Origen: Australia, Adelaide
Formados: 1996
Estilo: Black, death
Temática: Mitos, ocultismo y piratas
Enlaces: Facebook
- Alim Guitarra y voces
- Ben Newsome Bajo y voces
- Esh Batería y voces
Discografía:- Cauldron Black Ram Demo 1997
- Misery's Omen / Cauldron Black Ram Split 2002
- The Devil Bellied Seven Inch EP 2003
- Skulduggery CD 2004
- Slubberdegullion CD 2010
- The Poisoner Maxi-EP EP 2011
- Stalagmire CD 2014
- Cauldron Black Ram / Sempiternal Dusk Split 2018
- Slaver CD 2020
SLAVER (2020)
Llegamos al cuarto larga duración de esta banda australiana, en activo desde mediados de la década de los noventa, cuyos miembros se encuentran implicados en proyectos de metal extremo como "Martire, Mournful Congregation o StarGazer" y que ofrecen un álbum de death/black con un sonido muy particular. Supongo que por un lado el poder dar rienda suelta a sonidos más "clásicos" death/black en su otras bandas ha hecho que Cauldron Black Ram pueda recoger diferentes influencias y estilos para dotar a su sonido de mayor diferenciación, al mismo tiempo que lo hace reconocible. Estás influencias son variadas, podemos hablar por un lado de influencias thrash o del rock de los años ochenta, presentes en ciertas estructuras de la canciones y fruto sin lugar a dudas de la proximidad en el tiempo con la creación de Cauldron Black Ram, pero también debido a que un estilo como el black/death estaba dando sus primeros pasos y la diferenciación entre estilos no era tan clara. Pero una escucha más pormenorizada de este álbum, ya que es un trabajo que va madurando con cada nueva escucha, nos permite apreciar por un lado la profundidad, oscuridad y putrefacción de este "Slaves", al tiempo que vamos descubriendo influencias claras del doom, así como algunas más livianas como peuden ser las del sludge o incluso el jazz. El ritmo de este "Slaves" no es rápido, más bien se mantiene en un tono comedido, que permite que su música profundice y se sumerja en un caos de densidad y oscuridad lleno de complejidad y putrefacción. Al contar con tres vocalistas, este apartado se muestra denso y profundo en un tono que vira entre el black y el death más cavernoso. Un nuevo trabajo, fruto tanto de la experiencia de más de veinte años de trayectoria, como también de una visión diferente de un estilo como el black/death. (8).

1. Flame 05:33
Witches fuel
The night fires
Acrid smoke now
The town cryer
Belly of the beast
Seeds furnace fire
Aroused deviants
Conspire, conspire
Poisoned by the rush of ashen filth
Choking beneath cadaverous silt
By the rat eyed merchants guild
A vile practice the fortress built
Insolent flame
Tamed for mastication
Those devout to death
Drawn to masturbation
They would suffer
The hot breath
Rather than cast
To unmarked graves
Poisoned by the rush of ashen filth
Choking beneath cadaverous silt
By the rat eyed merchants guild
A vile practice the fortress built
2. Smoke Pours from the Orificies of the Crematory Idol 03:43
Oath breaking is a foul deed and
Savage nature is mistress see
Deflowerment and devourment
Of those that do not cannot flee
Degenerate vermin siphon vitality
Spoiling pasture, field, flock
An ashen wake within
Ashen torrent the pall without
Groomed for eventual sacrifice by the Dooms
Citadel host to nameless, backwards cults
A bastion hidden behind black volcanic lakes
Clouds caught between peerless twin mounts
Gargantuan idol predates uncommon memory
Before ailing acolytes swilling swill grew sedentary
None can ever know if or when they come to claim us
Through the sky breach, from the Abyss
3. Stones Break Bones 04:20
Knife flesh rust rend
Skin melt in cess
Wicked whittled lances
Deranged sermon dancers
Rupture, fountain red
Lifeblood misled
Four limbs, distend
Aflame on, both ends
Yet none crush
None crack such
Pulverised moans
Stones break...
Scurrilous gossip
Clandestine vilification
Gathering posse
Hurling lamentation
4. Graves Awaiting Corpses 04:43
Some struggled for honor, coin and sport
Here there be none of that sort
Teeth split by determination grim, faces taut
Primal fear collides with forethought
A future indentured to self-served malefic whim
Survival bodes chances none to slim
Heads split by swift integration, with chance
Primal lust collides with forbearance
Muddled by reptile hide boots
The corpses of ill repute
Posthumously, unceremoniously circumcised
Graves await corpse
Graves awaiting corpses
Graves await corpse
Graves awaiting corpses
Harried with threat n' promise, perpetuity
Stave waving fanatics fantasies
Barbaric hereafter allies, wanton promiscuity
Blood shrinking cunt sucking sodomy
Death avails no quarter
A spear for your marker
A mud pit the eternal charter
Graves await corpse
Graves awaiting corpses
Graves await corpse
Graves awaiting corpses
5. His Appearance 01:46 instrumental
6. Whore to War 03:38
Layed out on goat hide cots
Like bodies laid out in lots
Reluctant soldiers bathed in stench
Eternal strife their bedded wench
Toilsome futilities
Senseless countermarching
Splayed spoiled blackened limbs
Scarred by a violent sundering
Worsened by the final tempest
Of vulture, smoke, rotting
In human battering
Burglarious misdeeds
Lose hands to the block n' axe
Or servitude
A whore to war
Honourable miscreants
Army takes towns still pet to wake
Unwilling swords
Are the whore to war
In human battery
7. Temples to Death 03:19
Temples to death an estuary
For the wretch, for the wretch
Tenders a total enslavement
Gathers flies to it's whip
Temples to death
Temples to death
Mothers that birthed them
Put to the torch, put to torch
Skulls baked in the bricks
Remains will break the arrows of enemy spite
Black mud stains
The white robed
Flecked red with
Hot fluids o'
Have them build their tomb
A monument an ornament
Slain slaves enshrined
None preside
This law for sins
8. Slaver 03:34
With glazed eyes of opium eaters
Rattling bars with some pield
A tantalising, infantiling torment
For the promise of freedom
Of freedom...
Dancing nerves of the soon to be sold
Lancing shrieks of the soon to be dead
Look to the razored crenellations
Hear their diseased whine
As they split the wolfish winds
A dereliction built into it's spine
Dancing nerves of the soon to be sold
Lancing shrieks of the soon to be dead
Lengthening, grasping shadows of talons
Pierce the will of warriors
Serrate hardened faith in the pious
Who inhale vision from muds
Enslaved to the fort of the slavers
Woe presides the fort of sorrows
9. The Pit 04:01
Mongrels of a calling
Haunting scape
Congregate by swamp hued pyre
By no mistake
The circus placates
Most violent ingress
Congress a mordant pursuit
Commoners and brutes
Slave fat fuels the flambeaux
Lick the vile air
Gladiators wear
Fur and night
With pride
With pride
Expats bore scented gifts
Rewarded with welts
Hailed with spit
Manacled and dressed
In hide
Paralysis of a snake
Oiled into the clasp
Whipping tails of cuff chains
Death, thirsting crowd
Desperate, yet almighty blows
Rending limbs and dimming hopes
10. His Exultance 01:28 instrumental
MLP 200 copies, 100 handnumbered with insert
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