Origen: Nueva Zelanda, Auckland
Formados: 2004
Estilo: Black, death, thrash
Temática: Antireligión, paganismo romando y muerte
- Assailant Bajo y voces
- Black Mortum Guitarra y voces
- The Nomad Batería
- Santi Guitarra y voces
- Rehearsal 24-11-06 Demo 2006
- Serva Ad Mors Demo 2007
- Verus Hostis - A Hymn to Fire EP 2010
- Hellstorm of Fire and Chaos Split video 2011
- Sacrifice, Perish and Demise EP 2012
- The Apotheosis of Death CD 2014
- Surrounded By Serpents Single 2019
- As Legends Fade and Gods Die CD 2022
- Sworn to Heresy EP 2025
Cuatro temas son los integran este Ep de neozelandeses Exordium Mors, banda que poco a poco va recuperando la normalidad de una banda al ir editado nuevo material de manera más regular. Cuatro temas como comentaba de black metal totalmente y perfectamente combinados con una buena dosis thrash sobre todo en los buenos riffs y una actitud muy ruda, agresiva y rápida, aunque también se dejan entrever algún atisbo de death, quedando como resultado final unas composiciones variadas con constantes cambios de ritmo, crudas en todo momento, pero sonando precisas en todas sus facetas. El apartado vocal se mueve también en un terreno black thrash bastante correcto. Un Ep que se cierra con la versión del "Black Metal" de Venom que sin sonar diferente a las otras revisiones acaba por cumplir y dar consistencia a un Ep bastante solido y que no hace más que refrendar la buena salud con la que cuenta la escena en el país. (8,2).
1. Sign of Judas' Liege 06:05
Blood runs down...
My sex slave's tortured cunt
Leave the body underground
Marking Judas' Liege
I only come out in the infernal darkness
Giving birth to rotting pestilence
The one whom raped the succubus
Turned her into slime
I live for the sole purpose
Of creating a stillborn holding eternal fire
The immortal dragon spewing pestilence
Rendering supremacy unto the pure and holy
Picking up cold, dead corpses
Running my fingers up and down crooked spines
Puking into rotting cunt-flesh
Suckling on all the slime
My cock violently penetrates dusty uterus
The bloody rites almost completed
And my purpose almost consumed
My cold, dead druidic bride shall birth my unholy fetus
Rotting in pestilence
It is feeding me unholiness
Tantalising my amok senses
Creating a new era of defilement
Brandishing new tools for unholy decimation
The sign of the new age is nigh...
The cold, dead druidic bride gives birth
To the new barbaric sign
The coming of a new age
The age of Judas' Liege
No light shall come from your deceitful mage
And a new light shall come from my undead sons
To engulf the world and make it moan
Like the whores whom I overthrow
The raping is complete
My bastard sons are born
From cold, dead breasts
They were fed blood
Writhing, feeding, seething
Barbaric, slaughter, violating
Rotting, mutilating, debauchery
Of this soulless, defiled corpse
Eaten through the wombs
Of their long-dead druidic mothers
Gripping with cold flesh
United as brothers
Rotting in pestilence
Living eternal throughout the epochs
Judas' Liege is forever immortal
Dawn of a new age heralded eternal
I am the god who...
Decimates the feeble ones...
The demon Incubus...
Breeding only strong sons...
The Eternal Dragon...
Feasting on flesh of the meek...
Judas' Liege...
Scourge of the Weak...
Rot in Pestilence
You fucking Christian Whore
2. Ancestors' Call 05:02
"mortua heic ego sum et sum cinis, is cinis terrast:
sein est terra dea, ego sum dea, mortua non sum"
Ashes to ashes, I shall fall
Dust to dust, please heed my call
I venerate you... oh ancient ones
Whom cannot see... Helios' golden sun
Veni, vidi, vici... scarred onto my soul
Your legacy eternal... exhumed from your earthy hole
With your life permanently halfway in the gutter you bet it's true
With vengeful, vacant, glassy eyes, Death is eternally watching you
Milk and blood... daily I shall sacrifice
Rotting... wraiths shall feast in delight
Libitina's claws... hound our every turn
In honour... I cast animal flesh to burn
I beseech you all to hear the truth or you'll live your life as a slave
Heed your Ancestors' Call as soon you will be joining them in the grave
Ashes to ashes, I shall fall
Dust to dust, please heed my call
(Your) Last breath, my breath as we gaze unto eternity
My death, your death as the ancestral line beckons thee
Their legacy, my leprosy and death the final victory
Their death, my breath as I succumb to infinity
With open arms, I embrace the Cthonic
(As father to a child)
Once life is breathed onto you...
Death ruthlessly pursues
Envious, the unborn are watching you...
Their hatred shall never subdue
As darkness suffocates your view...
Only Hades shall await you
The ancestors beckon to greet you...
Heed their call and torment will not ensue
"From my rotting body
Flowers shall grow
And I am in them
And that is eternity"
So believe me now, the hymn is true
When you're six feet down, blackened and blue
Or if your remains are cast among the seas
Or your ashes are left floating in the breeze
Remember this tale, before you fall
And heed the Ancestors Call
3. Exordium Mors (Pagan Ritual and Sacrifice to Roman Gods) 07:03
Exordium Mors….
Bringing a fresh, naked virgin to the altar
To sacrifice to their elder god
Their incestuous emperor of perversion
Caligula, saviour of the defiled
Ordering his warriors first to rape
Until her blood runs cold
In this temple that was once holy
Sacrilege is now its whole
Prey on sexual deviances
Pray to sexual predators
Idolatry made of flesh
To sin is to bless
Caligula, no longer just a mortal
Made into the immortal god of depravity
Commands this royal defilement in heretic god’s temple
In a pagan ritual of virgin sacrifice to appease his insanity….
Spilling her sacrificial blood all over the place
In the presence of her lord and master
Bound and fettered, the incense in the air thick and heavy
Struggling and fighting to no avail, what a disaster
There’s no blood quite as dark than a Virgin's blood
As he too takes part in this soiled ritual
And rapes her with glee and without mercy
Swearing to her that her sacrifice is beneficial
In front of Jupiter
Is no longer
Is given a whole new form
Until she is no more
Defiling and destroying
All the old pagan laws
A new Roman god has come forth
And will consecrate Exordium Mors
Exordium Mors…
After he was done with her, left with nothing but cum
He ordered his soldiers with one last wish
His madness summoned this abominable fun
To slit her open from her clit and upwards
Ravishing her pure virgin body, one last time
Pleased with this sacrifice he ordered her burnt
Even though she was still breathing, clearly alive
This was their tyrannical king, Caligula, god of depravity
Lust and pain are nothing but a game
To their god, master and emperor
Under his reign, many shall suffer
There is no remorse, for he is Caligula
Commander of Exordium Mors
Pulsating and bleeding, many more have suffered
Exordium Mors
No mercy or remorse given, more sacrifices are offered
Exordium Mors
Bridge repeat
More and more victims
On slaughter and bloodshed
Is given a whole new form
Forever more
Pre-Chorus repeat
Caligula, no longer just a mortal
Made into the immortal god of depravity
He never stops feasting on torture, cruelty and bloodshed
In sacrilegious rites made immortal through suffering and death
Made infamous through butchery and brutality
His monstrous acts of defilement will be known for centuries
Abhorrent but powerful no one dared to defy him
And so more sacrifices were made to his Imperial Majesty
Darkness engulfed ancient Rome, as madness commanded more
And a drunken and sacrilegious orgy took place in the temple of the Gods
A malicious act of defilement against the old pagan ways
And with blood, suffering and death the Romans paid
Ruling Ancient Rome with an iron divinity
Reigning on bloodshed, death and cruelty
Barbarism unleashed without mercy
Exordium Mors
Persecution given to those who don’t give votive offerings
Sacrifices must be made with full acrimony
Paganism given in extreme quantities
Exordium Mors (x2)
Exordium Mors (x4)
4. Black Metal (Venom cover) 03:29
*Lyrics slightly different than traditional Venom*
Black is the night metal we fight
Power amps set to explode
Energy screams magic and dreams
Satan records their first note.
We chime the bell chaos in hell
Metal for maniacs pure.
Fast melting steel fortune on wheels
Brain haemorrhage is the cure
Lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll
Thrashing so wild nobody's mild
Giving it all that you've got.
Wild is so right metal tonight
Faster than over the top
Open the core enter hells door
Black is the code for tonight
Atomic force feel no remorse
Crank up the amps now it's night
lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll
metal ten fold through the deadly black hole
riding hells stallions bareback and free
taking our chances with raw energy
Come ride the night with us
Rock hard and fight
United my legions we stand
Trash hard and wild for us
Give up your souls
Live by Satan's left hand
Against the odds black metal gods
Fight to achieve our goal
Casting a spell leather and hell
Black metal gods rock `n' roll
Building up steam nuclear screams
Warheads are ready to fight
Black leather hounds faster than sound
Metal our purpose in life
Lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll
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