Origen: E.E.U.U., Tacoma
Formados: 2007
Estilo: Black atmosférico
Temática: Naturaleza y recuperación atávica del mundo
Enlaces: Bandcamp, deezer, facebook, instagram y spotify
- Jace Bruton Guitarra y voces
- Michael Korchonnoff Armónica, batería, bodhrán y voces
- Stephanie Knittle Bajo, cello y voces
- Timothy Brown Guitarra
- Demo Demo 2009
- Alda CD 2009
- :Tahoma: CD 2011
- Passage CD 2015
- Stonebreaker Single 2021
- Drawn Astray EP 2021
- A Distant Fire CD 2021
Cuarto larga duración para los estadounidenses que regresan después de casi seis años con un trabajo de sonido black que podríamos encuadrar dentro de la vertiente cascadian del género. Con una madurez compositiva desbordante este álbum esta repleto de secciones de elaborados pasajes de corte tanto ambiental como progresivo en donde la esencia del black escandinavo de los noventa se funde con la innegable habilidad de incorporar elementos de sonido folk tradicional estadounidense de manera que todo queda perfectamente engarzado. Alda sabe construir temas desde la mayor de las sutilezas, poblando ellos de guitarras limpias y acústicas que van trazando un paisaje intimistas en donde se nos presentan sentimientos como la soledad y la tristeza haciendo por otra parte patente elementos que tienen que ver con la melancolía con un trasfondo de respeto y acercamiento a la naturaleza. No renuncian tampoco a dejar que los temas se vayan desarrollando lentamente alrededor de estas secciones más limpias hasta que se ven interrumpidas con secciones de riffs más pesados y agresivos de baterías despiadadas, pero siempre conservando esa sensación de largos desarrollos que van aproximando al final inexorable de los mismos con un poso de sonidos tradicionales. Las voces no son muy protagonistas pero cuando hacen acto se presencia se muestras cercanas, en un tono próximo de secciones limpias muchas veces, escondiendo un poso de rabia y desconcierto que muchas veces desborda este carácter más comedido. Sin lugar a dudas un álbum amplio en elementos y sensaciones, que se presenta sencillo pero que en el fondo ofrece cierta complejidad y que resulta del todo apabullante si nos dejamos atrapar por su musicalidad. (7,6).
1. First Light 03:18
2. Stonebreaker 08:28
The surface is broken
in labored strikes by shaking hands
stones are split and roots are burned
power is sought in emptiness
Rending life to build a throne
for worms coiled within us
terror breaks the skull
and blades shall pierce the mind
banners are raised and weapons are forged
in greed and hate, numbness and faith
as generations circle the sinkholes of time
throne by throne crumbles to nothing
Stone by stone
does this edifice rise
to sunder the earth and black out the sky
we grasp upwards, sinking faster
Bone by bone
dust for the brick and blood for the mortar
bound to towers that rise
to stand in witness as the world dies
3. Drawn Astray 10:19
As the storm passes, the elegies fall silent
and wills once strong mellt in mute submission to
the course that we chart, in spite of all resistance
that rages within, and echoes throughout these
admonitions heard but unspoken
who declaim to us :
face what you have wrought !
We cannot escape
what passes right through us
must we face this with empty hands ?
Suffocating dread
the emptiness of scorn
for the path we tread upon
the future is clear
the trail is well worn
where it ends, we will find our demise
4. Forlorn Peaks 09:40
Malice guides the blind, shepherding the fall
of all we build and all we leave behind
what rests in hand is surely cast away
to blight the heatth and pave an ashen road
below the moutains
Refuse upon ruins, our thoughts become debris
these paths we write have twisted into knots
choking out the growth and scortching out the roots
the soot and smoke shall veil ascending trails
above our world
Stone, flesh and wood are bound together
with fire to cleave their form and shape their nature
changed by the water flowing downstream
from glacial heights to whom we labor
Nothing comes to pass as it was, nor how it's dreamed to be
yet still we climb through the blackened veil
that wreath the mountainslopes and cloaks forgotten graves
whose unknowing hope and striving lie in wait
No comfort is found in the heights we reach
in ascension, past our pain
and from the ruthless crest the vastness fills our eyes
as callous as the past, as empty as the skies
chaos churns, rising with the wind
horizons are laid bare
from peaks forlorn we descend again
as the glow of distant flames breach the dawn
5. Loo-Wit 02:11
6. A Distant Fire 16:37
Where silence speaks and venom sleeps
The eyes are cast to distant shores
where the wind and stone
meet the wing and bone
above the strife and pain
of this great divide
this phantom light that burns
shall carve out the path
of the lives we lead
and the death we seek
Our trails lance through clouds of ash
where trees are burned to their core, fields to their stalks
our vision uncertain, our fate unwritten
before the distant glow of devastation
At first light we pass through the shattered stones
past fading memories of ascension
the mountains behind us held in embers
our paths shall lead us into the glow
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