Origen: E.E.U.U., Grants Pass
Formados: 2012
Estilo: Black progresivo, death
Enlaces: Bandcamp, facebook y youtube
- Arin Chaddock Bajo
- Christopher Pilcher Guitarra
- Jeremy DeGonia Voces
- Nathan Tracey Guitarra
- Otis Blankenship IV Drums
- Seasons CD 2014
- Foster CD 2019
FOSTER (2019)
Los estadounidenses han dejado trascurrir un periodo relativamente amplio entre sus dos álbumes, sin embargo este tiempo ha sido bien empleado en engrasar su maquinaria y ofrecer un intenso nuevo trabajo de seis temas que no llega a la media hora de duración. La propuesta de Attic se muestra agresiva y violenta, atrapando al oyente en una interesante mezcla de death y black progresivo. El sonido es contundente, pero no destaca por su rapidez, los temas van medrando poco a poco, desde unos inicios más calmados, de guitarras limpias con un toque melódico para ir dar paso a una explosión de sonido que sabe adentrarse por desarrollos que sin llegar a ser complejos si se muestran variados, capaces de retorcer el tema y llevarlos a transitar por estilo como el death o el black progresivo que al mismo tiempo contiene influencias punk. La presencia del sonido del bajo ha sido fundamental para sacar adelante el sonido de "Fostet", su presencia dota de cuerpo y contundencia los temas, logrando un dialogo entre bajo y guitarra casi que perfecto, en una línea que mezcla contundencia y melodía a partes iguales. Las voces mantienen un termino medio, son capaces de ofrecer cierta brutalidad death pero también se involucran en ofrecer un tono más rasgado y rabioso que las sitúa entre el black y el punk. El apartado de la batería no duda en mantenerse firme en cuanto a contundencia pero el ritmo más lento de la misma dota de un cierto groove a este álbum. Un álbum que acaba por resultar intenso, incluso emotivo, valiéndose para ello de estructuras que van desde unas partes más lentas y cercanas en contraposición a otras más directas y agresivas que siempre esconcen alguna sorpresa en forma de giro inesperado. (7,7).
1. Of Endless Sage and Sky 05:25
the World has been left to pools of fire and death
nothing survived
a lifeless ball of misery
where no life exists at all
nothing's left to destroy the planet
the Wyrm has come
of endless sage and sky
there has to be silence
there will be
long deserted peace for mother earth
until the decision is made
to let life live again
for the years to come there will be nothing left of man
no beast left to destroy the planet
so she can recover
to a world of forests and oceans
a world full of wildlife and beauty
a world of endless sage and sky
a world before the Wyrm
2. Summer 05:40
as the temperature rises the grass begins to die
deprived of hydration the fields become
a dried up wasteland
the rivers begin to run dry as the lands catch fire
and the air is filled with smoke
it only adds to the rising heat
and everything is set a blaze
so is the brutality of Summer
you gasp for air
but all you take in is smoke
no clean air
all the trees are burned
there's no home left for the wildlife
this is their doom
Summer knows no mercy
3. The Washing 04:49
we are all blind to the truth
they control society through the youth
they poison our brains through the schools
converting us into nothing but mindless fools
they trick us into changing what it is we want in life
making us believe in false realities
as Generations come and Generations go
we will be converted into mindless slaves
left behind to do
their bidding
succumb to the washing
we are all slaves
left to serve
succumb now
succumb to the washing
we are all slaves
left behind
to do their bidding
4. The Flood 03:48
from the shadow it lurks never to be seen
it is what gives men fear of the darkness
once the sun sets
it becomes feeding Time
what the beast is will forever be unclear
for if you ever lay eyes on the beast
you are dead
its motivations are undetermined
all that is known is
that it thirsts for blood
whatever your darkest fear is
is what it will portray itself as
to make you die
your worst imagined death
maybe it's the devil
or the edge of all Time
but we will never know
because if you are within its sights
you are its next victim
it hunts in silence
and leaves no trace
it is immortal
and will forever be unknown
it is the silent killer
until the end of Time
5. The Wyrm 05:02
for all the damage humans have done to mother earth
she will strike back with all of her wrath
she will have her revenge
the time for extinction is nye
no mercy will be shown on judgement day
the oceans will flood
the cities and the surface cracks open
as the volcanos rise
to cover the earth in liquid fire
leaving it a lifeless ball of lava
like it was in the beginning
where no life existed at all
you have proved that you all are not worthy
of what has been gifted to you
you will pay for all the sins you have committed against earth
when she takes her revenge
and wipes your meaningless existence away
like you all deserve
for what you all have done
you should have worshiped her like a Queen
for she is what you refer to as a God
6. Particle 02:53
after many centuries of lifelessness
Mother earth has finally had her peace
she grows lonely and feels there is a purpose she must serve
a fresh start is at hand
her decision has been made
life will start again
the wildlife will roam
evolution will set
as we witness the rebirth of man
will they respect who created them or try to kill her again
they must earn their right to live by respecting Mother earth
this is the Rebirth
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