domingo, 12 de enero de 2014


Origen: E.E.U.U, Chicago.
Formados: 2012
Estilo: Blackened Death Metal
Temática: Ciencia ficción y fantasía.
Enlaces: Bandcampfacebook y youtube
  • Alex Damske Bajo
  • Jace Kiburz Guitarra
  • Jason Nitts  Batería
  • Max Damske Guitarra
  • Tim O'Brien Voces

  • Winter 2012 Sampler Demo 2012   
  • Essence of the Land EP 2014  
  •  Two Demons Single 2015
  • I: Voice CD 2019
  • The Grove | Sundial CD 2022
Warforged son una banda de reciente formación, en cuyas filas milita una serie de músicos de la zona  de Chicago, Illinois que con anterioridad o en la actualidad forman parte con mayor o menor acierto de formaciones con una fuerte orientación death, ya sea brutal, técnico o progresivo. Normal que lo que creen bajo el nombre de Warforged a narices tenga mucho que ver con este estilo, aunque también es cierto que en "Essence of the Land" han dejado un hueco para supurar black. Escuchando los cuatro temas de este Ep, resulta del todo imposible no encontrar ciertas similitudes con sus compatriotas Fallujah en términos de como debe de sonar un banda actualmente dentro de la escena black, death y siendo más concretos dentro del sonido estadounidense. Cuatro temas que se antojan cortos, con un sonido demoledor desde el primer acorde y en donde no dejan títere con cabeza. Velocidad en los riffs, brutalidad a la batería y soberbia interpretación vocal de Adrian, a todo esto se le añade algún sampler o teclado en parte fanales o iniciales de los temas para lograr cierta pausa y emotividad y con esto tenemos todos los ingredientes para preparar y disfrutar de este trabajo. Un trabajo de death técnico que por momentos roza el brutal death, que se antoja corto por las expectativas creadas. (7,9).

1. Diabolical Being 02:05
A slight misstep And Kaura fell of the edge And into The swamp waters below What could I do? Depart and get help "Just hold on" The only words of comfort I could muster... Tearing through the thick and winding muck I escaped the marsh and made it to my Father's home Every night the fireflies' dance spoke for the essence of the land 
2. Regurgitate 04:26
 Their glow casts shadows
And their shadows told tails of pain and isolation
When just down the road came a shrill shriek
A flurry of green light
And they vanished but through my window
Came a groan. A whisper...
Calling me to return
Holding my oar tightly
I pulled myself deeper...
Deeper into the heavy coat of mist and...
Night fall came
And the taunting glow of fireflies
Was the only
Apparent trace of life I could see
Sunset and sunset again
The murky murmur
Of scurrying swamp things
Gurgled and beckoned me.
Dizziness, discomfort, and nausea
The guilt was overwhelming
The sense of isolation
Began to set in
The thought of finding a 
Bacteria eaten
Water rotted corpse

Brother are you here, hiding
In the mist
Hiding in fear


Nightfall came
And the haunting glow of fireflies
A boiling pool of muck in the mist
The insects drew closer
The trees began to shriek
I held my lantern out to see through the mist
He bubbled up to the surface
The cloud of insects grew
Spewing forth mud and mangled by the swamp
3. Phantoms in the Mist 05:53
 A voice rang around me, gurgled
"Have you returned so late to deliver me"
From this dreary shelter of poison and murder

I held on to the creeping vines
With the bit of strength I could still muster
And as you fell from sight the stabbing pain of
Isolation began to set in
Sensing my struggle the roots tightened their grip and pulled me under
And even through the muck
I could still hear the earth's shrill shriek
It's grip tightened the swamp waters pulled the air out of me
Poisoned and blind, the swamp acted
And tightly hid my body to decay its dark tainted heart
Brother I am still here
In isolation I was murdered

The shrieks ceased and
Through the rancid mist
I could barely make out a cavity in the mud
His body was gone
I was alone again
Alone with my thoughts
I am alone again

Was any of this even real?
Or just phantoms in the mist?
I'm still here waiting still here...
4. Tainted Heart 01:54  

Musikhaus Thomann Linkpartner 

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