

martes, 27 de marzo de 2018


  1. The band was born in 2000, why did you decide to create the band and why do you choose the name Mater Monstifera? What does Mater Monstifera mean?

Greetings to all Black Metal Spirit readers! As you say, the band was founded in summer 2000 by three original members: Yvor(guitar), Destructor(vocal) and Jitka(keyboards). All of us, we simply wanted to do music that will bring us joy and satisfy our souls. Despite the fact that after those years we are now a lot different crew, these goals still remain a priority. Regarding the name, we were being careful to be singular and original. Mater Monstifera is from latin language and it could translate as“succumb to distastefulness”.

  1. Mater Monstifera is about to turn eighteen years of trajectory, during this time you have not stopped editing periodically in spite of the continuous changes in the formation, of which, on the other hand, you have always been reinforced. Has it been very complicated to move forward due to these changes in the formation? Do you think that Mater Monstidera has won or lost with the ups and downs in their line-up? Maybe the history of the band would be very different from having a line-up, more stable?
That's a good question, but when I look at it now, the thing is that there actually has not been so much of the changes as it might seem. The most important change was when the two founding members left; Destructor for work and Jitka for family reasons. But there were also two almost immediate replacements of those two. Stephanos replaced Destructor and Denisa took after Jitka. And than, when Ondré, the drummer, joined the band in 2012, all the vital changes were complete. Since than we’ve been creating and performing in the same line-up. I don't think it all slowed us down or made things more difficult. On the contrary, I believe that the current crew is the strongest and the most productive from our whole history.

  1. In your first decade as a band 2000-2010 you edit a demo, an album and an EP, how was the composition of your first demo "Svíce života"? And what did the edition of your first album "Zrozen z hříchu" entail for you?
The demo CD “Svíce života” is actually a live record from rehearsal room. It was our very first record and the quality of its sound is pretty bad. But to be honest, I would not change anything about it, because it's a nice reflection of those times. Much more important deed was our first studio record “Sepsáno krví” and consequent album “Zrozen z hříchu”, both recordings released by Ifa Records.

  1. In the period 2010-2018 an EP and a couple of albums have been released, seeing a little back in time and comparing the two periods, do you think Stephanos' inclusion in the voices meant a quality jump in Mater Monstifera?

As you say, after 2010, the two founding members left the band and the new line-up reshaped the look of our future. Stephanos handled the task in a great manner and today I don't hesitate to say that its him who is the main pillar of Mater Monstifera.

  1. The influences in your music are varied, converging at the end to a symphonic black, melodic death that we can frame on the one hand in the symphonic black bands of the nineties and in the Swedish death of the beginning of the century. In the band you are five members, is it difficult to agree on how you want to sound? How is the process of composing and recording a record like "Vězení bizarních bohů"?
The composition process is in no way difficult for us, but it sometimes takes a very long time practising and arranging until we are satisfied with it. We started making the material for the album “Vězení bizarních bohů” in 2013 and last year in June, we completed and released it in cooperation with Pařát Productions. Regarding the composition scheme, it's me who brings in a concept of a whole song and than when we try it, others start to bring in what they feel there's missing, or simply rearrange, cut, modify the existing. The goal is of course for every song to be as good and entertaining as its potential allows. Sure, not always is it easy. There's six of us, each with a little different sense for music, but it always pays off to do it together. It is all about the result to be the best possible. I think we are not different in this from many other bands.

  1. The theme of your lyrics revolve around vampirism and the undead, why do you decide to write about these themes? Is there a conceptual story in the lyrics of the album "Vězení bizarních bohů"?
That's what it was like in the first decade of our existence. Nowadays, the face of the band is different. It's much more interested in inner demons, suffering, pain, body and soul, outworldly visions, transience.. “Vězení bizarních bohů” is not a conceptual album. Every song has its own story.

  1. The scene of the Rp. Extreme Czech seems that in recent years is in good health, however it seems that the bands have a hard time to get known outside your country, to what you think is due: to the language, to the theme or that there is no decided bet on the part of foreign musical labels? Do you consider that the "repercussion" reached by the last Malokarpatan album can play in favor of the Czech scene?
Yeah. Although it may not seem from beyond our borders, there is a number of outstanding bands on Czech underground scene. However, to break through to the outer world is extremely difficult. One thing is that the market is oversaturated, another usual problem is finances, and its also very much connected to certain socio-political issues of our country. I'd say it's not only Czech Republic who's dealing with such situation. Still, we don't complain and we take it as it is. With a hope for nicer future, we just keep on doing our thing and we cheer for every new fan.

  1. How were your beginnings in music, first concerts you attend, first cds you buy, why do you decide to dedicate yourself to music? Do you keep the same enthusiasm as when you started?
Speaking for myself, I was About 14 years old when one of my friends introduced me to metal music. The first record I bought was MC(because There were no CDs back than) Sepultura - Beneath the Remains. I confess that I don't remember my first concert, but it was most likely some local venue. With regards to music-making and live playing, the enthusiasm I had in the beginnings has not changed at all. But I'm not as naive as I used to be and I try to stay on top of things.

  1. Who designed the cover of your last album and what does it mean?

The album cover is a work of german graphic artist Jochen Schilling. We've been in contact with Jochen since the release of our mini CD „V troskách Tvýho světa“. He's been sending us his creations since than and when we had the new material ready, we chose one of his pieces that best matched our purposes. "Vězení Bizarních Bohů" ('Bizzare Gods' Prison) is in general terms about downfall, nonsensicality of human acting, incapability to understand, delusions, faith and absurdity.. and I believe Jochen‘s piece of work reflects that well.

  1. Pařát Magazine has been in charge of the album edition and it was sold along with the magazine edition, tell us a little about how this situation is, was there no musical label interested in the album edition?
Truth is that we didn't look for any other label. Pařát Productions is a company with a very professional attitude and we are quite satisfied with their work. Through their magazine edition the CD was able to reach thousands of people in few weeks. Sure, it's again primarily designed to be sold within our country's borders but there are also other ways to buy the CD. The important thing about our cooperation with Pařát Productions is that they also help us with merchandise, promotion etc. In current situation it's the easiest and the most clever way to have your fans buy the real CD.

  1. What are your most immediate band plans? Are you working on new topics?
We are definitely going to promote the new CD through as many live performances as possible, including foreign venues. There are also some fresh song concepts that we will start working on.

  1. Thank you very much for the time dedicated to Black Metal Spirit, if you want to add something more for the followers of Mater Monstifera this is the place. I hope the questions have been to your liking.
Thank you very much for the space and opportunity to introduce our band to Spanish audience. We wish you a great deal of satisfied readers and a lot of good music to everyone. Thank you for your attention, check out the new CD! Enjoy the festival season and thanks for any kind of support!!

"Circumambulations of the Solar Inferno" is a conceptual split release, based upon the esoteric doctrines of the four quarters of the journey of the "sun" from death, through the underworld, to rebirth and ascendance. Featuring two excruciating rituals from each NIGHTBRINGER & DØDSENGEL and stunning artwork by Cold Poison


viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018


MSZARNA (2018)
Casi un par de años después de su álbum debut Ols regresa con su segundo larga duración. Las principales señas de identidad de este proyecto siguen estando presentes, y no son otras que las de Anna encargándose de todos los instrumentos y voces, regreso a los mismo estudios de grabación y la colaboración a las guitarras en uno de los temas de Jakob "Zagreus" Olchawa de los polacos Jarum. Con respecto a su anterior trabajo se ha hecho un esfuerzo hacia imprimir a los temas un carácter más personal si cabe. El empleo de de guitarras eléctricas es testimonial y la atmósfera de los temas se sigue construyendo sobre las voces de Anna, voces que se emplean en diferentes capas y que muchas veces tienden hacia lo melódico acompañadas de ciertos elementos corales. El grueso de la la música está construido sobre elementos ambientales e instrumentos folk. Ni que decir tiene que la músicas transita por lugares cercanos al neofolk, adentrándose por momentos en pasajes más oscuros que recuerdan al black atmosférico, tal vez, el último álbum de Myrkur sería un espejo en el que mirarse. Todo ello rodeado de un aura medieval, sobre todo por la inclusión de algunos instrumentos folk. Temas como el amor, la muerte y la soledad emanan de las letras y de la  música de Ols, al mismo tiempo que guarda una fuerte conexión con la naturaleza, resultando este trabajo casi que una experiencia hipnótica y ritual. (8).

  1. Ksiezycowa
  2. Zimowa
  3. Wiedzmowa
  4. Roslinna
  5. Ja, olcha
  6. Miniona

Gatefold sleeve


martes, 20 de marzo de 2018


Presentamos a Opus Eclypse, combo procedente de Barcelona, creado en 2016 que cuenta en sus filas con Daimoniel y Lady Morte (de la banda pagana Trobar de Morte). Vienen de editar "The Forest", su primer Ep en formato digital del cual en breve habrá una edición física en CD. "The Forest" consta de cinco temas con una duración que se aproxima a los veinte minutos en donde se nos ofrece un black con influencias paganas y en donde la oscuridad y la naturaleza de la mano del metal están muy presentes. El Ep ha sido grabado en durante el otoño de 2017 en los Axstudio y de la portada se ha encargado Norax Martínez. En su cuenta de facebook tenéis más información y novedades sobre la banda, así como en su página de bandcamp podéis darle una escucha a "The Forest".

"E.V.N.A.R", the debut album from the Spanish-Slovenian combo EvnaR (featuring Roman and J.M from Between The Frost and Robert Kovacic from Belphegor, Nothnegal...).
Eight tracks of raw Blackened Death Metal for fans of Behemoth, Vader or God Dethroned. Limited pressing of 300 hand-numbered copies with exclusive vinyl master for this edition by Tore Stjerna at Necromorbus Studio.


martes, 13 de marzo de 2018


Origen: Rp. Checa, Trhové Sviny
Formados: 2000
Estilo: Black
Temática: Nomuertos y vampirismo
Enlaces: BandzonefacebookMater monstifera y soundcloud

  • Archangel Guitarra
  • Deemon Bajo
  • Denisa Teclados
  • Ondre Batería
  • Stephanos Voces
  • Yvor Guitarra, programaciones y segundas voces

  • Svíce života Demo 2001  
  • Sepsáno krví EP 2002  
  • Zrozen z hříchu CD 2005  
  • Beletseri Single 2008  
  • Na zrcadlech lží CD 2011  
  • V troskách Tvýho světa EP 2013  
  • Vězení bizarních bohů CD 2017
Una carrera extensa de casi dieciocho años contempla a Mater Monstifera, sin embargo lo cierto es que no se han prodigado mucho en cuanto a lanzamientos y tampoco son muy conocidos fuera de sus fronteras. A largo de estos años la formación de la banda a sufrido algunos cambios, siendo tal vez, el más destacado la inclusión de Staphnaos a las voces que le ha permitido llegar a otro nivel a la banda, gracias a la variedad de registros que ha aportado al resultado final. En cuanto a la música, Mater Monstifera ofrece un metal extremo de tendencia melódica, hay quien lo puede encajar dentro de la tendencia del death melódico sueco, o quien se decanta más por una propuesta a camino entre el black sinfónico y el melódico, bajo mi punto de visto podría decir que es una mezcla de ambos. La propuesta no deja de ser variada y muy rica en cuanto a instrumentación, baterías contundentes y riffs melódicos están muy presentes, todo ellos con un ritmo bastante alto. Sin embargo también se las arreglan para aportar algunos pasajes instrumentales para darle vida al trabajo de Demisa a los teclados y sobre todo la variedad en el registro vocal de Stephanos que vas desde la contundencia del death al partes más limpias en cierta contraposición a los "coros" de Yvor. La atmósfera es fría y oscura y no renuncia a cierta reminiscencia "gótica". Lo cierto es que no inventan nada nuevo, pero el álbum resulta convincente, sobre todo por variado y bien producido. (8).

1. Oceán Stínů 04:01  

2. Vězení bizarních bohů 03:57  
3. Neskývej tvář 04:38  
4. Dál v nebi bloudím 03:54  
5. Doteky věčnosti 06:00  
6. Sedm hříchů 04:35  
7. La Cara Oculta 03:25  
8. Srdce vzkříšené ohněm 04:09  
9. V troskách Tvýho světa 04:15  

Die Hard version: Picture LP, UV gloss coated gatefold jacket, A2 poster.
(Description by J. Campbell)
Few debut albums conjure the sort of rabid anticipation that has developed around Martire’s “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse.” Until now, this album seemed to be one of those legendary recordings that would remain forever buried. Although recorded years ago, this album sounds every bit as unique as fans of Martire would expect. Indeed, listening to this record now it sounds as if, by delaying this release for so many years, Martire were simply giving the rest of the scene a chance to catch up. And, yet, “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse” demonstrates that Martire are still far ahead of their peers. This is a disorienting album in the best way possible. Martire routinely employ unconventional time signatures and constantly engage in dizzying start/stop exercises. For many, primitive bestiality and technical virtuosity represent the opposite ends of a spectrum. Martire, however, reconcile these two extremes to tremendous effect. Martire’s exhibition of technical prowess should not surprise anyone who is familiar with the other bands with which the members of Martire are involved. (These include Tzun Tzu, Cauldron Black Ram, StarGazer, and Mournful Congregation to name but a few.) Martire adeptly apply this technical skill in the service of soul crushing savagery. The bestial veneer that adorns much of Australia’s output is thickly applied to this recording without obscuring any of the music’s complexity. Conversely, unlike so many “technical” bands, the fervor of Martire’s attack is never diluted by pointless showmanship. The elements of Martire’s sound work in tandem. The production may be the key to Martire’s music and to the degree that the delay in the release of this record was due to the band’s efforts to ensure perfect production, it seems that their efforts have paid off. All of the instruments are sufficiently separated in the mix so that nothing is obscured. The guitars are wisely left just below the surface of the percussive rumble of the drums and the vocals are loud enough to augment the ferocity of the music. Considering the strength of Martire’s catalog, it must have been daunting for the band to take up the task of recording a full-length album that could live up to the promise of their earlier releases, but “Brutal Legions of the Apocalypse” meets and surpasses any and all expectations that one could have developed in the many years since Martire’s last emanation.


viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018


Origen: Los Angeles, E.E.U.U.
Formados: 2012
Estilo: Black sinfónico, death
Temática: Depresión, ocultismo y suicidio
  • Astaroth Sinstorm Guitarra y segundas voces
  • Brett Batdorf Batería y segundas voces
  • Lennis Robenson Bajo y segundas voces
  • Noor Guitarra, teclados y voces

  • Astronomy Demo 2013  
  • Dark... Cold... Grim... CD 2017
  • Mountains and Darkness CD 2019
DARK...COLD...GRIM (2017)
Brett y Astaroth coincidieron en la banda Sinstorm al cargo de la batería y las guitarras y fue a raíz de ello que en 2012 decidieron crear esta nueva banda Nothwind Wolves que este espacio de tiempo ha visto editado una primera demo y este, su primer larga duración. A lo largo de los nueve temas que componen este "Dark... Cold... Grim..." y en poco más de sus treinta minutos de duración, nos ofrecen un black con claras influencias sinfónicas y melódicas. Las referencias a bandas como Emperor o Covenat estan presentes, incluso en su parte death podemos apreciar elementos del death melódico de la escuela de Goteborg, es decir nos enfrentamos como oyentes a un álbum que se centra en un estilo del cual prácticamente está todo dicho y que resulta complicado añadir algo al resultado final, sobre todo por lo manido ya de la propuesta a lo largo de estos años y por resultar un estilo que no resulta muy atrayente hoy en día. Analizando la nueva versión de este lanzamiento, recientemente remasterizado por Black Lion Records encontramos algunos aspectos destacables en el álbum. La atmósfera que desprenden, sin hacer abuso de elementos sinfónicos, si que puede retrotraer al oyente a mediados de los años noventa y dejarse mecer por la escena escandinava de la época. El trabajo de Brett a la batería resulta del todo salientable ya que acaba por imprimir su sello personal en las composiciones, algo similar a lo sucedido con las voces de Noor, que en su vertiente más death, termina por convencer, sin renunciar en algunos lugares a dejarse llevar un tanto por los riffs melódicos y acabar también por aportar cierto tono melódico. Ni que decir tiene que los riffs se amoldan bien con los teclados para recrear esa sensación oscuridad y frialdad, que sin lugar a dudas se pretendía crear desde sus inicios a semejanza de los lanzamientos de black sinfónico de la década de los noventa. El camino a seguir está marcado, no será sencillo, pero como primera toma de contacto han dejado buenas sensaciones, tal vez, en un futuro lanzamiento sería acertado trabajar en la variedad de la composiciones que sin embargo es todo un acierto la concreción de las mimas, que no se dispersan en absoluto gracias a su ajustada duración. (8).

1. Dark Skies for Black Sorcery 02:53
Blood-red mist from a field of slain men Turns to ice as the frozen winds fall... I... known terrible and fierce... Mightiest among the distasteful We are they who preserved the nocturnal oath... You declare my unyielding defiance Yet into the silent night you crawl? To wield true power, Regard the night and how the light Retreats and trembles before darkness To know this... Is to be perpetual... Enveloped by foul wings Of unlimited wisdom and strength. Oh... To hear the cries of a failing world in sorrow... Together, we are they who preserved the nocturnal oath... Oh.... We Eternal Kings rule the endless night...   2. Specters in the Funeral Mist 04:01
Sometimes a warm memory sheds light in the dark
And eases the pain like the song of a meadow lark.
Then it flies away on silent wings and I'm alone;
Hungering for more of the light it had shone.
Shall grief's bitter cold consume me,
Like a winter storm?
I'm hungering for more of the light that it had shone...
Shall I wither and fall like an autumn leaf,
From this deep sorrow?
A deep depression that never relents
3. Cold-Hearted Kings of the Occult 03:40
   Like a burning fire...
In the night plain for all to see
Such hate that I can't control it anymore.
When the time has come to dusk
Look into my dark eyes
And I'll see the fire in your eyes
A reflection of my shadow
In the night.
Cold-hearted kings of the occult...
Your touch...
Takes my cold breath away, at once
All the sounds of the night
Grow silent then die
In silence, in darkness seeking the shadows of those we fear...
Death is but a lie and it's time to seek the altar of truth
Only the spirits of sorrow can see you here
4. Light Last Before the Frozen Darkness 04:00
It is our true path to hasten the falling of the sun
Hear the song of nocturnal insects and watch the fading light of the sun die...
The dark distant peaks descend into shades of black and above is the moon
Guarded by shards of starlight.
Together our journey begins here and we'll have to battle the powers of nature
To reach the end.
I feel the chill of whisper down to my bones
And I lay my head to rest knowing that the
Wintery winds are coming fast...
Alone and in the darkness of candle light
With the dancing shadows to keep me company tonight
I hear the wings of dragonflies and the cold rain
Descends on the mountain tonight
Here, no illusions remain and the truth is brought out for all to see
It's truly the silence that conquers all things, and solitude is the only reality...
5. Foul Wolves and Black Magic 02:05
Under the foul wings of a carrion crow Wither your loved ones, fallen victim to the ravages of time... In the shadow of the northwind wolves, I saw the cavern from where they came And they moved so silently through the trees... Slowly they came to me with eyes darker than the pitch-black sky... Go bleed now and beg for the comfort in death And it wouldn't even be a waste to watch you die Now you've gone and had a chance to test my pain And I'll not release you from my fangs tonight.   
6. Entrance to the Dark Universe 03:02
 Death be profound, and within us
Dream like in nature, and a nightmare in reality
In the desolate night, it's me again, feeling my hunger for your flesh...
Carried by shadows of the night to the starlit rocks of the lifeless mountain...
I wander by myself questioning whether I'm even here at all?
Once again, those rays of morning have come
It makes me think of moments past,
And I think about all my friends who have died and it don't mean shit...
I'll wait 'til the sun sets onto the horizon, once again it's the night who
Conquers the day, once again it's time to sleep, kill the pain of life
Hopefully tomorrow I won't awake anymore...
7. Majestic Fog on the Everlasting Mountain 03:28
  You ask me why I dwell on the mountain?
Simply ask the crows who Caw in reverence...
When I make no reply for my heart is free.
I live a world apart that is not among men.
The fog has risen from the sea and crowned
The dark, brooding face of the mountain.
Wind whispers inside the deep forest
The sky has darkened, but the moon will show us the way,
To the ceremony
We stand with black robes surrounded by tombstones and pure unholy water
But it's your own weakness suffocates your will
Daylight has finally reached it's end
And tonight lightning strikes into the sky
Far away is the dark fading moonlight
Feel the gloom of restless night...
Eternal is their lives of misery
In this garden of depraved beings,
Walk with me into the night
Mesmerized by endless power
We revile those who have
Abandoned the dark path.
By the power of death,
And the beings of the night
A call has been brought upon us
In these nights of magic
To join with those who fell from heaven
This is where we go when we have to die
The time for her life, has slowly begun to end
From the handle, blood drops and drops
Silent now, as her body lays still, grey as the evening sky
Fuck you and die, into the night.
In the Mountain mist tonight.
8. Chamber of the ShadowLord 03:24
 I've been told since the birth of time
Our world is made of light, but there's only death at the end
And it has seen more evil than time itself.
Close your eyes and gaze into
Where only silence can be heard,
Creeping shadows roam the night
This dark fog will never disappear
This dark fog, motherfuckin' fog will never disappear
Waiting for a lot of
Endless screaming
In fog and darkness
I walk
I disappear
Into the mighty forest
Unhallowed by the infernal one we embrace death.
The darkened sky above possesses a sense
Of far beyond
I will reign again
This once so peaceful place is now
Where the dead speak and walk
I fell deeper and deeper as light now was gone
Spread your wings of deepest black
Devour my souls in eternal blasphemy
Lord of infernal, gather my strength
Carry me through the gates 
9. Celestial Extinction 04:10
  The blood is not dry on our ancient sins
As I speak to you in the present mine eyes see a terrible future
Do you not see what I see?
Do you not see your own death approaching?
From sinners regrets
I gather true strength
And all will be right if you die, alone
The mournful cry of children shall shatter the peace and shake the foundations of heaven
As nightmares realized are true
No knowledge will save you, no magics will buy you time
For you will end up in fire as heaven and earth will burn
Watch the stars fall from the sky
Celestial extinction
Watch them fall from the sky
Watch them fall from the sky
Celestial skies are black as night tonight

martes, 6 de marzo de 2018



Cuarto larga duración para esta enigmática banda andaluza que ha sido nombrado como la segunda parte de su anterior trabajo y que como aquel viene a incidir en una fórmula musical que tan buen resultado les está reportando y que dominan a la perfección. Como en anteriores entregas el sonido de la banda es muy rico y variado, podemos hablar del black y del death como estilos y elementos a destacar y sobre los que se sustenta su música, sin embargo sería muy corto de miras dejarse llevar por estas influencias y no caer rendido ante influencias tan claras y necesarias como son el thrash y el rock clásico, todo ello aderezado con la inclusión de elementos industriales. No estamos ante un álbum oscuro y denso de black, tampoco ante un álbum contundente y podrido de death, creo que tampoco esto es lo pretendido por la banda. Kyryem vive de los riffs enlazados de influencia melódica y con algo de crudeza sobre los que giran el grueso de su propuesta, riffs de clarisima y descarada tendencia thrash, que por momentos abrazan del todo el heavy más clásico, tendencia que se ve acentuado en muchas partes por la dualidad de las voces, sobre todo las más limpias que no hacen asco a ofrecernos un apartado melódico. Estos elementos, los riffs y las voces destacan en la propuesta, que se ve completada por una contundentes base rítmica, una contraposición a las voces limpias que se adentran en terrenos más oscuros y próximos al death, así como la inclusión, que la mayoría de las veces cumple una función casi que ambient, de una parte de sonidos industriales. El álbum se cierra con "A Man from the Earth" que con su más de quince minutos creo que encierra todo el potencial de la banda en un solo tema de la mano de la exposición de todos los registros de los cuales hacen gala. Sin lugar a dudas Kyryem han vuelto a conseguir ofrecer un álbum de sonido inclasificable que rezuma metal por todos los lados. (8).

1.One Foot in Hell 03:14
2.God is Love 06:41
3.Disposable Tyrants 04:31
4.Renfield Syndrome 06:01
5.They Came with the Mist 06:31
6.Hope You Die 05:53
7.Decadence 03:41
8.The Call of Void 03:35
9.A Man from the Earth 15:44

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018



Tres temas incluyen los canadienses en este compartido, tres temas que se encargan de cerrar este split y en donde vuelven a percutir en su black metal de sonidos e inspiración war. Estamos, todo hay que decirlo, ante cierta evolución que los acerca a propuestas más cercanas al death, pero siguen mostrando un gran dominio de la situación, medios tiempos bien marcados, riffs con aroma thrash y a poco que suben una marcha el ritmo se vuelve implacable y demoledor, pero siempre manteniendo todos los instrumentos a la misma altura. Los dos temas originales son pura marca de la casa, cambios de ritmo espeluznantes, voces cavernosas y densas y una ambientación violenta y bélica. El último temas es una versión de "Nocturnal Hell" Slaughter que llevado a su terreno no desentona en la propuesta final. Estamos ante un compartido entre tres bandas lejanas geográficamente hablando, con una propuesta musical, también un poco diferente entre si, pero que sin embargo acaba por convencer, todo oyente encontrará a lo largo de este split algún momento más que disfrutable. (7,6).

NMB Records

1. Ruina - Ukruina 04:36  
2. Ruina - The Tree of Kin Is Rotting 03:12  
3. Ruina - My Holey Soul 03:58  
4. Ruina - Cattle Sapiens 02:43  
5. Tundra - Transilvanian Hunger (Darkthrone cover) 05:04   
6. Tundra - The Triumph of Black 06:22  
7. Tundra - Prelude to a Soaring Blackfire 04:33  
8. Tundra - Total Human Collapse 04:34  
9. Operation Winter Mist - Battleflag 03:55  
10. Operation Winter Mist - Suicide Warfare 03:50  
11. Operation Winter Mist - Nocturnal Hell (Slaughter cover) 03:18  

Pressed on 180g black vinyl and housed in a fullcolored jacket with printed innersleeve.
Limited to 285 copies.


jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018


Origen: Ostia, Italia
Formados: 2002
Estilo: Black.
Temática: Ocultismo
Enlaces: Bandcamp y Tundra

  • Demogorgon Voces
  • Pesten Bajo y guitarra
  • Under Batería y Guitarra

  • In Cold Dimness EP 2002
  • Unholy Underground Ritual Split 2004  
  • Ansia CD 2005  
  • Demoniac Blessing to Death / The Triumph of Black Split 2006  
  • Allegiance of the Profane Pack Split 2007
  • Brno Under Siege Directo 2007  
  • Infernal Belief  Split 2008  
  • Primordial CD 2008  
  • United in Hell Split 2009  
  • Emanation of Blackness Split 2010  
  • The Hammer of Antichristian Detonation Split 2012  
  • The Forbidden Fruit of Purity Split 2012  
  • Seventh Day of Dead EP 2014  
  • Operazione paura Split 2014  
  • Dreams of a Gone Existence Split 2015  
  • The Burning Fanatism CD 2015  
  • Vardan / Tundra Split 2016
  • Pussy God Single 2018
  • The Darkening Sky CD 2019
  • Celebrating Darkness Split 2019
  • The Venomous Path EP 2021
  • Deathcrush Single 2021 The Mirror of Elizabeth EP 2021 Hate Blood Death EP 2021 Desecration and Blood Split 2021
  • Incubus Single 2021 Nachtvrucht / Tundra Split 2021
  • Eclipse of Blood EP 2022
  • Pripyat EP 2023
Estamos ante una leyenda viva del black metal italiano, casi dieciséis años avalan la trayectoria de Tundra, y la participación en este compartido pertenece al primer lustro de su trayectoria. Su participación consta de cuatro temas, que se incluyen en la parte media del compartido y que comienza con una revisión del "Transilvanian Hunger" de Darkthrone, con lo cual nos podemos hacer una idea de que su sonido profundiza más en el black metal clásico, a diferencia del resto de bandas aquí incluidas. Y es que el oyente que este buscando un sonido más black, más puro, con algún pasaje thrash, se va a sentir muy representado y a gusto con Tundra, que ya desde el principio arranca con unos riffs potentes y crudos, voces desgarradas y frías, vamos que black en estado puro. Si ello añadimos una atmósfera ocultista, el dominio de los medios tiempos y una cadencia de sonido que arrasa con todo a su paso, su participación se antoja muy recomendable. Está claro que estamos ante un split que reúne a tres bandas de black metal de sonidos diferentes, pero si estamos buscando black ejecutado de manera fiel a sus principios, Tundra es la parte que más se corresponde a estos cánones. (8,3).

NMB Records

1. Ruina - Ukruina 04:36  
2. Ruina - The Tree of Kin Is Rotting 03:12  
3. Ruina - My Holey Soul 03:58  
4. Ruina - Cattle Sapiens 02:43  
5. Tundra - Transilvanian Hunger (Darkthrone cover) 05:04   
6. Tundra - The Triumph of Black 06:22  
7. Tundra - Prelude to a Soaring Blackfire 04:33  
8. Tundra - Total Human Collapse 04:34  
9. Operation Winter Mist - Battleflag 03:55  
10. Operation Winter Mist - Suicide Warfare 03:50  
11. Operation Winter Mist - Nocturnal Hell (Slaughter cover) 03:18   