domingo, 15 de julio de 2018


One man band procedente de Andalucía que lleva editado tres demos hasta la fecha. Su música tiene un corte instrumental muy importante y la melodías de inspiración medieval están a la orden del día en todas las composiciones ya que la temática de su música se centra en la edad media y en la historia del reino de Castilla. A lo largo de las tres demos que lleva editadas desde el pasado año, Lobera viene desplegando un black que transporta al oyente a una época pretérita de las historia de España, repleto de leyendas e impregnada de historia en donde las melodías de toques folk y las desgarradoras voces y guitarras ponen a la orden del día las espadas, los castillos y la batallas medievales. Una propuesta original y un tanto diferente en la cual hay un buen trabajo de búsqueda de información sobre textos y canciones populares de corte medieval en donde se recogen episodios del reino de Castilla, así como la manera de plasmarlos y de ejecutarlos de manera que conservan la esencia medieval de sus orígenes pero llevados a terrenos de la música extrema. Para quien quiera profundizar un poco más en la música de esta one man band puede pasarse por su bandcamp en donde están disponibles sus tres demos.

Beautiful gatefold-LP, quality sleeve, 180 gram vinyls and huge poster, Side D having 3 bonussongs !!!
400 copies limited
Viking Metal you said ?
Ereb Altor is a Swedish band that was formed in 2003 by members of the epic doom metal outfit Forlorn (who have since
switched their moniker to Isole). The band’s first albums were lauded for their seamless weaving of the Viking era of Bathory with
traditional epic doom metal. With their third album, “Gastrike”, and it’s follow up, “Fire Meets Ice”, Ereb Altor abandoned the
trappings of epic doom for a more black metal influenced sound. “Nattramn”, the band’s fifth full length album, released in 2015,
continued in that vein, focusing on merging their epic Viking metal with cold black metal atmospherics, but overall it seemed to
be a darker album than before.
That brings us to 2017, and the release of Ereb Altor’s magnus opus yet, “Ulfven”! Bathory, but also hidden Swedish folk melodies,
remain the band’s largest influence, which is quite evident with the adventurous pacing, crunchy riffs and frequent epic clean
vocals. The album mixes between heavy handed segments of galloping riffs and crashing percussion, and more nuanced
melodies driven forth by a wall of keyboard notes. It’s that essence of balance that makes this album work so well, backed up by
a very powerful production.
The clean vocal melodies sound stronger and more confident this time around and the harsh and raspy roars are more furious
and raging. The band leans on the airy keyboard passages a little more than before, but it adds a more melodic flare to the
slower passages. The majority of the album focuses on Quorthon inspired riffing, with its thick power chords and thundering
percussion mixed with an airy keyboard backdrop that brings to mind “Hammerheart” and “Twilight of the Gods”. The previously
mentioned black metal influences work their way in here and there, but the focus remains on Bathory-ish epicness and heaviness.
It’s pretty clear at this point that Ereb Altor isn’t keen to return to the sounds of the first two albums, but the music on “Ulfven”
proves that the band is really blazing their own trail. Sure, they still sound a bit like Bathory, but it comes through revelry and
nostalgia rather than the blatant aping of Quorthon.
For fans of: Bathory, Falkenbach, Primordial, Manowar, Candlemass


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