Origen: Polonia, Cracovia
Formados: 2014
Estilo: Black
Temática: Muerte
- Ancestor Guitarra
- V.O.W.O.C. Voces
- Into Everlasting Death CD 2014
Irrumpiendo con fuerza desde la emergente escena polaca que de un tiempo ha esta parte viene gestando bandas de metal extremo con una fuerte personalidad en donde se dan cita una orientación de sonido clásico y la incorporación de elementos mucho más actuales, sirva de ejemplo Odraza entre otros. De esta manera Eerie se plantan con su primer largo, integrado por cuatro temas de una duración nada desdeñable y que se caracterizan por un sonido bastante agresivo y en donde se conjugan las partes anteriormente analizadas, por un lado su música tiene un trasfondo clásico y por otro sabe ir en una dirección más actual incorporando algunos elementos más próximos al metal o al death, sobre todo en algunas partes de blast beats y en ciertas melodías, así mismo ciertos arreglos en las voces al incluir partes habladas van hacia una línea más experimental. El sonido por otro lado es muy contundente en casi todo el álbum y hay unas melodías en segundo plano que crean una ambientación tanto clásica como siniestra, aproximandolos tal vez a un black enfermizo y putrefacto. Se hecha un poco en falta en algunas partes, un mayor concreción, pero en líneas generales lo aquí ofrecido por los polacos me parece una más que acertada puesta de largo. (8).
1. Mining Out of Black Earth 07:22
I am of shattered thoughts
Without form - yet so authentic
Like a single flame
Uncast - outcast
Like a single flame
Of everlasting will to exist
I penetrate the darkest shores of being
No empathy, no euphoria
No life at all
Reaching unreached
Exploring unexplored
Eternal walker
Never seen, for never born
I am of shattered thoughts
Without form - yet so pure
Reaching unreached
Exploring unexplored
Eternal walker
Never seen, for never born
Shapeless, meaningless
Careless, godless
No conscience, no reason
Yet forever imprisoned
Without facing reality
I flee into highest perception
Mining out of black earth
Rampant urge towards perdition
To finally embrace the light
Mining out of black earth
Rampant urge towards perdition
The monument of void has risen
Mining out of black earth
Rampant urge towards perdition
Unspoken words rushing onwards
Mining out of black earth
Rampant urge towards perdition
Onwards, to the death and beyond!
Mining out of black earth
Rampant urge towards perdition
2. Into Everlasting Death 06:39
I am the king of scorched realm
I have no court, no men-at-arms
I rule in the heat of a thousand suns
And their flames bring me peace
And their flames bring me sorrow
I am the king of scorched realm
Where there’s no present and no tomorrow
Lost between dimensions
Transgressing the borders of man’s philosophy
Embroiled in maze of stagnation
Vibrations inside hermetic walls
Derived from bleeding flesh
Beyond perception
Repulsion, negation
Falling by the cold winds
Into Everlasting Death
Lost and naked
Frozen to the bone
Digging through the sepulchral dirt
Of this forsaken world
Lost and naked
Frozen to the bone
I am the king of scorched realm
Let the dust be my mound
And madness be my crown
Embroiled in maze of stagnation
Vibrations inside hermetic walls
Derived from bleeding flesh
Consciousness disordered
Beyond perception
Repulsion, negation
Falling by the cold winds
Into Everlasting Death
Repent not as I shine
Proud to be renounced of humanity
Come forth, redemption – let me wither!
3. Among the Ashes 12:02
Ashes to ashes!
In the mournful moonlight
I wander as a shapeless shadow
Through the ruins of feelings and memories
To the stars – the only ones which preserved their beauty
Decayed by sharp edges of time
Desolated universe
Ashes to be forgotten
Soaking into black earth
We lived in a world which is a forge
Where time is a blacksmith
Where words lose their meaning
And life loses its point
We lived among the ashes
We lived among the dust
Dwelling the land of drought and sickness
And still we do
For the worlds don’t differ at all
The worlds don’t differ at all…
Decayed by sharp edges of time
Desolated universe
Ashes to be forgotten
Soaking into black earth
We lived among the ashes
We lived among the dust
Dwelling the land of drought and sickness
And still we do
For the worlds don’t differ at all
And I look back to see our home
For one last time
And I know I will return
To a different place and different time
And live among the ashes once again
For the worlds don’t differ at all
Amen, I tell ye – the worlds don’t differ at all
Blinded by shining horizon of the night
I wander…
4. Of Descending Moon 07:01
…among the ancient woods
Where naked bones grow
Where shades vanish in sordid mist
Heartbreaking void embraces me
And again
The flat circle of universe
Moving, repeating itself
And again
Abyssal voices screaming in agony
The black earth opens
And again
The flat circle of universe
Moving, repeating itself
And again
Eternity drenched by poison
Diagnosis: the world is melting
Fear ye, you woeful bastards
Fear ye!
Day of wrath and doom impending
No one’s word and no one’s blending
Ashes to ashes
Behold, ye fools – this circle is ending!
Death is struck and nature quaking
All creation in horror shaking
To The End its answer making
Even the stars are fading
Among the ashes of descending moon
Ashes to ashes!
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