domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


Origen : Finlandia, Tampere
Formados : 1998
Estilo : Black
Temática : Satanismo, anticristianismo, odio y muerte
Enlaces : facebookmyspace.
Miembros : 

Lord Sargofagian Todos los instrumentos, Voces

Discografía :

Satanic Rituals Demo 1998
Sons of Ruin & Terror Demo 2000  
The Beherial Midnight CD 2002
Primitive Finland Split 2003  
Baptism / Uncreation's Dawn Split 2004  
Black Ceremony EP 2004  
Wisdom & Hate EP 2004
Morbid Wings of Sathanas CD 2005
Evil Mysteries EP 2006
Grim Arts of Melancholy CD 2008
Chalice of Death EP 2010
As the Darkness Enters CD 2012
Gloria Tibi Satana Recopilatorio 2015
V: The Devil's Fire CD 2016

Este As the Darkness Enters, supone el cuarto trabajo de banda finesa, trabajo oscuro que desprende una halo místico  Oscuridad y melancolía creados a base de unos teclados y melodías muy trabajados en una obra en donde sobresales los cambios de ritmo de la batería y el gusto por los pasajes evocadores, junto con una guitarra por momentos próxima a registros más accesibles y la voz de Lord Sargofagian que dota al conjunto de la personalidad necesaria .Quizá el grupo no reciba el mismo reconocimiento que otras bandas afines, pero el fan de Baptism sabe lo que se va a encontrar en sus disco y una vez más nos saldrá defraudado. (8)

1. Introduction 01:49  
2. Bringer of Misery 05:06
Altar of SerpentNine candles are burning, between every other

Glimmer of incense

and morbid odor of human skull

true darkness surrounding us
Only love is sacred
let hate be eternal
the pure odor of fornication and flesh
Loneliness, temple inside my head
Human soul, knowledge and the ruler
Hell is present, past and that which is yet to come
Future, despair and waiting, with me
There are no other in this room
and footprints already lost in dust
Perfect peace and nostalgy ruling
Tired of life and unclean
(I pacify my mind and close my eyes)
And we will see His glory again
O' Satan, the source of my power
Thy Oneness is a flame unyielding
Immortal Prince of the Depths
Praised be thy name
And that, my power

3. Chalice of Death 05:42

Deep green sea opens, raging to the horizonGround breaths forth desperate air
And from amidst the fire not seen
by all, boasts out the voice
From the darkness I cry for you (Lord Satan)

I see a Fragile constellation,
from beyond this universe
A breath of death to my inner hell
My light as by the will of its creator (Lucifer)
A spark from the forge within Earth's core

If that breath could set free
If I could leave everything
and travel beyond realities
I would rise to my lips the Chalice of Death
and drink without the smallest hesitation
Clear pleasure, lascivious strength
Fervent, wavelike power

Sinä kuoleman malja ja sisäinen tuli
Sinä vapahdus ja kadotus kaikessa läsnä
Sinusta me olemme tehdyt ja sinuun hajoamme
Sinä iänkaikkinen ja ikuinen

4. The Prayer 08:18

All is made with human handsYet no laughter heard
But cracks on broken idols are smiling
When fire out-poured
Darkness became light
When you can't see Samael you're him
These words are silence, like all else
My Master, why hast thou remembered me
Kneeling at my altar of everything
Three gates below grant paradise by breaking it
Behold through me, for you are the Eye
Serpents crawl from older dusks
Soon hunting on altars of flesh
Knowing you I will become that prey
Which grows only stronger by its perpetual death
And when I will stand on the ashes
I Will see
I Will see the face of God
The edge of horizon who splits the night
Hearing the blessing
Of discordant choir
From the depths I call for you O' Lord
From the forms and names I reach for You
You are the blood and you are the nerves
You are the hands that unite in Prayer
"All of it consumed, fools gold turned to blessing
The wounds upon my palms, pierced by no shallow words
Still time to wake up, no time to look back, though"
No more waiting
Indulge on blood-baked bread
It's everything
From fertile ashes
Behind the stars
Of darkness
Of Master
For my time
I have taken
                                                            5. Esoteric Spheres 06:28
No path, no one to witness my return
Through the darkness I flew
Questions turned to answers
Answers turned to awe
Despair, thou made me strong

Horrible yet beautiful, this unearthly domain
Made by no human hand
Seen by none but the chosen
For only few can understand this form of holiness
The lonely, the burning ones

When walls crumble - when floor gives away
Outside the cosmos - is still breathing
Beyond flesh and blood - more profane than those
Mysteries of Satan - unfolding in tranquil vision
Which i never left

Utter loneliness breeds lucid insanity
Fragments of man at your feet
The trail is took within, there is no other way
You must reach beyond dreams
Find something other to arrive
6. Sieluni Temppeli 06:13

Kuin tyynen lammen pinta
Avautuu musta kirkkaus yläpuolellani
Alapuolellani läpäisee sydämeni
Huuleni eivät liiku, kun kuiskaan kaikkein pyhimmän nimen

Temppelin valkea suonikas marmori
Tanssissa kohti Häntä
Hän hymyilee
Jumalani Saatana
Hänen lempeät kätensä
kavoillani kuin varjot

Huudan tyhjyyteen sanattomasti, henkeä vetämättä, ikuisesti
jokainen päivä sirpale täydellisyyden mosaiikkia
Hiljaisuus itse Hänen äänensä
ja kaikki on hiljaisuutta sille joka sen kuulee

Antikristus kukkien kruunu ohimoillaan
Hymyilee liekkien keskeltä
Tervehtien uutta aamuruskoa

Terve, isäni Lucifer, ihmisen mestari
Ylistetty on sinun nimesi ikuisuuteen
7. Spell of Penitence 04:54 
  Silent night, black as the Abyss
Stars have fled this evening of Northland
Human blood spilled in rivers
From hearts rejoicing their destiny
Behind is the Baptism of black fire
before is Life and Death, joined in eternity

Silent night, patterned by cold lights from above
As bowels of clouds are torn open
Revealed the shining treasures of space
Distant gemstones and the moonlike blazing Moon
Under these our hearts weep again, again
To open to the sacred mysteries of Satan

Fratres, agnoscamus peccata nostra
Ut apti simus ad sacra mysteria celebranda

I have let the light tempt me
I have sought happiness before reality
I have thought there's something else but me
I forgot Thy Grace is in everything

"Now, the heart of night is cut open, from darkness the visions of madness are spilled, filled with beauty, full of life"

Knowledge older than man is revealed
By dedication, by the spells, and the grace of Satan
Black embrace of night is opening all around me
8. Casus in Tenebris 07:48

Under the highest powers, this is how it is meant
And this is how it's always been, Fuck the World

Sparkling like fire is that
Funeral procession in my mind
I am living that darkest time
Collapsing everything behind
From the stars and forests I find myself
Closer to myself

I'd like to sink, but only As The Darkness Enters
Death is a holy communion before dawn of a new age

From darkness I receive my power, I feel so close now
Like a breath on my hair or touching my skin
as a stranger in this world
Red as blood and black as chaos is this touch
That I've adored just to see the truth

On the wings of burning chaos, riding the Apocalypse
Let chaos come, I remain standing, I keep it in my embrace
Casus In Tenebris, potestas umbrae et mortis

So beautiful is that nightwing along which we ride
The path of our ancestors
Along the life forgotten, as the ruins of burning world
Give rhythm to this procession

I am darkness who fell, light disappearing
Let destruction and harmony rise, from between life and death

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