miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2024



Origen: E.E.U.U., Santa Clara

Formados: 2023

Estilo: Black sinfónico

Temática: Disforia, misantropía y ocultismo

Enlaces: Bandcampfacebookinstagramspotify y youtube


  • Adam Rupp Voces
  • Nick Loiacono - Programación de batería
  • Valira Pietrangelo Guitarra, letras y piano
  • I Am a Demon EP 2024
I AM A DEMON (2024)
Primer Ep para Vesseles, centrado en la figura de Valira que usa este Ep para exponer su disforia de identidad, dando como resultado tanto un trabajo muy personal como un sonido por momentos complejos y disonante. El sonido del Ep se abre de forma bastante directa, con una propuesta directa y áspera por momentos, cambios de ritmo y disonancias se van haciendo un hueco, hasta que estas últimas ocupan un legar importante a la hora de definir el sonido del Ep. Hay un buen número de riffs directos y poderosos acompañados de una batería también potente, que se van sucediendo como explosiones intercaladas en medio de las cuales asoma esa vena, digamos que sinfónica, de su sonido en forma de arreglos de piano. El conjunto se vuelve bastante oscuro y algo complejo, logrando un efecto inmersivo si logramos conectar con la temática, indispensable esta para logran comprender este Ep. El aporte de Valira al piano se erige también como un elemento diferenciador a la hora de acabar de dar forma a los temas, con un protagonismo esencial en diversas secciones, no ya solo por el carácter melódico y de contraste que ofrece, sino que también por esa faceta más oscura y profunda que logra imprimir. Un primer Ep que juega con los contrates, directo unas veces más accesible otras, con una atmósfera oscura y en donde las disonancias juegan un papel fundamental (7,7).

1. Suffocating Flesh 04:25
   clawing at my pale flesh
longing for my own
torturing confinement
behold the unveiling of blood

I condone myself for this
I know of no other way
to obtain this blasphemous form
bring forth this method of escape

harrowing existence
seeping beneath the surface
frantic crisis
blackening my soul

rid myself of

free myself from
human vessel

agonizing corruption
crawling beneath my skin
excruciating longing
never to meet an end

oh, please just hear me
this is all I ask for
please, just help me
I hate this suffocating world

oh, please just hear me
this is all I ask for
please, just help me
I hate this suffocating world
2. I Am a Demon 03:54
This was the first song that was written for this project and thus the one that defined the entire direction. Despite the declaration of identity, this song comes from a place of self hatred and feeling trapped.
hear my cries for deliverance
I want to live my life without this abhorrence

cursed by flesh born creatures
to live among them

immersed in their realm
this is my hell
immersed in myself
this is my hell

I am a demon
born in foreign flesh
I am eternal corruption
confined by humanity's dread

immersed in their hell
there is only myself
immersed in this hell
there is only myself

I am a demon

projections of deep red fever
tormented by the clinging dread
I claw at this mortal façade
longing for my true self
3. Cathartic Cruelty 03:58
I cannot stand these creatures
filled with such bitter hate
I don't belong among them
I never want to conform

I feel myself unraveling
a piece of me giving in
my skin pulls me away
bringing me to carnage, carnage

eager fingers wrapped around my infernal blade
with blasphemous intentions I stalk my next pray

oh, how I wish to torment them
make them feel this irreparable agony
violently murder with satisfaction
a cathartic cruelty that must be done

please, don't run away
I don't always want to kill you

this cold blade against such fragility
it longs for the warmth within you

yes, such wonderful blood
feel this frigid fever

such a release
I feel so alive, so real
finally I know what makes me
4. Wretched 02:56   instrumental
5. Vesseles Rituale 04:17
hear me calling to the nine hells hear me calling to my kind take me I cannot live in this vessel take me free my soul with precision the steel against human flesh no small incision to hollow out this sacrifice flames flickering to their screams the blade dripping with blood demonic force flowing through it awakens deep within me come forth bring your nefarious desires come forth bring your blackened blood come forth hell's choir of creatures come forth this will not be for nought this circle is complete candelabras of flames symbols of summoning an empty body the blood drawn for birth the body given for death let this vessel be shattered and the new shall be eternal hear me exire hoc corpore hear me libera animam meam hear me liber sum hear me ego sum daemonium
6. Dysphoria 05:27
blackened window obscured by human skin growing from within the confines eyes of fated hell too dark to perceive such nihility too dark to read fingers against blackness we cannot see nails against my cold reflection blind to me a form unfamiliar gazing back at me it makes my soul press against my bones a vessel, a prison defied by my own volition disgust, isolation eternally hidden mortal prison hellish chasm deep red stone home emanating from the cracks such sincerity the heat permeates my soul I crave this feeling I cannot be here such a bitter state such a shame condemned to live this life in vain self loathing it's endless locking me inside myself restricted by life's essence my repressed form, confined my core rattles chain like bones this is not enough hysterical it's so cruel there's nothing I can do 

Vinyl, LP, Album, Limited Edition, Opaque White

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