domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015


Origen: E.E.U.U., Tampa
Formados: 2009
Estilo: Black, death
Temática: ?
Enlaces: Facebook
  • Alex Blume Bajo y voces
  • Gene Palubicki Guitarra
  • Ron Parmer Batería

  • Edict of the Antichrist Elect CD 2010
  • Sovereign of the Desolate EP 2014
  • The Tempter's Victorious CD 2015
  • Tribute to Blaspheme Split 2018
  • Sacraments of Descension CD 2020
  • Merciless Upheaval CD 2022
Segundo larga duración para los de Tampa que vienen a ofrecer en él un producto que se sustenta en el death metal influenciado por bandas como Morbid Angel, pero que no renuncia a influencias del black metal. "The Tempter's Victorious" es un álbum conciso, treinta y seis minutos de puro y violento death metal, doble bombo a todo trapo, guitarras incendiarias con riffs a mil por hora y las voces de Impurath, escupiendo su odio en cada palabra con predominancia de registros próximos al gutural pero siempre conservando la brutalidad. Han sabido también construir en su música una parte que se deja influenciar por el black más brutal de bandas como Blasphemy, que consigue que su propuesta conserve, ya no solo un aroma a clásico sino que también se rodee de cierta frialdad y oscuridad. Álbum violento y brutal, muy directo y que agradará a seguidores de la vertiente más death del género. (8,6).

1. The Tempter's Victorious 04:14   
Libation to desolate eternity
Temple of swarming obeisance 
Fantasia at ghastly midnights
Furious delirium of evil

Dawn the titans of abomination
Nemesis of all existence

Leprous fires in the hearts of the damned
Devil-bought souls work charnel clay
Burning through all to abyssic void
By monstrous craft vex and plague

Dawn the titans of abomination
Nemesis of all existence
The Tempter's Victorious 
The Tempter's Victorious 

Obsession in uncorporeal infinity
Cradled in tenebrous dementia 

The allure of nethermost Darkness
Vile yearnings of carrion nightmare

Hideous and hungry awaiting the dark
Hail the turning flight of the sun
Cataclysmic unnumbered horrors
Doom of man, creation undone

Screams beyond unholy centuries
Black visions of mindless terror
Seed the insane with abhorrence
Fell purpose revealed... the end time has come

Dawn the titans of abomination 
The Tempter's Victorious
2. Extinction Synagogue 04:35
  The swine caste to the infernum
Divison of slaves from human dejecta
Kindred bons work as well as the whip
Obedient... slouch to the churning gallows

Tolerate not what filth has wrought
Oil well the machinery of cleansing
Revulsion escalates to frenzy
Guiding the iron command of genocide

Gravepits hunger in readiness
Judgment commenced the tempest of slaughter

The gluttonous from the trough of corruption
Congregate in these holy halls of death

Inferno of depopulation
Children suffocate beneath the dead
Extinction Synagogue 
Inhaled asphyxia, poison eucharist
A deathknell choral of bloodless weeping
Proceed to crematoria

Dischordant prayers in gasping throes
Ill-harmonious shrieks in darkness
Like basalt pillars hand in hand in death
Extinction Synagogue

Inferno of depopulation
Children suffocate beneath the dead

Tolerate not what filth has wrought
Oil well the machinery of cleansing
Revulsion escalates to frenzy
Guiding the iron command of genocide

Gravepits hunger in readiness
Judgment commenced the tempest of slaughter

Faith dies in the stench and blaze
Extinction Synagogue
3. Scythes of Antichrist 04:49
 Ravenous in apocalyptic yearning
Propagate the futility of continuance
Dictated, methodical destabilization
All gods to ashes, flesh to dust

From the shadows to assassinate
An unseen and lightning assault
Massacre of the alien and infidel
By incendiary hell and plague

Bestial heritage to the blaze of holocaust
Bloodsworn hate through time immemorial 
Domination by steel and flame
Death rattle of the damned... hunted down like game

Scythes of Antichrist
Scythes of Antichrist

Disciplined to genocidal destiny
Unfolding nightmare of world cremation
Bioweaponized protocols 
Pestilence on winds of terror

Bestial heritage to the blaze of holocaust
Bloodsworn hate through time immemorial 
Domination by steel and flame
Death rattle of the damned... hunted down like game

Scythes of Antichrist
Scythes of Antichrist 

By scourge, famine and plague within
World torn asunder in genocide

Unworthy of the brave and ordered age
All an enemy to erase from remembrance
Reversal of all... the disease, creation
Cursed to oblivion the final strike

Seeding cataclysm and war 
Driving swine to murder swine
Slaughter of this lowly contagion
Imperium of chaos, hail the Antichrist

Bestial heritage to the blaze of holocaust
Bloodsworn hate through time immemorial 
Domination by steel and flame
Death rattle of the damned... hunted down like game

Scythes of Antichrist
Scythes of Antichrist
4. Goddess in Death 04:33
Empty gaze revealing naught
No trace of contempt or desire
Two cold stones frozen in eternity 
Wherein burns no living fire

By graveborn insidious vice
Pallid majesty in coffin white
A soul benumbed I'm drawn

Lecherous, sweating poison ruin
The inviting vessel for my sin
Rotten horror in filth undone
My passion, my angel in one

By graveborn insidious vice
Pallid majesty in coffin white
A soul benumbed I'm drawn

The piteous rites from the priest were read
Abandoned to moulder in death

IN the company of worms velvet and fine
I'll possess your essence divine 

Goddess in Death!!!

Liberated from this cursed mortal coil
My empress you reign from the tomb
Black obsession takes this desolate heart
Under your spell... Goddess in Death

By graveborn insidious vice
Pallid majesty in coffin white
A soul benumbed I'm drawn
5. The Doomsday Chosen 04:32
Rituals to black revelations
Poisonous fanatic ceremonies 
prophecies of desolated ages
The world made war


The spiritless and mindless
Reborn in weaponized purpose 
Possessed and envenomed in rage
Will given over to malevolence

The Doomsday Chosen
The sign reveal the fall of man
The Doomsday Chosen
Resolved to victory the Devil's plan

Disciples at the threshold of apocalypse 
Eradicate the false and barbarous 
A solution to all choleric sanctity 
Dusk near... The final season of the earth

Abhor all flesh and thought from without 
The crowned and conquering guiding the way
Ascend through ever escalating chaos
Principles of the One through baptisms insane

Curse and torment by Devil's sorcery
Manipulate by terror conspiracy 

Militant and illuminate 
Devotion to collapse and conflict 

Rituals to black revelations
Poisonous fanatic ceremonies
Prophecies of desolated ages
The world made war

The spiritless and mindless
Reborn in weaponized purpose
Possessed and envenomed in rage
Will given over to malevolence

The Doomsday Chosen
The signs reveal the fall of man
The Doomsday Chosen
Resolved to victory the Devil's plan
6. Chambers of Predation 04:16
 Infinite depths of bloodlusting villainy 
Paved well are the roads of infamy
Theaters of madness to consummate atrocity
Spoils wrought from the abyss of misery

Wretched, weeping, and whipsawn
Never again behold the torch of dawn
Bleeding, blinded, burned, befouled 
Vengeance devouring imbecile purity

Beguiling the pious and desperate 
Deceiving veils of mercy ensnare
Nourished only in one's own tears
Stygian Chambers of Predation

Crawl through the flow of your mortal putrescence
Lunatic suffering in a web of sickly terror

Death to all illusion of salvation
Awaiting, insane, the torment without end

Twin loves debauchery and death
Sweet sisters that tempt and thrall
Genuflect at hideous altars of vice
For hell's rapture my soul to the scythe

Infinite depths of bloodlusting villainy 
Paved well are the roads to infamy
Theaters of madness to consummate atrocity
Spoils wrought from the abyss of misery

Bloody hammers of lawless subjection
Malefactor of flesh and morbid ardor
Murderous, frenzied, rituals of horror
Stygian Chambers of Predation
7. Diluvium Ignis 04:20
 Gorged on the harvest from the Dragon Seed
The godlusting in cadence with destruction

The prideful assuming mastery of all 
Constructing an illusory Eden
Ever knowing the Tempter beckons
Come, taste once more of the gods
holocaust germinates in desirous genius
The will of darkness be done

Darkness be done...

Strike from afar while the enemy slumbers
Lucifer's victory hammer fall

Endless annihilation thirsting the blood
Perish all divinity of madness
Poison creeds to the void
The lightning tempest of demon star
Winged sword of blazing deliverance
Scourge and quake, Diluvium Ignis

Diluvium Ignis...

To the blessed rain of fallout
To the paradise of plagues

Black scavengers of black millennia
Feed their young on the carrion of kings
Spare not defeated weakling messiahs
Diluvium Ignis

To a new Eden of Monstrosity
Into Darkness Eternal

Death ennobled and radiant
Baring the terror of Antichrist
From bloody hatchet to the atom bomb
Diluvium Ignis

Gorged on the harvest from the Dragon Seed
The godlusting in cadence with destruction 

The prideful assuming mastery of all
Constructing an illusory Eden
Ever knowing the Tempter beckons
Come, taste once more of the gods
holocaust germinates in desirous genius
The will of darkness be done

Darkness be done...
8. Devil's Blessed 05:23
Master of slanders, steward of infernal vice
Emperor of all rebellious spirits 
Take, worship, invoke, obey
Body and soul in fealty 

Frantic orgies highest obscenity
Seething in cryptic grottos of malefice
By burning brand and blood made writ
Claws from darkness leave the binding mark

Dreadful rites as night enfolds
Sworn under the black sign of evil

In the Devil's circle
Sacrifice to the majesty of hell
Spiritual descension
Putrescent communions

Devil's Blessed

Clamorous demoniac falsification
Liturgic reversal and poison arts
Enemies slain by unhallowed invocations
Stratagems of downfall and deceit

Dreadful rites as night enfolds
Sworn under the black sign of evil

In the Devil's circle
Sacrifice to the majesty of hell
Spiritual descension
Putrescent communions

Homicidal sorcery
Breathe the incense of death
The unbaptized stolen from the cradle
And unguarded by the sign of the cross

Panting, enflamed and awaiting 
Lusting fangs at the mark of the Beast
Incubus made flesh, cursed insemination
The chosen bride will give child to the dragon

Devil's Blessed

Master of slanders, steward of infernal vice
Emperor of all rebellious spirits
By burning brand and blood made writ
Claws from darkness leave the binding mark

Dreadful rites as night enfolds
Sworn under the black sign of evil

In the Devil's circle
Sacrifice to the majesty of hell
Spiritual descension
Putrescent communions

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