miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020


Origen: Suecia
Formados: ?
Estilo: Black

  • Swartadauþuz Bajo, guitarras, teclados y vocecs

  • Gammelbygdens vemodsklangor CD 2019  
  • Likfärdens begravningspsalm CD 2019  
  • Evighetens cirkel... CD 2019
  • Under vemodets töcken CD 2021
  • I Skogens Karga Dunkel EP 2024
En los tiempos que corren cada vez es más complicado discernir la esencia del género, cada vez más bandas dotan a sus sonido de tantos matices e influencias que la etiqueta de black metal queda totalmente desdibujada y el sonido se funde con diferentes elementos hasta dar lugar a un pastiche de diferentes estilos de metal extremo. La esencia debería de conservarse, ser un estilo solo par minorías, minimalista, underground, algo oscuro, peligroso y para nada accesible, sin concesiones, por mal que les pese a muchos. Por eso es que cada vez valoro más la aparición de estos proyectos que tiene muy claras su influencias dentro de lo que podríamos denominar black primitivo y mirando al origen del genero a la cara. "Evighetens cirkel..." es el tercer álbum de esta one man sueca en lo que se refiere al año 2019 y contiene seis temas de black oscuro, frío, sombrío y podrido. Swartadauþuz ( Azelisassath, Bekëth Nexëhmü, Greve...) ha tejido un paisaje sonoro no apto para las masas, ritmos hipnóticos y repetitivos en donde los teclados tiene un factor fundamental sustentando una propuesta  de guitarras agresivas y distorsionadas que se complementan perfectamente con las voces desgarradas y crudas de las mayoría del álbum sin descuidar de todas formas ciertos pasajes ambietales como en el tema "Under en iskall natt". Un trabajo completo, que tanto se nutre de la agresividad y oscuridad de su propuesta, como también es capaz de incorporar elementos de corte más a ambient que dotan al conjunto de un apartado de melancolía, que roza lo depresivo y queda a medio camino con otras influencias como el doom. Desde luego estamos ante una obra que mira de frente al black de los noventa, despreciando todo signo de evolución en el genero. (7,7)

1. Evig vandring till gamla riken 07:28  
2. De viskande vindarna 08:12  
3. Vid mörkrets fäste 06:02  
4. Under en iskall natt 06:54  
5. I nattsvart dunkel 10:08  
6. Nordisk frostnatt 04:10  

Housed in a UV gloss coated gatefold jacket, and comes with A2 poster.

Clear red vinyl limited to 100 copies


lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020


Primera demo para esta one man band madrileña que se hace llamar Duh y detrás de la cual se encuentra Smert, una demo de seis temas y casi media hora de duración en donde Smert da rienda suelta a una propuesta de corte instrumental en donde el black metal atmosférico es el estilo principal. Atmósferas agresivas y repletas de desesperación y soledad, creadas a partir de guitarras distorsionadas con ciertos arreglos instrumentales en segundo plano, de corte repetitivo e hipnótico acaban por destrozar al oyente en pasajes abrasivos y crudos. La demo está disponible para su escucha en su pagina de bandcamp.

Drowning The Light ‎– Varcolaci Rising 15,99 €

Limited to 400 copies
Comes in gatefold cover sleeve.
Written and recorded during the lunar cycle - from the new moon in April to the new moon in May of 2017, in isolation and darkness, where blood was stilt & this offering evolved from a MCD to a full length album of pure vampyric and lycanthropic Black Metal!


sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020


Desde tierras gallegas nos llega la primera demo de esta entidad, una demo que consta de cuatro temas, con un sonido que se mueve por terrenos del raw black metal. Un trabajo que después  del tema inicial que se mueve por terrenos mas atmosféricos arremete con toda la fuerza y la contundencia de un sonido gélido y caótico en donde la esencia y las influencias del black metal nórdico de los noventa están del todo presentas en forma de guitarras chirriantes y afiladas, voces de ultratumba y un conjunto sombrío y violento. La demo esta disponible para su escucha en su bandcamp, así como la edición física en cassette la podemos encontrar en la página de In Pulverem Mortis Productions.

389 copies pressed on traditional black vinyl. All copies come in a velvet case wrapped gatefold cover with silver hot foil logo and title.
HELLS HEADBANGERS is proud to present the long-awaited third album of legendary Greek black metal institution AGATUS, The Eternalist. Rendered in warm analog tones, gritty but full of life, AGATUS' The Eternalist is an epic journey across the hinterlands of the imagination. In many ways, it follows the heavy metalled direction of 2002's celebrated The Weaving Fates but incorporates the proggier textures of 2012's Gilgamesh EP, thus ushering in a new era for the duo that's respectful of the past but sets its sights on the future - and the unknown.

Says founder The Dark, "The Eternalist reflects another dimension of my compositional style whilst maintaining the signature sounds that AGATUS are known for. Here I delve further into old heavy metal sounds that have always been an inspiration to me and created what I consider my most memorable album to date."

Kaleidoscopic in its vision, with The Eternalist, AGATUS set a clear course toward older sounds and atmospheres: a golden ratio combining the feel of NWOBHM with '70s rock and everything that you have come to know and anticipate of these two brother musicians over the years. Vorskaath adds, "We decided to take an old-style hard rock/heavy metal approach that is manifest on every aspect of the album, from the performances and recording to the sounds we chose and the way we mixed. From the very first notes of The Eternalist, that feel is unmistakably there."

With HELLS HEADBANGERS' full backing of this unique and visionary cult, AGATUS will reclaim the momentum achieved during the early 2000s and venture forward into previously untouched realms of glory.

Formed in 1991, AGATUS belong to the first wave of black metal bands to emerge from Greece and consists of The Dark and Vorskaath - brothers and founding members. Their first album, 1994's Dawn of Martyrdom, commanded a cult following as a milestone in Greek black metal, and their followup, The Weaving Fates, received critical acclaim for the musicality and individual sound of the band, which has remained largely a side-project. Three EPs - The Rite of Metamorphosis, Night Mares, and Gilgamesh - have also been released, showing the steady evolution of a band whose exploratory excursions never rest.

The Dark and Vorskaath are also known for their collaboration with artists such as ZEMIAL, Varathron, Absu, Alpha Centauri, Kawir, Equimanthorn, Raven Black Night, Stone Cold Dead, Mark Riddick's Fetid Zombie, and many others.

On The Eternalist, AGATUSare:
The Dark | all voices & choirs, electric & acoustic guitars, electric bass, e-bow, synthesizer, percussion, effects
Vorskaath | drum set, percussion, synthesizer, electric guitar


domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020


Este cuarteto procedente de Barcelonsa lleva en activo desde 2017, después de algunos cambios en su formación y de llevar trabajando en nuevo material durante este tiempo, intercalándolo con algunas actuaciones en vivo vienen de editar recientemente los seis temas que dan forma a su primer álbum "As Fear Falls In". Un trabajo que muestra una madurez total en todas la composiciones, sonando compacto y capaz de ofrecer al oyente todas la influencias del sonido black/death melódico sueco de los años noventa en clara alusión a bnadas como At The Gates, Dissection, Necrophobic o Carnage entre otros. Un álbum que desde la inicial "Amoral Era" es una descarga de metal extremo sin concesiones, rápido y oscuro, que se sustenta en la riqueza de las composiciones, en donde podemos destacar la fuerza y carácter que le imprimen las voces de Anna Vidal, acertados riffs que muchas veces cobrar protagonismo en medio de un sonido que logra también trasmitir unas sensaciones impregnadas de melancólica sin olvidarnos de la inclusión acertada de algunos teclados. El álbum está disponible en su página de bandcamp y toda la información referente al grupo está a nuestra disposición en su facebook.

12"DLP (black)
DECLINE OF THE I originates from France and is inspired by the works of the French surgeon, writer and philosopher Henri Laborit. The band is led by a multi-instrumentalist, A - a skilled musician, who's been a part of the metal scene for over 20 years, during which he played in bands such as Vorkreist, Merrimack, Neo Inferno 262, Malhkebre and Diapsiquir. DECLINE OF THE I is his personal approach on dark music, in which he's accompanied by musicians of Merrimack, Anus Mundi, Temple of Baal, Eibon and Drowning fame.

1. Disruption
2. Enslaved by existence
3. Organless body
4. Hurlements en faveur de FKM
5. Negentropy (Fertility sovereign)
6. Je pense donc je fuis


jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020


Desde Cataluña nos llega esta nueva banda que cuenta entre sus filas con miembros de Instinto, Tort, Cruz y Execució, con lo cual aunque su andadura ha comenzado recientemente, no deja de ser cierto que no son unos recién llegados. Por el camino han editado una demo a comienzo del pasado año y más recientemente el EP de seis temas "Witch's Eyes". Un sonido trabajado y profesional, fruto sin lugar a dudas de la experiencia adquirida por todos ellos en las formaciones anteriormente mencionadas, que da como resultado un sonido extremo en donde hay cabida sobre todo para elementos black, sobre todo de sus inicios, algo de punk, y muchos elementos de heavy o rock clásico, sin olvidarnos tampoco de algunas partes death; todo ello perfectamente acoplado y sonando consistente destacando por su agresividad y contundencia. La demo y el EP están disponibles para su escucha en su página de bandcamp y en su facebook tenemos toda la información sobre este proyecto.

Front cover: Modified photo from Beata Beata (Beatmen) "Tharu Oarsman At Foggy Dawn"

Recorded between October 2015 - January 2016.

Pressing info:
400 copies on black vinyl (This)
100 copies on red vinyl


domingo, 2 de febrero de 2020


Khoraja was born in Thessaloniki in 2017 that same year editing his first EP “Echoes of Thunder, Beneath the Waves” that has had continuity recently with the edition of his first full-length “Sailing Our Ships to Martyrdom.”.

1. DM, Leonidas and Thomas Goud, you are the members of Khoraja, how was the band's creation process ?, and why do you choose the name of Khoraja? and what does it refer to?
Thomas: Well I always had a plethora of riffs and ideas for songs, but didn't want to form a band (at first). Me and Leonidas are friends from way back. I used to play to the death metal band that came to be Cease of Breeding. Just before I left he joined them and that's how we met. Some years later I decided to show him some of my ideas, since we both were black metal fans. Then these ideas turned to full formed songs, which were recorded at his place. Unfortunately Leonidas had to leave for England for studies, so the creation process was postponed. Fast forward couple of years later, Leonidas came back to Greece and in 2017 we recorded our first EP  “Echoes of Thunder, Beneath the Waves”.  
Khoraja is a fictional country, in Conan's world. I used to be a huge Conan nerd back in the   day, but I also think is a very cool sounding name, so that's why I chose it.

2. You form the band in 2017 and that same year you publish your first EP “Echoes of Thunder, Beneath the Waves” a work that already clearly shows the identity of the band, especially within a black that incorporates current elements in its sound but that maintains others such as atmospheric and melodies, how was the recording and composition process of this first EP?
Thomas: The songs were already formed in my mind, so most of the parts were prerecorded and then sent to Leonidas. Afterwards we recorded them at his place with his equipment. At this point some new ideas came along, and of course the drum programming, which is done
by Leonidas, along with the mixing and mastering. Eventually we recorded the final version of the songs, we sent the tracks for reamping at the studio and finally to Andy, the vocalist in our first EP, and he recorded his parts.

3. You have recently edited "Sailing Our Ships to Martyrdom.", A more varied work in terms of sound richness, which has not lost the elements mentioned above, but sounding much more dynamic and especially intense, what do you think has changed between a album and other?
Thomas: I  think the songs are more complete in this one, and also we kinda found a rhythm in the recording process. We struggled a lot less with this one, although it is a full length album.Also the compositions are more aggressive,plus we used different guitars this time, thats why it's sounding more intense.

4. Draws attention to the inclusion of programmed batteries in the two releases, however, it is not something that separates the final result of your music. Did you know from the beginning that you used this type of programming in your music? Is it very difficult to fit the battery? programmed in your music?
Thomas: I´ll always prefer real drums, but drum programming is a necessary evil at this point since we didnt have time, at least for then, to form a band and go to rehearsals. On the bright side, Leonidas does an amazing job at this, but I can't go into further details for the technical side of things, since he is responsible. I just order the blastbeats.

5. "Sailing Our Ships to Martyrdom." Includes a greater variety in the compositions, the guitars sound more powerful, the riffs are more incendiary and the voices of Dm are full in much more aggressive facets, do you feel more comfortable composing days of Today, when did you start?
Thomas: We were very excited  when we finished our first EP, so we started to do some pre-recordings for “Sailing our ships...” immediately after we released it. The songs came up more aggressive than atmospheric. This was not planned, it just came out naturally. Also me and Leonidas worked more fluently this time, and I was better prepared for the recording process. Since the songs were sounding more brutal, we figured out that we need a different approach to the vocals, although Andy did an amazing job for our first EP. So I posted a thread  in the metal-archives forums, searching for a singer, and that's how I came in touch with DM. When he sent me the sample with the vocals, me and Leonidas both agreed that he is perfect for this album.

6. As a Greek group, it is impossible not to try to typecast in Greek black and the Greek black metal scene, however it is quite impossible to fit your sound into this scene, although it is true that there is a classic aroma in your sound, If we look especially at the most atmospheric parts, it is no less true that your sound includes more current extreme elements that may become somewhat misplaced, how would you define the sound of the band? What are your main influences in terms of sound?
Thomas: Yes, we don't have the usual “Greek Black Metal” sound. \Though personally a fan, the influences come from elsewhere. Agalloch, Wolves in the Throne room, Lantlos are some of the main inspirators. Of course influences are not limited to black metal, but to other types of music as well, such as shoegaze, neofolk and post-rock. So how would I define our sound? Hmm...An apocalyptic wall of sound, featuring upbeat moments of clarity, with sudden dips to depression.

7. As for the theme of your latest work, it also moves somewhat away from common themes in the genre such as Satanism, encompassing others related more to the despair and loss of the souls of the dead. How did the letters and themes of “Sailing Our Ships to Martyrdom.”?
Thomas:  Most of the lyrics are dealing with personal feelings,thoughts, and  stories.  The meaning behind the title of the album is that you are devoting and sacrificing yourself for a god, or an entity that doesn't exist, so there is an anti-religious sentiment and an opossition to god, that you also can find in some of the lyrics,in the record. Satan is always welcome though.

8. Both Leonidas and DM are members of other bands related to extreme metal and not only related to black sound, but in them there is room for others such as death or grind, what leads you to want to create a new band? What makes Khoraja different from your other bands and what does it offer you as musicians?
Thomas: I can only speak for Leonidas here, because we have talked about it. I think because there is a more medolic side to Khoraja. Both his other bands Deuteronomy and Carthage are very brutal, so it's a bit of a different challenge for him, in terms of recording and mixing.

9. You come from the city of Thessaloniki, what is the extreme metal scene like in your area, what bands would you recommend?
Thomas: Unfortunately, I haven't been active in the scene for a long time, but apart from Leonidas' other band, Deuteronomy who are releasing a new record, there is another black metal band from Thessaloniki called Nihilism that I saw live recently, and really liked their music.  

10. Who has taken care of the album cover design? What does it refer to and how is it related to the theme of the album?
Thomas: I was responsible for the cover. It depicts the firmament. When you wander aimlessly in it, the sun is the semblance of hope in the darkness.   

11. How were your beginnings in music: first CDs that you bought, first concerts you attended, etc. What did you do in your life that led you to want to be musicians and form a band?
Thomas: This question takes me waaay back. Ok, I think the first cd I bought was “Crossroads”, a best-of album from Bon Jovi. Things got darker from there, although I still enjoy many of the songs. First concert was Rotting Christ, here in Thessaloniki. I never did want to pursue a career as a musician, it's more of a natural need. I think that the first album that made me want to sit down and learn to play guitar was Death's “Symbolic”

12. "Sailing Our Ships to Martyrdom" was self-published in August in digital format, is there any chance of reissuing in physical format?
Thomas: There were talks about physical format, but it's a bit difficult for one person to pay the costs for the cds etc. Perhaps in very limited editions, but we'll see.

13. What future plans do you have for the band in terms of concerts, upcoming releases, etc.?
Thomas: Looking for a drummer nowadays. If evertything turns out good perhaps some rehersals are in order. We may, or may not release a new EP till summer.

14. Thank you very much for the time dedicated to Black metal spirit, if you want to add something for Khoraja followers, this is the place. I hope the questions have been to your liking.
Thomas: Thanks a lot for the interview, I really enjoyed answering your questions! Check our facebook page for news, and hope you're having a blast listening to our album.

Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM, EP, Limited to 500 copies