lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021


 Good evening, thank you very much for answering these questions, how is everything for the United States?

Thanks for your interest in what we do. The US is an extremely large and varied land. These times have proven that on all levels...only now more than ever it is being exploited and manipulated on a massive level. Our government has proven to care more for power and control than the well-being of its own people.  Some areas of our great country still believe in freedom and the people...others care only for control over the people.  

1. Empty Throne has been active since 2020, when did you decide to create the band? Why did you choose the name Empty Throne and what does it refer to?

The concept of Empty Throne began several years ago...I would say around the time Jason and I were tracking Angerot's first album. I love to work on projects with others, gave others as guests on my projects and network with and among friends. I spoke with a number of people over the course of a couple years...many had interest...but getting people motivated into action is always the hard part. I have had the name and logo simce Christophe did the Angerot logo for me. Empty Throne itself is a representation of no one one source of one way for things to be done. 

2. Although it is true that the band has been active for only a year, it is also true that the members of Empty Throne have a previous career in extreme metal bands, until they all converge in Empty Throne, what does Empty Throne give them With respect to your other formations? Why now decide to get involved in a black band, a style somewhat different from that of the other bands to which they belong?

We never set out with a desired sound in mind, we simply did what came naturally. The reason Empty Throne sounds unique is because everyone brought their specific skillset together without compromise. We never said.."hey lets start a blackened thrash death metal thing"....we just did it. We all have our main bands we focus with Empty Throne we had no boundaries.  That is the entire  point of the band. We do whatever we feel is best at the moment.   

3. “Glossolalia” is your first released EP, which consists of three songs, How was the process of composing and recording this EP? What brands of instruments did you use for the composition and recording of the songs?

Since we all live in different areas, recording was a waiting game of sending digital files back and forth for months on end. The entire process took well over a year...maybe actually closer to two years. Mike had a good portion of the riffs mentally laid out. So him and Jason spent a lot of time laying them down to a click, landing on good BPMs and structures. From there we sent the ruff guitars and clicks to Gabe and he went off. Gabe is one of the dpubt. What he brought to the project was absolutely nothing short of amazing.  From there Jason went to work on bass tracking and I began writing lyrics. I have never worked with material this lengthy it was a challenge for me. I have a certain approach that I like to take when writing and songs of this length and caliber really put me to the test. As far as gear...I am not 100% certain to be honest. 

4. Although “Glossolalia” only consists of three songs, these stand out for their intensity and duration, reflecting styles such as death or black without completely losing a tone, let's say melodic, can we say that the final sound of the album Is it the result of the influences of the members of the group in their different projects? How would you define the sound of the Ep for those who have not heard it yet?

I don't really know how to sum up why or what makes each song unique from the others. Many people say that, but to me they feel pretty cohesive.  I think each song has an element of thrash, death and blacl metal...some have a taste of more things...some less. I honestly think people struggle with it because they are trying to find a genre to throw us into, and when the riff fucks with the last genre they tried to put us in. We are all products of decades of metal, multiple genres and lots of different influences.  It only makes sense that all of these elements would collide to make something unique.  

In my opinion,  Glossolalia is still Death Metal.  There are elements of thrash and elements of Black Metal,  but the roots of Death Metal are there without a doubt.  Again, I dont care about genre rules or configurations. If we recorded it on a boom box, everyone would call it Black Metal.  If my vocals were back in the mix, it would be thrash. It's all the same...if it's good...who gives a shit.  

5. Elements of thrash from the eighties, death structures from the nineties and more recent black influences can be found in “Glossolalia”, giving an idea of ​​the variety of styles that make up the final sound of the EP, is it very complicated? capture all these influences in the rehearsal room and release an EP like “Glossolalia”?

No. Honestly,  everyone in the band is extremely talented and capable of delivering.  We just do what happens naturally.  Empty Throne is a genre blender in many ways. It would only be complicated if one guy didnt trust the guy standing next to him. But, we know that each member will deliver...and deliver well.  

6. What topics do you focus the lyrics of your songs on? Who is in charge of writing them and why do you find it interesting to write about them? Are the lyrics adapted to the music or vice versa?

I write everything I do. I have a vision for everything before I start writing so it would be next to impossible to try and use someone else's writing to get there. I like to wait until I have a demo of the full song to start writing. The song itself has a lot to tell me before I can translate that into lyrics and vocals. I tend to bounce around from track to track and make a bit of progress as each takes form. It is very rare that I write a song from start to finish. I tend to write in the darker vein, but I definitely wanted to take a different angle with Empty Throne.  "..And All Shall Know His Name" is told more as a narrated story as opposed to first person. Like an outsider looking in. "That Day Has Come" is the only personal expression on the album. I let my feelings loose about the state of our country and the world. There is a tremendous cancer that is spreading at a phenomenal pace. It is mind boggling. "My Flesh the Temptation" kind of wrote itself. Tue music has an elegant and dark vibe to it and to me, it just screamed vampire. I have always been enthralled by the concept of vampires. The concept of eternal life and the agony of it. The human desire to love and be loved is the cornerstone of our species. The tale of a man who falls in love with a vampire,  gives himself to her, and only becomes a true vampire once his obsession is killed by a stake through the heart. He swears to never love again, but takes a young woman as his concubine amd falls for her...and her for him. Only for her to become a full vampire after he is killed. The oroboros of life.  

7. Your place of origin is located between Dakota, California and Arizona and counting on the experience that you treasure in other bands, how would you define the health of black metal in the United States? And in what way has it evolved in recent years?

I thino music as a whole has become stronger in the last few years. I think American Black Metal has done a better job of finding itself among the trends and expectations. Meaning, fuck trends and fuck expectations. Nothing original and lasting comes from caving to the pressures and expectations of talking heads. I think many are finding that patience and dedication to their craft will result in longevity and a better potential at leaving a mark on the musical world.  

8. You have taken care of the aspect of the final sound of the EP with the work in a couple of studios such as the Mayhemeness Studios and the Underground Sound Studio, doing the mixing and mastering in the Hop House Studio, what do you think they have done? contributed to the final result of the album being able to work in these studios and why did you decide for them?

Jason runs Underground Sound, so I am completely at home there. As far as tracking vocals for Empty Throne,  Jason did a fantastic job at critiquing and pushing me to the performance I had in me. It makes it exponentially better to track vocals with someone who knows what you are capable of and believe in your concepts. I camt speak for Gabe, but Mayhemeness delivered solid tracks for sure. Gabe is pure talent and I am sure his engineer would agree. As far as mix and master, I knew from the start I wanted to use Andreas at Hop House.  I have worked with a lot of producers over the years, from local talent to the infamous Thomas Skogsberg, but Andreas is something special.  In Angerot we consider him the 5th member...and I view him the same with Empty Throne.  He simply knows where to take the project.  He elevates the entire process to a new level. He absolutely nailed Glossolalia and the genre blending that is Empty Throne. He took our rough vision and made it a diamond.   

9. At what point did you make the decision to use a Rubens painting for the cover of the EP? How does a work from 1577 relate to the sound of the album?

I felt the album needed something darkly elegant to reflect the nature of our song structures.  Something that was burtal, yet beautiful...something timeless. I felt it fitting to look backwards to find something as opposed to forwards.  

10. The band was born in a very strange period as a result of the restrictions derived from Covid-19, in what way have you been affected as a band by this situation?

We haven't been to be honest. Jason, Mike amd I spent a lot of time together through all the bullshit. We never stopped getting together,  never stopped rehearsals,  never stopped being humans. I feel incredibly fortunate to call South Dakota home as we have not been assaulted with many of the insane government heavy handedness.  People here have been allowed to be responsible for themselves and their actions….and I wouldn't trade that for any other place on earth.  

11. "Glossolalia" has been released in its different formats by the record label Wise Blood Records, how does the contact with Wise Blood Records take place to carry out the edition of the EP? Are you satisfied with the work done by us in as for editing and promotion?

I shopped the material around before we locked in with a label. We had 5-6 labels who expressed interest including Wise Blood. I am a pretty picky person,  and I chooseany of my business relationships based on the individuals behind the curtain and not solely on the face value of the nametag. Sean had something new with Wise Blood..and he is doing it the right way.  I met Sean when we spoke on the pbone for an Angerot interview for Decibel Magazine a bit back. He is an extremely grounded and kind hearted person. He is a giver. I felt he was incredibly passionate about what we were doing and that our relationship could be mutually beneficial. The music industry needs more people like Sean. He has a good future with Wise Blood, and hopefully Empty Throne was a benefit for him on some level as it was for us.  

12. How were your beginnings in music: first concerts you attend, first albums you buy? What did you do in your life that made you want to be a musician?

My beginning in music go back to 1986. I started in punk and metal crossover bands. In 1989 I formed one of regions first Death Metal bands, Suffer,  with some local metalheads. We were incredibly fortunate to be born and raised during the birth of the best genre in music history. I was fortunate enough to have an older brother who excelled as a guitar player.  I began playing drums at the age of 9 and migrated to guitar in 1989. I dont recall a specific thing that influenced me to be a musician...I think I was simply born to be one. I am far from the talent that so many bring to their instrument,  but I believe I have a dedication and determination that fills those voids. My drive to create music is never really satisfied.   

13. Which album represents for you the essence of black metal? What last albums have you bought?

Oh is where I am going to get into trouble.  I love some of the older gems, Dissection, Immortal, Dark Throne...but, I tend to look at music in different ways. I view Black Metal as a splintered genre of raw and refined.  I have a weak spot for the brutal amd elegant elements of Dimmu and Cradle as well as Carach Angren. The poetic brutality of Symphonic Black Metal definitely appeals to me. The new Cradle album is pretty steller, as is the new Baest and Gorgatron. 

14. What future plans do you have for Empty Throne in terms of upcoming releases, concerts or reissues?

Jason and I are now wrapping up the new Angerot album. Once it is fully at mix, we will jump right in on the new Empty Throne.  We have some riffs piling up, so we are ready to start piecing some things together. We do not plan to deviate from our songwriting much...meaning you can still expect to see some long and epic tracks for the full length. I thoroughly expect this upcoming release to be just as violent and elegant as the EP...just on a grander scale.  

15. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions for Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for the fans of Empty Throne, this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Thank you so much for taking time with Empty Throne.  I hope those of you have taken thr time to listen enjoy. Many thanks to BMS for the time, questions and support. Be strong, never break. 

C.R. Petit / Empty Throne 


Druadan Forest ‎– Dismal Spells From The Dragonrealm (2LP) 22,99 € 

2 × Vinyl, LP, Limited Edition, Brown/Black Swirl

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