domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021



Origen: España, País Vasco

Formados: 2020

Estilo: Black


Enlaces: Bandcampfacebook e instagram.

Miembros: ?


  • The Imposed Punishment Demo 2020  
  • Ancient Pain Exposed Single 2020  
  • Freezing Hell Isolation Single 2021  
  • Purgatori Ignis Iudicium CD 2021
Después de una demo inicial llega el turno para el primer larga duración de esta nueva formación vasca que entrega siete intentos y extensos temas con un pie puesto en elementos que podríamos descirbir como de black tradicional pero sin descuidar en ningún momento un sonido potente y elaborado que llena de matices y contundencia una propuesta que muchas veces se sitúa en terrenos del black/death. El álbum es extenso, sólo un tema baja de los siete minutos, es por ello que la propuesta fluye de forma perfecta, ofreciendo en todo momento al oyente interesantes cambios de ritmo que van desde los más intensos y violentos que suelen poblar el grueso de la composiciones construidos sobre una base de imperiosos blast betas en donde se pueden reconocer algunas influencias death en ciertas estructuras, pero no es menos cierto también que en esencia estamos ante un black de sonido agresivos y contundente con descaradas influencias de los noventa. El fluir de los temas permite que muchas veces el ritmo baje enteros y los riffs traigan reminiscencias tanto más oscuras como  también de un black más puro. Esta dualidad en el sonido del álbum se antoja del todo necesaria para que los temas tomen un dimensión más profunda siendo capaces de desarrollar mucha agresividad y violencia por una parte al tiempo que no renuncian a las dosis de oscuridad y digamos de melodía en segunda plano. Las voces por su parte también se sitúan en un plano intermedio entre lo que podemos definir como black/death, con la suficiente crudeza por una parte pero sin dejar pasar la oportunidad de colar algunos guturales, al tiempo que saben dejar que los instrumentos cobren protagonismo cuando es necesario para acabar de construir esa atmósfera cargada y enfermiza que acaba por emanar del álbum. Un primer trabajo que deja claro por un lado la contundencia y profesionalidad de la propuesta al tiempo que podemos disfrutar de un destacable ejercicio de black/death oscuro, directo y podrido. (7,9).

1. Eternal Hate Awakens 09:16  
2. Freezing Hell Isolation 06:41  
3. Inner Chaos Unleashed 07:49  
4. Ancient Pain Exposed 07:53  
5. The Imposed Punishment 08:27  
6. Lake of Forgetfulness 09:07  
7. Ascension Through Fire 07:43  

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2021


1. The band has been active since 2017, why did you decide to create the band? Why did you choose the name Crimson Dimension and what does it refer to?

Actually we have been active quite a longer time, approximately from 2012. We always have wanted to make our own music and the band is our way of bringing the music to audience. Of course members of the band have been friends for many years and playing in the band is mutual hobby.

We had several names in the past and Crimson Dimension just seemed like the best choice at the time. Still sounds nice.

2. These last four years you have used it in the composition of your self-titled album, how important has the inclusion of both J-M Koppelomäki and Ari Inkinen, already with experience in other bands, been to finish defining the sound of the album?

Crimson Dimension is of course completely its own prOject. Some experience with recording and music production has come as a bonus from J-M Koppelomäki as he has worked many years as a studio engineer. Every member of the band has very big freedom in expression of their own unique style in the band.

3. “Crimson Dimension” is your first album, how was the writing and recording process for this first album? What brands of instruments did you use to write and record it?

The four songs on the album were selected from several different compositions. For example the Finnish song Valon Hylkäämä was our first ever recorded song that was rearranged and re-recorded to be on the album.

Recording took about one year to complete. The album is massive afterall.

- J-M Koppelomäki used during the recording custom Kiiras Instruments 8-string guitar, Gary Kramer Turbulence 7-string and Gibson 6-string guitars.

- T. Karjalainen used Amfisound and Music Man guitars.

- Guitars were recorded using Mesa Boogie guitar amplification.

- A. Inkinen used ESP basses and Mesa Boogie amplifier and cabinets.

- E. Hokkanen uses Korg Kronos keyboard and other Korg products.

- J. Ahonen used vintage Sonor drums.

4. Black metal in essence but also with elements that can remind you of progressive rock or others that go from symphonic to psychedelic, what sounds and bands have influenced you when shaping the sound of this first album? How would you describe the sound of the album for those who have not heard it yet?

The album was not supposed to sound like anything else. We purposefully chose to go with a more organic and raw sound without too much over production you hear these days. Every band member brings their own musical influence to this mix and it sounds like Crimson Dimension.

5. What topics do you deal with in your lyrics? Why do you consider it interesting to talk about them? Do the lyrics conform to the musical section or vice versa?

Lyrics are quite typical for black and death metal genres and bring themes from that world. Of course lyrics reflect personal life and mind of the writer. The lyrics were written specifically to these songs.

6. The Nordic countries have always been characterized by having a very important scene within extreme metal, what do you think is due to this situation? What do you think of the blakc metal scene in a country like Finland and how has it evolved along the way? over the last few years?

The metal scene has become even too mainstream in this part of the world and maybe lost some of its magick. There's more black metal bands than ever has been, but the best still are from the golden era of 1980-1990. Fortunately good music is still been created.

7. Who designed the album cover, what does this cover represent and how does it relate to the content of the album?

We tried to think of several different ideas, but ended up with very simple early 90's death metal style cover. The skulls on the cover are real thing and photographed by ourselves.

8. As a band, beyond the fact of being able to offer concerts, how have the restrictions imposed as a result of the Covid-19 irruption affected you?

We haven't done a lot of live shows during our lifetime and this case the current situation has not bothered us much.

9. Spread Evil Productions Finnish record label with a good handful of Finnish bands under their belt has released the album. How did the possibility of working and editing the album with this record label come about? Are you satisfied with the editing and promotion work done by Spread Evil Productions?

We are honored to be under the label of such underground music. The co-operation has worked very well between us and the label.

10. How were your beginnings in music: first concerts you attend, first albums you buy? What did you do in your life that made you want to be musicians?

We all have been very active music listeners since the beginning. We bought albums, visited concerts, recorded casettes and so on. Naturally everyone of us were so fascinated by music that we found some instrument to try and rest is history. Nowadays music determines a part of our lives more or less.

11. Which album represents for you the essence of black metal? What last albums have you bought?

Every band member have their own favorites without going into details. What comes to essence of black metal, we must mention of course "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" by Mayhem, obviously.

12. What future plans do you have for Crimson Dimension in terms of upcoming releases, concerts or reissues?

We have considered making a vinyl reissue of our debut album as a limited edition. We are making material for another album at some point in the future.

13. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions for Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for the followers of Crimson Dimension this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Thank you for the interview and good questions. We hope readers find our album and take a listen.


Snoutcrom – Psychotic 9,99 € 

Cassette, Limited Edition, Numbered
Limited to 100 hand-numbered copies.

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021



Origen: Suecia, Gothenburg

Formados: 2016

Estilo: Black melódico, death

Temática: Apocalipsis, muerte, nihilismo y oscuridad

Enlaces: BandcampDeezerFacebookInstagramSoundcloudSpotifyTidalTwitter y youtube


  • H. Liljesand Guitarra
  • J. Eskilsson Guitarra y voces
  • J. Jaloma Batería
  • K. Romlin Voces
  • P. Eldor Pettersson Bajo

  • Humanity Will Echo Out EP 2018  
  • Unholy Path Single 2019  
  • Ira Single 2020  
  • Reborn EP 2020  
  • Impius Viam CD 2020  
  • Nattkrönt Single 2021  
  • Fjättrad Single 2021  
  • Hädanfärd CD 2021
  • Rebirth of the Old EP 2022
  • De namnlösa Single 2023  
  • Flickan som försvann Single 2023  
  • Tales CD 2023

Segundo larga duración para los suecos que ofrecen un trabajo muy completo en donde confluyen a groso modo sonidos black y death melódicos. Hay que mencionar que Night Crowned han construido un álbum de sonido potente en donde aunque podemos discernir elementos black, no es menos cierto que el peso del álbum le corresponde a las partes más death melódico. Fruto de ello podemos disfrutar de un sonido potente, repleto de matices en donde no se renuncia a la melodía al tiempo que esta repleto de ritmos explosivos que destacan por su contundencia y potencia. Sonidos potentes de riffs densos y rápidos sin renunciar a registros más lentos en donde la melodía cobra mayor presencia, todo ello a la par de una batería atronadora y unas voces mezcla de black/death que muchas veces encumbran el sonido deth melódico a cotas que pueden recordar a la escena sueca de comienzos de siglo. Por su parte la riqueza de sonido también se muestra en los cuidado de los arreglos muchas veces acompañados de elementos de teclado que ofrecen tanto partes de relleno como otras con mucha más presencia todo ello no ya solo dota a la propuesta de un tono mucho más épico sino que al mismo tiempo logra aportar digamos un aura de black sinfónico al conjunto dentro de la potencia y la contundencia que viene demostrando desde sus inicios el álbum. Un álbum perfectamente construido, que sabe ofrecer una buena dosis de sonidos extremos potentes al tiempo que está repleto de matices que enriquecen la propuesta ofreciendo dentro de la misma diferentes sensaciones y estilos. (8,2).

1. Nattkrönt 04:33
   Hör mörkrets isande kall
Genom vildsinta Ulvars skall
Ur askan av en gången dag
Hörs rovdjurs tunga andetag
Den våldsamma natten ger & tar
Myren får det som lämnats kvar

Hör ditt kall, Famna mörkrets hand
Träd fram, Ty natten är evigt din

Träd fram in i nattens famn
Ty den kallar ditt namn
Då ulvar ylar under månens sken
Skälver det i märg & ben
Blod skall ljutas tills dagen gryr
Inget rov undflyr

I skymnings glöd
Färgas marken röd
Likt en lie mot skörd
Skola du bringa död

Blod skola spillas inatt
Så vackert skimrande svart
I dov skymnings glöd
Skola luna skina röd

Tidlös äro grynings timman
Då du träder fram ur dimman
Smekt av mörkrets karga bris
Som sveper genom snår & ris
Bärandes en viskande röst
Som väcker hunger & törst

Hör ditt kall, Famna mörkrets hand
Träd fram, Ty natten är evigt din

Krönt under lunas bleka ljus
I vildsint blodlust rus
Ur askan av en gången dag
Targer rov sit sista andetag
Ty ingen äro din like
I skuggornas rike

I skymnings glöd
Färgas marken röd
Likt en lie mot skörd
Skola du bringa död
Kronan karvas ur kött & ben
Natt krönt i lunas sken
Se vår konung stiga fram
In i nattens famn
2. Rex Tenebrae 05:56
  Kom in i mitt rike
Och tyna bort i mitt stora eviga tomrum

Det fins inget ljus vid slutet
Endast det kalla mörkret
Ingen gudomlighet eller paradis
Endast glömska

Jag bringar död & förtvivlan
Och besegrar allt liv
Jag är avgrundens svalg
Det slukande mörkret

Jag har kommit för att beröva dig allt ljus
Jag är han, bärare av synd, Rex Tenebrae

Odödlig, oändlighet jag är bortom evigheten
Omätlig, intet jag är ett monument av alla dina synder

Kom var med mig i det eviga mörkret
Andas in mitt väsen
Se ljuset falna i dina bleka ögon
Kom in i mitt imperium utan slut

Söndra & härska över liv & död
Jag är en gåva & ett fördärv

Från aska till damm till ingenting
Allt du är går till ända

Det kommer inget efterliv
Ingen återfödelse
Jag får allt att upphöra
I mitt rike

Tomhet är allt som finns
I din sköra existens
Jag får allt att upphöra
Och förvandlar kött till ben

Jag har kommit för att beröva dig allt ljus
Jag är han, bärare av synd, Rex Tenebrae

Odödlig, oändlighet jag är bortom evigheten
Omätlig, intet jag är ett monument av alla dina synder
3. Fjättrad 05:48
 Fängslad I kött & blod
Bunden till tidens sand
Plågad av livets gåva
Jag förlöser dig från dess band

Jag är din början, jag är dit slut
Alltid haver jag varit & alltid skall jag förbli
Jag ger dig frid, jag ger dig evig sorg
Jag fjättrar dig I livets misär

I skri & plåga är du kommen
I ensamhet skall du förgå
I vånda du tidlös strävar
In I tomheten du förtvinar

Då sanden runnit ut
Skall jag leda dig hem

Allt du var bleknar bort I glömska
Ett tomt skal är allt du nånsin var
Livet äro blott en svunnen tid
Så låt sanden rinna ut

Fjättrad I livets vissnande rötter
Ser jag dig stilla brytas ner
Steg för steg, dag för dag tynar du bort
Låt tidens sand regna likt etter över dig

Fängslad I kött & blod
Bunden till tidens sand
Plågad av livets gåva
Jag förlöser dig från dess band

Jag är din önskan, jag är ditt fördärv
Alltid haver jag varit & alltid skall jag förbli
Jag är bödelns blick, jag är änglalik
Jag berövar dig ditt liv

Då sanden runnit ut
Skall jag leda dig hem

Allt du var bleknar bort I glömska
Ett tomt skal är allt du nånsin var
Livet äro blott en svunnen tid
Så låt sanden rinna ut...
4. Ett gravfäst öde 04:28
Ett sinistert kall Från åldrig jord Dess förhäxande röst Snärjer mig i dess våld Förfaller med varje andetag Med tunga steg går jag mot livets ände En ändlös resa På en enslig stig Låt mig i stillhet ruttna I tellus avgrundslika svalg Fängslad i evighetens kedjor Med en längtan att tidens etter mig förtär Allt förgås, allt förtvinar Ett gravfäst öde väntar alla utom mig Ett gravfäst öde väntar alla utom mig För varje steg jag tar upphör allt liv Frost bestruken mark är allt jag lämnar kvar En ständig strävan Genom tid & rum En evig avsmak för allt liv Med en längtan efter ett slut Livlösheten präglar minna drömmar Att i den eviga sömnen finna frid Ett sista steg Över bergets kant Låt mig svepas i karg fuktig jord Låt mig bli ett med intet Aldrig skall mitt hjärta sluta slå Aldrig skall jag få blekna bort Allt förgås, allt förtvinar Ett gravfäst öde väntar alla utom mig  
5. Hädanfärd 01:47   instrumental
6. Gudars skymning 05:52
  Lien svingas i elegans
I blodutgjutelse dans
Jag bringar vånda i farsotstider
Och ser på när allt avlider

Gudar skall möta sin undergång
Skri & plåga ljuda i klagosång

Krig skall rasa & riken skall falla
Blodet skall flöda & skrien skall skalla

Från jord till aska, från glöd till brand
Världsalltet skall falla för min hand
Människa & gud, alla des like
Skall dväljas i mitt rike

I förödelse jag er beskådar
När kaos tidlös får råda
Från jord till aska, från glöd till brand
Världsalltet i min hand
Himlavalvet skall skina röd
Marken osar av svavel & död
Från jord till aska, från glöd till brand
Världsalltet i min hand

Eldar rasar likt ett stormande hav
Famnar alltet i en förkolnad grav
Ett eko av böner & tomma ord
Då jag drivit synd ur jord

Svavel & röta, ett os av död
Gudars aska skall strös i lågornas glöd
Nåd & vädjan, blot tomma ord
Jag bringar helvetet ovanför jord

Gudars skymning, ett bittert slut
Hoppets låga blåses ut

Lien skall giva frälsande bot
Allt upplöses i aska & sot
Monument skall rasa, skogar skall brinna
Rök skall stiga & allt ljus försvinna

Från jord till aska, från glöd till brand
Världsalltet skall falla för min hand
Människa & gud, alla des like
Skall dväljas i mitt rike

I förödelse jag er beskådar
När kaos tidlös får råda
Från jord till aska, från glöd till brand
Världsalltet i min hand
Himlavalvet skall skina röd
Marken osar av svavel & död
Från jord till aska, från glöd till brand
Världsalltet i min hand

Svavel & röta, ett os av död
Gudars aska skall strös i lågornas glöd
Nåd & vädjan, blot tomma ord
Jag bringar helvetet ovanför jord
7. Människans förfall 05:24
   I lågornas vackert dansande sken
Beskådar jag hur köttet bränns bort från märg & ben

Av aska är du kommen, till aska skall du åter bli
Undergången visar varken nåd eller empati

Offrens anletsdrag är tidlöst förstelnade i panik
Och skapar ett landskap av svavel beklädda lik

Av aska är du kommen, till aska skall åter bli
I infernots skede skall vi finna harmoni

Hör förödelsens kall
Kom & se människans förfall

När lågorna har brunnit ut
Får början sit slut
Tystnaden ekar över dal & fjärd
Livlöshet präglar vår värld

Gryningen reser en sista dag
Och lämnar eko av livets sista andetag

Av aska är du kommen, till aska skall du åter bli
Helgat vader undergångens misantropi
Hör förödelsens kall
Kom & se människans förfall

När lågorna har brunnit ut
Får början sit slut
Tystnaden ekar över dal & fjärd
Livlöshet präglar vår värld

Människan möter en ödesdiger grav
Då allt liv slukas i ett eldhav

När lågorna har brunnit ut
Får början sit slut
Tystnaden ekar över dal & fjärd
Livlöshet präglar vår värld
Allas röster upphör
Allting dör
8. Grått & ödelagt 05:37
 Jag bringar bitande frost och piskande vindar
All denna misär skall blomstra likt vårens gyllende dagar
Och när allt fagert sveps in i mörkrets isande slöja
Skall allting dö

Ruttna rötter, frost beklädda löv
Likblek flora präglad av död
Ljuslösa dagar, mörkrets år
Min vita famn ingen undgår

Tystnad skall råda då allt förtvinar

Allting skall blekna, allting skall dö
Allting skall täckas av likblek snö

Allt upphör, aldrig mer hörs vindens sus
Allt förgås, aldrig mer värmer solens ljus
Allt blir grått & ödelagt

Snön skall ljudlöst falla över livlös jord
Det som en gång gav liv försvinner utan ord

Jag bringar död & låter allting visna
Jag kommer med evig sömn & tystnad

Frusna sjöar, frostbitna lik
Tystnaden äro så drömlik
Från en stilla bris till storm
Tillintetgör jag var livsform
Ruttna rötter, frost beklädda löv
Likblek flora präglad av död
Ljuslösa dagar, mörkrets år
Min vita famn ingen undgår

Allting skall blekna, allting skall dö
Allting skall täckas av likblek snö
Allting skall stillas, allting blir tyst
Livlösheten präglar de döden kysst
Tystnad skall ljuda då allt förfaller

Allting skall blekna, allting skall dö
Allting skall täckas av likblek snö

Allt upphör, aldrig mer hörs vindens sus
Allt förgås, aldrig mer värmer solens ljus
Allt blir grått & ödelagt
9. Enslingen 05:20
  I oändlighet har jag vandrat
Genom tid & rum, över liv & död
En resa utan riktning eller slut, omgiven av rädsla & död
I ensamhet har jag strävat
Genom eoner, genom evigheten

Följ mig, där mörkret tidlöst får råda
Låt mig leda din väg utan återvändo

Vilsna själar, oh du döende liv
Jag skall leda er hem
Åldrig befrielse, jag giver dig frälsning
Låt mig leda din hem

Tidlös, ändlös
Äro mitt ensliga liv
Barmhärtig, nådig
Äro mitt signande verk

I skuggorna jag er beskådar
Alltid där i dunklets mörkaste vrå
Vid er sida jag alltid står & vackar
På att timglaset skall rinna ut
Tiden äro kommen att leda dig hem
In i tomheten, in i glömskan

Följ mig, där mörkret tidlöst får råda
Låt mig leda din väg utan återvändo

Vilsna själar, oh du döende liv
Jag skall leda er hem
Åldrig befrielse, jag giver dig frälsning
Låt mig leda din hem

domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2021



Origen: Finlandia

Formados: ?

Estilo: Black

Temática: Depresión, muerte y odio

Enlaces: Bandcamp y facebook


  • H Voces
  • Lord Mimorium Guitarra
  • Obscurus Guitarra
  • Rohtnuc Teclados
  • Valgrinder Bajo y teclados
  • Vilthor Batería

  • Where Light Comes to Die Full-length 2019 1 (75%)
  • Endtime Sermon Full-length 2021
  • A Union of Spectres Split 2024

Segundo lanzamiento para esta banda finesa que logra construir un sonido denso y oscuro echando mano de diferentes elementos ensamblados de forma magistral. No es que Marras hayan inventado nada nuevo ni su sonido llegará a trascender como el más innovador, tampoco creo que sea esa su pretensión. Marras se las arreglan para construir su sonido desde lo que podríamos considerar el black clásico escandinavo de los noventas, a saber, riffs crudos y directos con una velocidad demencial acompañada de la intensidad de una batería que se muestra dinámica, manteniendo el pulso en las secciones más veloces al tiempo que juega con diferentes intensidades cuando la propuesta lo demanda, por su parte las voces se muestran crudas, frías y agresivas. Sin embargo Marras también deja su impronta propia en el conjunto, por un lado tenemos un acercamiento en determinados sectores a lo que podríamos definir como un black/death metal que añade un plus de violencia y agresividad al conjunto pero todo ello desde un prisma muy noventero. Y ya para ir finalizando no podemos pasar por alto el trabajo de los teclados a la hora de acabar por completar el sonido de este trabajo, presente en mayor o menor medida pero que logan en las secciones más directas aportar un tono más melódico por así decirlo y en las partes más lentas ofrecen un tono melancólico al conjunto. Un segundo álbum anclado en las influencias del black escandinavo de los noventa con un sonido completo y con suficientes matices para completar una obra destacable. (7,7).

1. Shadows upon the Sacred Land 05:00  
2. (1st Prophecy) Anointing of the Sick 01:32  
3. Endtime Sermon 04:36  
4. From the Last Battleground 04:30  
5. Gathered to Rule 05:07  
6. (2nd Prophecy) Last Judgement 01:19  
7. My Cold Grave 05:49  
8. (3rd Prophecy) Pestilence 00:54  
9. As Nights Get Darker 05:18  
10. (4th Prophecy) Viaticum 01:57  
11. From the Soot of Goahti 08:07  

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021


 1. When did you decide to create the band? Why did you choose the name Morgarten and what does it refer to?

We started the band in 2005 and the name "Morgarten" refers to a battle in 1315 in which the Swiss defeated the Austrians, who were far more numerous and trained than the Swiss. We chose it because it sounds pretty good, but also because it reminds us that you don't have to be a famous person, a professional warrior to fight.

2. Although Morgarten has been active since 2005, and the formation has remained stable since then, it is also true that the number of launches is rather low with only a couple of launches to date, why is this long time between each one of your releases?

Yeah, you could think that we took a break with Morgarten during this time frame, but in fact we worked hard, haha. “Risen to Fight”, was our first album, so we really took the time to promote it, did some shows in Europe, before we started to work seriously on “Cry of the Lost”. We could for example do the opening for Finntroll, it was great! Then as we wanted to do a concept album with 12 songs, it took quite a lot of time to create the concept, compose the songs and so on. And with the Covid coming on board, we postponed the release date for a year

3. Your most recent album is entitled "Cry of the Lost" and has been released about six years apart from your previous "Risen to Fight", how has your sound evolved between both albums? been the process of composition and recording of this album? What brands of instruments have you used for the recording?

In Risen to Fight we were more focused on black metal sounds I would say and over the years we have become more sophisticated with the synth arrangements and added more rhythmic and clean vocals parts. The compositions are also much more interesting I think on this album. The music was written both by Ilann and Pierric and the lyrics were written by Pierric. The concept of this album and the story behind has been discussed and decide by the whole band and then developped by Pierric. We mainly used guitars, bass, keyboards (with lots of different instruments :-) ), and drums, but we also have some parts were we used a banjo, acoustic guitars, bagpipes. And for the intro of the album, we also recorded knives and forks and a barn door, haha

4. The sound of “Cry of the Lost” without being complex if it offers a good number of different styles and sounds, fusing sounds of black metal origin with others of more folk inspiration, is the whole process of recording very complicated for you? work and shape the final sound of an album like this “Cry of the Lost?” How do you organize yourself to bring your proposal forward?

I wouldn't say it was complicated. In fact there was a lot of work before the recordings, to create the story on which the album is based, to determine the episodes of the story that the songs are about. Then the lyrics and music were composed to fit the atmosphere of the different events in the story. That's what gave the songs their wide range of styles. The songs are composed by either Ilann or Pierric and overall, all the tracks are finalized when they finish composing. The recording process then "just" involves playing it all down perfectly. There are just the synth and drums that have improved their parts after the composition

5. As I mentioned before, your sound could be defined as black, folk metal metal, however in it there is also room for elements that are not completely refined that give it an added credibility and personality. How would you define the sound of “Cry of the Lost "for those who haven't heard it yet? What bands and styles have been an inspiration for you when defining your sound?

It's always complicated to define your own style or sound. I think the question sums up pretty well what we do: Black/Folk metal and with that Death, Ambient, Symphonic, Epic elements, sometimes clear vocals... But we never wanted to limit ourselves to one style, on the contrary, we try to explore everything we like to obtain a varied result while remaining coherent. As sources of inspiration, the bands are just as varied: Ensiferum, Eluveitie, Wardruna, Equilibirum, Wintersun, Faun, Morvigor, Epica, Slechtvalk, Cân Bardd, ...

6. The theme of your lyrics deals with fantastic themes and others related to battles, why did you decide to treat these themes in your lyrics? Are the lyrics adapted to the music and are they written after having the complete music?

We always liked to have a concept and a story for our albums and we always liked the Middle Ages and epics. So it was a natural choice. For the lyrics it depends a bit. Most of the time we choose the general theme and the events and emotions that the song should describe and the lyrics are finalized once the music is finished.

7. Who was in charge of the cover design for “Cry of the Lost”, what does it represent and how does it relate to the musical content of the album?

The Artwork was done by David Benzal, a spanish artist, and the scene illustrates the song “The last Breath”. In this song, the hero of the story is caught in a snowstorm and is exhausted. He realises that his whole life may have been for nothing, as he will not be able to reach the goal of his quest if he falls today. We really wanted this cry of despair that he expresses when he realises that everything is in vain to come through in the artwork. A careful eye will see that the warrior is actually a member of the band ;-)

8. The album has been edited by Inner Wound Recordings, how did you come up with the idea of ​​working with this record label for the album edition? Are you satisfied with the editing and promotion work carried out by Inner Wound Recordings? 

We got in contact through our booking agency Desert Rose Agency. At first, we were a bit wary as we value our independence and didn’t really see the benefit of signing with a label. But the more we talked with them the more we saw they were serious. We don’t regret it at all, as they are great to work with.

9. Switzerland has always been linked in some way with the black metal scene since its origins, a tradition that has been maintained to this day with a good handful of bands of unquestionable quality, how do you perceive the health of black Swiss from within?

As we have always known this context, it's hard to know what it's like compared to other countries. But there are regular bands coming up that definitely have originality and quality!

10. The restrictions derived from the Covi-19 have affected bands in different ways, one of the most important, above all, and in your particular case, not being able to offer concerts regularly. How did you as a band face this period?

Yes, that's clearly the aspect we like best, to be able to share our music with the audience and have fun together. It's not an easy time. But in our case, we were lucky enough to be able to record the drums in Sweden at the end of 2019 and we started recording the rest at the beginning of 2020. So at that time we didn't suffer from not being able to play live and we were able to keep meeting to rehearse too. But now it's getting really long and hard to promote Cry of the Lost under these conditions...

11. How were your beginnings in music: first concerts you attend, first albums you buy? What did you do in your life that made you want to be musicians?

Ooh, I don't remember which were the first shows we went to. Probably one or the other local band. I think one of the first albums I (Pierric) bought was "Deep Purple- Perfect Strangers". Some of us had started playing music as kids, but more on trumpet, flute... But for the most part, we started playing our instrument with Morgarten. We liked to listen to metal music and we thought "why don't we make a band?" and that was it...

12. Which album represents for you the essence of black metal? What last albums have you bought?

No idea, it's hard enough to know what style we're doing, haha. The last albums we had, we didn't actually buy them, we traded them for our Cry of the Lost album with the last bands we played with, that was in Gent, Belgium. It's Vanaheim's EP "The House Spirit" and Lemuria's latest album "The Hysterical Hunt".

13. What future plans do you have for Morgarten in terms of upcoming releases, concerts or reissues?

Nothing is decided now, but we were asked to perform a short acoustic show at Brainstorm Festival (NL) in November and we had a lot of pleasure to play it and were quite happy with the result. So we're thinking about this possibility of maybe releasing an acoustic EP. Otherwise the next confirmed gig will be in Switzerland at the MetBar in Lenzburg and several other dates are under discussion, but it's a bit complicated to confirm gigs now, as everything is closing up again...

14. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions for Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for the Morgarten fans this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.

We want to thank everyone who supports us and shares what we do. We can't wait to get back on the road and do some dates to meet you when this pandemic is over. Come on, we believe!

Thanks a lot for the questions, it was a pleasure to answer them!


Precambrian - Proarkhe 4,99 € 

Vinyl, 7", 33 ⅓ RPM, EP

domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2021



Origen: Grecia, Atenas

Formados: 1999

Estilo: Black

Temática: Espiritualismo, gnosticismo, ocultismo y satanismo anti cósmico

Enlaces: Facebookinstagram y spotify


  • Semjaza Bajo, guitarras y mantras
  • The A Voces

  • Eternvs Mos, Nex Ritvs CD 2012
  • Liber Lvcifer I: Khem Sedjet CD 2014
  • Leytmotif Luzifer (The 7 Temptations of Man) / Liber Lvcifer I: Khem Sedjet Split 2016  
  • Abigor / Nightbringer / Thy Darkened Shade / Mortuus Split 2017
  • SAATET - TA APEP Split 2017  
  • SamaeLilith: A Conjunction of the Fireborn Split 2021
  • Liber Lvcifer II: Mahapralaya CD 2023
Thy Darkened Shade son los encargados de aportar los cuatro primeros temas de este compartido, un compartido que se muestra casi que mastodóntico en cuanto a duración pero que no desentona en cuanto a calidad dentro de lo que podemos considerar como underground dentro de la escena. Thy Darkened Shade muestra su potencial y rasgos característicos de su sonido desde el comienzo. Un sonido que se abre con un toque muy underground y ocultista repleto de pasajes hablados y fraseados encaminados a crear un ambiente de terror y frialdad. Cuando hacen acto de aparición el grueso de la instrumentación el oyente puede apreciar un regusto a sonido heleno mezclado con elementos de segunda ola de black metal nórdico sin descuidar aspectos como la épica y por que no cierta melodía enterrada en las profundidades del sonido gracias al uso en segundo plano de sintetizadores que a lo largo de los temas van alternando mayor o menor protagonismo. Sin embargo hay un aspecto del sonido de Thy Darkened Shade que se muestra siempre presente y no es otro que el plano ocultista de su música, presente tanto en elementos de su música que sin llegar a ser complejos si que llegan a ofrecer un ambienta asfixiante, las voces tampoco pasan por alto ofrecer diferentes aspectos desde unos más agresivos y heladores hasta esos fraseados que casi que nos dejan descolocados pero que saben cubrir y completar diferentes planos y aspectos del black ocultista. Un aporte a este compartido por parte de Thy Darkened Shade rico y variado dentro de un sonido black clásico que se sustenta en la parte más ocultista del estilo. (8,2).

1. Thy Darkened Shade - Murderer's Black Seed 02:13
SamaeLilith, from thee we are spawned The lineage of Qayin and Qalmana Has been born from Thy majesty And to thee we shall deliver ourselves Our black flames emanate from the tree of Daath Bottomless knowledge from acausal blazes We are the murderer`s seed, eternaly  
2. Thy Darkened Shade - Undead Lineage 06:44
Immortal death lord Sacred black flame liberator Grant me the gnosis and salvation To divulge the wyrd of this manifestation First born necromancer Predestined to assassinate thy brother Eternally I pledge to carry The scythes of thy holy bride O father Qayin, the path of immortality I request To navigate in the seas where all are blessed The higher self, Azoth`s crescence Spawned from thy fiery daemonic essence Underneath Malkuth`s shroud Slaves drink from Lethe`s rivers And I am adorned with thy marks To receive the wisdom of grave diggers Once neither moons nor suns where there to shine It is thy will that I am yearning Qayin Hallowed through thy sacred blood I hanker to reach the black sun For thee, I pray and I avenge With vehemence of Qalmana`s revenge Plague those who gasp at cosmic soil Bring forth their everlasting inferno Children of Qayin For Her I chant and dominate The seas of eons` prana to penetrate Forever I give my blood to Her Thus, my fire will raise the divine khem As the cosmic soil burns within the devil`s urn All shall dissolve to His regime, Passage to chaos, radiant light Children of Qayin Culmination reveals crucifier`s shrine And I will desecrate Abel`s bloodline Thy name is Qayin and I am thine
3. Thy Darkened Shade - Daathian Reveries and Gamaliel Revelations 07:14
 Winged mother celestial
I invoke thee for Samael`s awakening
Valiant force, conquering bereavement and disease
Sink us in thy Luciferian orifice

Denial of enslavement
Denial of submission
Eternally to descend as divinities
The omen to consume cosmic visions

Shadowgale, spider witch goddess
Fallen angel seducer, deathless succubus mistress
Thy unblemished flames will burn my heart
To eternity, for thy names are illimitable

Thy womb, a gateway
To infiltrate the mysteries of Jarnvidr
Chasms channeling Ginnungagap
Caverns of Angrboda`s sovereignty
The self shapeshifts to werewolf phantom

Through Daathian reveries
Awaiting Shekinah to be devoured
For Her ascension
Inflame thy serpent self

Gamaliel`s glorification
To obliterate harmony and creation
Reptilian prana communion
Sacred offerings to the black moon

Denial of enslavement
Denial of obedience
Perpetually to holiness ascension
Revelation to demolish the cosmic chains

Gullveig, envenom Yggdrasil`s roots
Unleash thy malicious seeds towards Ether
In mists and fogs come forth mother of Hel
As without, so within

Summon the forces
Of the feminine adversary

Hecate, Lilith, Kali, Ereshkigal
Naamah, Abnukta, Gullveig

Through Daathian reveries
Awaiting Shekinah to be devoured
Let the children of God sear themselves
In the light of Lucifer
4. Thy Darkened Shade - Return of the Ancient Ones 06:09
  Taninsam, your children
Are awed by your ancient names
Guide us into Qliphothic spheres
Bring us the wisdom of transformation
Isheth Zenunim, reveal our darkest desires
And awake us in the lucid dreams of Gamaliel
Bring forth the foresight of the astral sleep
And stab the cosmic illusion


Ama Lilith, give raise to dreadful nightmares
Transfer sickness to our enemies
Extinguish them all with your suicide command
And offer eternal reign
To the children of Qayin`s lineage

Salve Lilith!

O master Samael;
Father of Qayin and our bloodline
Venomous Satan of the garden of Eden
Open wide the mouth of hell
And manifest in front of us
Make us one with your eternal poisonous essence

Ominous companion of Lilith
Awakener of insanity, concealed knowledge giver
Poison us with thy malice and disclose our yearnings
We crave to unite thee with our holy mistress

Salve Samael!

Slant and torturous serpents
Possess our bodies
Possess our minds
Possess our thoughts

Arise from the tempest of chaos
Dragon of death immortal
Deliver the force of the void
And offer us thy acosmic gnosis

Let us become None and Everyone
Let us become Nothing and All

We breathe to discover the keys
And unlock the eleven gates
To progress towards
The supremacy of your dominion
Our black flames shall return
Into thy deep waters
And flood the cosmos
With thy oceanic omnipotence

Salve Leviathan!
Let your will be done!

Sanctus Sathanas
Sanctus Leviathan
Sancta Lilith
Sanctus Samael

Open the acausal gates
5. Amestigon - The Slant Serpent 07:44  
6. Amestigon - Maelstrom into the Lower Octave 03:59  
7. Amestigon - The Tortuous Serpent 12:40  
8. Inconcessus Lux Lucis - Phantoms from the Land of Nod 02:02   instrumental
9. Inconcessus Lux Lucis - The Osseous Gulf 06:23  
10. Inconcessus Lux Lucis - Sabbatical Thaumaturgy 03:50   instrumental
11. Inconcessus Lux Lucis - Liminal Terror (The Witch's Curse) 06:11  
12. Inconcessus Lux Lucis - Into Feral Fumes of Sanctification 02:12  
13. Shaarimoth - From the Gates of Death 05:50  
14. Shaarimoth - Flows the Blood of Retribution 09:09  
15. Shaarimoth - And Salvation Everlasting 11:37  

Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, Mini-Album