miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2020



Origen: Canada.

Formados: 2005

Estilo: Black

Temática: Antireligión, guerra y oscuridad.

Enlaces: Bandcampfacebookinstagram y spotify


  • Alexander Kartashov Batería
  • Brock Van Dijk Guitarra
  • Goliath Voces
  • Thomas Gervais Bajo

  • The Winds Will Lead Us... CD 2006  
  • Panzerfaust / Totalus Necrum Split 2007  
  • The Dark Age of Militant Paganism CD 2008  
  • Bythos - Proarkhe EP 2010  
  • Ephphatha EP 2011  
  • Jehovah-Jireh: The Divine Anti-Logos CD 2013
  • The Lucifer Principle EP 2016  
  • The Suns of Perdition - Chapter I: War, Horrid War CD 2019
  • The Faustian Pact Single 2020  
  • The Suns of Perdition - Chapter II: Render unto Eden CD 2020
  • Tabula Rasa Single 2022  
  • The Far Bank at the River Styx Single 2022  
  • The Suns of Perdition - Chapter III: The Astral Drain CD 2022
Quinto álbum para los canadienses y segundo de la tetralogía comenzada el año pasado. El álbum está compuesto por cinco extensos temas de black metal con un sonido rico que comparte similitudes con la escuela polaca. A lo largo de los cuarenta y cuatro minutos de este álbum Pazerfaust entregan un álbum denso y enrevesado con un sonido repleto de matices, partiendo de una base de batería potente y contundente que da sustento y se entremezcla con la riqueza de riffs de atesoran todas las composiciones y que transitan por secciones progresivas, elementos melódicos, disonancias, pasajes limpios. Todo ello se va sucediendo de forma fluida, resultado un sonido rico y variado, repleto de atmosferas asfixiantes, castadas y  muchas veces de tono ritualista. La producción es perfecta, el sonido es contundente, repleto de giros inesperados y cada instrumento sabe ocupar su lugar, fluyendo perfectamente. Las voces por parte de Golitah son toda una declaración de intenciones en cuanto a contundencia y brutalidad, ofreciendo un estilo muy black repleto de agresividad, aunque también es capaz de acercarse a terrenos más death y pasearse sobradamente por pasajes más intimistas, completando un aporte perfecto que se funde con el apartado instrumental sin apenas fisuras. Panzerfaust se vuelven a exponer con un trabajo completo, contundente, con muchos matices, con un sonido pulido y elaborada que goza en la actualidad con bastante reconocimiento en la escena y que se seguramente repercutirá de forma positiva en el status de la banda. (8,3).

1. Promethean Fire 10:22
"He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God." - Aeschylus In great denial, When they shuffle off this mortal coil, In great denial, Through the dark and bloody ground. In great denial, Sworn to sing the corrupter's din, In great denial. And with hubris comes the fall, Drifting across the rippling wall, On the dark and bloody ground, Came to me: This rock for which I'm bound, the wind I fear won't hear me, And alas, in a crippling sway, All life bent towards the light. In great denial, Cursed the land of the ploughman's toil, In great denial, In flood and in famine. In great denial, He too sings the corrupter's din, In great denial. And with hubris comes the fall, Drifting across the rippling wall, On the dark and bloody ground, came to me on the rock I'm bound: The wind I fear won't hear me, The ploughmen will bless his toil. And alas, in a crippling sway, All life bent towards the light. Болью, болью (With pain, with pain) Дышит тело мое (My body still breathes,) Обреченно (So fatefully,) Пашем полотно черно. (We plough the canvas of black.) Иссохли воды (Waters're dried up) Под палящим зноем (Under the scorching sun,) Плоть истерзанну (Our worn-out flesh is drunk) Поим гноем рваных мозолей. (with the pus of our torn corns.) Зри! (Behold!) Мы ползем змеей (We crawl like a snake) по усопшему телу (over the mortal remains) Земли! (Of the earth!) В мучениях вечных (Suffering over and over,) Тащим камень тартара (We're dragging Tartarus' stone.) Замри! (Hold still!) Во мраке надежды (In the darkness of hope) Вечно жаждущей света (Striving for ever - towards the light!) Мы две змеи (We're two snakes) На извечной тропе (On the eternal path) Круговой колеи! (Of a circular track!) Круговой колеи... (Of a circular track...)  
2. The Faustian Pact 08:10
"The God who made iron grow did not need slaves." A maniacal forge seeds the tempter and triangulates the sin, the madness and the fury. Where one abandons all hope. At a funeral for the sun; They will dement the divide. Into a world of sin, of shit - in schism - the man will seek the angel at the bottomless pit. Vanquished ground, From birth till rigor mortis, The vultures damn the hive to the wreaking hole Descension bound, Where lust defines the order, Till the mass grave that sends the defeated man to the madhouse. And a testament to his ruin; Absent the fruits of patient toil He will never lick the wounds This disease heightens the senses In a world of sin, of shit - but in schism - One gets harder in time. And if destruction be our lot, be it the glory of the slaves. Vanquished ground, From birth till rigor mortis, The vultures damn the hive to the wreaking hole Descension bound, Where lust defines the order, Voidward shines the suns of perdition. Yetzer Hara - Yetzer Hara - Yetzer Hara Victor or vanquished, What defines loss? Twisted in irony; Encroaching manifest destiny. The sick divine glory, [In] infinitesimal trappings Weaponize the ages. The Faustian pact is all that the ground may give back. And bound by it's own gaze, was lost and all that the sun made was cast on their iron graves.
3. Areopagitica 07:34  
Madness makes a man, and [it is] what breaks him,
Like a shadow unto which no light may ever shine.
Time flees, though eternity dwells,
Yet "the very truth he holds becomes his heresy."

A most righteous act of rebellion,
By right of twisted virtue,
The sun is not so bright to itself as to those on whom it shines
Time flees, though eternity dwells,
Yet "the very truth he holds becomes his heresy."

The just war must be decided, but the chorus will not come.
And cast in their crooked smiles is narcissism masking as virtue
Some truths are worth it for their own sake,
But they will cannibalize their own
before they let the heretic be heard.

You may never cheat this mountain.

The just war must be decided, but the chorus will not come.
And cast in their crooked smiles is narcissism masking as virtue
Some truths are worth it for their own sake,
But they will cannibalize their own
before they let the heretic be heard.
4. The Snare of the Fowler 09:54
  Man - like earth - both flower and decay.
Tyrants and men of ideals feign the black-eyed children.
'Till plight and injustice wakes this earth
To galvanize them to sacrifice and abnegation;
ripe are the fools and the damned who have longed for a promised land.
In the heap of temptations, hope would mark the ruins.

"The tree of knowledge is not that of life."

And so he grinds his own hands,
Where there was never justice for all.
There is a stain of perspective in those expiring eyes.
When he mines his own helm,
And serves for the greater glory.

[And now they] arm the angels,
Bedevilled by our lesser judgment.
And another man will die;
It is practically what he is here for.
And they will fly their flags at half mast
As if this would imply justice.
Never pitied, they will make this mistake again.
And again - the damned deny the ages,
and the greatest of ironies:
Our enlightenment would rise;
And with it, the vileness of man.

"The tree of knowledge is not that of life."

And so he grinds his own hands,
Where there was never justice for all.
There is a stain of perspective in those expiring eyes.
When he mines his own helm,
And serves for the greater glory.

It is seldom the days in the dark,
When he defines his own hell.
But in the violent wake of the wise
Where the rabid dog dies.

Taring at the roots, where the rats beckon asunder.

"Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler;
and the noisome pestilence."

But men are left disturbed, yet again.

It is seldom the days in the dark,
When he defines his own hell.
But in the rotted wake of the light,
Where the parasite dies.

There is no redemption arc in the record of eternal truths.
Just an endless sequence of cross-currents
to the terminus of all paradises lost.
5. Pascal's Wager 08:00
"The words of one of my favourite poets, Ernest Dowson are quite often with me, 'Non sum qualis eram / I'm not as I was.' And though I know as well as you do that there is no point in arguing about the actual date or time of departure because I'd like to think there would be no good time - I hope you'll agree with that. Something I urgently thought I ought to do or say - and one mustn't supine or give into self-pity about that, but at this moment I have to say, I feel very envious of someone who is young and actively starting out in this argument. In the meantime, we have the same job we've always had; which is to say - as thinking people and as humans - that there are no final solutions, there is no absolute truth, there is no supreme leader, there is no totalitarian solution that says if you will just give up your freedom of inquiry - if you will just give up - if you will simply abandon your critical faculties, a world of idiotic bliss can be yours. We have to begin by repudiating all such claims; grand rabbis, chief ayatollahs, infallible popes, the pedlars of surrogate and mutant quasi-political religion and worship; the dear leader, the great leader, we have no need of any of this; And looking at them and their record, and the pathos of their supporters, I realize that it is they who are the grand impostors, and my own imposture this evening was mulled by comparison. Thank you very much."
- The last public speech by Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)

There is a guilt reserved for that fearful day,
In great denial, I will say no more.
I will reserve that shame for the thieves and whores,
In great denial, I will say no more.

There is a silence that comes eventually,
In great denial, I will say no more.
There is no longer a reason to laugh,
But what do you have to lose when you're pissing into the wind?

Recorded in the year 2010. Mastered in the year 2013.
180g heavy black vinyl limited to 500 copies with 12-page booklet.

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