domingo, 23 de enero de 2022


1. Night Crowned was born in 2016, why did you decide to create the band? Why did you choose the name Night Crowned and what does it refer to?

H. Liljesand founded Night Crowned and his vision was to create music he grew up with so he started Night Crowned not long after some of the first demo track was made J. Jaloma joined in on drums along with his childhood friend J. Eskilsson and a while later I (K. Romlin) joined. We created what we like with our music with a lot of inspiration from the 90s black and death metal scen and regarding the name Night Crowned, it is a celebration of the night it self.

2. Since its creation in 2016, the band has shown a high activity, at the beginning with the release of Eps and singles but more recently with the release of two albums in a short space of time, how has the resulting confinement influenced of the Covid-19 situation why would you face the whole process of writing and recording your second album so quickly?

When I joined Night Crowned we had four songs recorded for the EP but we saved the best for our debut album som we just released three songs to show what we got. And we had a lot more songs written and it became our debut album ’’Impius Viam’’ so the writing process never ended after the ep we just kept writing. The down side was when we released ’’Impius Viam’’ the covid-19 hit the world and we could not promote the album with live shows. So we made a three year plan to release 3 albums in tree years. Any how we started to write ’’Hädanfärd’’ compare to ’’Impius Viam’’ which was more like a collection of songs that was put into an album, our intentions with ’’Hädanfärd’’ was to write a whole album. Both albums are written and recorded in our own home studios.

3. If I'm not mistaken, the whole process of composing and recording the album was something you faced on your own, can you tell us more about how this process of composing and recording the album was? What brands of instruments have you used to record? and compose?

H. Liljesand has written all songs along with some good inputs from J. Jaloma and J. Liljesand. Most of the lyrics on ’’Impius Viam’’ was also written by H. Liljesand since they all have been written before I joined in on vocals. We work very well together and give each other feed back when we write songs cause our goal is to deliver the best from us. I have no Ide what brand my mates have used.

4. Your new album “Hädanfärd” sounds let's say more direct or dirty than your previous “Impius Viam”, like more impregnated with a nineties air, was this something that you wanted to modify regarding the sound of the first album, maybe for not being completely satisfied with its sound? How would you describe the sound of the album for those who haven't heard it yet and in which way the Swedish death sound and the melodic black of the nineties have been an influence for you?

Since our debut album was more like a collection of songs compare to ’’Hädanfärd’’ I think that it was a bit harder to get the sound we wanted. Hädanfärd is more direct and dirty cause it was suppose too.
Hädanfärd is a concept album about a meeting with death. It is fast brutal yet it gives a bit of hope in times of despair with our melodies and hooks.

5. The themes of your songs are related to aspects that have to do with death. How did the idea of treating these themes in the lyrics of the album come about? Who writes the texts of the songs? Do the lyrics adapt to the music or vice versa? Why the idea of the texts in Swedish?

When we where I think baby 40% done with the demo tracks we aimed to make ’’Hädanfärd’’ to a double album one in english and one in Swedish but that change when the lyrics took form so we felt that this album needs to be in Swedish. While I was writing lyrics I also worked on a novel and I felt a connection between my novel and the album so I started to change some of the lyrics to make the theme more clear. And why death?
Yeah because Death is the big unknown and there is so much to write about. When I get a demo track from H. Liljesand I let the music speak to me so I can go inside my inspiration bubble and let the words flow down. I love music and special when the vocals are in their national tongue, it docent matter if I don’t understand the words cause it feels more real to me. Cause you can express yourself more with the words you from your national tongue. So that’s why ’’Hädanfärd’’ is only in swedish.

6. Following the continuity with respect to your previous album, you maintain the presence of a hooded character on the cover. Who designed the album cover? How is it related to the musical content of the album?

The album cover was pre made by Sick Of Realism. We found them on instagram and liked their style and that cover felt just right for the album.

Since Hädanfärd is about a meeting with death we felt that the hooded character was spot on when we first saw it. The cover art is dark like the theme so there is nothing more to say more then we found it we wanted it and we got it.

7. For the release of your new album you are still linked to the German record label Noble Demon. How does the possibility of working with them again for the release of the new album arise? Are you satisfied with the editing and promotion work carried out by Noble Demon?

We are very satisfied with Patrick and his staff at Noble Demon record. Right now we are working on our third album so whom Is going to release it only time will tell. Cause this time we are taking our time with this album to make it the best we have ever released.

8. How were your beginnings in music: first concerts you attend, first albums you buy? What happened in your lives that pushed you to want to be musicians?

Oh that is a hard question, I don’t know, I just like music, To recorded it to stand on stage and write it. I do this cause it is fun and to express myself. I don’t know the exact moment that made me want to write lyrics and scream on stage. I just like music and this is how I choose to express it.

9. What album represents for you the essence of black metal? What recent albums have you bought?

For me it must be Dark Funeral, Dissection, Dimmu Borgir, Dark Fortress.

The latest stuff I bought is Zornheym two albums and I’ve pre ordered some stuff that I wait on like Dark Funerals new album and the remastered vertions of Belphegors two debut albums and many more.

10. What future plans do you have for Night Crowned in terms of upcoming releases, concerts or reissues?

Right now we are writing on our next album and wait on the restriction to end so we can book some shows. More then that I can’t tell.

11. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions for Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for Night Crowned fans, this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.

Thank you for taking an intres in us and ask us stuff. Stay safe and to our fans out there tanks for your support it means the world to us-


Moloch / Gurthang ‎– Moloch / Gurthang 9,99 €

 300 copies on black vinyl.

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