Formados: 1993
Estilo: Black, thrash
Temática: Anticristianimso, bondage y sadomasoquismo.
Enlaces: Deezer, facebook, instagram y spotify
- False Prophet Bajo
- Lightning Bolt Batería
- Nar Marratuk Guitarra
- North Wind Voces
- Siegeswille Demo 1995
- Hosanna Bizarre CD 1996
- Trans Cunt Whip CD 1998
- German Black Metal Single 1999
- Hallelujah Messiah Recopilatorio 2020
- We Are God CD 2024
Regreso para esta banda alemana después de casi veinte años trascurridos desde su separación, en forma de un recopilatorio de siete canciones que se centra en temas de su primera demo "Siegeswille" y de su último single/EP "German Black Metal". Comenzando con los cinco primeros temas pertenecientes a su primera demo Tsatthoggua ofrece un black denso, crudo y muy primitivo , capaz de conservar en medio de la furia un melodía en segundo plano, pero donde la velocidad y elementos propios del thrash se despachan a gusto en forma de infernales riffs repletos de crudeza, sin que esto sea impedimento para que un tema inicial como el "The Belief" ofrezca una sección de teclados que no desentonan en la propuesta. Este recopilatorio se cierra con "Status Stürmer" y "Courtesan Mary Slut" pertenecientes a su último single, en donde la crudeza de su propuesta sigue estando presente, pero también es cierto que el sonido suena algo más pulido y elementos propios de estilos como el death hacen acto de presencia en forma de un sonido más denso y profundo, con una mayor brutalidad tanto en las voces como en el sonido en general. Llamados en su momento a ser una parte importante de la escena germana, Tsatthoggua están de vuelta para recuperar el tiempo perdido y quien sabe para reclamar también la parte de la historia del black que le corresponde. (7,8).
1. The Belief 02:48
It is not that difference
That we do not find a god
Not in history - not in nature
Not beyond their word
But that what we see
What is praised as god
That what we call
An error and absurd
More than errror, crime against life
We deny god as god
The belief - against the science
As we live
This is god, Paulus
Created in his mind
This is god, human's will, his belief
Against the science
God at war with mankind
Mankind has become the enemy of god
Creation made them rivals
Man should not htink of thoughts
Ha, think the worst of all
Never suffer, fight the lie
More than fake, crime against life
We deny god as god
Only us, enlighted minds, we can see
The lie in "Christianity"
This insane belief, vulgar, minor
Never morally
2. Heirs of Fire 02:19
Through red flaming nights
You, o Satan, to us will rise
We admit you in deadly blackened nights
You teach your masters obsequies
With mocking, sneering face
In your earthly temple you sit in judgement's might
Inspired disciples of Satanas The Great
We recieved with thanks your coming
Your flaming eye steered the will
As you have taken human's world
Following the way of black for ever here
Only us, Heirs of Fire, in charge of victory
Children of the sun, descendants of the universe
Our strength will fill forever the throats of rebellion
Founder of the planets, born on the stars
Extinguish the mortals, whose brains are unwise
Heirs of Fire bestow absolution on you
O, Satan, You master in us, rule deadly mankind's steam
Dreams like greed, wants for lust
Abundance and squender, sanity and vice
Bestowed by the greatest last will
Testament of your life and genesis
Give us children fulfillment of existence
Never to fail, all to chase who will never be your heirs
Brothers of the moon, daughters of galaxy
To you, o father, our message must blow
Family of Fire stands stronger then ever
Our will and our power consuming the weak
Erecting a kingdom of sun, Your will must be done
Satan The Great, we worship your victorious son
3. Niemals Geboren 04:19
Neimals geboren, neimals gestorben
Nur ein Besucher auf dieser Welt
Nur Narr, nur Dichter
In bei$ender Luft, die als das Leben gilt
Wie einst Du durstest
Nach himmlischen Tra|nen und Tro|stung
Versengt und mu|de gewartet
Auf Ekstase und glutvolle Schopfung
Jetzt bist Du geboren
- Irgendwann einmal zu sterben
Der Wahrheit Freier!
Mehr als ein Dichter des Lebens
Erfu|ller des Seins und des Liebens
Der lu|gen mu$., um zu siegen
Eben dem Abler
Der starr in Abgruende blickt
In seine Abgru|nde der Seele
In immer tiefere Abgru|nde stu|rzet
Einst warst Du geboren
- Niemals jemals gestorben
Geraden Fluges
Gezu|ckten Zuges
Auf La|mmer sto$en
Nach La|mmern du|rsten
Dann wirst Du geboren
- Niemals jemals zu sterben
Dem Tage Feind
Den Menschen geschaut
So Gott als Schaf
Und zerrei$end geglaubt...
In Ekstase geboren
- In Erfu|llung gestorben
4. Intrude into Immortality 03:26
At the moment of fulfilment
I feel this glorifying touch
The sense of immortality
Fills my brain in lust
No world can share my
Endless hope for honour
I see worlds which never lived
And die in feelings of disgrace
Time stands still and never starts again
Human desires feed my will to love
No world can harm the moment I explode
Famale ecstasy means chow for my fate
Intrude Into Immortality
Longing for my pleasure, as perverted in may be
My only knowledge of fulfillment, fear and ecstasy
Fear of death and what will be
I love Satan and his endless immortality
The covenant I signed in blood
Was given to my soul in the name of birth
I spit on lying personality in our fake of world
I will never die but live on in my ecstasy
Intrude Into Immortality
The only madness in a human's life
What I saw and what the women felt
Thank you ever for to live my life
Due to Satan's gift listen to immortal bells
Fuck Off suseJ tsirhC
5. Worm of Sin 03:30
The sentence at the end
Condemnation of Christ's church
Spoken by the court of winds
I accuse this church for slander
Highest symbol of corruption
Which nothing let untouched
Every value is unvalue
Honesty is baseness
Every truth became lie
Do not dare to speak of
human blessings
They create necessity
To live on in eternity
The worm of sin enriched
The christian church
I spit on you, the sin will never die
"Equality of souls facing god"
On the plea of fools
Blast of words made
The principle of revolution
Christian dynamite
Art of self-abasement
The will to lie as want to deny
Underground conspiracy
Anti sanity, benefit, life
or mind of beauty
I name "Christianity"
the one and only curse
The one and only instinct of revange
Time of dies nefastus
Doom began first day
Why not on the last
Revalue all rights
Philosophy of Anti-Christ
The way I live, the way we fight
Worm of sin feel embraced
Without you they would win
Let's return
to the times of ungodliness
Northwind blowed for us
Born of Satan's decadence
Dissoluting times of sin
Orgies of dying and living
Sacrifice for our king
King of body, king of mind
King of soul and king of mine
Bring forth archaic power
Feed us might and will
Destroy the reigning race
For the worm of sin will reign
6. Status Stürmer 03:05
Den Sieg uber die Dogmen zu erlangen;
Das war unser erstes Ziel.
Dieser Tag ist heute erreicht!
Wider den Glanze der Herren
Peitscht uns die Lust auf das Gluck
Im Banne der machtigen Sonne
Streben wir nach Erfullung des Lichts
Gegen die Dogmen des Endes
Erschaffen wir Erlosung vom Leid
Gestarkt aus dem Kampfe des Lebens
Kehren wir zuruck an die alteste Zeit
Keine Gnade im wahrhaftigen Krieg
Unterdruckung, die Bahre der Macht
Keine Stunde zu suhnen
Wir sturmen der Groden Palast
Werte - Status - Sturmen
Morde - Menschen - Maschinen
Der Ast der Hoffnung im Innern
So sei die Bestimmung der Saat
Siegeswille, nur zur Erhaltung der Art
Tabus - Verbote - Sturmen
7. Courtesan Mary Slut 02:55
Whore of god - cow of Jupp
Virgin Mary - you are just
Bitch of heaven - the cunt of dog
Birth without a fuck
Ha, all Christians suck
Courtesan Mary slut
Children of the cold setting sun
Denying never lust nor fun
Brothers of the warm rising moon
Empires of the dead rising soon
For us Hedon's force shall guide
Like you, o fuck virgin cunt!
Join the banquet
Concubine - Mary red
Courtesan, you're welcome
And your child, chimera of
What has never been seen...
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