viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017


Origen: Australia
Formados: 2017
Estilo: Raw black metal
Temática: Guerra, paganimso romano y suicidio
Enlaces: Bandcamp
  • The Infernal Emperor - Lepidus Plague - Todos los intrumentos y voces
  • Will to Dominate All Life Demo 2017
  • One Thousand Years of the Wolf Demo 2018
  • From the Ashes of Empire Demo 2018
  • An Imperial Sun Rises Demo 2019
  • Howling Sanguine Triumph Split 2019
  • Of Carnage and Conquest Recopilatorio 2019  
  • Of Carnage and Conquest II Recopilatorio 2019
  • Kommodus CD 2020
  • Eclipsing Honour & Decay Split 2020
  • Demonstration Collection Recopilatorio 2021  
  • Immortal Ceremonies Split 2021  
  • Poison & Perseverance Split 2021
  • Wreath of Bleeding Snowfall CD 2023
  • Meridians of Sacrifice Split 2023
  • Constellations of Fatality and Metamorphosis Split 2024
Siete temas conforman esta primera demo de la one man australiana Kommodus. Siete temas compuestos desde la crudeza, la rabia y la desesperación a base de un riffs afilados y crudos, voces que rayan la agonía y el sufrimiento más puro y un sonido inmersivo que es una pesadilla de dolor y rabia. El caos más absoluto se apodera del oyente desde prácticamente el comienzo de esta demo, la facilidad de The Infernal Emperor - Lepidus Plague para construir riffs cortantes está fuera de toda duda y a lo largo de cada uno de los temas va dejando un buen puñado de ellos, algunos se cuelan en un segundo plano y aportar unas sensaciones próximas a la melancolía. Las voces, de tono agresivo y crudas, desprenden odio y dolor, pregonando el fin de la raza humana de una vez por todas. Este sentimiento de odio y de desesperación está muy presente a lo largo de este trabajo, resultando sin lugar a dudas la mayor influencia de esta obra. Estamos ante una demo que no dejará indiferente al oyente, y decir esto en los tiempos que corren no resulta sencillo. The Infernal Emperor - Lepidus Plague se sirve de elementos conocidos, para construir una obra profunda y desconcertante, en donde aportes de cosecha propias que ha sabido incluir, véase: algunas voces dobladas, el enfoque más melódico en un segundo plano en algunos registros y la atmósfera cargada y densa; sólo repercute que estemos ante una obra precisa y directa. (7,9).

1. Chant of Thy Ancestors Lupine 01:53  

2. Wolves of Rome 05:14
   Achtung Ancestors Lupine! Awake from your thousands year slumber 
Rise from your tombs of dirt underneath the seven hills 
I summon thee, howl and will towards power 
Hear thy orders to subjugate, dominate and war supremacy 

Wolves of Rome 
Rise again 
Cause might is right and with my lupine reich 
I will conquer 'til the end 

The frontier will be restored and stretch passed its golden standard 
Dominion will be reinstated over those crude and primitive 
Return us thy iron Latium, butcher and vanquish all resisters 
Force the weak to submit like their forefathers before them 

The red moon glows like a wound in the midnight dark 
And our gods watch from their celestial constellations above 
March onwards army of Romulus, thy first wolven king 

The guiding light will shine so bright it'll blind the world until the end of man, until the cold earth sleeps 

Wolves of Rome 
Rip and tear 
Cause might is right and with my lupine reich 
I will usher in this new nightmare
3. The Dreaming God 05:20
   Thunder and lightning split the sky, the ocean roars and thrashes
The earth shakes throughout the land, animals cower and hide 
The return of a darkness is whispered throughout the kingdoms 
Rumours of an awakening, of a name in barbarous tongue, thought forgotten 

Dreaming god, spread your wings, a new dawn will rise 
Dreaming god, take your flight, let us hear your cry 

The ritual is complete, the chalice overfloweth with sacrifice 
Praise be to this martyrdom, for the ancient god of the Wurms 
Now shatter your marble chrysalis, flex thy muscles stiffened from slumber 
Take to thy throne, cloak the world in your shadow, for an eternity to pass 

Feast on the pallid flesh of man like ripened fruit 
Assuage your thirst with mortal blood like wine 
The weak will be conquered or crushed like rats 
The strong will serve by your left hand, a devotion to divinity 

The reign of the dreaming god has begun 
Kneel down before the drainer of stars, swallower of the sun
4. Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald 05:01
Wild eyes glow through the trees, a storm suffocates the sky The forest is thick with impatient muffled cries The legions march onwards with heavy ignorant steps Oblivious to the vassal plotting their grizzly deaths Arminius, treacherous leech, traitor to Rome, our Orcus you'll meet Hermann, betrayer, leech, assembler of the tribes of death, drowning our lights reach. The sons of Rome ambushed, a spite-fuelled massacre Rained upon by tribesmen's spears, surrounded for slaughter Iron tactics useless, Arminius attacks what he already knows Three legions surrounded, suffering this fierce Germanic blow The gilded eagle eroded, the roman standard lost In the depths of Teutoburg, Rome's legions paid their cost Slain within the woods, murdered in swamp and bog Twenty thousand casualties in the forest fog Brave men devoured, to appease a barbarous god But in Teutoburg forest, their spirits remain, singing their frontier song 
5. Spiritual Sickness and the Suffering Soul 04:38
  Spat on, in the face of a constant mockery 
Howling for armageddon 
Sour soil filling body, spirit eroding, emptiness 
The trumpets of redemption are blowing on deafened ears 

Failing to summon the light 
Barbed-wire nooses my throat 
Tortured in trammels, I am thy own retribution 
Falling on sword, no twelve labours of penance for me 

A Sisyphus crushed by thy boulder 
Rotting, let the vestiges of thy carrion 
Be consumed by the vultures, by the worms 
Let me be erased, forgotten, dust
6. War (Burzum) 02:33  
  This is war!

I lie wounded, on wintery ground
With hundreds of corpses, all around
Many wounded, crawl helpless around
On the blood, red snowy ground


Cries of death (ha ha) suffering sound
Cries for help, to all their dead moms


Many hours, of music
Many drops, of blood
Many shiverings, and I am... DEAD!
And still, we must never give up

7. In the Banquet Hall of the Mighty Wulfīnaz King 01:32  

Black/Thrash Metal from Germany
Evil Spell / Undercover Records, 2015

12" black Vinyl (140g) 
on upgraded 300gsm w-w carton, coated paper with 5mm spine Cover
8 Page Booklet On 170gsm Paper


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