sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013


Su Ep homónimo del pasado año, ya nos puso sobre aviso del potencial de Vallendusk y este Black Clouds Gathering no hace más que corroborarlo. Siendo un banda relativamente novel es increíble lo bien que suenan, consiguiendo un sonido muy maduro y trabajado. Reseñable resulta sin duda el excelente trabajo a las guitarras con unos riffs muy atmosféricos, paganos y melódicos, junto con partes de guitarra acústica que que elevan el resultado final. Buen trabajo también a la batería que con un ritmo incesante mantiene el pulso a las composiciones y por último excelente también el trabajo llevado a cabo en las voces por Rizky que a diferencia de su anterior Ep ha ganado en ciertos matices sin perder la contundencia y desgarro que hacía gala anteriormente también. La producción de este álbum es magnifica y acentúa la majestuosidad de sus composiciones, aumentando la sensación de frialdad y oscuridad del black que nos ofrecen. Podemos también intuir algunas pinceladas de post rock o sonido vanguardista en ciertos momentos de las composiciones, lo que nos da una idea de la riqueza de las composiciones que conforman esta obra, eso si en ningún momento se le pierde la cara a la guitarra que considero el instrumento más importante y sobre el que gira todo el peso de este Black Clouds Gathering. Resulta, eso si, un álbum realmente largo en cuanto a duración y por ende debido a sus estructuras cambiantes puede llegar a desbordar al oyente que se puede sentir un tanto perdido en tanta estructura y evolución musical. A pesar de esto, este trabajo tiene que ser comprendido a través de la profundidad, reflexibilidad y sobre todo por la calidad de la música que contiene. (8,7).
1. Fragments of Light 09:28
Floating around a thousand of dust An ocean of time and space Drift through all of life in grave A sign round in our hands reads to earth or burst As we are spinning in the darkness of blackest night Time is shifting sands have left us behind As if exploding through an endless rift An ocean of time and space Drift through all of life in grave Through vast expanses of dark and light Over the horizon shines the lunar's many lines In all their mighty glory, above the eternal shade, As the oceanic breeze begins to fade Into the darkness skies We are alone in a vast ocean Of constellations  
2. Shades of Grey 09:06  
3. To Wander and Beyond 08:00
Wandering... searching for the shadow in an endless field
The sun is shining but we can't see it. Can't see the sky
Falling to the ground, with the light of the sunguiding us
To a trail thick with thorns, in a forest dark and bleak

Mysteries of night,watching from the skies,
As the light in blind scenery, and the darkness in single strides

As the twilight realms, shadowed clouds of silence,
We find a crimson sword, forged in an ancient vale
where fell a forest hail. We traveled to the hither lands
Beyond the foaming ocean, the wind blown the shadow

Over moor and mountain, forest and land, soaring over
Into the never-ending grasses, that move like a thousand hands waving
Vast expanses of nothingness, a solitary figure against the endless sky,
We came in colours of every shade
4. Into the Mist 08:49  
The journey begins from the hollows
Through the forest trails
Creating way on the mossed ground,
A breeze howling through the air,
And voices carried out throughout the forest,
They forge on a head blazing their way like ancestors before.
Into the unknown and dense forest they roam

The scars remain
Feeling the swells of the ocean echo
The growing darkness.
Roaming the woods
In the labyrinth of a shattered mind
With the full of mist
They embraced the portal dream
Parallel dimensions

Lurking silently in the mist and haze
Forgotten by the world
Isolated from life
Wandering all alone
5. Among the Giants 09:28
The roots of the mountain, dwell deep in dark earth Forlorn against bright stars, wild beasts clamber Around in the darkness, feasting on fear The howling winds, marching the journey towards the mountain The soughing winds, shrouding the giant with the darkness. Weighty is the sight... The spirit flame shall alight... The sun is rising. Shall wear the mountain down. The might time fall, can break its colossal back. The nefarious witch of death mountain. Wrapped in the evening cold The sky slowly bled, welcoming the foreboding night
6. Realms of the Elder 09:45
walk down paths beneath the mountains Listen to the wind blow through outstretched forests, Carrying ade old stories told by ancient voices As they rise above, Reaching their arms to the sky Like the spines of serpents Among the ivory of darkness creature Frozen now, in blankest at our feet Doomed to eternal suffering. The ground, disturbed by the human Carrying ade old stories told by ancient voices As they rise above, Reaching their arms to the sky Like the spines of serpents wrought from the netherworld Long lost stories fly on ancient wings Forgotten forever By the eyes and tongues of humans Lost beneath the sands of time 
7. Land of the Lurking Twilight 13:05
In the land of the sky when nighttime rises, The trees become shades of grey, white and black, The water is tinged with a reddish glow, The mountains and skies formations change with the wind The sun sinking beneath the waves strands of wonder, through the night Descending as the stars, for a past that never was and silence falls eternal darkening day Turned it into the night We seeing the light fade, and the darkness rising We feel the shadows creep along the horizon Darkness sorrounding us, the light darkens rippling across the sky. Shadows creep along the horizon, hurtling spears to pierce the night As night crept back into the world, we farewelled the twilight land As beneath the waters swirled, the dusk will bring fourth... a rebirth Lurking the twilight mountains, far over the deep blue ocean A dark tale and a song of nautical, To the land of ancient night  

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