sábado, 21 de agosto de 2021



Origen: Francia, Nantes

Formados: 2018

Estilo: Black metal industrial melódico

Temática: Hyperion Cantos

Enlaces: Bandcampdeezerfacebookinstagramspotify y tidal


  • Kaon Guitarra, saxofón, guitarra y voces
  • Muon Guitarra, teclado y voces
  • Tauon Batería

  • The River Léthé's Taste Is Bitter Single 2020  
  • The Man Who Cried God Single 2020  
  • Hyperion CD 2021

HYPERION (2021)++
Primer larga duración para esta banda francesa que busca la inspiración para su propuesta en el obre del escritor estadounidense Dan Simmons. Estamos ante un obra de nueve temas de black metal denso y profundo, influenciado y sustentado en los sonidos de sintetizadores que muchas veces logran ofrecer un sonido portentoso en donde elementos que podemos relacionar con la ciencia ficción en su vertiente de vacío espacial va cobrando protagonismo hasta lograr sumergir al oyente en ese universo de fantasía creado por la banda. "Hyperion· destaca también por ofrecer importante contrastes entre las partes más refinadas de las propuesta y otras que sin llegar a ser del todo directas o contundentes si que logran sonar densas y controvertidas, con un protagonismo excepcional del blast-beat que unido al apartado electrónico nos lleva a terrenos más etéreos. Sol Draconi Septem no duda en usar un instrumentos como el saxofón, tal vez un tanto ajeno a un estilo como el black, pero que logran encajar perfectamente y que aporta al sonido del álbum una faceta de melodía, ya de si presente en un segundo plano, pero que se ve acentuada si cabe con lo que logra aportar como extra este instrumento. Lo cierto es que el sonido del álbum suena compacto y directo, en algunas secciones perdiendo un tanto la perspectiva en cuanto la base de blast beats y teclados se sobreponen el resto del conjunto, pero esto no es óbice par que el resultado final nos acerque a un álbum capaz de trasladarte de una forma bastante lograda a la soledad del espacio al tiempo que recrea un ambiente de fantasía. (8,4).

1. The Man Who Cried God 07:41

  You belong to the cruciform
You are now one with the cross

Beyond the forest of flames
Looking for an ancient tribe
Are they even real?
The 70, forgotten mystery

He couldn't know
What he found would be far greater
Than what he looked for
A proof of his belief
Inside the Rift, a cross of gems
Older than its myth itself

Beyet ota menna
lot Cresfem ket

You belong to the cruciform
You are now one with the cross

Down into the labyrinths
Mysterious corridors
In the planet's core
Meet the pope of the cruciform's way

Down into the labyrinths
Mysterious corridors
In the planet's core
Meet the pope of the cruciform's way

Pink rock fused in his body
DNA copied, perfect association
Makes him one with the cruciform
Parasite afraid of pain
Trapping you around the Rift
The contract of the cross
Immortality against humanity

The son of the flames gave me his curse
Crucified for years onto an electric tree
The pain scouring his body
Dying and living again
The real death bringing him finally peace
2. The War Lovers 04:06
  An artificial forest of neurons
Consciousness guiding their creators
Creating dreams of the past
From the link of the Pangermy

Meeting in imagined battlefields
From an old forgotten planet
Ineluctable attraction
Somewhere more than a wonder
And less than a dream

Forever haunted by this ghost
Bloody days in battlefields
And heated nights of lust
Walking Love and war as one path

His only love
Servant of the Pain
Iron and claw, blood and cum
From his future, the pilgrims appeared
Crucified as martyrs
3. The Avatar 04:39
   The Avatar
Sent into the past
Lord of pain
Bless your children

Everchanging future
The only constant
Redeem our souls
Through punishment

The Avatar
Sent into the past
Lord of pain
Bless your children

Impaled on the tree
Its blade piercing me
Only way to be free
From the crucifix

Atone for our sins
Free us from the
Meaningless path
we're walkin
4. Hyperion Cantos 03:51
The Avatar
Sent into the past
Lord of pain
Bless your children

Everchanging future
The only constant
Redeem our souls
Through punishment

The Avatar
Sent into the past
Lord of pain
Bless your children

Impaled on the tree
Its blade piercing me
Only way to be free
From the crucifix

Atone for our sins
Free us from the
Meaningless path
we're walkin
5. The River Léthé's Taste Is Bitter 04:23
 An impossible curse
Riding the time streams
Against the current she glides
Virus contracted in the Sphinx

Chosen by the Avatar
Sinners' fate preview
Nothing to be done
Expiation for their actions
Dream the death
Taste the loss

What is true innocence?
Abraham's lesson for the fathers
The parents already sacrificed
Children has to be our savior
An endless search for meaning
Invisible doesn't make it unreal
6. The Long Goodbye 05:56
Here lies one Whose name Was written in water Somewhere between sim reality and slowed time Investigate a cybrid's murder Old forgotten tech, a poet's soul Artificial intelligence's self Part of a masterplan Control the variables The ultimate intelligence A choice to be made Digital realm or Flesh and randomness Can you reach the trueness of your creator? As a real human, her lover died Personality transferred in her mind DNA spread in her body Carrying the information Mother of their salvation She bears his soul and see 
7. I Remember Siri 04:48
For I remember the past prime
The heaven that was my home
Destroyed by the greediness
Of an unstoppable conglomerate

For you see,
I remember my grandmother's dream.
I remember the way it could have been.
I remember Siri.

Our enemy are a thing of beauty
Hives of knowledge and evolution
Micro orbital forest in globe cities
Exploring their everchanging soul

In memory of my family
I'll betray every sides
Unleash the Avatar
To avenge the sea

But if my will is planned
Integrated in the scheme
Of higher beings,
are we really free, can we really be ?
8. The Last Pilgrims 05:55
   Pieces of life stories
Decisions or random acts

Conglomerate, future blinded
Leading to a common place

Group of prime number
In hell they'll grow
Uncover their ties
Only one will survive

Sacred ground lost in time
On a labyrinth planet
Tombs of an old future God
Death and pain as only way

Past and future meet
Calling a present threat
Bonded in certain death
Against the wish of a chosen one
9. Silenus 03:22
Pieces of life stories Decisions or random acts Conglomerate, future blinded Leading to a common place Group of prime number In hell they'll grow Uncover their ties Only one will survive Sacred ground lost in time On a labyrinth planet Tombs of an old future God Death and pain as only way Past and future meet Calling a present threat Bonded in certain death Against the wish of a chosen one

MLP 200 copies, 100 handnumbered with insert.

Tracks sequentially numbered.

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