domingo, 20 de abril de 2014


Ancestral Oath is a Asatru black metal band from New Mexico.Started as a means of musical profession to the Gods/Goddesses, lyrics and inspiration taken from the Poetic and Prose Eddas.Musically inspired by black metal throughout the decades, from Bathory to Ulver and Satyricon.

1. AO was created in 2012 with you as the only member after you had been involved in other musical projects; do you feel like AO is a true definitive group? What drove you to create AO?
I certainly think that Ancestral Oath is representative of what my writing style is at this point. Even in the music I’m working on that isn’t Ancestral Oath, there are some elements from Ancestral Oath that find their way into the music, no matter what. 

2. The Album "Ancestral Oath" lends itself to similarities in one way or another with classic Scandinavian black metal, what are the principle musical influences that have inspired you to compose this album?
That’s very accurate. In many ways, Ancestral Oath is my tribute to a mixture of all of the black metal bands of the 90s that got me into the style in the first place. I know a lot of people get squeamish about naming their influences because they think it means they’re somehow less original. I don’t really have that problem because I’m in no way under the illusion that the album is all that original. It’s meant to reflect a certain nostalgia for the second wave black metal of the 90s. So, with that said, the primary influences for the album were mid 90s Satyricon, Ulver, Enslaved, Aeternus and Dissection. 

3. Did you find it difficult to record all of the parts for Ancestral Oath? Which instrument was easiest for you?
The only thing that is difficult, or maybe more time consuming was programming the drums. I use live samples which I then cut and paste for each individual drum kit piece. So there are several crash cymbal tracks, a separate track for the kick drum, another for the snare drum, and so on. This way I can adjust the levels on individual hits, and more closely mimic an actual drummer. Nothing can replace a live musician with dedication to his craft, but under my circumstances, I still wanted to make the best effort I could, rather than just using a drum machine, and since I have some drumming in my background, I know how I would play certain beats and try my best to replicate that. As far as what was easiest, I would say the vocals are easiest. That’s something that just came naturally, and I find arranging vocals and knowing whether to use deeper or higher growls, or something throatier to be easy pieces to put together, so I save that for last so that completing a song ends on an easier note. 

4. Why did you decide to use the legendary poetry of The Eddas in the lyrics of "Ancestral Oath"?
I used them directly because I felt the words themselves were much more useful than my own interpretation or imagining of them. I got the idea from Satyricon using direct bible verses for the lyrics of the song “The Dawn of A New Age”. In my case, I partly re-arranged the order to them fit the song’s needs a bit better. 

5. Is there a possibility of offering one day a concert of AO? Have you ever pondered the idea of a concert?
I’ve thought about it, but I would put the chances at being slim. A lot of things would have to come together that I just don’t see happening. So, short of an entire band falling into my lap, and being ready, willing and able to perform my music, I just don’t see it happening. You never say never, though.

6. By being an admirer of classic black metal (as is present in your compositions) how do you view the Black Metal scene nowadays compared to the 90s? What albums do you consider to be the most influential of that era?
I think black metal and metal in general is unique in that there are always people putting out music that reflects all of the different eras in metal’s history. If you loved Mercyful Fate back in the 80’s you have bands like Portrait putting out something that will quench your thirst for that style; same thing with Thulcandra and Dissection. Both Thulcandra and Portrait are around right now and you can listen to something that sounds like it’s right out of 1984 or 1995. My point is that I think that regardless of the era in black metal you enjoy most, you can always find a band that is creating something in that vein. I think black metal is just as healthy and strong from an artistic standpoint as it was in the 1990s, in fact it might be stronger because it’s had that much more history to draw from.
As for the most influential albums of the 90s, you have to credit Burzum, especially Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem. Depressive black metal and even some of the blackgaze you hear so much about now has roots in what that bigoted dummy did 20 years ago. Darkthrone is certainly a huge influence with probably hundreds of bands offering their best attempts to recreate the magic of those early Peaceville albums. I would say Satyricon and Ulver have certainly had a huge impact on a lot of bands. Strangely enough, it’s not black metal bands from the 90s that seem to have the biggest influence on American black metal these days. It’s bands like Neurosis, My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive and others that seem to have a huge impact on the biggest black metal bands in the United States right now.

7. What were your beginnings in music and why did you decide to be a musician and create a group?Do you have the same dream of music as when you first began?
I started as a kid making music in my garage with just a shitty tape deck, a keyboard for the drums and a little fender amp. In fact, this is how shitty and desperately committed I was to doing everything by myself: I would record the keyboard drums directly into the tape deck using an audio-in port. Next, I’d take the recording of those keyboard drums and play them full blast through a stereo in the garage. So basically, I had this shitty tape recorder with built microphone stuck in between a fender practice amp and these speakers playing the terrible keyboard drums I had just committed to tape. Then I put my face in between the two and just yelled as loud as I could over the atrocious racket I was making otherwise. To be honest, it’s a fucking miracle my mother didn’t try to have me murdered Tim Lambesis style. I wish I still had those tapes.
My dream was to make something worth listening to and to have someone put it out. I aimed pretty low, so I’ve achieved spectacularly. 

8. Will AO always be YOUR band or are you open to future incorporations/collaborations?
I’m open to collaborations, but I’m not really sure who would want to. Most of my friends aren’t really interested in this style of black metal. I’d say collaborating with someone in a different style would be much more likely. 

9. What current BM bands, from the various in the United States do you find interesting?
Right now, it’s all about Vattnet Viskar for me. I’ve been devouring Sky Swallower on a near weekly basis since it came out back in September. There are others too, like Wolves in the Throne Room, Bosse-de-Nage, Coffinworm, Krallice and other bands that people dismiss as “hipster black metal” because they’re fucking 13 years old mentally, and only people who dress like them are acceptable.  Thankfully it seems like some of that obnoxious mentality is dying out, but like with anything, there are still a few people out there who think musicians need to pass some sort of arbitrary credibility test in order to make music. To me, the different styles people can create with an already very specific niche are what make it such an incredible genre. 

10. Groups nowadays have a hard time choosing a format to showcase/publish their music /art even though there is a variety of platforms, for example Bandcamp, CD, Tape Or Vinyl, last being for me the most appropriate/correct choice. What is, in your opinion the best way to reach your public (musically)?
To me, it’s all of the above. I’m not going to dismiss someone who wants it on MP3, vinyl, or CD or cassette. However you want to enjoy music, that’s fine. I wish I had a vinyl or cassette to make available to me let alone everyone else, but I couldn’t put together a physical release like that, financially, which is why I’m so grateful that No Sleep Till Megiddo wanted to put it out on CD. I’d love for someone to put it out on vinyl.

 11. No Sleep Till Megiddo Records has released "Ancestral Oath", how did that possibility arise to release the album through them? Will you continue to be tied with that label?
They contacted me online based on hearing it, which was cool. I’m definitely grateful for the opportunity, as they’ve helped me achieve that dream I mentioned earlier.

12.  Speaking of the future, what is the next release that awaits us from AO? Are you writing new material?
I’m always writing new material, but I kind of have a type of musical ADD where I constantly create things with differing styles. I’ve have the Void Ritual EP ( as well as some other things I’ve got lined up as well. As for Ancestral Oath, I’ve actually got some material with a more “epic” quality to it that I may release under the Ancestral Oath name. Think something along the lines of Summoning, only without the keyboards. 

13. Thank you very much for your time talking to Black Metal Spirit . If you want to add something to the followers of Ancestral Oath , now is the time. Were the questions I hope to your liking?
Thanks for the opportunity to reach new people! The questions were great, as they were actually informed by the music itself, so I appreciate your effort as well!
Daniel Jackson

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