jueves, 13 de junio de 2024



Origen: Brasil, Curitiba

Formados: 1992

Estilo: Black

Temática: Paganismo y satanismo

Enlaces: Facebookspotify y youtube


  • Fernando Bajo
  • Murmúrio Guitarra
  • Sucoth Benoth Voces
  • Tenebrae Aarseth Batería

  • Eternal Prophecies Demo 1992
  • Amen Corner EP 1992  
  • Fall, Ascension, Domination CD 1993
  • The Final Celebration EP 1994  
  • Iachol Ve Tehilá CD 1995
  • Darken in Quir Haresete EP 1999
  • Lucification CD 2007
  • Leviathan Destroyer CD 2010  
  • Chri$t Worldwide Corporation CD 2014
  • South American Tribute Split 2014  
  • Under the Whip and the Crown CD 2018  
  • Written by the Devil CD 2024
Amen Corner tal vez hay pasado demasiado desapercibida dentro de la escena a pesar de llevar más de treinta años en activo y mantenerse fiel a un sonido primitivo dentro del black, que le debe mucho sobre todo al heavy metal. Manteniendo como seña de identidad en su sonido el lograr un ritmo comedido, y lo que es más importante saber jugar con el para dotar a su propuesta de un dinamismo más que importante. Hay que destacar el enfoque que se le ha dado tanto a las guitarras como al bajo, por un lado los riffs están llenos de musicalidad, sin caer en una melodía excesiva, pero impregnados de un aroma a rock clásico la mayoría de las veces, todo ello pasando por una interpretación del bajo densa y no no exenta de cierta profundidad que otorga al sonido un carácter más denso, profundo y oscuro. Por su parte el trabajo de batería parece sacado de la década de las ochenta, con un buen dominio tanto de las intensidad como de sutiles cambios de ritmo que permiten que los temas transiten por terrenos muy clásicos, acercándolos peligrosamente muchas veces a un sonido muy rock. Las voces saben mostrarse profundas y perfectamente engarzadas con el plano musical en una faceta black/thrash, llenas de oscuridad y profundidad. Está claro que Amen Corner logran revivir el espíritu de sus primeros años, manteniéndose fiel al sonido que los dio a conocer, con algunos aportes más actuales, pero dominando ese sonido proto black que le debía tanto a estilos como el rock o el heavy. (8,4) 

1. Intro 01:24   instrumental
2. The War of the Antichrist 05:38
Over the centuries we’ve seen The running for power and conquerings Endless war, ideological wars Using a name of a god Using fucking Jesus Christ’s name Blood and easy money Wolves in sheep skin Endless war, ideological wars The war of the antichrist People believe in lies Manipulation and order Destroyed forests Dead nature The great work destroyed Death is imminent The war of the antichrist
3. The Protectors 05:28
   The screams echo through the house
Horror and frightening screams
Running in panic through the stairs
Someone asks what has happened

The old Mrs is in panic
Crying and screaming
Sitting on the bed
Who’s in the bedroom? Who?

The protectors

The protectors from inferno
Sitting on the bed
Smoking, drinking and mocking
They said they’re your protectors
I couldn’t stand looking at them
They said you belong to them
The protectors from inferno
That’s the way they’re called
4. Fall and Ascension 07:27
  The infinity, the infinity
I can’t see the end
So high, so high
Impossible see the end
So deep, deepest

Nothing goes that deep
A fatal fall
An impossible elevation
Nothing survives this descending

Oh Lucifer offer your blessings
Save me from this long fall
Take me to your kingdom
The infinity, the infinity

The test of devotion to Lucifer
The pain of falling
The elevation pleasure
Living in heights
For eternity, eternity...
Fall and Ascension
5. Signal from Beyond 05:34
   In the whisper of the night
Candles are lit
Tributes to relatives and friends
Who went to another dimension
We gather with the night
Waves of the sea are like voices

Bright light
I see faces and figures
Something approaches silently

Who are you spirit?
Tell your name
Light brights just like limitless fire
The figure is lit like a bonfire

Touching the body
Holding your hand
Signal from beyond
6. Inferno 03:10
   My eyes, my eyes, I can’t see
My eyes burn, where I am


My skin burns, my soul burns in flames
My hearts is frozen, where I am

My bones are torn apart, my soul melts
An endless pain
Horror, agony, despair, where I am

Screams and whispers
I feel pain emptiness and agony
Jesus doesn’t save
Where I am
In Satan’s land
7. Written by the Devil 06:45
  Always by our side, always inspiring us
Always protecting us, always showing the truth

Written by the devil
Always by our side
Written by the devil
He is our friend, He is our master

In dreams the revelation
Showing the vision, choosing the way
On the devil’s road, that takes us forward
Without fear and determination

Nothing will stop us
On the devil’s road Jesus has no time
With energy and strength
The power of the pentagram
The earth is on fire
Death and destruction

Written by the devil
Always by our side
Written by the devil
He is our friend, He is our master
8. The Splendor of Your Presence 04:34
Alu, the demon of Mesopotamia Amaymon, one of solomon’s demons Asmodeus, the destroyer Belzebuth, prince of devils Belial, the rebel Chemosh, god of Moabe Leviathan, the lord of the seas Lucifer, prince of demons, morning star Mammon, demon of greed and fortune Malphas, grand president of the infernal regions Satan, the great adversary, lord of fire
9. Lúcifer, a Suprema Luz da Manhã 04:45
Ó luz que que vem da escuridão Ilumina o meu caminho Ó Estrela que anuncia um novo dia, conduze-me Sois a luz que cega os incapazes de verem com meus olhos Tu és a Estrela Primeira A que caiu para que nos levantássemos A que foi banida do céu pela busca de conhecimento E como punição cursas as noites e os dias Em um ciclo interminável de aprendizado Tu eres Lúcifer A Estrela da Manhã que ascende aos céus Para que nós não soframos a queda na escuridão sem luz Sem sabedoria, sem conhecimento. Ó luz que que vem da escuridão Ilumina o meu caminho Ó Estrela que anuncia um novo dia, conduze-me Tu eres o Protetor Supremo Aquele a quem entrego meu caminho, Meu destino, minha vida E a quem busco quando quero a verdade. Não busco a verdade dos tolos Mas sim a Suprema Proteção Quando na ausência de certezas Tu sejas o Adversário, A dúvida, A questão incompleta Àquele a quem dedico a escuridão do meu coração  
10. Destroyer of Worlds (Bathory cover) 05:13  

Vinyl, 12", 45 RPM, EP

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