domingo, 27 de julio de 2014


Origen: Holanda, South Limburg
Formados: ?
Estilo: Black metal atmosférico y progresivo
Temática: Humanidad, naturaleza y padecimiento
  • Nimblkorg Guitarra, bajo, batería, teclados y voces
  • Emergence CD 2014
  • Transience CD 2018
  • Follow the River Single 2023  
  • Convergence CD 2023
  • 2004​-​2006 Demo Album (20th Anniversary Celebration) Recopilatorio 2024
No ha dejado de sorprenderme el debut de esta banda holandesa, su música se hunde en lo profundo del metal atmosférico y melódico de finales de los noventa y con una propuesta en la cual las detalles están muy cuidados consiguen ofrecer un buen puñado de temas en donde hay un peso importante de las partes instrumentales de bella factura. Su música es afrontar un viaje a lo profundo de la naturaleza y dejarse llevar por ensoñaciones paganas, todo ello gracias a un excelente trabajo de guitarras que como comentaba anteriormente destacan en el aspecto melódico pero que no dejan de lado un aire pagano que se ve refrendado por el aporte de unos teclados sombríos y melódicos. En su propuesta hay cabida también para algún atisbo de metal progresivo pero esta vertiente esta bien encuadrado en la visión general de su música que no es otra que mantener siempre su fidelidad al aspecto más clásico del black melódico. Con una batería correcta y unas voces la mayor parte de las veces un tanto agresivas pero que crea un contraste interesante con la música. En líneas generales "Emergence" es un álbum de black melódico muy recomendable, me atrevería a comentar que está entre lo más destacable de estos último meses. (8,2).

1. I Am the Abyss 08:50  instrumental
2. Emergence 06:27
 Entrapped between matter and chaos 
Where the future and past are as one 
In my dreams I have seen a reflection 
Of the unworld that is to become 
I sought knowledge inside this arcanum 
And perhaps I have travelled too far 
For a vision so bitter and horrid 
Now forever my soul enscars 

Relieved from the Shell of Unessence 
I awoke in a barren scape 
Engulfed by the desperate struggle 
Of a world becoming a grave 
I wandered up a dreaded hill 
What I saw there my heart afroze 
A weeping tree as black as ash 
Where humongous stormclouds rose 

I stared at the sorrowful creature 
Feeling what it had seen and known 
Now at the end of all creation 
Tears of blood from its branches flow 
A figure in gloom then appeared to me 
Underneath him the ones that I loved 
And with inhumane voice he declared to me 
That my life was paid through their blood 

Then I faced the gaping infinity 
As a choir of agonal cries 
Overwhelmed me with purest cacophony 
And my soul locked in flesh again was 
Now I stride towards ashen horizons 
As I breathe the undoing of life 
Unfolding my destination 
In a world where no hope lies
3. Edin in Ashes 06:19  
 Bitter is the taste of my contempt for those 
protecting their dreamscape; as such becoming foe 
of humanity and reason; for truth they can't endure 
Reality denied; like sick that fear the cure 

I paint myself with the blood of life 
so cruelly culled by the hands of Adam 
Armed with hate and malice; for millennia to come 
and with the vengeance of that 
which will be coldly laid to waste without regrets 

I can no longer sit back and watch 
whilst this abomination takes its course 

Unknowing was our kind, when he was made to be 
a demon in holy skin, whose light has blinded ever since 
and inspired foolishness for generations to come and last 

Life just runs its course; no entity to blame 
No swarm of spiteful locusts, to plunder in his holy name 
I've seen both past and future; the rape of life to be 
So I will do what must be done; revealed to me 

Visions of mass destruction 
amassing strength within my soul 
A cage to hold the fury 
of the grim works beyond my grasp 
I can see their temple of Lies 
appearing in front of me 
An empire of wrath and exile 
which was never supposed to be 

The glorious destruction of both religion and mankind... 

Edin lifeless in ashes lies 

Then I found myself in a courtyard 
A thousand eyes accusing me 
To rally the course of the future and more 
for countless new horrors the way made free 

There is no action without consequence 

As I freed myself from the clutches of guilt 
One cannot change what has been done 
The lesson learned alas my friends 
the battle’s never, ever, truly won! 

A man must fall to rise again.
4. This World Shall Fall 03:28
Slowly – yet steadily the curtain for mankind falls Like chariots, unmanned, we ride straight towards the chasm (And) just as sure, as the wind blows our great walls will crumble We are drawn – like poison from a wound now only emptiness remains We have abandoned; cast our rights away We have run our course The final chapter; is closing near as vultures circle to feed Like chariots, unmanned, we ride straight towards the chasm This world shall fall!   
5. Squandered Paradise 04:24
Humankind has squandered the gifts that Mother gave A world of wealth and plenty; led to an early grave And paths to so-called 'progress' with blood of millions paved Utopia soon out of reach as swords grew mightier than the plough Such promise of superiority tell me - where are we now? Bloodletting a planet and culling our own lives Caught in the wake of our self-destruction Hail the glorious humankind – Hail! hail the splendour of our kind! Hail the glorious mankind! Lack of understanding; about responsibility The kind we are so eager to avoid Evermanipulating - the bringers of war and woe A travesty within the cosmic scale Our legacy is fraught with death Battle-ridden and paid for in blood True bringers of violence and flame A tyranny of intellect; a vile manifestation An error of the universe; harbingers of damnation As history repeats itself time upon time and still we fail to learn Unworthy of the air we breathe; unworthy of our pride unworthy of our power; so gleefully abused Our kind stands here accused; of squandering it all We've been weighed; and swiftly found unworthy Weighed and found unworthy; of it all Evermanipulating - the bringers of war and woe A travesty within the cosmic scale Squandered paradise...
6. Eternal Forest 04:22  instrumental
7. The Cosmic Tide 06:37  instrumental
8. A New Dawn 06:37
  We are men of a thousand faces 
of the motionless mask 
underneath which a battle is raging 
and danger lies in losing grasp 

We must burn our boats; to leave behind 
the shores of our damnable past 
as we take a deep breath; through the fog 
that used to suffocate 

What's done is done; the dice were cast 
and the only path before us lies 
striding towards the riches of a new dawn 

But before we can relinquish 
the strangleholds of the past 
we must one last time revisit 
Those depths, where we hardly dare go 

Enter the mind! 
a bottomless pit of inspiration 
a bottomless pit of sorrow as well 
One must watch his steps 
not to fall in self-deception 

(Where) we once gave in 
To endless waves of melancholy 
The weight of the world 
and the torment of troubled souls 

There is no turning back now; to what once was 
As hardship transformed; the path has been forged 
Pain led to knowledge and insight 

So revel while you can; in the dusk of the past 
as a new dawn; grand; rejuvenous 
emerges through our hands 
Revel ye pity humans; in the dusk of the past 
as a new dawn emerges; emerges 
through our hands 

Therein lies hope; therein lies strength 
built on the ashes of the old world 
Therein lies life; therein lies meaning; therein lies strength 
as the sun of a new dawn engulfs the skies
9. The Sun No Longer 04:26  instrumental

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