Good morning, thank you very much for agreeing to answer these questions, how everything Perth?
We're having a very warm summer in Perth, much to our distaste.
1. The beginning of Wardaemonic are in the disappearance of the band Avantgard why they decided to form at that time after the dissolution of Wardaemonic Avantgard?
The two lead songwriters/guitarists/brothers in Avantgard decided they had had enough making music, so they quit and dissolved the band. Wardaemonic, being the brainchild of Regnator, sprung up in the summer of 2005, very soon after, in fact. Wardaemonic, in that incarnation, represented 3/6ths of the original Avantgard lineup.
2. Regnator and Wardaemonic Old abandoned a couple of years ago, has been very complicated to replace other musicians Why Wardaemonic decided to leave?
Regnator and Old left Wardaemonic to pursue a darker, slower and more deliberate style, which we support wholeheartedly. But initially that's the direction they wanted to push this band, hence the dramatic shift of the material on the 'Proclamation' EP. Eventually we couldn't reconcile our musicla differences and they quit.
3. After the release of "Through the Dark Pale Gravelands" and "Echoes of Ageless Flames" last 2013 you released the EP "Proclamation" I think a sound more death than your previous albums, how important has been the presence of Belthion (who recently left the band) and Lord Bane is new shed in your music?
Whilst Belthion and Bane have been vital to our performance and sound, they haven't really contributed much to the creative process. That's not by their choice, though, it's because we (Blitz -Music & Maelstrom - lyrics/patterns) had already written almost eveyrthing prior to their arrival. But their application and dedication to their craft has been admirable.
4. How was the writing and recording process of "Proclamation"? Everyone brings ideas when composing or decisions of a leader are followed?
The songs were written in MIDI format on the computer. Then demoed at our drummer Maelstrom's Studio. The first demo was exclusively Blitz on bass and guitar, Maelstrom on drums and voice, then the second demos (preproduction) had everyone do their own parts. We found it easier if the completed songs were brough to the table. It's quicker, there are less arguments on structure and everyone seemed contented by their own parts.
5. Which are your main musical influences and how they are present in your music?
That's a difficult question. Everything you've ever listened to, love it or hate it, serves to sculpt your musical vision. Whether it's components that are subconsiously included or sound you would deliberately eschew.
There are too many bands to consider, but everyone listens to the classics, Emperor, Akercocke, Dark Funeral, Deathspell Omega. But there is also a healthy respect for modern death metal, from Origin right through to Immolation. There is a considerable amount of prog and rock and classical music also.
6. Which brand of tools do you use to record in a studio and that differ from those you use at concerts?
We try and bring as much of our studio sound to the stage as possible. Using our Peavey amps, various brands of guitar and bass, as well as drum triggers and Brady Snares. We also play live to a click track, the same ones used on our recordings, so our speeds never vary. We also use our created soundscapes live to create broader pallates with which to paint.
7. Wearing long active in different projects what you think about the current black metal scene with respect to a few years ago?
We believe the scene hasn't changed all that much. At least in Australia. We have noticed the rise in hipster black metal, but it's small and yet to catch on in the mainstream. The stalwards of Australian Black metal remain intact and for that, We are thankful.
8. Last year coinciding with the release of "Proclamation" I embarcasteis on a U.S. tour, what are your memories of the concerts and the American public? - And most recently did the concerts that you shared you with Enslaved scenario in Australia?
We were fortunate enough to be included on the MartyrDoom (New York) Festival, courtesy of our dear friends at Signature Riff. This we consider our break out performance, as it was our first out of our own country and gained us alot of recognition in a country where we were hitherto unrepresented. We met a number of new friends on the road and played with some excellent bands, Ashencult, Manticore and Kommandant not being the least of them.
The Enslaved show was special to us as it gave us a chance to showcase some of our older, pagan material, with clean singing and down tempos. We felt we really nailed the atmosphere at that show and left the death metal at home, for one night, at least.
9. After "Proclamation" is supposed to editareis your new album this year, are there dates for publication and will be published by a record label, title, etc?
We have none of any of the above to share, yet, All i can say is it's 7 tracks, almost 50 minutes and fucking fast. Although we are seeking labels.
10. "Proclamation" is available through your bandcamp page, no? Stamp has been interested in publishing "Proclamation" or believe on the contrary that this is the best way to offer your music?
Yes, all of our music is available in digital or on hard format via the bandcamp ( For something like the 'Proclamation' EP, this was so we had a new product to take on our first international tour. Label representation was not important for it, but in future we definitely need a wider domain to spread to.
11. Who designed the cover of "Proclamation"? Represents what and how it relates to music?
The EP cover was envisioned and designed entirely by our good friend and confidant James Campbell from local band Mhorgl. He has been pivital in our design process for a number of years, also helping with many smaller jobs and the logo for the 'Echoes...' album, too.
The Proclamation to us was a statement that after such a member transition, we were not going to fade into obscurity. It was our return statement, but also an intermissiary piece between albums, since they are four years apart. I think our skeleton bat king looks grandiose, self-assured. A very thematic piece.
12. How did you get started in music, the first concerts you attend, you heard first cds and why you decided to be a musician and why you chose the battery? Still retaining the same enthusiasm as when you started?
I started playing drums in 1996 at high school. I attended some local shows, with local and national bands, before i saw Metallica in 1998. Before that it was mostly indi music and rock. I don't know any of us decided to be musicians, we all have day jobs to support that. The drums i fell into, at random. i actually had no prior inclination to play anything, really. After a while i found i was good at it. But the enthusiasm took time to come, I'm more into it now than i ever have been!
13. Besides editing the new album, What future plans do you have for Wardaemonic?
We have to tour Australia again, under the steam of the new album, as it has been some time since we've gotten as far as Melbourne and Sydney. Coupled with the fact we've never played Brisbane at all! International shows will come in time, but we've neglected our home for too long.
14.Thank you very much for your time talking to Black Metal Spirit. If you want to add something to the followers of Wardaemonic, now is the time. Were the questions I hope to your liking?
Please link to our and also the
The questions were fine, thanks for your time!
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