Good evening, thank you very much for answering these questions, how is everything going in Uppsala?
Heval: Hi! Everything is good in Uppsala thank you.
1. Third Storm started up in 1986, what led you to create the band? Why did you choose the name Third Storm and what does it refer to?
Heval: We were huge fans of bands of that era and we wanted to start a band of our own and make some noise. We were very young (14-15) very unfocused and untalented. The songs mostly sucked but we had the fire within us. We kept the band intact for two years and made some gigs before we split up in 1988. The name refers to “World War Three”, already back then I had this vision of a concept that relates to the name, it finally became reality when we reformed. We thought the
Hellhammer title “The Third Of The Storms” sounded cool and took the name from that title and built a concept around it.
2. From that time you have released a couple of demos until your “separation” in 1988, what do you remember about those first moments of the band? Why did you disband after having taken the important step of releasing a couple of demos?
Heval: We were very young as I said, but I remember lots of fun stuff from that short period we were active. Chaotic gigs, cheap beer and lots of extreme music started to pour in from all over the world. We all went separate ways two years after. Still in our teens, the other guys wanted to do other stuff, move to other places etc. I was the only one who wanted to continue because as I said, I had a vision for this band but couldn’t find members who wanted do play this kind of extreme music. So I said fuck it! And this obscure band went into oblivion. It became a myth years after because there were no band photos and stuff like that, and we never spread our “rehearsal demos” . I heard frequently things like “There was a band called Third Storm but did they actually exist?”.
3. After a period of silence of almost thirty years, you return to activity with an EP in 2015 and a trilogy of albums, of which the second will be released shortly, why return at this time? What's left today? On the day of the eighties band? Is it worth it for you to return with this project after the members are involved in other bands?
Heval: After some discussions with Jimmy, the first guitarist, we decided to start this band again in 2014. His son David joined and had already written some material, then all of a sudden we had a line-up. My intention from start was a trilogy. The EP was just a foretaste and actually more of an experiment of direction, I think we kept some of the elements from the EP but added so much more to the albums. Why this time? Better late than never I suppose.
4. I suppose that the line marked in the composition and recording process of “The Grand Manifestation” will be similar to that of the new album “The Locust Mantra”, more than anything because of the idea of a trilogy that you have in mind, but what? Do you think your way of working has changed between these two albums? What brands of instruments have you used in the process?
Hasse: I’d say the main difference from ”The Grand Manifestation” is that this time we tried to have a more holistic view on the songwriting. The music is more closely related to the lyrics and we have tried to keep a common thread throughout the album. We’re using Jackson and Ibanez guitars and bass.
5. Your sound refers to many styles and influences, the weight of classic Swedish death, thrash, of course doom, without forgetting black is undeniable, however you also manage to maintain a trace of classic sound with new aspects, how would you uncover it? The sound of the new album for those who have not heard it yet? What bands and styles have been an influence for you when composing it?
Hasse: Being a listener of hard rock and heavy metal since the mid 80’s and later on exploring the extreme metal scene results in having a wide palette of influences to draw from when writing the songs. You could say ”The Locust Mantra” is a heavy metal take on extreme metal (or vice versa). The metal albums from my youth could contain furiously fast songs as well as ballads and midtempo songs. We have used that kind of dynamic, leaving all doors open, for every part of the album to match with the story and the lyrical content. As for bands of influence there are too many to line them all up. I’m inspired by a lot of different music and bands. I was always a huge fan of Edge of Sanity. ”The Spectral Sorrows” is the closest I can come to name an album of influence.
6. Your previous album contained a conceptual story, does the same happen in the new album? What themes do you cover in it? Who is in charge of writing the lyrics? Do the lyrics adapt to the music or vice versa?
Heval: Yeah the new album is part 2 of the trilogy and a direct continuation of the last album. I came up with the concept and write all the lyrics for this band. The music always comes first.The theme of the trilogy is in short the creation of universe and two entities, the prime creator “The Source” or God if you will, and humans collective energy which manifested the spiritual entity “Gorakaathuar” who’s vision and purpose is a new order for the universe, it’s opposed to Source’s view of evolution and the way physical life is coming forth. The more hate and misery on Earth the more it grows and becomes powerful as “Source”. The concept is basically the conflict between those two. All the bad stuff that happened in our history is actually their battle. This new album covers the past two thousand years, mostly both world wars. Part III will tell the story of the future, the third and the final war. And the ultimate revelation. The saga also is presented in text form in the booklet, so it will be understood easier but still I use a lot of allegories to tell the saga. To let people figure out themselves events and historical figures etc.
7. Do you feel a certain “pressure” as a band that was born in the eighties, comes from Sweden, plays death metal, etc.? What do you think it is about Swedish bands that attract so many followers? What do you think has changed in the past? extreme metal scene over the years?
Hasse: Well, not really. You can’t appeal to everyone and if you do or don’t doesn’t really matter. Of course I’m happy if people appreciate our musical effort, but I cannot adapt my songwriting in an attempt to please as many listeners as possible. Writing songs that I myself would want to hear on an album and, as far as I’m capable, musically illustrating ”The Pheriqhai Saga” (which ”The Locust Mantra” is the second part of) has been the main focus in the creative process. I don’t know what it is that attracts listeners. Sweden has a lot of good musicians and, at least when I grew up, any kid could take instrument lessons for a very modest price. It was easy to get a cheap rehearsal place and there were quite a lot of venues for young bands to play at. From being underground extreme music has been more accepted nowadays for better and for worse.
8. Although you have returned to work at HSH Studios, this time you have dispensed with Johan Ericson, however you have worked with different producers on many aspects of the sound of the new album. Were you not completely satisfied with the result obtained on the previous album and Have you looked for different points of view for the new one?
Hasse: I am very satisfied with Johan’s work on the previous album but for ”The Locust Mantra” with its slightly different musical approach we felt a renewal of the sound would suit the new songs better. From the dirtier sound of the songs on ”The Grand Manifestation” we have been moving towards a sharper yet smoother sound. Having Philip of HSH recording the guitars and bass was the obvious choice since he did a great job on the previous album. I think it can be very rewarding working with different people.
9. Maybe without being as risky as the cover of the previous album, for this new work Raul Gonzales has become a bit more measured, what does this new cover represent and how does it relate to the content of the album?
Heval: Both album covers are bastardized versions of Michelangelo’s famous arts, this new one is a parody of “Angels Sounding Trumpets”, obviously devils instead of angels. The first album was “The Creation of Adam”, instead of Adam ours have the devil as you can see. Both artworks are somewhat symbolic to the concept, not directly relating to the story but suggest stuff, and makes you wonder what the hell this or that means.
10. You have left Dark Descent Records to start releasing the new album with Chaos Records, what led you to take this step?
Heval: We thought a change would be nice. Chaos offered us a good deal and we accepted.
11. You have never given up the possibility of being able to offer concerts, do you need that contact with fans and see the sensations of presenting your music live? Which bands would you like to share a mini-tour with?
Heval: Yeah that would be cool. A mini tour would be nice. Bands? I have no idea.
12. How were your beginnings in music: first concerts you attended, first albums you bought? What happened in your lives that pushed you to want to be musicians?
Heval: My first albums? Some albums with Kiss, Iron Maiden, AC/DC and stuff like that. That was over 4 decades ago and I don’t remember exactly in which order I bought them, but I do remember Kiss Alive II was the first. First concerts were some local bands I think.
Hasse: ”Shout at the Devil”
13. What album represents for you the essence of black metal? What latest albums have you bought?
Heval: In my opinion “Under The Sign Of The Black Mark” is the ultimate black metal album and capture that essence. Many have tried to copy that sound and many have failed. I don’t buy records any more but I remember the last one I bought was John Carpenters “Lost Themes”, years ago.
14. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions for Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something for Third Storm fans this is the place. I hope the questions are to your liking.
Heval: Yeah thanks man! Hope people like our new album. Cheers and see ya!
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