Origen: Suiza, Zürich
Formados: 2014
Estilo: Blackened death metal
Temática: El más allá y rituales de Zoroastro
Enlaces: Bandcamp, facebook, instagram y spotify
- H.A.T.T. Batería
- Kerberos Bajo, guitarra y voces
- Passageways to Daena (The Concomitant Blessings of Putrescing Impurity) Demo 2015
- Of Hermits and Gallows (The Synthesis of Illuminating Ascension and the Madness of a Primitive Mind) Split 2015
- Astiwihad-Zohr EP 2015
- Decrepit Utterances of Unseen Horrors Split 2018
- Hamkar Atonement CD 2018
- Birth of Flesh (Nama Karana) Single 2021
- The Gaze of Ahura (The King) Single 2021
- The Cry of Filth (Agerept) Single 2021
- Blessings of Amurdad CD 2021
Segundo álbum para este combo suizo que entrega un extenso álbum en donde a groso modo podemos describir su sonido como blackened death metal, sin embargo la profundidad de la propuesta y un buen número de matices acercan su sonido a terrenos más ambientales, épicos y por que no también doom. Este "Blessings of Amurdad" suena poderoso, muchas veces con un sonido que logra un tono casi que inmersivo en el oyente, riffs profundos y densos nos van sacudiendo al tiempo que una batería impenetrable logra un ritmo a veces cadencioso, otros a modo de mantra pero sin perder un ápice tanto si hablamos de lo compacta que suena como del dinamismo que otorga al resultado final del álbum. La atmosfera es densa y asfixiante, logrando trasladarnos al lejano oriente, a una ambientación podrida y mohosa con un aporte de arreglos de instrumentación oriental perfectamente engranada en unos riffs que suenan aplastantes y demoledores, con un equilibrio casi que perfecto entre la voracidad de un sonido black/death, como con una vertiente que tiene más que ver con el doom o el thrash. No podemos pasar por alto las voces cavernosas, directas y agresivas que acentúan el carácter oscuro del álbum, al que hay que sumar lo logrado de la temática trasmitido tanto porel apartado vocal como por la ambientación ofrecida. Sonidos poderosos y potentes, pesados en ciertas secciones, que saben arremeter con fuerza cuando la situación lo requiere, engarzando elementos del death y black, todo ello rodeado de un carácter épico, pero que al mismo tiempo sabe traer algunos pasajes sin tanta agresividad y que nos traen una ambientación digamos que oriental pero sin perder el tono oscuro y denso de todo el álbum (7,7).
1. The Stench of the Wretched (Forsake Him!) 09:03
Is it in his name that thou hath forsaken the truth?
The truth! The holy one!
For thou hath the stench of the wretched (holy one)
And all his riches clothe thine back
The truth! The holy one! The truth! The holy one!
Treachery, most foul heretical mind,
The truth! The holy one!
Stand with me, before the shrine of holy fire!
Naught is good, all is wrought
It is I who has been chosen by our true Lord,
reveal yourself jealous one! Reveal yourself, reveal!
Reveal yourself jealous one
Come forth and be undone
Reveal yourself jealous one
Come forth and be undone by thine divinity!
The truth! The holy one! The truth! The holy one!
Come forth and see the truth
The truth! The holy one!
Thou hath the stench of the wretched
All his riches clothe thine back
2. The Gaze of Ahura (The King) 04:43
Wretched keeper of the flame seeker
Hath thou born witness to the perversion of thine teachings?
Ah, for naught, as it is I who invokes the blessings eternal of our Lord
Be it not for me, never would the mortal creature
Dare ascend to the divine
The King! Blessed in the gaze of Ahura!
The King! Gilded in devotion
And when the feeble ascend to the shrine of our lord
We shall refuse entry and ascension!
Entry and ascension!
The King! Blessed in the gaze of Ahura!
For they hath not shown
Their purity and devotion
Their flesh is rotten and their eyes bleed!
(Only the most devout may heed his call, for his name is glory and his gaze fruitful!)
The King! Blessed in the gaze of Ahura!
The King! Gilded in devotion!
3. Atash Bahram 04:25
Oh mortal one
Doth thou dare stand before me?
Oh mortal one
Doth thou dare heed his word?
I beseech these offerings immortal one
Doth thou dare refuse me?
These gifts of men, doth thou dare?
4. The Cry of Filth (Agerept) 06:54
Breath deep from the sacred flame, heed my word
As it is in his name that thou doth forsake thine heresy
Scoured and flayed!
The wretched doth rise as the sun in the morn
For he hath betrayed!
The filthy doth cry from the rotten tomb!
Hath thou begged for forgiveness?
Speak the truth, speak the truth, holy one!
Hath thou not sought his blessing?
Speak the truth, speak the truth, holy one!
In his name doth thou forsake thine heresy?
Scoured! Decayed!
The wretched doth rise as the sun in the morn
For he hath betrayed!
The filthy lay dead in a rotten tomb!
The cry of filth has found thee wretched and unclean
For he hath bestowed upon thee glory
Heed the whispers of our Lord
For he hath forsaken the true flame!
The sacred flame, besmirched
Heed this word, as in his name
Thou hath done great harm to thine kin
(And shall never forsake thine heresy)
Dare not beg for forgiveness?
Speak but lies, speak but lies holy one!
Dare not seek his true blessing?
Speak but lies, speak but lies holy one!
5. Birth of Flesh (Nama Karana) 05:52
Before thee, the shrine of immortality
Witness this testament to divine purity
Dare ascend, birth of flesh yet be weary
Thou shalt Concede thine mortality and pray!
The treachery!
Forgiveness from the holy
Forgiveness from the glorious one!
What treachery!
Yet gazing through the shrine as a carcass sprawled upon
Drapery is the treachery of mortal lust
He who is wary of the treacherous nature of mortal flesh shall never stray
From the path divine
He shall forsake his riches and imbibe from the chalice
(From the chalice of our lord!)
Thine flesh soaked by the rot of mortality
(Heed the blessings of our lord!)
He shall Forsake his riches and imbibe from the chalice
(From the chalice of our lord!)
Come forth now, and for eternity
(Heed the blessings of our lord!)
Refusal! The ignorance of man
Cast down and delivered to thine putrid kin!
Birth of flesh, unforgiven
From the holy, the glorious one!
Never attain his purity
Feeble mortal, cast down for treachery
(In the service of his light)
6. Afrinagan 03:39
7. Oath of Purity (Amahraspand) 07:57
Dare not betray thine oath to Ahura
Lest thee be willing to forsake thine divinity
Are ye he who shalt forsake his riches
(his riches spent)
Witness the glory of our holy Lord
Forsake them! Only his name is glory
(Our holy Lord)
Bestowed upon thee by our holy Lord!
Our holy, our holy Lord
Our holy, our holy Lord
He who doth speak good words and is of kind spirit
Come forth unclean one!
Cast aside these dispersions of immortality
The blessings of purity
Thou weareth a wreath upon thine scalp
In worship to the feeble, now cast asunder!
Invoke his name and be forgotten!
Thine hopes in true divinity
Our holy, our holy Lord
His riches, his riches spent
Forsake them! Only his name is glory
(Our holy Lord)
Bestowed upon thee by our holy Lord!
Our holy, our holy Lord
Our holy, our holy Lord
Come forth unclean one,
cast aside thine immortality...
The blessings of purity...
Come forth unclean one
(Unclean! Unclean!)
Cast aside thine immortality
The blessings of purity
(Unclean! Unclean!)
Thou weareth a wreath upon thine scalp
Thou hath betrayed thine oath to Ahura
And thus forsaken thine divinity
Beseeched upon thee true riches, worship them
For thou shalt attain true glory
Bestowed upon thee by our holy Lord, Ahura
8. The Rite of Dominion (Shehrevar) 08:59
Ancient whispers of holy, heed my call!
The blessed spirit! In thine name doth be bask in the
blood of mortals...
In search of thine wisdom
Seeking the rite of dominion
In thine name, the impurities of flesh shall be smitten
The rite, the rite of dominion
The rite, the rite of the damned
I drink from thine wisdom, attain the rite
The rite, the rite of dominion
Cast to the chasm of dark where no man may prevail
Ancient whispers of holy, I call thee!
Oh blessed spirit! In thine name doth we bask in the
blood of mortals...
Feast upon these offerings
Oh holy one!
These gifts of men are but a shrine to thine divinity
Yet as we seek thine blessing, we are weary of the earth
And as we have thine blessing, we are weary of the earth
Yet as I give mine blessing, be not weary of the earth
And as I give mine blessing, be not weary of the earth
The rite of dominion
The rite of the damned
I feast upon thine offerings, oh mortal one
Beware these gifts of men
Are but a shrine to mine divinity
And drink of mine wisdom
Through the rite, the rite of dominion
In thine name, the impurities of flesh shall be smitten!
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