
Unmeant nurtured
the thought of breakout, bit by bit
They ignored the winds that carried
The omen of impending danger
And treated own premonitions
Like those of a stranger

I aspire, I aspire
To the triple fire

They say dark accidents
happen here and there
But what is it for real
that affect the alterable soul-sphere

The remains of man
Burned within a crowned pyre
A rite that fuels and frees
The triple fire

Your light is the Alma Mater
in which we learn
And time is the fire in which we burn
What is the self amid this turbulent blaze
And what is formed around
it in this waning haze
I have impregnated darkness
With the fiery sperm of your torch
Just to see within your fire
The Alpha and the Omega scorched

I aspire, I aspire
To the triple fire

I've slit my throat to sing your gospel
I've held my breath to release
a storm most hostile

The remains of man
Burned within a crowned pyre
A rite that fuels and frees
The triple fire
7. Curses upon You 04:21
The slobber runs from my mouth
I romp, I spit deadly words
And channel all my energy
On your future, on your destiny

My desire carries the vocable far
No shield can fend them off
Wafting over peak and over chasm
Till they topple the crown of scoff

Words become weapons
Vipers I chew
Spitting and spitting
Curses upon you

You suckled the nurturing teat 'til it bled
And then spat out the milk
You've never grown
and killed your siblings
But only moraliser
will call you moral bilk

I suckled the roots in the deep dark earth
Remained in furtive wait un-beguiled
I cocoon the web and sharpen the blade
But only fantasts will call me Voodoo child

Words become weapons
Vipers I chew
Spitting and spitting
Curses upon you
Judge and judgement
My temper does not sue
The justice-hammer crushes
Curses upon you

A heart dies...

Yet the magnificence of my deeds will last
As niether life nor death shall break the spell
Through all spheres these words are cast
And sealed they were by the chiming
of the devil-bell

Words become weapons
Vipers I chew
Spitting and spitting
Curses upon you
Judge and judgement
My temper does not sue
The justice-hammer crushes
Curses upon you
8. The Revolting Abyss 05:37
  Unconcerned at the beginning
The child stands alone
But quick it realizes
That it was born far from the devil's home

Far from home
but always close to the devil's tone

It rages and seethes in the abyss
Out of the waters never still
The dark fire rises
It rages and seethes in the abyss

Shadow-born creatures in all corners
Veils manifest a stairway
Over which the flames reach higher
Shadow-born creatures in all corners

The primal-animal demands his liberation
But the beyond seems to be deaf
Shaken only by higher spirits
The ego awakens from his dream

It beats and knocks at the gate
Inside the ram is waiting to strike
And outside they are searching for keys
It beats and knocks at the gate

A wild tomb breaks course
The outbreak so imminent
Undeviating, nothing can prevent it
The wild mob breaks course
The primal-animal demands his liberation
But the beyond seems to be deaf
Shaken only by higher spirits
The ego awakens from his dream

Thoughts sharper than any blade
Cut the tentacles off
Our life shall be a hellride
Only rebels are living free

Concerned at the end
The child stands alone
Since it started the journey
To shores unknown

Vinyl, 12", EP, Limited Edition
Limited to 300 copies.

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