martes, 25 de marzo de 2014


Origen: Francia
Formados: 2008
Estilo: Black
Temática: Cuervos, ocultismo y melancolía
  • Aciretose Batería
  • Dunkel Todos los instrumentos y voces

  • Subterraneus CD 2010
  • Mortuailes Demo 2010   
  • La Mélancolie des Pennes CD 2011
  • L'Exil CD 2012   
  • Les Fables Immorales et Fuites Improbables de Crapefreux en Morterat Split 2013
  • Crèvecœur CD 2015
  • Demain, dès l'aube... EP 2016
  • Adieu, vat! CD 2016
  • Vindilis CD 2017
  • Freux-fuyant / Traverser les tempêtes Split 2018
  • L'Envolée de Circé / The Age of Ignorance Split 2018  
  • Trouvère à heures perdues CD 2018
  • Sale Freux / Forn Valdyrheim Split 2019  
  • Sale Freux / Eole Noir Split 2019
  • Le dernier corbeau du monde Recopilatorio 2020
  • Le cygne noir / wouchäbruch Split 2021  
  • Creux becs EP 2021  
  • SDF Recopilatorio 2021
  • Le corbeau clandestin CD 2022
  • No Man's Land EP 2023  
  • Noiraigue EP 2023
  • Heimweh EP 2023
  • Vol de travers CD 2024
Ha pasado ya un tiempo desde la edición de este trabajo pero siempre es una buena ocasión para acercarse a esta banda, cualquiera de sus trabajos publicados es todo un acierto y una autentica satisfacción para el oyente por los gustos más underground del black metal. La escena underground francesa tiene que sentirse orgullosa de esconder verdaderas joyas como Sale Freux, pocas bandas pueden igualarsele en cuanto a crudeza y melancolía de un manera tan libre de artificios innecesarios. Seis temas conforman este álbum si pasamos por alto claro está la intro instrumental, seis temas extensos en donde hay una gran variedad de emociones, aunque en general lo que predomina es un black crudo y primitivo con una producción digamos que inexistente, Dunkel se la arregla para hilvanar puentes entre las partes más black, estás partes están ejecutadas por teclados o sintetizadores y también por guitarras acústicas, estás partes dotan al resultado final de un clima de melancolía y ocultismo. En cuanto a las voces son tremendas, pocas veces hemos podido escuchar unas voces que desprendan tanta sensaciones de depresión y crudeza como la que logra Dunkel transmitir con ellas. La producción comentaba anteriormente que es el aspecto menos cuidado, los instrumentos, sobre todo las guitarras, suenan sucias y apagadas en contrapunto con el volumen de la voz, pero lo que podría ser un impedimento terrible para apreciar este trabajo, a "La Mélancolie des Pennes" le viene ni que pintado para erigirse en un elemento a tener muy en cuenta dentro del más profundo underground. (9).

1. Éclat d'Ailes 02:20  instrumental
2. L'Influence du Sale Freux 08:09
  Éclaire le mystère de noirceur transcendée,
Le vol crépusculaire d'un corbeau freux.
Inonde du symbole de pâleur enterrée,
Illumine les ternes couleurs de mes yeux.
S'étale un sale climat de brume ambiante, 
Oiseau sombre dans les marais humides.
M'avale son aura, lugubre croassant,
Juché en tombe et son odeur fétide.
S'aèrent les plumes de sordide mélancolie,
Rauque croasse à l'arcane du soir.
Éther dans la brume de morbide nostalgie,
Glauque crasse d'une profane nuit noire.
Nuit noire... vieillissante...
Nuit noire... transcendante...
J'erre sur cette terre sans ciel,
Avec un goût amer de fiel.
Une ombre vole et ma vie voile, 
De plumes noires elle mue à moi.
La vieillesse se ride sur mon visage,
Ma mémoire sature de mornes paysages.
A de l'écorce morte, je m'arrête et m'adosse,
Sur mon épaule, ce crapaud freux se pose.
Mon cadavre éborgné gît à son ombre,
Cet arbre mort isolé sera ma tombe.
3. Insomnia 06:39
Ce soir je pars sous la morte lune, Loin des humains mon cadavre marche. Insomnia! Anime mon allure nocturne, Perturbée par la nuit mon âme noire se cache. Mon cœur est en haine envers l'infecte humanité, Je marche contre eux pour les funérailles des alacrités. De vieilles araignées dans mon lit tissent leurs toiles, Créent une lugubre atmosphère de poussière. Bave nuit tragique, sur mes vierges lettres noires, Grave dramatique, le néant dans ma mémoire. 
4. La Mélancolie des Pennes 06:33
Des corbeaux écrasés croassent dans mon crâne, Des mortes mues à jamais hantent mon âme, Du corps arrache les ailes puis respire l'odeur, À mes doigts entent les plumes que la mort effleure. Vieil esprit anti-humain... Triste malveillance... Haine noire... Tremble mon corps... Hurle mes sens... Désespoir noir des soirs... Excite la lame de la dépression, Pleure la peur et la douleur.  
5. Averse de Plumes 05:28
Un temps couvert m'attire hors de chez moi,
Un vent mauvais m'emmène dans les bois. 
S'installe dans l'air une odeur tragique,
Répand sur terre l'amertume dramatique.
Découvert mort une merle, sous mon aile de deuil,
Errance morbide l'ampute d'une plume en recueil.
Je creuse dans la glaise, sous une pluie à verse,
Compose ce requiem et rédige quelques vers.
J'enterre l'oiseau noir sous un ciel maussade,
Je l'arrose de mes larmes dans la terre crade.
Mon visage dans mes mains pleines de crasse, je pleure,
Sous une averse de plumes peu à peu je meurs.
Sous le déluge froid, assis dans les flaques,
Le coeur au chaud, noyé dans ma fiasque,
Au pied de ce chêne, j'entame l'eau-de-vie,
Je prends racine et bois à mort.
De sombres visions tombent comme des perles amères,
Philosophe sur les hommes comme à la merde.
6. Floraphilia 09:04
Belle flamme charmée, misérable putain fêlée, Attise l'essence chétive, imprégnée sous les iris ignés, Ne savoure plus, avide, qu'un vieux tas de cendres vides, et, Que ton ardeur s'inonde et meurt sous les pleurs d'ondes et de fleurs. Ruiné par les iris muets, la passion sur mes bras, À sens unique affecte, l'averse qui aggravera, Des lettres lubriques aux humeurs liquides, Je leur écrirais des poèmes lascifs de suicide... Fleur chaude, je bave sur toi, Mes griffes caressent tes parties imberbes. Ma lame rouillée ouvre ta gorge, Fleur froide, je crache sur ton corps glabre. Je mélange ma bave, mes larmes et étale. Je répands sperme et sang dans ta gueule... avale! D'elle vivante, j'honore la fleur - De lui vivant, j'égorge les soeurs, Je les aime, je vous méprise. D'ailes mortes, seul je pleure - Reluise la mort: ma lame, ma droite rancœur. La vie me tuera...   
7. L'Envol Grave 06:26
Sorcière fétide, sadique femelle ridée, Répugnante saleté, impure de naissance, Rampe à travers bois hantés de veuves noires, Vénéneuses oubliées dans des secrètes cavités. De la bave de crapauds, du sang malade, Du venin de vipères, des poils gras de rats, Mélange aux plumes de corbeaux morts et bois. Magie noire contre l'humanité, Envole les spectres d'ailes mortes. Sorcière mélancolique, Grave l'envol dans la pierre. 

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


Tercer Ep de los australianos de los cuarto que publicaron a lo largo del 2013 y que consta de cuatro temas, repartiéndose entre una intro y tres temas de crudo black metal. No vamos a descubrir a estas alturas como se las gasta el ahora dúo formada por Azgorh y Balam, lo que no cabe duda es que este Ep tiene un atmósfera muy clásica. Sumergirse en la audición de "Lost Kingdoms of a Dark Age" es afrontar la escucha de un trabajo sobre todo con un sonido sucio y muy underground a partir del cual se va construyendo un trabajo que campa a sus anchas por la vía del satanismo y la depresión. A destacar las partes de teclado que le dan variedad y una atmósfera medieval y acorde con la década de los 90 a su música, en donde la voz de Azgorh es otra parte destacarle, presente sobre la mayoría del caos instrumental de riffs oscuros y sucios, tal vez la batería resulte un tanto justa. Pero es cierto que este Ep funciona muy bien, no deja de sonar a clásico y me ha convencido mucho más que otras obras de la banda. Drowning the Light se consolidan como una banda a tener en cuenta dentro de la interesante escena australiana y aunque en este Ep han optado por la vertiente más cruda y salvaje del black, no dejan de lado la atmósfera melancólica que siempre a estado presente a lo largo de su carrera. (8,1).

1. The Old Ones Stir Again 02:14  
2. Death Rides on the Wings of Flies 06:43  
3. Crypt of Necromancy (The Key Still Not Found Part II) 06:13  
4. Lost Kingdoms of a Dark Age 05:55  

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014


Origen: Ukrania, Rivne
Formados: 2002
Estilo: Ambient, black
Temática: Depresión, individualismo y naturaleza
Enlaces: FacebookMolochyoutube

  • Gionata Potenti Batería
  • Pr. Sergiy Fjordsson - Todos los intrumentos y voces

  • Чернее чем тьма Demo 2004
  • Прогнившие нити жизни Demo 2006   
  • Moloch / Trachrabrurbruella / Mortem Occumbere / Uphir Split 2006   
  • True Black Metal Art !! Split 2006   
  • Человечье слишком овечье CD 2006
  • Moloch / Arcano 18 Split 2006   
  • Inhuman Teorier Demo 2007   
  • Meine alte Melancholie CD 2007
  • Moloch / Astra Polaris Split 2007   
  • Blut und Ehre Split 2007   
  • The End of This Planet Split 2007   
  • Nachwirkung Suicid Demo 2007
  • Uralte Stille Demo 2007   
  • Runenwald Split 2007   
  • Traurer CD 2007
  • Heim-Dallr EP 2007   
  • Khvorost Split 2007   
  • Eihwaz Recopilatorio 2007   
  • Archives Recopilatorio 2008   
  • Pure Negative Antilife Cult Boxed set 2008   
  • Verdandi Demo 2008   
  • Isa Demo 2008   
  • Galdr CD 2008   
  • Zersetzung des Lichts Split 2008   
  • Die verlorenen Waldpfade... Split 2008   
  • Das dornige schwarze Holz verursacht einen Schmerz Split 2008   
  • Traumklänge und Klagelieder Boxed set 2008   
  • Schicksalswinde Split 2008   
  • Die Schatten Split 2008   
  • Under the Heathen Sun Split 2008   
  • Unsere Krieg Split 2008   
  • Lebensabend Boxed set 2008   
  • Spirit of Eternal Seasons EP 2008   
  • Echoes in Eternity Split 2008
  • In den Tiefen uralter nordischer Mystik Recopilatorio 2008   
  • Cosmic Depression Recopilatorio 2008   
  • Misanthropie ist der einzige Weg zur Reinheit CD 2008
  • A Journey to the Vyrdin CD 2008
  • Vereint durch die Kraft uralter Wälder Split 2008   
  • Suicide Reflections Split 2009   
  • Depression of Surtr Recopilatorio 2009
  • On the Stub of Fate New Life Will Not Grow Split 2009   
  • Echo einer Winterkälte EP 2009   
  • Apathisches Licht von einem rotschwarzen Horizont EP 2010   
  • Depressive Visionen eines sterbenden Horizonts Boxed set 2010   
  • Die Versammlung im Nebel Split 2010   
  • In einer Umarmung von tiefen kalten Wäldern EP 2010   
  • Visionen einer Ewigkeit Demo 2010   
  • Eine tote Erinnerung an den kahlen Boden Recopilatorio 2010   
  • ...und monoton Herbstlinien Split 2010   
  • Iron Age Split 2010   
  • Human Desperation Split 2010   
  • II Recopilatorio 2010   
  • Ein düsterer Winter kommt EP 2010   
  • Fragmente Recopilatorio 2010   
  • Das Land ewiger Kälte und Sorge Split 2010   
  • Silberne stille Boxed set 2010   
  • Moloch / Glass Coffin Split 2010   
  • Possessed by the Unholy Black Art Split 2010   
  • Somewhere on the Forgotten Paths Recopilatorio 2010   
  • Wintergeister in einem grauen kalten Wald Boxed set 2010   
  • Isolation der Essenz CD 2010
  • Ein Land, wo der Winter immer bleibt Boxed set 2010   
  • Nur die Berge erinnern sich der Winde die hier ihren Anfang fanden vor so langer Zeit Recopilatorio 2010  
  • Moloch / Wyqm Split 2011   
  • Where Winds Forever Cry Split 2011   
  • Void Split 2011   
  • Maledictvs / Moloch / Lost in the Shadows Split 2011   
  • Für die Ewigkeit Split 2011   
  • Illusionen eines verlorenen Lebens CD 2011
  • Der Schein des schwärzesten Schnees CD 2011
  • Meine ganze Hoffnung stirbt EP 2011   
  • Cold War Plague Split 2011   
  • Selbstisolation EP 2012   
  • Spectral Shades of the Spiritual Negativism Recopilatorio 2012   
  • Abstrakter Wald CD 2012
  • Stiller Schrei des Winters (2002-2012) Recopilatorio 2012   
  • Dissonanz Split 2012   
  • Abgrund meines Wesens Recopilatorio 2012   
  • Depressive Black Metal Plague EP 2012   
  • Sterben unter der Blässe der Unvermeidlichkeit Recopilatorio 2012   
  • Moloch / Moonknight Split 2013   
  • Moloch / Evil Split 2013   
  • Einsamer Platz zu sterben EP 2013   
  • Gebrechlichkeit Recopilatorio 2013   
  • Moloch / Sabbat Split 2014   
  • Verwüstung CD 2014
  • Horizont EP 2014  
  • Moloch / Krieg Split 2014  
  • Die Isolation EP 2014  
  • Moloch / Nunslaughter Split 2014  
  • Universum EP 2014  
  • Moloch / Voidstar Split 2015
  • I Shalt Become / Moloch Split 2015  
  • Aspect in Negative Split 2015
  • Moloch / Wedard Split 2015  
  • Moloch / Frostmoon Eclipse Split 2016
  • Moloch / Gurthang Split 2016  
  • Moloch / Hermóðr Split 2016  
  • Moloch / Nocturnal Depression Split 2016
  • Wandering Ghosts Split 2019
  • Wandering Ghosts Split 2019  
  • Moloch / Legion of Doom Split 2019
  • Moloch / Arria Paetus Split 2019
  • Behold! Thy Death! Split 2020
  • Among the Swamps and Darkness Split 2022
  • The Serpent Cult of Darkness Split 2023
  • The Forest Kingdom EP 2024  
  • Moloch / Glass Coffin Split 2024


Todo aquel que haya podido acercarse de alguna manera a la obra de Moloch ya sabrá como se las gasta Pr. Sergiy Fjordsson. Su música se sumerge en una sucesión de pasajes instrumentales y ambientales, brevemente interrumpidos en algunos momentos por algún arrebato de black metal que despierta al oyente un tanto del sopor. "Issolation der Essenz" es una obra contemplativa, triste, fría, de desarraigo, melancólica y oscura, como un frío día nevado de invierno. Partes atmosféricas campan a sus anchas por este álbum, predominio de las guitarras distorsionadas con una batería en segundo plano y demostrando esto que Fjsorsson es todo un multiinstrumentista cuidando todo el plano musical, especialmente las partes de piano que son de bella factura. Prácticamente no hay partes metalicas en esta trabajo y se limitan casi únicamente al penúltimo tema "Das Leben ist wie ein verwundeter Vogel der langsam vom Himmel fällt " con una voz heladora más próxima al black depresivo junto con el tercer tema "Die letzten Strahlen der Sonne verblassen in der Kälte der Apathie" de temática similar. El tema que cierra el álbum y que de título a este álbum es una extensa canción en donde Sergiy Fjordsson da rienda suelta a su repertorio más ambiental. Un trabajo demasiado monótono y continuista que no acaba de enganchar del todo. (7,3).

1. Depressive Visionen eines sterbenden Horizonts 06:11
  I don't want to feel this eternal pain anymore,
My thoughts like the blades run into the flesh,
leaving hundreds of cuts...
My life like a wounded bird is slowly falling down,
Where the dead trees are all around... Dead cold ground...
My tears are mixed with the blood of the wounded body...
The cries die out like an echo in the grey mountains...
The last rays of sun are fading in the coldness of apathy...
Only in its own thoughts the mankind sees the hope for life.
Melting like an ice... Life...
Death... will bring the silence.
Absurdity of existence - as the part of life...
Empty people are surrounding me, 
each one is hauling his own yoke.
I see only faceless bodies...captured by self-denial.
I feel the selfness of Skuld... captured by estrangement.
Noose on the neck will become the last border...
2. Wenn der Herbsthimmel ergraut ist 03:55  instrumental
3. Die letzten Strahlen der Sonne verblassen in der Kälte der Apathie 07:40
The cold penetrates to the bones, In the prison of self-denial. The pain and fever become like your essence... Muted cries of despair Disappear with an echo in the crystally dead branches of the forest. Hardly feeling my own body, The eyes are directed towards horizon, Where the dead snowy ground Merges with the cold silvery-mercurial sky. Human's existence, like the ghostly dream of winter, Day by day drying the planet with the cold. Among the coldness of the space - Another piece of the dead universe...   
4. Ferne Wälder gehen im tiefen Herbstnebel verloren 03:31  instrumental
5. Das Leben ist wie ein verwundeter Vogel der langsam vom Himmel fällt 03:53
Snow and pain have intertwined into sole horror, in the eternal cold, tormented, dead. In the empty eyes of future we will not see anything but sorrow, that will stay with us day-by-day like a shadow.. Like the noise muffling the cries of despair all around. Like a silence.. that is in my soul.. I want to sense how the winter will feel, when the ground will take my body. I want to hear the sound of the wind, when the silence will come to me forever. I want to cry out of pain.. out of pain.. When the apathy will become my essence.  
6. Isolation der Essenz 25:41  instrumental


SANGUINARY MISANTHROPIA create warlike Black Metal Chaos with strong martial and militant inclinations.
Purveyors of existential Nonbelief, the ominous SANGUINARY MISANTHROPIA channel the Great External Chaos and the Sinister Acausal Energy to create Traditional Satanic Black Metal. Their inspired musical creations are presented in the guise of extreme, militant Black Metal, performed with a conviction and a passion that frequently transcends the mundane realm to lurk upon the threshold of Gnosis. Hir who has ears to hear ought to listen...
Via their warlike Devil's music SANGUINARY MISANTHROPIA expresses its diabolic hatred of humanity, its hatred of the enemies of the Blood, and its hatred of all pro-cosmic slave creations. SANGUINARY MISANTHROPIA is a Non-cosmic entity forever becoming unto Death, by way of Diabolic Gnosticism.
SANGUINRY MISANTHROPIA's core creed is: 'One commandment only: thou shalt not believe in that which does not make thee stronger. Actively seek to challenge Belief and Faith in All Things.'
SANGUINARY MISANTHROPIA is come to send holocaustic Fire upon the Earth, by the unconquerable Fyrfos and the Seven-Pointed Star -Fyrphosphorosophia!
1. How were the early Sanguinary Misanthropia Why decided to form the band? 
We were primarily inspired by a combination of the sinister energy of Nietzsche’s philosophy combined with the militant individualism and Traditional Satanism of the Order of Nine Angles. Sanguinary Misanthropia was formed to convey the antihuman hatred of the supreme misanthropic entity, known in this mundane realm as the Devil. We are fascinated with the great mystery of Death, especially its role in evolution and existential thought.

2 . Your first release dates back to 2007 and is the demo " Of Death and Genocide " and over the years have kept the rate of more or less regular publications until " Loathe over Will ," How has the evolution of the group throughout these years what differences can be found between your first demo regarding your last album ? 
Thus far it has been difficult to compare our works to each other as we have worked with different line ups and combinations of blood cult members for each of the recording periods. Our unorthodox method of writing has created avant-garde Devil’s music. In 2013 we finished recording the material for the ‘Radiant Death’ EP with the same unholy trinity that recorded ‘Loathe over Will’, which offers the first glimpse of a continuation and advancement of our sound. Comparisons and conclusions can be drawn by external observers if necessary (and as is the wont of people), however, we posit that we continue to evolve and move from strength to strength –for any artist to suggest or act otherwise is utterly disingenuous and detestable.

3. How is your way to work to compose and record a job as " Loathe over Will" ? 
For the greater part our recording and compositional undertakings shall remain a mystery. We regard the recording and mixing process as a down-going, whence the thriving Life Blood of our creation is being endlessly crystallised. ‘Loathe over Will’, alike most of our recordings, was the culmination of a marriage of inspired writings and diabolical musical arrangements. The pieces on ‘Loathe over Will’ exude a chaotic dissonance because the music was written to bolster and support strange lyrics. Despite being arcane and intense, the experience throughout the recording of ‘Loathe over Will’ was somewhat stifling, as we had to employ various uncommitted outsiders to assist in the channelling of our sinister Will. For our upcoming release, and the second album proper, we have resolved the issues we had with sub/humans whilst partaking of the ‘Loathe over Will’ ritual.

4. What bands are your main influence when composing for Sanguinary Misanthropia ? 
Our compositions are a wo/manifestation of our sinister ritual workings. We do not consciously draw musical inspiration from others, however, some of the bands that are of interest to us currently include: Archgoat, Axis of Advance, Bathory, Beherit, Bestial Raids, Blasphemy, Bolt Thrower, Celtic Frost, Diocletian, Infernal Execrator, Morbid Angel, Nechbeyth, Sarcofago, Vassafor, and Wrathprayer. Thus far our Warlike Black Metal Chaos has emanated forth as an impious synthesis of Australian War Metal and the Orthodox Satanic Black Metal of Europe. We intend to bring more of a deathly tinge to our sound in the future as our music grows and evolves.

5 . There are aspects in your very interesting lyrics , such as the Gnostic Chaos , and Blood Mysticism What aspects important to consider when writing your texts ?

Our lyrics revolve around apocalyptic and apocryphal concepts, with attention focusing on the central concept of purifying one’s Blood of sub/humanity. Many staid old occult traditions have focused on uncovering the divinity of sub/humankind by ignoring the bestial, base and animalistic aspects of the creature, and instead focusing on a disembodied spiritual part of man. We have devoted our warlike efforts to wholeheartedly embracing, imbibing and shedding the Blood to reveal the revelations of divinity therein. We have come to know of the numinosity of the Blood by hunting down the mundane bestial entity, then ritualistically copulating with it and sacrificing it. We have revered the sinister bestial portion of ourselves, The Great Beast and its unclean revelations. We have come to venerate the contradictions, hypocrisy and chaos inherent in the sub/human condition –verily, it is only through the communion with the bestial that one comes to know anything of divinity, love of Wisdom, or Chaos A/Gnosis. Chaos A/Gnosis has been achieved through excesses in our lives –excess in deprivation, libations, ritual meditations, physical exertion etc. Chaos A/Gnosis has revealed unto us the great mystery and paradox of Unbelief!

Swastika worship has been a key for us to understand the mysteries of the Blood. It has also served the function of exposing those who ignorantly try to use Black Metal for worthless political purposes. As a movement we have been denounced and falsely branded as being racists because of our willingness to share this fundamental aspect of Blood Mysticism and Unbelief. Pathological aversion to this powerful symbol reveals corruption of one’s soul! That being said, we overestimated the general intelligence of the masses and their ‘will to question’. We have misjudged the effects of indoctrination on people generally, which impinges upon their ability to discern, discriminate and challenge their Beliefs.

We describe our sinister spiritual path as being Diabolic Gnosticism, which has primarily evolved from teachings of the Order of Nine Angles, Temple of the Black Light, and Gnostic and heretical Christianity. Sanguinary Misanthropia is Devil’s music first and foremost, with a focus on the Chaos-Sex-Death triune. Come to know this!

6. The taste for Scandinavian classic black and raw sound is very clear , how do you see the current black scene with respect to a couple of decades ago ? Dinos five cds on your point of view within the black essential metal? 
One could compare ‘Loathe Over Will’ to releases by Arkhon Infaustus, Destroyer666, Ondskapt, Ofermod, Marduk, Mayhem and Funeral Mist. We do not deign the black metal scene to be worthy of comment. We hate the culture and posturing that accompanies this style of music and, as such, we do not believe any black, death, or war metal albums should be considered essential (remember the existential creed ‘existence precedes essence’)… Each new release should aspire to supersede the efforts of the past. Our upcoming EP, Radiant Death, will reveal a marked evolution in our overall sound, and will offer a glimpse into the bestial and deathly direction of our second album proper.

7. Inside the black Australian scene , what bands you recommend ? Tell a bit like black is the scene in your country? 
True to our name, we are not involved with a scene in Australia. We are outsiders to the machinations of the all-too-sub/humans that validate themselves in such a way. There are some decent bands from Australia including Abominator, Adamus Exul, Altars of Sin, Bestial Warlust, Decrepit Soul, Destroyer 666, Erebus Enthroned, Impetuous Ritual, Portal and Urgrund.

8. Are you satisfied with the effect you have achieved with " Loathe over Will ?" How have results the concerts offered to date for presentation of the album ? 
‘Loathe over Will’ has been well received worldwide. This world is rife with religious and other ideological wars. The hatred of one’s enemies has been denied and repressed for too long, and it is beginning to re-emerge in utterly depraved ways. This gives some credence to the Crowley’s prophecies of the Aeon of Horus, in which context the idea of ‘Loathe over Will’ belongs. In spreading our Satanic hate propaganda we have ironically been the target of the ire of anti-hate groups. In spite of such opposition we have scorched our part of the world with a blaze of hatred!

9. Who designed the cover of "Loathe over Will" how is it related to the music and lyrics to " Loathe over Will" ? 
The iconography that adorns  ‘Loathe Over Will’ compliments the concepts of the lyrics, especially the apocalyptic, militant and bloody aspects of the imagery. Many of the pieces were designed by Sanguinary Misanthropia and compiled by Supremacy Through Intolerance. The main figure on the front cover was designed by the SM Blood Cult and manifested by Hellish Depravarts of Mexico. STI put us in contact with this very worthy artist. This deathly Baphometic figure is a visual representation and hybrid of the antigod-forms intimated at throughout the album. Aspects of Kali were also adapted to complete this strange wo/manifestation, as were ideas generated from contemplation of the ONA’s Sinister Tarot and the Septenary Tree of Wyrd.

10. Something that does not yet have you done a split, do you have in mind in the future to make a release of this type ? Well be that band you like to do it ? 
We are working on a split with our diabolical brothers of the Blood Vobiscum Inferni. We are honoured to be conjoined in such a significant release with such a worthy horde. This most unholy union was begotten by a mutual understanding of Death worship and diabolism. Vobiscum Inferni have served as an inspiration unto Sanguinary Misanthropia with their intense devotion and dedication unto Death and their deep occult knowledge.   

We are also forging another allegiance with a long-time SM ally and collaborator based in Australia, who at this point shall remain unnamed.

11. Supremacy Through Intolerance , is responsible for the publication of this paper , how the opportunity arose to work with them ? Estaás satisfied with the work done by the seal? 
Unfortunately Supremacy Through Intolerance is no longer extant. The pact and allegiance with STI was sufficient to further spread the whorl of hatred which is Sanguinary Misanthropia over continental Europe, and bring our blasphemous words into the forefront of the collective consciousness.

12. What future plans do you have for the band, upcoming releases, conicertos , etc: . 
We currently have a pending release with Devils Mouth Productions and Blood War Records from Mexico, the aforementioned ‘Radiant Death’ EP, as well as a reissue of ‘Loathe over Will’ on the Brazilian label Soul Erazer Distribution. We have also composed a large portion of our second album, ‘Holocaustic Abominations’. We are going through a period of dehumanisation and hence we are not intending to perform live in the foreseeable future. This situation may change as our second album emerges.

13 . Thank you very much for taking the time to Black Metal Spirit , if you want to add something for the followers of Sanguinary Misanthropia , this is the place . I hope the questions are to your liking .

Reaction is the pallid shadow of action -remember! Those that are in opposition are unfit for the great existential struggle against Faith and Belief in All Things!

Many thanks for conducting this interview and your support of our unholy Warlike Black Metal Chaos.

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014


Origen: Dinamarca, Copenhagen
Formados: 2010
Estilo: Post-black, post-metal, sludge
Temática: Las oscuras esquinas de la mente humana

  • Andreas  Batería
  • Brian Guitarra
  • Jens Bajo
  • Marco Voces
  • Toby Guitarra

  • Descender CD 2013   
  • Hexis / Redwood Hill Split 2013
  • Nadir Single 2013 Collider CD 2014
  • Fragments EP 2017
  • Ender CD 2020
DESCENDER (2013)  
No resulta sencillo encerrar en un solo termino el amplio abanico de géneros y emociones que encierra "Desecender" y sobre todo sería del todo injusto. Este es un álbum que en un primer momento no resulta atractivo hacia el oyente, otro grupo que se enreda en el post-metal y se refugia en el black para ganar adeptos, pero todas estas sensaciones de difuminan al poco que empieza a sonar Aten, el primer tema del álbum. Esto no es black metal ortodoxo, no nos vamos tampoco a engañar, pero destila frialdad y oscuridad como el que más. El álbum avanza y no deja de sorprenderte con su tremenda base rítmica, unas guitarras brutales y la voz de Marco desgarradora y brutal. El sentimiento es frío, depresivo y triste, algo complicado de conseguir en este tipo de bandas, pero es que ellos no le dan la espalda a partes más lentas, incluso voces limpias que le sientan brutales al disco. No es un disco que entre a la primera, pero tiene detalles increibles para ir descubriendo poco a poco en sucesivas escuchas. El post-metal es el elemento que mejor define a "Descender, pero se les escapa un black nórdico por cada nota. Un disco muy recomendable de una banda que ha parido un álbum muy bueno. (8,8).

1. Aten 05:14  
2. Dybbuk 07:13  
3. Tristesse 06:50  
4. Poseidon 05:41  
5. Croatoan 07:20  
6. September 04:45  

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


Origen: Noruega, Oslo
Formados: ?
Estilo: Ambient, black, noise
Temática: Cavernas, funeral, nihilismo y tortura

  • Eksistens Demo 2006   
  • Kalk & aske Demo 2008
  • Vandring Demo 2012   
  • Avgrunnens klangverk Demo 2013
  • Jeg begraver CD 2018
La cuarta demo de los noruegos esta compuesta de tres temas, bueno una intro y dos temas, desde el comienzo su música te atrapa, bien sea por su sonido extraño, bien sea por su tristeza o quizás porque realmente no te creas que esta banda procede de Nouega ya que su sonido esta más acorde con las nuevas propuestas del black estadounidense, lo que queda claro es que estamos ante una demo destacable. Destacable porque han sabido pulir los excesos de pasadas obras y su música se deja experimentos innecesarios y va directa al grano. Asistir a la audición de "Avgrunnens Klangverk" es sumergirse en el más crudo y brutal black metal al mismo tiempo que apreciar los medios tiempos y la experimentación de ambientes funerarios y tristes. Porque la ambientación de esta demo tiene un peso importantes en el resultado final, todo destila podredumbre y tristeza, su edición parece obra de una mente perturbada y torturada. La producción va dirigida a apreciar la primera toma de la grabación, con las suciedad de sonido para añadir un toque más underground. Una demo que te atrapa con sus pasajes hipnóticos y que muestra a una banda de alto nivel. (8,7).

1. Intro (Uten navn) 02:37  
2. Navnløse 09:38  
3. Avgrunnens klangverk 11:11  

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014


Witcher was created in 2010, why they decided to create the band at that time? How were the beginning of Witcher?
The idea of Witcher conceived in us when Karola and I played in the band Trollheimen, around the year 2007. We had many common favorites - including Summoning and Nocturnal Mortum - so we decided that someday we materialize a heavily synthesizer oriented project involved the true spirit of black metal. However, the plan was put on ice for a long time to gather enough experience of  working in home studio, and to get all the necessary instruments and supplies, needed for home music-making. For it was a decidedatthe beginning, that the Witcher will woek only in duo formatian, as a studio project, and this we don’t want to change. Because behind both of us stands many years of musical history, the first songs came togethervery quickly, and in 2010 the first demo was easily done, since then we try to develop in both technical areas and in musical knowledge too.

Since the creation of Witcher have been offering new material regularly to reach your last work " Boszorkanytanc ", published last year , how has evolved the sound of the band over the years? How would you describe the sound of Witcher for I still do not know who ?
The first album, called Boszorkánytánc (Witchdance) is the remastered version of the second demo, so there are not much change or development, unlike in the case of "Néma Gyász" EP, which is miles better in sound and in songs. However officially we are only four years active, but I feel that we evolved in a lot of things! Thanks to our home studio I could represent better quality, but I try to develope in playing and inwriting too. Karola doesn’t need to this, because she is a gradusate musician, she could play any classical music awakened from sleep. Many people asked us how do we characterize the Witcher's style, which is not an easy task, because in base case there is about symphonic black metal, but since this phrase everyone thinks to Dimmu Borgir and others – who otherwise we like too, but our effects can be found in more classic black metal – so we used to call our style atmospheric black metal. Due to the excessive synth using a lot of people did not even listen to our music, although if we take away the keyboard, the end result would be pure black metal.
How was the process of writing and recording of " Boszorkanytanc " ? Both bring ideas to the composition or the criterion of one of you wins ?
The songs of "Witchdance" came together very quickly, many topics have already existed at the time of the first demo, so we can actually just put them together, add text to them and that’s all. The studio also went smoothly, we enjoy playing our songs, so if there are no technical problems, they usually go their way, because we practice a lot before the recordings. The song writing is generally that Karola dreams - sometimes literally - the melodies and themes that she make tabs into a book, and when ther are enough collected, we go away somewhere and knead them into finished songs. In the meantime, I have put together in my mind the rhythms and guitars too. Of course there is, when I come up with a guitar theme, and even the choruses I write - the lyrics are absolute mine - but generally everything goes very easy. Of course we do not hurry, because there is a certain level of quality, which is always given. We only use those items that are catchy and sufficiently strong.

Your music takes the listener to the solitude and darkness of the depths of a cold winter forest, also not free from certain doses of paganism , what sensations are intended to convey with his music in the listener ?
I think in these few words are perfectly summarized what does Witcher means to us. With the songs we are able to release the stress and negative things in us, that is why they are not very cheerful, although we have already militant songs too, but they also lurks in the background melancholic, which is found in our music from the beginning. I don’t know that the loneliness how much is hearful, but in the lyrics is a recurring monument - among other things - because I don’t want to the listeners only empy words but meaningful thoughts, maybe some help, some wise words to suggest. Otherwise, these moods are never forced, simply that is what comes out from us. If there borns any "fun" tune in mind when it played, the end result will be always melancholic.

Your sound reminded me of the Basque band Elffor , not if you know anything about this group , but I guess your influences come from elsewhere , what bands inspire Witcher sound ?
Although, I am a fanatic underground metal collector, unfortunately Elffor is avoided my attention, so unfortunately I can not say anything about the comparison. I am glad, that you not compare our music to Dimmu Borgir you like us, because a lot of ignorant people compare everything to them who uses sythnetizers. Most people do not really know where to put us, because as I mentioned, there classical music mixed with black metal. What bands have influenced us? I'll be honest, we are record collectors with Karola, in every month we hear about a dozen new band, so whatever we listen, probably have an impact on us, but most living situations inspire us instead of bands. We like almost the same music - Falkenbach, Summoning and perhaps Nokturnal Mortum - but I’m obsessed fan of traditional black metal music - Burzum is the etalon – she likes classical music, we love death , thrash and heavy metal, grindcore and hardcore too. Recently, for example, both of us were impressed the new Falkenbach and the last Denial of God! Masterpieces all!

How is the black metal scene in Hungary? Is it very difficult for a band like yours become known outside their country?
I think that perhaps never was so healthy the Hungarian black metal scene as in nowadays. Although obviously there are deficiencies, but as a few years ago was typical idiocy is ereased too, so the bands now help each other more, although it's certainly not always country wide, rather regional. We're also working on to cultivate a good relationship with many bands, including Solus, Sinful Eternity or Velm, but we bow to all who have put down something on the table and who is fighting for togetherness. There are many good black metal bands in Hungary - it is difficult to list them - and there are at least five active fanzine and 10 smaller or larger records labels, so I feel there is no reason to complain. Answering to the other part of your question, I think that anyone who is serious in this scene, is not just cries, but does something, so can still open the road to the world, and it is not only in Hungary but also in other nations where the bands take it seriously and truly. Although we are on the Web too, which makes the position of the bands better, but honestly I prefer to post the demos, make connections, trade, so I try to spread our name, and I believe - although it's not cheap –that is more successful in the long run, beacuse the band has a label, all the continents of the world has reached our material, and we get a lot of good reviews, and messages often from such people and places that even I was surprised. So I think it does not matter where are you from in the underground can spread the band 's name. For this, need to know and cooperate, instead of crying behind the four walls!

What refers album title " Boszorkanytanc ?" Is there a conceptual story behind the album?
There is no underlying content behind the name "Witchdance" simply this title was the best for the album and it is also the title of one song. Concept does not have too, unless that in every song recurring monument is loneliness, passing and more.

Is it possible to eventually offer a concert?
We have already talked about this with Karola, because some years we've been intensely concerts as an other band’s members, but we decided that we do not force this topic. On the one hand I think the Witcher music is not for concert, on the other hand I don’t want to to play to drunken and idiots. It would also be big problem to set the stage, we need at least two other synth, two guitarist and a drummer, although there would be assigned to each post, none of us want this. If we stand Witcher on stage, we don’t wat to play on every weekend, but for special occasions, these actions would be like a real ritual.

Who designed the cover of " Boszorkanytanc " and what refers?
The "Witchdance" album cover was made by Simon Krisztián, the head of Hungaryan Records, he helped us a lot in the past in graphic works, distribution, but as the first Witcher t-shirt is also can be thank for him. I know him for thousands years, we are very good friends, and I respect him for his work. There is not much to tell, the Witchdance is an abstract interpretation.

How were your beginnings in music and why you decided to become musicians?
I personally met the metal music in the nineties, does to my uncle who has actually listened to music since of my birth, like Slayer, Megadeth, Metal Church. I also became interested, first heavy metal, and at last black and death metal came the closest to me, but my musical taste is so colorful, that I listen to almost everything, which has a distorted guitar and is some metal. I wanted to be a musician since the beginning. I'll never forget when I could see my uncle's VHS tapes, first Iron Maiden. It caught me, I decided, one day I would want to do this. First, I wanted to be a singer, then in my first I became guitar player, but in the first serious bands I played drums. Today, to stand on a stage does not move me, in fact, I prefer to bulit  something that other people may like, I mean to sit down to play the guitar, and breed a song, which later can mean the same thing to someone else like me. To speak in the name of Karola, how she met the music, she comes from a musical family, so she wanted to be a  musician since her childhood, so we could say, that the most natural thing in the world to her, to sit down to practice and write songs.

How did the opportunity to work with the Russian label Nihil Art Records? Satisfied with the work done in terms of promotion by the label? Will you continue working in the future?
Sergey, the head of Nihil Art Records looked after me through my fanzine, because he wanted me to write about his publications. I got the opportunity, and for his kindness I sent him a copy from our demos. He liked Witcher very much, so suggested that he makes factory CD with professional cover. I don’t have to say, we were very happy we lived with the possibillity, so a few months later, we could have it in our hands. Overall I am maximally satisfied with it, because a lot of places can be reached the cd, he sent me a correct amount of complimentary copy, and the most important to me, he kept his promises. I note that to release helped the Dark East Productions’s head Oleg, who is also a very good friend of mine. Two of them, I believe are two prominent figures of the Russian underground movement, who help to underground bands. I 'd be the happiest, if the co-operation would remain for future with the Nihil Art Records, as well as with the Dark East Productions. They will release my other band’s (Vrag) first issue too it seems that this will go on.

What plans do you have for the immediate future Witcher?
Now there stands extremely busy months behind Witcher, which might has a tangible results soon. First half of 2013 we wrote our second full album, with five songs, an intro and a cover version of a classic work. The recent months passed with practicing and recording, and now the music is completely finished, all that remains is the vocal, and if I'm right, thanks to our Russian friends maybe this year it will appear in its final version. There are no further plans yet, some splits with other bands came in word, but now we focus only to our second album.

Thank you very much for taking the time to Black Metal Spirit , if you want to add something for the followers of Witcher , this is the place . I hope the questions are to your liking
I thank you for not to spare time and energy to visit us with your questions and to gave us the opportunity to introduce ourselves. If anyone would like to know more about us, maybe would like to collect our issues, can contact us by email at Keep the dark flame of underground alive!