sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013


Sacrament Ov Impurity came to be in the year 2007 by Samhain (drums) and The Butcher (guitar) after their former band, Ozzmotiarr came to an end. They were joined by XephilaX on bass and vocals and began writing and rehearsing their new material

1. Sacrament Ov Impurity born in 2007, why did you decide to create the band? How were the beginnings Sacrament Ov Impurity? What can you tell us Ozzmotiarr your first band?
Our other projects had fallen apart and The Butcher and I had always loved black metal it seemed like the right to do. Ozzmotiarr was a grind band but it always had some black metal influence that showed through.

2. It seems that when Sacrament ov Impurity was on the verge of getting something great always had a problem with one of its members, the abandonment of XephilaX first when begin a tour and later abandoning Naphula , how these changes have affected somewhat forced the Sacrament ov Impurity career ? Will you continue as a duo or are you open to future additions?
XephilaX simply was always more into technical death metal styles and he was in school at the time of our first tour. His priorities weren't the band. Naphula preferred a more “orthodox” style than ours so she left the band. As far as adding another person we aren't looking for anyone but it's always a possibility... maybe not bass guitar. Something like synthesizer or cello to add to the atmosphere.

3. How was the recording process and composition of your latest "Anguishing in Obscurity ", how the sound has evolved Sacrament Ov Impurity over the years? I find it very complicated? Having to take up the entire musical to be only two musicians?
Recording our latest record was good. We recorded in a basement and although lo-fi in some aspects it turned out great and was also a great learning experience. We had a great engineer. As far our sound it's always been a bit different. With only 2 members it really gives a lot of breathing room and mistakes become more apparent so I think it has forced us to refine our craft.

4. Openly declare to be away from any musical trend, what bands have inspired the sound of Sacrament ov Impurity? Five essential albums in black metal for you?
 Bands that have inspired me (Samhain) that are outside of black metal are: Converge, High On Fire, Celtic Frost, Neurosis, Amebix, Loss, Earth, Municipal Waste, Mastodon, Black Sabbath.
Five essential black metal albums: 1. Absu- Tara 2. Watain- Sworn to The Dark 3. 1349 – Hellfire 4.  Immortal – Sons Of Northern Darkness 5. Sargiest – Let The Devil In.

5. Did you try the letters "Anguishing in Obscurity "? Why do you consider interesting the topics covered? What are you trying to convey with your music?
 It's pretty cliche now but we draw our inspiration from the usual sources. Interest in history, religion, horror films combined with some depression and nihilism. The album title just seemed like a good fit and it's a play on words referring to our current standing as a band being relatively obscure.

6. From the beginning one aspect that you care is that of the concerts, with this I have secured a solid base of fans, How important are the Sacrament ov Impurity concerts?  What is the best gig in which you participated?
I think our latest tour had some of the best shows we've every played as far as crowd response. But also opening for Mayhem in 2011 was cool. We try to put on a show and add some atmosphere with props, etc... but we just hope people enjoy the show.

7. Being in contact with other groups at concerts in the area will let you have a good knowledge of the scene, how would you describe the current black metal scene in the Midwest? What do you think about movements like Cascadian black metal or black metal post? Do you think that these mixtures gender impoverished or otherwise provide variety and quality?
Being from the Northwest I'm not really up to date on the Midwest scene, but we did play with Terratism when they came to Portland and San Francisco last time. They're amazing. As far as the Cascadian scene goes I'm fine with it and we certainly have some elements in our music. The only thing is that it can get repetitious at times. Definite mood music though. I dig some Wolves In The Throne Room, Ash Borer, Elk, Alda, Addaura and of course Agalloch.

8. " Anguishing in Obscurity" was self-released, Do you consider this the best way to offer your work? There is no label interested in editing? Thus have greater control over the whole musical aspect Sacrement Ov Impurity?
We simply don't have any label interest at the moment so we just decided to do it ourselves rather than hope something happens.

9. What will the future of Sacramet depararé Ov Impurity regarding upcoming releases and concerts.
 We will go on tour again this year but details won't come out until after the Holidays. Also another album is recorded it just needs lyrics, vocals, and a final mix.

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013


Origen: Polonia, Olsztyn
Formados: 1996
Estilo: Black
Temática: Demonio, misantropía, oscuridad y satanismo
Enlaces: Facebookmyspace y reverbnation
  • Dave Powell Guitars
  • Les Guitarra
  • Mordrath Batería
  • Shadow Bajo y voces

  • Na Uroczysku... Demo 1997   
  • Wrath ov the Gods EP 2000   
  • Wrath ov the Gods / Moonastray Split 2002
  • Black Altar CD 2004
  • Wrath ov the Gods / Serpent Split 2007   
  • Death Fanaticism CD 2008
  • Emissaries of the Darkened Call - Three Nails in the Coffin of Humanity Split 2012  
  • Suicidal Salvation EP 2013
  • Winds ov Decay / Occult Ceremonial Rites Split 2017
  • Suicidal Salvation / Emissaries of the Darkened Call Recopilatorio 2019
  • Deus Inversus Split 2020
  • Deathiah Manifesto Split 2022
  • Arcana of the Higher Principles Recopilatorio 2022
  • Maledictus Altare Invocatus Umbra Mortis Split 2022 Drakonian Elitism Split 2023
Shadow sigue al frente de un proyecto que dio comienzo en el lejano 1996 y que a lo largo de estos años se ha mantenido fiel a la escena undergrund, hecho que le ha servido para alcanzar un status de culto complicado de alcanzar para otras bandas de similares características. Black Altar no ha perdido el tiempo desde su anterior "Death Fanaticism" y el salto de calidad en este "Suicidal Salvation" es notable, sobre todo en aspectos de violencia y brutalidad, acercándolos por momentos a terrenos próximos al death. Su música sigue siendo oscura y siniestra con una tremenda base ritmica y unas guitarras que empalman riff tras riff sin apenas variaciones salvo honrosas excepciones, a lo que hay que apuntar la voz que convive en una cuasi perfecta simbiosis con las guitarras a lo que ayuda un tono más bajo de las mismas. Cinco temas a los que se le han añadido algunas partes de teclado y sintetizadores en un segundo plano para ayudar a crear un ambiente más oscuro y siniestro. Estamos por lo tanto ante un Ep que demuestra que Black Altar sigue fiel a su sonido más tradicional pero que ha sabido evolucionar en estos cinco temas que componen el Ep hacia terrenos más violentos y oscuros y que demuestran que siguen estando en plena forma. (8).

1. The Sentence 04:43  
2. Suicidal Salvation 06:21  
3. Journey to the Astral Realm 04:37  instrumental
4. Pulse ov the Universe 03:45  
5. 666 MegaBeast 04:41  

Musikhaus Thomann Linkpartner 

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013


Origen: Rusia, Moscú
Formados: 2007
Temática: Anticristianismo, odio y satanismo
Enlaces: Todestriebe y vk
  • Adepth Xelagor Guitarras
  • Imidazo Batería
  • Mørk Voces
  • Soratt Bajo

  • Renunciation EP 2009   
  • ...Scream, Prey, Beg... CD 2012
  • Hexenwald/Todestriebe Split 2012
  • Vicarius Filii Dei CD 2015  
  • In the Vortex of Destructive Creations CD 2020
...SCREAM, PREY, BEG... (2012)  
Otra banda procedente de la siempre interesante escena rusa, Todestriebe dio comienzo allá por 2007 y poco a poca han ido fraguando su sonido hasta eclosionar en este "...Scream, Prey, Beg..." en donde podemos encontrar una buena dosis de black con reminiscencias thrash con un sonido potente. No es una disco muy largo y cuenta con algunos temas de corte limpio en donde con unos buenos arreglos de guitarra acústica se pone un poco de pausa en los temas y sirven para coger aliento ante el resto de temas que contine "...Scream, Prey, Beg..." que sin ser un disco escandalosamente violento y rápido si tiene sus buenas dosis de rapidez y blast-beat. El sonido, como comentábamos antes, aunque responde a los patrones de black-thrash tiene una producción actual, con lo que no suena del todo clásico. Hay un gran trabajo hecho en las guitarras con unos riffs majestuosos en temas como "Fuck with Darkness" por ejemplo, y las voces aunque siguen un patrón violento y a base de agresividad, también contienen algún grito agudo próximo al Heavy o a Dani Filth en su primera época. Trabajo interesante de un grupo que ha compartido escenario con bandas como Satyricon, Rotting Christ o Behemoth y que dan muestra en este trabajo de su mente enferma y satánica. (7,9).

1. ...From the Cold Graves 01:33  
2. Renunciation 03:19  
3. Possessed 04:42  
4. Call 06:41  
5. Submit to Sin 00:37  
6. Fuck with Darkness 04:02  
7. Christian Slut 03:35  
8. Blast by Hellfire 04:54  
9. Unholy Winter Theme 02:55  

Musikhaus Thomann Linkpartner 


Origen: Noruega, Namsons.
Formados: 2000
Temática: Filosofía, naturaleza y trascendencia
Enlaces: Bandcamp y facebook-
  • E. Blix Batería y voces
  • J.E. Åsli Guitarra y bajo

  • Kringom fjell og skog Demo 2004   
  • Moestæ Qverelæ Split 2011   
  • Vinterilden Demo 2011   
  • Venter på stormene CD 2012

Sonido hipnótico y etéreo es los podemos encontrar en este primer larga duración de los noruegos Vemod. Sus canciones son largas y se prestan a la experimentación y a los desarrollos, siendo este último punto el más destacado. Construyen los temas sobre una base de blast-beats y de riffs de guitarras totalmente repetitivos e hipnóticos, llevando al oyente a un estado próximo al trace. Un viaje sonoro hacia la naturaleza a través de un black con tintes atmosféricos y ambientales, en donde se han currado unas buenas guitarras con pasajes limpios de gran belleza y una apartado vocal que pocas veces ha ofrecido tal variedad de registros y sensaciones. Voces que van desde gruñidos, gritos desesperados, momentos susurrados, etéreos que impregnan este "Venter på stormene" de un sentimiento enfermizo. Su música es variada, hay momentos violentos y oscuros, junto con otros más pausados y reflexivos, pero todo rodeado de una atmósfera mística. Buena puesta de largo, con aportaciones en donde se pueden encontrar similitudes con bandas pertenecientes a la segunda oleada de black y que es un aporte fresco e intresante a la escena. (8).

1. Venter på stormene 13:06  
Krusninger i minnets vann
Sirklende, sitrende, sildrende
For jeg glemte aldri:
Mine hender
er vind

Taler om tid
I påvente

Den argeste flammen
som noensinne
reiste seg fra havdypet

Min stillhet skal

Atter, øye til øye
Skal jeg gråte
Elver av stein

For denne avleiringen
skal speile mer enn tomhet
En drøm for tidsaltet

Den siste - sirkelens
slutt, ufødt
2. Ikledd evighetens kappe 09:25
Et tordenhjerte
sanker solild
i isødet - 

Tanken vandrer 
tilbake mot tiden
da jeg kastet alt
i det mørke vann

Kun en dråpe i mystertiets hav

Et tordenhjerte
sanker solild
i isødet - 

Dets øye skuer
det som aldri var
Hildringene peker vei
Her spirer det navnløse

Kun tanken i horisonten

Vindens bror, søkende
Over jord, vandrende
mot alterets blikkstille

Jeg er virvelhimmel
ikledd evighetens kappe
3. Altets tempel 12:51
Tiden er her Vi sirkler mot hjertet De hvite vidder Kler meg naken mot alt Under undringens trone Synge 
4. Å stige blant stjerner 09:27
 Tiden er her
Vi sirkler mot hjertet

Evigheten står atter tilbake

En kald søvn
i stjernens kjerne


Musikhaus Thomann Linkpartner 


Irae rises from the ashes of my soul in the year of propaganda 02e.s while playing in some other acts as flagellum dei,morte incandescente,flamma aeterna,storm legion and some other bands from the 95/96 era that remains unknown and forever lost in time.The spirit of Irae was following me over the years and for some many reasons it hasn..t done earlier.Irae only will is to spread evil,hate,chaos and to honor satan,continue the path that black metal should allways be like in his very begining without follow the trend.black metal must be equal to himself simply black metal and no more bullshit.Spread the wrath of satan ..


Good evening how’s everything in Lisbon? , Thank you very much for agreeing to answer these questions.
Hello its an cold night here in Lisbon,one of the first cold nights for the upcoming winter and im on my bedroom drinking tea,listen to some demo tapes and answerinr to these questions.HAIL 

1. Irae was created in 2002, how were the beginnings of the band? Why did you decide to create Irae?

Yes that´s correct it was in 2002 in November precisely that time i was playing in bands as Morte Incandescente,Flamma Aeterna,Flagellum Dei,Storm Legion and some lives for Corpus Christii much stuff was happening but one day an impulse from the past give on me and i simply record the demo "spreading the wrath" in to days with drum machine and al instruments directly to my stereo so i guess that i needed something by my own since the first days playing 1995 discovering that my aim is to create the satan´s monuments in music.

2. You have participated or is a member of bands like Decayed, Corpus Christii , to name a few , what gives you Irae with respect to all the other bands ? I suppose it always will remain your band or are open to future additions?

Well you know Decayed its J.A Corpus Christii is NH and so on,Irae its me my own world of creation and destruction but i think we all can participate in other´s projects and bands,by now i have a live steady line up and sometimes guests in stuidio recordings

3. Since 2003 has been published in a more or less regular material to reach this 2013 with the release "Rites of Unholy Destruction” compilation that collects in 15 subjects from Irae history, how was the process of selection of these topics and considered representative why? Why has published two compilations in the space of just one year?

Rites of unholy Destruction marks the first 10 years in Irae´s history and it was recorded with the live line up Andrecadente and Angel-0 and the main idea here was to celebrate it and give a diferent aproach with these songs that most of it was recorded at my place with drum machine and some from the first demo "Spreading the wrath of satan" to "Terror 666" album and "From the deepest night " ep that´s sold out from many years with songs that more or less I play live and some i never played until ...pelo negro holocausto split.
The "To those who stands...evil prevails" is a compilation of two recent demos i recorded everything again including drums which is a kind of a new phase for me and none of this tracks is in "Rites of unholy destruction" and im fully satisfied with both.

4. How is the process of writing and recording music Irae? Do you find it very difficult to have to deal with record all the instruments?

It depends of what i want to do when gets something to mind so i explore several ways of creation and recording sometimes it comes with some guitar riffs other times i record drums in a way i dont know where it goes and then do the songs over it other times some melody come into my head or be at rehearsal room it some guest participation and just jam and other times it starts with a lyric so its all given by impulses.
Drums will always be a challenge for me but i struggle with it,nowdays i still record with an 8 track recorder no fucking fancy studio ways here

5. What bands considered important in black metal which has served as inspiration for the music Irae?

If i consider some bands or recordings as inspiration i say first Bathory recordings, early Burzum,"Wrath of the tyrant" by Emperor, Moonblood but i think my inspiration is the total evil itself

6. Irae The lyrical aspect revolves around Satanism and the destruction of mankind, what can you tells us about these two concepts and why consider important?

For me it´s all that black metal its all about Evil,Hate, Intolerance and  Individualism  since i think i have  it all i guess that´s nothing more to talk about.

7. Five essential albums in black metal for you.

In no particular order
Bathory-Under the sign of the black mark
Dark throne-Under a funeral moon
Mayhem-De mysteriis dom sathanas

8. After all these years dedicated to black metal, how do you see the scene today compared to when you started? Do you think that today has lost the essence of black metal in favor of more "marketability "?

When i started to listen to black metal i was around 13/14 years it was on 93/94 era i can say that all changed yet there still some dedicated warriors here and there rising the black flame of black metal and honoring like it has to be and that´s all it matters to me definitely its not a case of experience or majority you just have to know what you want and what you´re up to i may say that a lot of bands get mainstream cos they wanted or changed or needed to live from music or that some kind of lame crap crybaby band its ranked as black metal but i just dont care about their existence cos they reveal their own weakness and falsehood with time and i´ll be here laughing. 

9. Irae has sought in recent years to offer concerts, for it is surrounded by live musicians, how has selected these musicians? What has been the concert that saves a better memory?

Yes after some invitations i joined an old group of friends and warriors and accepted the invitation of a friend and it was the first live ever done with Irae on 22.11.2008 so that one was really a special one for me and was released on tape by bubonic prods however, there were very good nights of concerts and prepare each ritual as if only this one ever was existed and who go to Irae´s shows see and listen to what we do,Black Metal.
With time i´ve done some line up changes due to impossibility of the first live members playing i choosed carefully each one but by now we´ve been playing for some time already together.

10. "Rites of Unholy Destruction" has been edited by Discipline Productions, limited to 166 copies, how did the idea for this book? Who designed the cover and how it relates to the musical content of the album?

Yes it was released by discipline prods in double LP 12" + 7" in 166 copies and Tenebrd music in CD and it will be released by Werewolf promotion in tape,the artwork was done by a close friend of mine "from the circle" with my ideas and the cover relates the past,present and future of mine of Irae and of mankind its a assemble of pictures one foto of mine with the contrast of burned trees and an erupting volcano all together by the back of the LP its an image of as lisbon street some decades ago and inside you have a mix of live and session rare fotos some never used before,its a celebration release with old re-recorded tracks it doesnt make him better or worse just diferent so has i said before its all related with past present and future.

11. What are your future plans for Irae, regarding upcoming releases, concerts, etc?

By now we have plans for two more shows in january 2014 in the north of portugal places we never played before,and im expecting the release of a four way split tape with Irae/Sardonic witchery/Inner Helvete/Silva nigra, while end up some more material for splits with Nigrum Ignis Circuli from Bósnia and another one with black command from holland then i finally prepare the new album.

12. Thank you very much for taking the time to Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for the followers of Irae, this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Thanks for the interview it is a pleasure for me to spread the wrath everywhere !!!


jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013


Origen: Rusia, Komsomolsk-on-Amur
Formados: 2009
Estilo: Folk, pagan
Temática: Mitología escandinava y eslava.
  • Anna "Annabell Ignis" Shvetsova         Arpa y voces
  • Arseny Fartyshev Batería
  • Dmitriy "Dimidroll" Kupriyanov Bajo
  • Pavel Shadrin Bajo
  • Воды Тунд CD 2013
  • Наше время CD 2016
  • Symphony of Dead Sea Single 2023  
  • From Fall to Rise CD 2024
Воды Тунд (2013)
El camino que ha recorrido Mysteria Mortis hasta la consecución de este primer trabajo no ha sido sencillo, sobre todo el poder traspasar las fronteras de su localización geográfica (proceden de una ciudad en el extremo más oriental de Rusia, al norte de China), y los diferentes cambios de formación también han sido una constante a lo largo de estos tres años. Pero al fin han visto editado su primer larga duración a través del sello ruso More Hate Productions en donde podemos encontrar un trabajo de una sonido muy cuidado y profesional, en donde la voz de Annabell Ignis es fundamental como seña de identidad de la banda y cuyo sonido recuerda a otras bandas del mismo corte pagano de la escena rusa. La música de Mysteria Mortis se mueve por terrenos del metal melódico y sinfónico, con algunos toques de black en ciertas partes agresivas, siendo la inclusión de instrumentos folk un aliciente en su música pero sin ocupar un papel destacado. Se intuyen buenas maneras en las partes más metálicas. hay buenos riffs de guitarra y la batería por momentos ruge con fuerza,pero se echan un tanto en falta más partes rápidas y oscuras, ya que la mayoría de su música se concentra en torno a la cálida y melódica voz de Annabell, soberbia en todo el disco. También hay un buen trabajo en teclados, con acierto en el añadido de partes sinfónicas, pero se hecha un tanto en falta una mayor presencia de instrumentos folk, que aún estando presentes al algunas partes no tienen un papel protagonista. Una puesta de largo acertada, con un muy buen trabajo en producción que consigue un sonido tremendo, pero por momentos demasiado melódico y repetitivo. (7,6).

1. Intro 01:33  instrumental
2. Дети Ледяного Ветра 03:43
Мы кровь прольем Во славу наших Богов! Священным огнем озарим Небосвод. И блеск стали В глазах, полных боли, Слез и отчаяния. Нас волны хлестали. О Один, смотри на наши скитанья! Холодом неба, холодом моря, огнем нашей веры! И на рассвете, мы дети богов, мы люди, мы звери! И на губах, вкус воды, крови и боли, В наших глазах, в наших глазах ОДина Воля! Вечно скитаясь, Вечно скитаясь под парусами, Страха не зная, мы знали, вы ждали, нас ждали! Слава Богам, Слава Векам, Слава Огню и вере, мы верим! Вы знали, вернемся, нас ждали, мы верим, Мы знали, вернемся, мы люди, мы звери!
3. Ночь Серебрянной Луны 03:54
Красным Огнем Залиты Небеса. Там за морем Пламя Костра, Ветров лишь зов останется здесь В Долине, где духов песнь! Ветров лишь зов останется здесь, В долине, где духов Песнь! Ночь серебрянной луны, Танцы, духи и огни.  
4. Храни Воина 03:10
Когда солнце уходит за горизонт, Луна освещает воинам путь, Сын Одина - Громовержец Тор, Молотом защитит его грудь. Сила твоя превыше всего, И Молнии, громы подвластны тебе, Великий Бог Тор, Огради его путь От бед и невзгод, дай крепко уснуть. Великая Фрейя, храни мой очаг! Храни его сердце, горячую кровь Пусть Одина голос погонит мрак, И Северный Ветер согреет любовь. Быть может, вернется в объятья мои. Мой Воин, хранитель остатков души. Желанный и нежный, уснет на руках Любимой ведуньи, что ждет его в снах. 
5. Ангмар 04:41
Где горы поют холодным туманом,
Вздыхая под тяжестью прожитых лет
Над снегом извечным, ледяным океаном
Черное небо загорится огнем.

Там, где мрака рожденья вечная мука
И грохот литавр в утробах земли…
Обреченные на смерть разрушатся скалы,
Ледяного Отца не начертана руна.

Сразит племя, узревшее мощь Ангмара,
Холодным дыханьем наполнится разум.
Черные воины с волчьим оскалом
Во славу твердыни вступят на Землю.

Разрушением и смертью, холодным мечом,
Отблексом стали на айсберге крови.
И Севера жар пробьется ключом,
Где черный король к Безымянным взывает.

К Безликим Богам извечного мрака,
Бессмертным Правителям Грозной Страны,
Взываю к вам, древним Носителям Прави,
Восстаньте из недр промерзшей Земли…
6. Дракон 05:20
Шум крыльев в ночи и отблеск луны
На драконьей броне, в небесах высоко,
Далеко от земли, там, где ярки лучи
Серебрянных звёзд, резвятся легко.

Там Крылатый король между светом и тьмой,
Над страхом и смертью, над жизнью земной,
Он парит в облаках, беспечный мудрец,
Укрываясь луной, О небесный творец!

Ему грани чУжды, между злом и добром,
Он грома дитя, рождённый огнём.
Так лети же, дракон, в небесный простор,
Средь лесов и морей, средь заманчивых гор.

Лети далеко, к неизвестной звезде,
Путями своими, неподвластен судьбе,
Далеко от побед и страданий людских
Далеко от жесткого мира живых. 
7. Воды Тунд 03:50
Древними рунами Одина Бога, Викингам начертан путь, Но Северный ветер, согревающий медом В душу павшего не вернуть. Мне путь указал Древний Небесный Гром И каждый мой враг Сталью сражён! Мне силу придал Молот Тора на грудь, И я не вернусь, В воды Тунд окунусь… И пусть мне кричит дерзко в спину Старый могучий колдун, Я землю пройду, но во веки не сгину! Лишь змеям в лицо ухмыльнусь. Мне слышен Зов Великой Матери Фригг! Я вижу отцов своих, Несу знания их! Я вижу Валькирий, Зовущих к себе, Улыбаются Норны В усмешку судьбе… Велунда меч мне скувала судьба, Таков здесь закон, Скульд пусть так скупа! Когда-то найду я дом свой родной За древней, как мир варяжской рекой. Я попаду туда, Где вечен снег! И где никогда Не бывал человек И Альвов здесь нет, И нет здесь войны, Там есть только я, Снег и вечные сны. Меч и топор - все, что осталось мне. Кровь за Богов, сжатая в рукаве, Прах за вечной землей, По реке Отцов ухожу я домой. Мне путь указал Древний небесный гром, И каждый мой враг Был песней сражён! Мне силу придал Молот Тора на грудь, Теперь я не вернусь, В воды Тунд уношусь.  
8. Под первым снегом 04:41
На моей земле дремучие леса, Несшие истории веков! На моей земле древняя река Помнит лица ведунов. И под яркой и под полною луной Пляшут девы у костра, А теперь на ней умерли века, Под снегом осталась их кровь… Там, где луна хранила их тайны Там, где ветер слышал мольбы, Там священный огонь изначальный, Там, где древние алтари… Дни те помнит древний ветер, В памяти хранит река, И огнем в нашем сердце Мы услышим, что поет земля. Так давно бродили по полям, По дорогам, ведущим в леса, А теперь останется лишь плакать Глядя на златые купола. Так давно, когда мы чтили Предков! Далеко в горах пролилась кровь! А под снегом, самым первым снегом Спрятана заповедь отцов! Где наш мир, что стал чужим сегодня? И земля поет истории веков! А под снегом, самым древним снегом Сохранилась пролитая кровь…  
9. Om mann og havet 05:05
 Trist mann liker fjorder
Liker wind og havet.
Det er ingen in rheten,
A varme den.
Han kommer ofte
Se pa havet.

En Ensom mann drommer
Om a bli havet.
Mellomrom i den for a do.

Vind forteller ham historier
Det var og hva er det ikke.
Tidligere soldat elsker havet
Og han vil det a do.

En dag kom han se pa havet
Og det var siste gang.
Han sa pa bredden av den gamle Fienden
Og Kjempet med ham.

Blood ble gushing under sammenstotet
Av sverd, gamle styret ble beseiret.
Han dode, havet tok Ham med til Henne.
Og fort bort av vannet i Asgard.

Han var en soldat som husket gudene
Han husket runer, og han visste skrivingen.
Men han var gammel nok til a kjempe igjen
Og heve krig.

Han ble et hav av.
10. Монсегюр 07:55
Монсегюр - был и есть и пребудет всегда!
Монсегюр - и земля и огонь и вода!
Монсегюр - в пламя бездны летящая сталь!
Монсегюр - чёрный ворон на знамени славит печаль!

Славит рыцарей крови идущих на смерть!
Славит в жерле огня не погибшую твердь!
Монсегюр не ушел - он пребудет во век!
А пока он стоит - будет жить Человек!
Пусть в агонии Тьмы, в бездне огненных вод,
Но планета Земля всё равно не умрёт!
Да! Она проклята! Но она и свята!
Ибо кровь изначальной на ней пролита!
Здесь священны и рек и озер берега
Потому, что ступала по ним Их нога
Кровь Праматери льётся в источнике вод,
Что божественной Йони Агама зовёт
И в дали среди тьмы огнедышащих Хьюрр
Изначальный и вечный стоит Монсегюр!

Монсегюр - был и есть и пребудет всегда!
Монсегюр - и земля и огонь и вода!
Монсегюр - в пламя бездны летящая сталь!
Монсегюр - чёрный ворон на знамени славит печаль!

Слава рыцарям Севера - Гвардии Льда!
Стерегущей пределы торосов всегда!
И когда зов откроет источники вод
Кровь Праматери в жилы планеты войдёт!
И в назначенный день, и в назначенный час
Соберутся тринадцать сильнейших из нас
И когда зов откроет источники вод
Снова Стража Предела к Победе пойдёт!
И во всех трех мирах силе той не бывать!
Что броню охранителя сможет сломать!
И никто из врагов, оскверняющих кровь,
Не сумеет уйти от возмездия вновь!

Musikhaus Thomann Linkpartner 

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013


Origen: Suecia, Gävle.
Formados: 2003
Estilo: Black. viking
Temática: Depresion, fantasía y naturaleza
Enlaces: Ereb altor y facebook
  • Mats   Bajo, guitarra, teclados y voces
  • Mikael Bajo y voces
  • Ragnar   Bajo, guitarra y voces
  • Tord       Batería

  • The Awakening Demo 2003   
  • By Honour CD 2008
  • The End CD 2010
  • Gastrike CD 2012
  • Fire Meets Ice CD 2013
  • The Lake of Blood EP 2014   
  • Nattramn CD 2015  
  • Blot - Ilt - Taut CD 2016
  • Ulfven 2017CD
  • Järtecken CD 2019
  • Eldens Boning EP 2021
  • Vargtimman Single 2021  
  • Vargtimman CD 2022


"By Honour" fue un álbum bajo mi punto de vista muy bueno, un álbum que mostraba una banda deseando comerse el mundo. Ese álbum contenía unos tremendos riffs de guitarras, soberbios en ocasiones y desprendía un aire vikingo que recogía de manera soberbia la llama encendida por ejemplo por lo extintos Mithotyn. El tiempo ha pasado para todos, sus dos siguientes trabajos no tuve el placer de escucharlos, sin embargo este "Fire Meets Ice", era un trabajo el cual no quería dejar pasar. Y bien, pues desde el primer tema se intenta darle una aire muy Bathory a toda su música, siendo el primer tema que da título al álbum el que mejor consigue recrear y homenajear a la banda de Quorthon, al aunar de manera magistral las partes más agresivas, melódicas y atmosféricas, resultando el aspecto vocal también muy completo. A partir de este tema inicial el disco se hace extremadamente predecible, faltandole algo de chispa y usando una y otra vez la misma fórmula de ritmos lentos y pesados, atmósferas y pasajes melódicos con un fuerte sentimiento vikingo y las voces van alternando entre registros más limpios y otros agresivos, con un música por momentos más black, a los que da paso otros más death melódico. Un aspecto destacable, que no se ha perdido con el paso de estos años ha sido el aspecto de las guitaras, cada tema de este trabajo cuenta con unos riffs de guitarra muy trabados y de bella factura. Gracias a un producción muy currada se consigue ahondar en aspectos épicos, en pasajes más doom y en un mayor número de arreglos que enriquecen su propuesta, eso si a costa de perder espontaneidad y violencia. Sin ser un mal trabajo ni mucho menos, parece que se han acomodado un tanto en la orilla contemplativa del viking, y el doom melódico más accesible, desbordado de arreglos y producción pulida para olvidarse un tanto de su orientación más pagana y black. (8,3)

1. Fire Meets Ice 09:23
 The cold mist in the land of shadows
Burning heat in the land of fire
The birth in a gaping hole where fire meets ice
Building the sleeping giant of rimfrost
Ymer, the father of the rimthurs awaken by the fire of Muspelheim
Giving life to all kinds
Betrayal, defiance, act of Gods
Three gods, Ve, Vile, and Oden, the slayers of Ymer
Drowning in blood, destroying his heirs
Hatred was born
Born by blood, fire and ice
A world built by the flesh of the father
Surrounded by the ocean of blood
The sky, up high, carried by the four
North, South, East and West
The skull of the giant placed by the black elves
2. The Chosen Ones 06:30
From the black water we once came
Out on this water we will go
Ask and Embla, the chosen ones
The wise god gave us the breath of life
The god of wish gave us our mind
The god of holiness gave us our vision
Ask and Embla, the chosen ones
The gods gave us shelter and hope
In the castle of Midgård we thrive
The sons and daughters of the chosen ones
To the Gods we hail for them to grant us our strength
Our songs still echoes within the mighty halls of stone
Surrounded by the great ocean on the shore we stand proud and tall
And for glory and for longing we will search throughout the mighty Ash
3. Nifelheim 06:14
Beware of the Northern wind
Sacrifice to the mighty eagle to spare our skin and bones
His cold wind thats pierces through all
Shores of longing, winter's gone
Guide us, sons of Oden
Ruler of the sky protect us 
Don't take us down below
We set out sails
Our journey has begun
The mighty sea seales our fate
Waves so strong carries the Dragon ship
To arrive in foreign lands to conquer to trade
To depart from foreign lands, leave the shores in flames
Those who stand against us will fall by our hands
Send them down the river cold to the shore of the dead
To Nifelheim, they will travel the cold wasteland of the ninth world
In Nifelheim, they will suffer the wrath of the snake of the ninth world
4. My Ravens 04:16
Give me wisdom
Give me knowledge 
To see through all the lies
Over nine worlds from dawn til dusk
they fly until they return
Bringing me my gift
My power to forsee
For the battle we must prepare
I'll send the ravens
I'll send them far
I'll send the ravens
I'll send them far away
Fly my ravens, fly
5. Sacrifice 08:10
  Sacrifice his left eye
Sacrifice for the well of wisdom
Sacrifice, the ash so old
Sacrifice, Oden's galow
Sacrifice nine long nights
Sacrifice, baptized in blood
The runes he found, the runes of power
Nine are the magic songs
Learn the nine magic songs to cease the power of the runes
The mead of wisdom, the tounge of poetry
And to speak with the dead with Miner's head
The magic runes, the ancient spell must be read and written from the heart
The scars of the runes are filled with blood
And not to fall a sacrifice must be done
Rista Råda Färga Fresta Bedja Blota Sända Slopa
6. Helheimsfärd 06:35
Nine nights he ride through valleys of darkness
No light, nor shadows for nine nights so black
The river so fierce kills all the sounds
The bridge he must cross, the bridge of the dead
The path to Hel where only the pale can pass
The gates of Hel where only the dead can pass
Carry me Sleipner fast as the wind
Fly Sleipner, fly over the gates
To enter the halls of death
To enter the dead ones fate
To enter his brothers grave
To enter for his return
All must weep, all must sacrifice
Their tears of life for his return
7. The Deceiver Shall Repent 04:10
He was hiding behind four doors, north and south east and west But there is no escape from his sins and his betrayal will be redeemed One of his sons forever condemned to the shape of the greatest of wolfs Destined to take his brother's life The deceiver shall repent Chained down to the three mighty stones bound by the chains of flesh A poisonous snake above with an andless stream of venom tearing his face apart Damned by all but his beloved, Sigyn is always by his side She will ease his torment and pain with her cauldron of relief The ground will shake along with his pain and wrath Bound until the day of days  
8. Post Ragnarök 04:33
Under the blackened sun the earth is drowning Stars burst into flames, falling The mist, the fire, the heat touches the sky All chains are broken, all seals are open the world rises a second time A new beginning Resurrection of truth and light Beneath dwells the snake of shadows The shimmering cold snake Will we succeed where the mighty has failed To follow the true path Beware of the cold that dwells in the dark Waiting, longing for our sins
9. Our Legacy 05:13
Behold our land, our land of the North Our legacy to keep untouched The lakes are so clear The forests, our dark forests A nocturnal beauty that takes the breath away The silence cries The winter, the absence of the sun Fires burning bright through our darkest nights Fires burning bright within our hearts